Politics, Politics, Politics

Gotta love it.

"At the end of the day I won't support any plan that rips away quality health care from individuals," Bullock said. "This is an example of wish-list economics. It used to be Republicans that wanted to repeal and replace, now many Democrats do as well."

Maybe because they know it's junk too. ;) The Dems are ripping themselves apart
The Dems are ripping themselves apart
Is that what you hear on your far-right stations ... Limbuagh, Fox, etc?
General Election is like 18 months away; still very early. I'll start getting concerned in November when there's more than maybe 3-4 candidates left.
Plus, you don't know what Trump is going to do to "Shoot Himself In The Foot" ... the man simply can't quit running his big mouth. Maybe that's his strategy ... give the Dem's too much to talk about so they aren't focused on the Big Goal solution. All I know is I see Trump's base softening with his loose lips. I imagine he also knows Russia will be on his side again ... probably depending on that.
GOP senator introduces resolution to formally condemn socialism
..."Resolution without a Solution" ... sounds bad to me. So Capitalism is working great, huh? Actually, our capitalism is functioning quite poorly as a true capitalism. The biggest concern being that we're spending way more than is coming in, and the Nat'l Debt keeps going up, up, up. Both parties are at fault, but Trickle Down "tax cutting" on the rich, and expecting something positive to happen has created a lot of the problem. If your pay goes DOWN, makes sense that spending has to go down as well. We can't keep robbing our government of functioning revenue and expect positive things to happen. Yet Republicans still make it their platform. "Insantity ... doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different results."
...You know, capitalism fails when wealth distribution is so lopsided, as it is now; more wealth in fewer hands doesn't sell confidence to the "have nots" of the world. I don't think our liberal politicians are pushing for pure socialism, but simply trying to "correct" for the revenue robbing tax cutting. I'm pretty sure if they were, people would be hollering a lot more and louder than they are now. Republicans can't cut entitlements no more than Republicans can raise the tax rates when they're in control. Thus, we have deficit spending and a runaway national debt & run
.. Where capitalism is ALL about "profit", having some form of socialism makes production of goods & services less about profit. Capitalism is a system of "exploitation" and less about "free markets" these days. We're allowing the big corporations to rise yet again, obtaining humongous power & control. They run over the "little guys" then send their jobs overseas for cheaper labor. Hell, even Trump does it ... then denies it. More jobs going overseas means fewer working class HERE to buy goods & services. The law of Supply & Demand sets prices for goods & services. A frik'n doodoo bird could figure this out after a while, just not Republicans.
Remember, the Constitution says "promote the general welfare". The rich aren't going to do a damn thing about equality ... its all about money to them. Trump's trying to run this country like a business. Just remember he's FAILED many times in his history, except NOW he's playing with OUR MONEY not his.
Time to wake up and smell a new brew of coffee in 2020 ... gif_Coffee.gif
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China’s attempt to punish American farmers for U.S. trade policies has not shaken support for President Donald Trump.
Farmer confidence in the agricultural economy soared in July, according to the Purdue Center for Commercial Agriculture’s latest survey of farmer sentiment. And expectations that the trade dispute with China will be resolved in a way that benefits U.S. farmers rose to their highest level of the year. The overall expectations index rose to 159 in July, 18 points higher than June and the highest reading in more than two years.

President Donald Trump is gaining in popularity among farmers. A Farm Journal Pulse survey conducted last month showed that 79 percent of farmers now approve of the job the president is doing, up from 74 percent in the June survey. Fifty-three percent said they “strongly approve” of President Trump, up from 50 percent in June.
Both surveys were taken before the most recent escalation of the trade war. Last week, Trump announced he would extend a then percent tariff over $300 billion of Chinese imports, and China said it was halting purchases of U.S. farm products.

Universal has canceled the release of the film The Hunt, reportedly featuring liberal elites hunting and killing “deplorables” for sport. The decision comes after the mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, and President Donald Trump calling “liberal Hollywood” racist and full of violence.
“While Universal Pictures had already paused the marketing campaign for The Hunt, after thoughtful consideration, the studio has decided to cancel our plans to release the film,” the studio said in a statement. “We stand by our filmmakers and will continue to distribute films in partnership with bold and visionary creators, like those associated with this satirical social thriller, but we understand that now is not the right time to release this film.”

Universal has canceled the release of the film The Hunt, reportedly featuring liberal elites hunting and killing “deplorables” for sport. The decision comes after the mass shootings in El Paso, Texas, and Dayton, Ohio, and President Donald Trump calling “liberal Hollywood” racist and full of violence.
“While Universal Pictures had already paused the marketing campaign for The Hunt, after thoughtful consideration, the studio has decided to cancel our plans to release the film,” the studio said in a statement. “We stand by our filmmakers and will continue to distribute films in partnership with bold and visionary creators, like those associated with this satirical social thriller, but we understand that now is not the right time to release this film.”


Wished they’d have released it - just another nail in the coffin of the “liberal elites” - regular people sick of their *******.