Politics, Politics, Politics

It is interesting you raise Jeffery Epstein @MacNfries as being a sleezebag and here is another association you might have overlooked? He was pals with Bill Clinton.

If you ever read Dinesh D'Souza's book "Hillary's America" I suspect why Hillary was allowed to run for office was that she not only had a degree of skill where she was a lawyer, a Senator and a Congresswoman but she too had affairs with women. In fact on page 25 it states:

"Two of Clinton's former mistresses - former Miss Arkansas Sally Miller and Geniffer Flowers - have quoted Bill as saying Hillary likes girls. Flowers somewhat colorfully cites Bill to the effect that Hillary 'has probably eaten more pussy than I have.' ", and "Hillary is a lesbian. This would explain her apparent indifference to Bill's carrying-on."

Also now finally shamed Jeffery Epstein also was mentioned in that same book too revealing an association with the Clintons as well even forgetting about Monica Lewinsky. So if you are going to throw Trump under the bus for any association with Jeffery Epstein don't forget about Bill Clinton as well and who knows who else. On pages 248 and 249 it states:

"Jeffery Epstein gave $3.5 million to the Clinton Foundation in 2006, shortly after the FBI began investigating him for participating in the exploitation of teenaged girls as sex slaves. Epstein's standard practice was to fly celebrities on his plane to a private island near the U.S. Virgin Islands. The plane was nicknamed the ******* Express and the island Orgy island because both were venues for older men to have sex with ******* girls.

The case came to public light when one of the girls, Virginia Roberts - now 32, was pimped out by Epstein starting at the age of 15 - spoke out about Epstein's sex trafficking operation. Roberts named Bill Clinton as one of the regular travelers on the ******* Express. Flight records show that Bill made 26 trips on Epstein's jet on at least 5 occasions ditching his Secret Service detail in order to avoid a record of his travel on the Secret Service logs.

Epstein faced a long prison sentence, but somehow the investigation was concluded in 2008 with a secret settlement. Epstein pleaded guilty to one count of soliciting ******* girls, for which he served a year in prison. All other charges were dropped, and all the records in the case were sealed. Only Swiss bank records leaked by a whistle-blower brought the secret settlement to public light. So far Hillary has not said a word about the case, even though she undoubtedly knows about it."

So if you desire to throw Trump under the bus for unproven affairs partying with women associated Epstein, you can definitely toss Bill Clinton under the bus for proven affairs 26 times he had with Epstein on his island via the ******* Express, besides Miss Lewinsky that we know about.

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It is interesting you raise Jeffery Epstein @MacNfries as being a sleezebag and here is another association you might have overlooked? He was pals with Bill Clinton.
No I didn't; I just posted about that a few days ago. TwoBi can help you find it .. .nothing I can say or do will change your mind or perspectives. And I got to get a "run" in and get ready for work. Later, MAC
No I didn't; I just posted about that a few days ago. TwoBi can help you find it .. .nothing I can say or do will change your mind or perspectives. And I got to get a "run" in and get ready for work. Later, MAC
I know nothing I can say or do will change your mind either I just wanted to provide other evidence. ;)
trying to discredit things from the past won't change current events

did anyone notice that when Ike became president he brought his female "driver" with him from his military days

anyone notice that not one republican even complained nor brought up the Russian meddling or trumps association with wiki-leaks?
I was not trying to exonerate Trump with the misdeeds of prior POTUSes, but if you wish to convict a man unproven of being guilty with misdeeds via Epstein, you may as well rightfully convict a POTUS that WAS GUILTY HAVING MISDEEDS via Epstein. ;)

