Politics, Politics, Politics

I think we can ALL agree - politicians are as full of shite as a human can possibly be.

We the people need to get rid of ALL career politicians on both sides - put in term limits and go back to citizen representation - once entrenched those sumbitches just start collecting graft and getting bought by lobbyists - Subhub made his strongest point about this.

President Trump got elected because he wasn’t a politician - people wanted CHANGE.
Ah yes ... then you block people from testifying or you tell them what to say and not say ... that might be OBSTRUCTION oh dense one.

Ya wanna hear TRUE obstruction o flinger of massive heaps o shite

Try deleting 33,000 government emails

Using Bleach Bit to make sure they can’t be retrieved

Smashing all electronics related to that


Oh here we go with the Clintons again .... good god man, we're talking about the highest political position in the WORLD, the sitting US President.
Which court?
Congress, not court .... when he's no longer president, charges regarding money laundering tax evasion, misuse of charity money, will be before a court.
Oh here we go with the Clintons again .... good god man, we're talking about the highest political position in the WORLD, the sitting US President.

Congress, not court .... when he's no longer president, charges regarding money laundering tax evasion, misuse of charity money, will be before a court.

Yeah, right. They won't piss with him after he is out.

Do I think he is guilty - yes. Has be been proven guilty? NO. I suggest you learn the difference.

At least I have facts to say instead of my butt hurt feelings.
Oh here we go with the Clintons again .... good god man, we're talking about the highest political position in the WORLD, the sitting US President.

Congress, not court .... when he's no longer president, charges regarding money laundering tax evasion, misuse of charity money, will be before a court.

Yeah - what you folks don’t wanna realize - is that the ONLY one TRULY above the law so far is HILLARY - and she started the whole thing - it’ll all be coming out soon enough.
Yeah - what you folks don’t wanna realize - is that the ONLY one TRULY above the law so far is HILLARY - and she started the whole thing - it’ll all be coming out soon enough.

Exactly. I believe this is why the Muller report was buried. He found more evidence of collusion between Obama, Hillary and Russia than he did Trump. Why do you think Nancy backed off the impeachment so quickly. ???

The terrible truth however is that our government is such a cluster-fuck the facts will never be revealed.
At least I have facts to say instead of my butt hurt feelings.
Why do you think Nancy backed off the impeachment so quickly. ???

gif_YellowBall-laughing6.gif Go back and read your last 5-6 smart ass posts ... not a FACT stated in those. And the only reason Trump hasn't been impeached yet on emolument clause violations is because of the Senate & Mitch McConnell. THAT is why Nancy backed OFF the impeachment talk. No use initiating impeachment in the House if the Senate won't ratify it, right? Come the 2020 election maybe Kentucky can help fix that problem.

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If we listed all the reasons the left has to impeach President Trump we’d have something the size of a King James Bible.

Thing is though - it ALL comes down to them being the sorest LOSERS in the recorded history of the freaking world!!!!!!

Most peeps know this - good luck in 2020
Left-wing actress and Broadway star Bette Midler suggested President Donald Trump paid black people to pose in a so-called “blackground” photo at one of his campaign events.
Posting a photo from a recent campaign rally, Midler floated the idea that Trump could have African American supporters. “Look, there are African American men in this shot! How much did he pay them to be “blackground”?” she said, offering no evidence for her claim.

The dems are going to loose it today when the truth comes out nothing
And exactly what 'truth' do you think you learned, yesterday?
Here's what I learned ....
Once AGAIN the Republicans have set a dangerous precedence in our democracy.​
In the 1980's it was that tax cuts for the wealthy don't trickle down for the underprivileged classes ... the (wage gap)​
In the 1990's and turn of the century we learned that tax cuts don't pay for themselves ... the (deficit spending)​
In the turn of the century we learned that 'doubling down' on tax cuts and relaxing rules for corporations crashes an otherwise strong economy.​
And NOW, we learn that a new precedence for future Presidents has been set that a setting Presidents has free rein and can run rough shoed over the fabric of a 250 year old constitution and can not be indicted. The basic foundation of our country's government is being dissolved.​

I also learned that the President DID lie, obstruct, and tamper with witnesses in the Mueller investigations, and his party won't do a thing about it. In fact, they won't even admit it happened. And I'm sure at some point in our future country's history, this is going to come around and bite future minority parties in the ass.
And lastly, I learned that every major, government fiasco that's happened in the past 4 decades, the nasty smell of Republicans was attached to it.
What did YOU learn, Allfor ... that YOU WON over the liberals?
You folks remind me of a lobster or frog; put them in cold water, on a hot stove, and they don't even realize their asses will soon be COOKED.
Party over Country ...? Really? Winning is that important to you?

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