Politics, Politics, Politics

There is no reason why Trump should be convicted of his sins and have Clinton roam free. That is all I am saying.
OK, then lets start two columns and you list all Clinton's and I'll list all Trump's ... that fair?
Because, after federal charges, Trump still has a host of state charges against him, and I'm afraid (actually glad) to know that there's NOTHING he can do, including using my tax money to pay for his lawyers. You see, NOW Trump has a special incentive to remain President, thus a lot more likely to break more laws and cheat in the 2020 election. Just gives him 4 more years before he goes to JAIL is all.
OK, then lets start two columns and you list all Clinton's and I'll list all Trump's ... that fair?
Because, after federal charges, Trump still has a host of state charges against him, and I'm afraid (actually glad) to know that there's NOTHING he can do, including using my tax money to pay for his lawyers. You see, NOW Trump has a special incentive to remain President, thus a lot more likely to break more laws and cheat in the 2020 election. Just gives him 4 more years before he goes to JAIL is all.
Speaking of political interference would you try to arrest MrPutin as well?
OK, then lets start two columns and you list all Clinton's and I'll list all Trump's ... that fair?
Because, after federal charges, Trump still has a host of state charges against him, and I'm afraid (actually glad) to know that there's NOTHING he can do, including using my tax money to pay for his lawyers. You see, NOW Trump has a special incentive to remain President, thus a lot more likely to break more laws and cheat in the 2020 election. Just gives him 4 more years before he goes to JAIL is all.
There was a recent meeting of the G7 or G20 in Japan I think where Trump was seated next to MrPutin loaded with lots of journalists asking questions. I do recall seeing on the news where a journalist openly asked Trump for MrPutin to not interfere with America's elections within earshot of MrPutin. He might not be fluent in English but for a former boss of the KGB he is no dummy and he knows enough to get by. I do recall him giggle when that question was posed. During that interview I bet you were rightfully pissed off @MacNfries?
Maybe it’s just me - but - Dems are looking like petulant spoiled brats now that are having a tantrum because they can’t get their way - this coupled with the push for socialism is absofuckinglutely killing them with the average fair-minded American - jus sayin
Speaking of political interference would you try to arrest MrPutin as well?
Arrest him? Again, you're attempting a bit a bit of humor, aren't you?
I imagine there are those in the political reams who would love seeing a confrontation between the US and Russia. If you recall, the US won the first economic war, with Reagan's "star wars BS" and arms race to see who would go bankrupt first ... Russia lost. Guess its time for payback ... and only a few in the US would benefit from such a war ... guess who's at the top of the list!
Dems are looking like petulant spoiled brats now that are having a tantrum because they can’t get their way - this coupled with the push for socialism is absofuckinglutely killing them with the average fair-minded American - jus sayin
Beats fascism, doesn't it? Besides, the majority of liberal minded voters aren't wanting far-left agendas pushed, and I am fairly sure a far-left Democrat won't be nominated anyways. Looking more for a centrist Democrat with a chance of bringing fair negotiations back to the political table. We haven't had that since the Tea Baggers showed up with their "all or nothing" attitudes.
Arrest him? Again, you're attempting a bit a bit of humor, aren't you?
I imagine there are those in the political reams who would love seeing a confrontation between the US and Russia. If you recall, the US won the first economic war, with Reagan's "star wars BS" and arms race to see who would go bankrupt first ... Russia lost. Guess its time for payback ... and only a few in the US would benefit from such a war ... guess who's at the top of the list!
Well you are a man of justice @MacNfries. We could lock up Trump and the Clintons, but the Mueller report did prove Russia's interference with America's elections so MrPutin would be guilty too, right? There would be a very troublesome problem matter with Russia to get MrPutin to America to account for his crimes, but America recently convicted the ******* lord "El Chapo" Guzman for his crimes where he is locked up in prison for the rest of his life in an American prison. So if that can be achieved why not MrPutin as well? But when you go after him be prepared for a fight as he is a judo master and practises some karate.

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I do recall him giggle when that question was posed. During that interview I bet you were rightfully pissed off @MacNfries?
Not at all, STIFF ... the meetings I get pissed off between those two are the ones where Trump is the only US attendee, as he has done on at least 3 occasions. Trump's not the sharpest pencil in the tray, STIFF ... he's already admitted to have given the Russians highly classified documents without conferring with anyone; then when asked why, he response with "presidential privilege" BS. There's no telling what Trump might give to the Russians; he's a "top negotiator" ... he wrote a book on The Art Of The Deal. Hell, if he gets an honorary title given to him, he'll take it literally.
There would be a very troublesome problem matter with Russia to get MrPutin to America to account for his crimes, but America recently convicted the ******* lord "El Chapo" Guzman for his crimes
That's just a bit of elementary thinking there, isn't it? No comparison between those two, STIFF ... besides it would start WWIII. You deal with Russia economically, and let the people remove him. That is IF we still have any allies left AFTER Trump leaves office. If he wins a second term, I'm afraid we'll become allies with the likes of Russia, China, and N Korea ... wouldn't surprise me in the least.

Gotta run ... 12:30 PM lunch appt.
That's just a bit of elementary thinking there, isn't it? No comparison between those two, STIFF ... besides it would start WWIII. You deal with Russia economically, and let the people remove him. That is IF we still have any allies left AFTER Trump leaves office. If he wins a second term, I'm afraid we'll become allies with the likes of Russia, China, and N Korea ... wouldn't surprise me in the least.

Gotta run ... 12:30 PM lunch appt.
I didn't say getting MrPutin would be easy. See you later @MacNfries.
It keeps becoming more and more apparent what is most important to many Republicans.
Russians got another asset yesterday ... Moscow Mitch McConnell openly admits blocking bi-partisan measures to stop Russian voting sabotage. Guess Mitch doesn't want to lose the constant feed of biased SCOTUS placements.