And yesterday from what I saw Mueller he was quite the politician. If his evidence was so damning of Trump why not present the array of evidence to Congress and conclude calling for the arrest of Trump? Instead his responses were very political where he neither declared Trump's guilty nor his innocence?
Any collusion yet? Or just more wasted time and tax payer money.
I thought Mueller was very clear when asked that question ... Trump wasn't exonerated. Now, you can read that as 'no collusion' OR you can read that as "not enough evidence to determine collusion".
What you conservatives are NOT reading into yesterday's Mueller questioning is that it was confirmed, by Mueller, that a sitting President can't be convicted of a crime. What you also are not understanding, that Trump still says he's been exonerated ... "no collusion" and "no obstruction". Really? Its not what Mueller said yesterday. In fact, there was Presidential obstruction and witness tampering, and he can be tried & convicted of those when he leaves office.
But, most importantly, once again Republicans have AGAIN set a precedence with the "no sitting president can be convicted ... " This will be played many more times, now, in our history and Republicans will be impacted as well. Just REMEMBER where it started. Just like "Trickle Down", just like "Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves", just like "Just Say No To Obama" ... it'll be something else the Republicans can regret starting.
I was not trying to exonerate Trump with the misdeeds of prior POTUSes,
No, you weren't, you were trying to start a debate on "what's good for the goose is good for the gander" ... thing is, you didn't read my posts or you would have seen I included ANY of them who screw around with ******* *******. My point with the caption was that you have an sitting President who's hanging out AND hiring pedophiles, has commented on "liking them young", and looked at a 12 year old girl on an escalator and said "in 10 more years I might be dating her". My point is that THIS president has tasteless character, flawed to the bone, and making inappropriated comments like "grab 'em by the pussy", 3 adulterous marriages, kissing his 12 year old ******* on the lips and constantly having her in his lap with his arm around her ... if I posted those photos HERE, they'd kick me OFF this website.
This is a President who is an embarrassment to not only US voters, but as a representative of the US.
I thought Mueller was very clear when asked that question ... Trump wasn't exonerated. Now, you can read that as 'no collusion' OR you can read that as "not enough evidence to determine collusion".
What you conservatives are NOT reading into yesterday's Mueller questioning is that it was confirmed, by Mueller, that a sitting President can't be convicted of a crime. What you also are not understanding, that Trump still says he's been exonerated ... "no collusion" and "no obstruction". Really? Its not what Mueller said yesterday. In fact, there was Presidential obstruction and witness tampering, and he can be tried & convicted of those when he leaves office.
But, most importantly, once again Republicans have AGAIN set a precedence with the "no sitting president can be convicted ... " This will be played many more times, now, in our history and Republicans will be impacted as well. Just REMEMBER where it started. Just like "Trickle Down", just like "Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves", just like "Just Say No To Obama" ... it'll be something else the Republicans can regret starting.
If Trump was not exonerated he would be guilty? If so where were the FBI agents storming into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to arrest Trump in the Oval Office? I missed that coverage on the news? If that did happen I know you and @subhub174014 would be celebrating with several others that prefer to remain unnamed @MacNfries ?????
If Trump was not exonerated he would be guilty? If so where were the FBI agents storming into 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue to arrest Trump in the Oval Office?
STIFF, are you brain dead or something? Did Mueller just say he didn't indict the President because he was a "sitting president" ... wake the fuck up, dude.
Did you watch ANY of the Mueller testimony yesterday?
I thought Mueller was very clear when asked that question ... Trump wasn't exonerated. Now, you can read that as 'no collusion' OR you can read that as "not enough evidence to determine collusion".
What you conservatives are NOT reading into yesterday's Mueller questioning is that it was confirmed, by Mueller, that a sitting President can't be convicted of a crime. What you also are not understanding, that Trump still says he's been exonerated ... "no collusion" and "no obstruction". Really? Its not what Mueller said yesterday. In fact, there was Presidential obstruction and witness tampering, and he can be tried & convicted of those when he leaves office.
But, most importantly, once again Republicans have AGAIN set a precedence with the "no sitting president can be convicted ... " This will be played many more times, now, in our history and Republicans will be impacted as well. Just REMEMBER where it started. Just like "Trickle Down", just like "Tax Cuts Pay For Themselves", just like "Just Say No To Obama" ... it'll be something else the Republicans can regret starting.

Once again, you can't be "exonerated" for something you have not been charged with. He is being "accused" of collusion, he was not "charged" with collusion so NOTHING to "exonerate".

It's funny how you want everyone to ignore the law when it comes to illegal migration, even though there is proof of their illegal migration. (did I use those words right?) but you want to prosecute to fullest extent without proof of guilt when it comes to Trump. In the voice of the church lady - Humm what could it be? FEELINGS?
No, you weren't, you were trying to start a debate on "what's good for the goose is good for the gander" ... thing is, you didn't read my posts or you would have seen I included ANY of them who screw around with ******* *******. My point with the caption was that you have an sitting President who's hanging out AND hiring pedophiles, has commented on "liking them young", and looked at a 12 year old girl on an escalator and said "in 10 more years I might be dating her". My point is that THIS president has tasteless character, flawed to the bone, and making inappropriated comments like "grab 'em by the pussy", 3 adulterous marriages, kissing his 12 year old ******* on the lips and constantly having her in his lap with his arm around her ... if I posted those photos HERE, they'd kick me OFF this website.
This is a President who is an embarrassment to not only US voters, but as a representative of the US.
It is ironic discussing virtue on a porn site, but if Trump was guilty convict him. Along the way don't forget the misdeeds of others as well as @subhub174014 pointed out Ike's misdeeds. And I postulate if all POTUSes got their rightful rectal examination under the same bright spotlight you could find similar misdeeds going back to George Washington.
Once again, you can't be "exonerated" for something you have not been charged with. He is being "accused" of collusion, he was not "charged" with collusion so NOTHING to "exonerate".
You're misunderstanding the points ... it is the PRESIDENT that continues to say HE'S been exonerated of COLLUSION & OBSTRUCTION. Mueller was quite clear that the President WAS guilty of not only OBSTRUCTION but Witness Tampering ... and he said there was not enough evidence of collusion. He also said the President could be charged AFTER he is no longer President. Pay Attention!
It is ironic discussing virtue on a porn site, but if Trump was guilty convict him. Along the way don't forget the misdeeds of others as well as @subhub174014 pointed out Ike's misdeeds. And I postulate if all POTUSes got their rightful rectal examination under the same bright spotlight you could find similar misdeeds going back to George Washington.
And your entire post, here, is pure speculation.