Politics, Politics, Politics

You're misunderstanding the points ... it is the PRESIDENT that continues to say HE'S been exonerated of COLLUSION & OBSTRUCTION. Mueller was quite clear that the President WAS guilty of not only OBSTRUCTION but Witness Tampering ... and he said there was not enough evidence of collusion. He also said the President could be charged AFTER he is no longer President. Pay Attention!
Ok so Trump will be tried in 2025 after his successor is sworn in, but who knows? You and @subhub174014 tried to disembowel me and several others that shall remain nameless for suggesting that Trump could survive his first term. Maybe there might be the remote possibility that Trump's successor could be a President Ivanka or some other Republican that would pardon Trump?
On another note, however, yesterday it was quite obvious that Mueller has some health issues that have not been revealed ... not sure what. Cancer, Alzheimer's ... he was not acting himself at all. Probably why he wrapped up the Mueller investigation early.
Then why is he not being charged?
.... and do exactly WHAT with it? Why charge him when he's a sitting President and nothing can be done. Congress is NOT going to remove the President, and he can't be touched as long as he's President.
What's WRONG with you folks this morning? God!
On another note, however, yesterday it was quite obvious that Mueller has some health issues that have not been revealed ... not sure what. Cancer, Alzheimer's ... he was not acting himself at all. Probably why he wrapped up the Mueller investigation early.
Would Mueller have someone else that can assume the responsibility of the investigation if he is no longer able to do that job?
Would Mueller have someone else that can assume the responsibility of the investigation if he is no longer able to do that job?
You're being funny, aren't you? Now think a miniscule of a second, WHO was Mueller's boss? Why don't you go look that one up, Mr Canadian. If you've been keeping up with US politics (and it appears you haven't been) you would know why.

Are you implying that ALL Presidents have cheated on their wives, STIFF? And just not been caught?
Yes I am. Despite their political leanings whether Republican or Democrats I allege all POTUSes had affairs as the position is very tempting where women throw themselves at them. If you can name one that has not cheated you got me @MacNfries.
You're being funny, aren't you? Now think a miniscule of a second, WHO was Mueller's boss? Why don't you go look that one up, Mr Canadian. If you've been keeping up with US politics (and it appears you haven't been) you would know why.
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You are right I am a Canadian @MacNfries there are loads of politics locally that has my primary focus, then comes America for obvious reasons, but I will look that up. Seeing we are having a friendly chat I was hoping not to do so.
On another note, however, yesterday it was quite obvious that Mueller has some health issues that have not been revealed ... not sure what. Cancer, Alzheimer's ... he was not acting himself at all. Probably why he wrapped up the Mueller investigation early.

Then his entire investigation could be suspect.

Here is what is more important that is going on...
I was not trying to exonerate Trump with the misdeeds of prior POTUSes, but if you wish to convict a man unproven of being guilty with misdeeds via Epstein, you may as well rightfully convict a POTUS that WAS GUILTY HAVING MISDEEDS via Epstein. ;)

And yesterday from what I saw Mueller he was quite the politician. If his evidence was so damning of Trump why not present the array of evidence to Congress and conclude calling for the arrest of Trump? Instead his responses were very political where he neither declared Trump's guilty nor his innocence?
typical of the republican party and trump supporters...….to make their man look good ….they ALWAYS bring up Clinton.....guess that man makes theirs look ok.....if Clinton robbed a bank and got away with it....would it be ok for trump to rob one?

point is...Clinton is no longer in the white house ...trump is
Yes I am. Despite their political leanings whether Republican or Democrats I allege all POTUSes had affairs as the position is very tempting where women throw themselves at them. If you can name one that has not cheated you got me @MacNfries.

Having an affair is one thing....walking into the miss teen usa when several were near naked....and a few other similar things involving ones of *******....is another

besides he has admitted to far more than all of his predecessors combined
It looked to many like Mueller was used as a shill and Andrew Weismann wrote that report.
I actually felt bad for Mueller. It was obvious he was unfamiliar with “his” so called report.

The word exonerate should never have been used in that report. Only judges and or a jury can exonerate - NOT a prosecutor - they either indict or they don’t - whoever wrote that report didn’t indict cause they couldn’t but wanted to spin it so it looked as bad as it could for President Trump and to provide fodder for the media and Dems to push for impeachment - clear as a bell to anyone with average intelligence.
FYI ... because you use this word incorrectly so frequently.
homophones (words that sound alike but are spelled differently ...
Since of late you've stooped to pedantic criticism of people's misuse of homophones....you should really learn the difference between a precedent, precedents, and precedence.....otherwise you'll appear dense.

Or maybe you're intentionally trying to set a precedent for future liberals with regard to poor vocabulary skills??

But, most importantly, once again Republicans have AGAIN set a precedence with the "no sitting president can be convicted
Once AGAIN the Republicans have set a dangerous precedence in our democracy.
no doubt he's working FOR the President. Setting precedence for future
The concern, however, is that this sets huge precedence
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Having an affair is one thing....walking into the miss teen usa when several were near naked....and a few other similar things involving ones of *******....is another

besides he has admitted to far more than all of his predecessors combined
Once the umbrella of the office of POTUS is removed take Trump to court and prove it and lock him up but don't forget the rest as well. There is no reason why Trump should be convicted of his sins and have Clinton roam free. That is all I am saying.
The word exonerate should never have been used in that report. Only judges and or a jury can exonerate
Tell that to William Barr, he's the one that initially started using it after Mueller gave him the report; then Trump started using the word ( you think Trump's vocabulary is that extensive, do you) as "I've been completely exonerated" ... hell, the word could mean "guilty as hell" and unless someone told Trump what it meant, he'd still have used it, just as long as Barr had used it.
Since of late you've stooped to pedantic criticism of people's misuse of homophones....
Thanks, I feel privileged that you'd go to so much trouble to point that out. Shows you really care. You're actually reading my posts if for no other reason than to find fault with them ... how sweet. I'm still not ready to put you on the Christmas card list yet, however. Now can you please go "play with yourself" ... by the way, how's your job hunting going? Found anything you qualify for ... "janitorial, house washing, night guard duty?"
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