Politics, Politics, Politics

Make America great Again?

he makes fun of 4 minorities and his approval ratings go up 4 points

wonder how many minorities actually support this guy......and think he won't speak against them also

hate and discontent...….it's the trump way
I disagree Sub. He made fun of 4 politicians. They and the media made it about skin color. He told Schumer very early he should leave and go to Europe and live with Soros and Chuck is whiter then Trump.
Those progressives are setting women back terribly. Watch how often whenever they are attacked for something they say or a specific action (common practice in politics), they play the gender,race or religion card as a defense.
Identity politics, the liberals pour it on their cereal every morning. Now that state rep. From Georgia just got caught race baiting at a chick fil a. She should be arrested
Where is your meme showing Billie-boy going to the island?
They'll all GET IT now ...
I disagree Sub. He made fun of 4 politicians. They and the media made it about skin color. He told Schumer very early he should leave and go to Europe and live with Soros and Chuck is whiter then Trump.
Those progressives are setting women back terribly. Watch how often whenever they are attacked for something they say or a specific action (common practice in politics), they play the gender,race or religion card as a defense.
Identity politics, the liberals pour it on their cereal every morning. Now that state rep. From Georgia just got caught race baiting at a chick fil a. She should be arrested
The liberals are concerned that we have a world leader using the same language that Hitler used. It is a sensible thing to be worried about because our fathers and grandparents made the ultimate sacrifice to fight fascism and hate.
I understand that these women are irritating, but suggesting they 'go back to where they came from' when they're mostly American by birth, just feeds and encourages those who would justify hate and violence against minorities. You live in a multicultural country if you're American. Everyone would do well to remember that.
These women can be dealt with at the ballot box.
I disagree Sub. He made fun of 4 politicians. They and the media made it about skin color. He told Schumer very early he should leave and go to Europe and live with Soros and Chuck is whiter then Trump.
Those progressives are setting women back terribly. Watch how often whenever they are attacked for something they say or a specific action (common practice in politics), they play the gender,race or religion card as a defense.
Identity politics, the liberals pour it on their cereal every morning. Now that state rep. From Georgia just got caught race baiting at a chick fil a. She should be arrested

well won't argue the fact they are making waves......and not all good!
On CNN they have called President Trump a racist over 2200 times.

On MSNBC over 1900 times

The left leaning media is bent on brainwashing the masses.

Anyone that disagrees with the “Squad” is labeled a racist by them - including Nancy Pelosi. The Dems use racism as a cudgel with which to beat it’s opponents - such a tired ploy - yet effective. Trouble is mostly only Dems believe it.
On CNN they have called President Trump a racist over 2200 times.
On MSNBC over 1900 times
The left leaning media is bent on brainwashing the masses.

Anyone that disagrees with the “Squad” is labeled a racist by them - including Nancy Pelosi. The Dems use racism as a cudgel with which to beat it’s opponents - such a tired ploy - yet effective. Trouble is mostly only Dems believe it.
Ahhhhh, so Trump doesn't insult people who disagree with HIM, huh? You're a bit of an idiot, blkdlaur.
Trump labels EVERYONE who disagrees with him. Hell, how do you figure the label "SQUAD" came about, retard?
And yes - I agree - President Trump labels EVERYONE - he’s an equal opportunity labeler - NO racism there - he calls out everyone regardless of color.
The Squad is the single greatest thing to ever happen for the Republican Party - I LUV em!!!!
Unfortunately, you're missing the bigger picture, blk. This is the tip of a very big iceberg of overall national discontentment in the US. When a President puts himself ABOVE the laws of the country, and, his party stands behind HIM rather than the Constitution, we've got bigger fish to fry. You Trump folks still aren't getting it. Trump's 'unchecked actions' sets protocol and precedence for the next President, and the next. No one should be above the law of the country; yet he's been allowed to do just that ... he said he could ******* someone and get away with it, and he's basically proving just that, by getting justices, AGs, lawyers, etc to cover for him and allowing him to do & say what he wants. When its a Democrat president, you'll better realize the dire situation our democracy is in. The ones who are really failing the system are the Republicans who see & do nothing ... the ones who have been concerned have simply resigned, saying the Republican party isn't what it use to be.
Think about it, the ONLY things Trump has accomplished since taking office are things that directly impact HIM ... tax cuts, etc. The campaign promises have not been fulfilled ... better healthcare, Nat'l Debt/Deficit, nuclear weapons of Iran/NK, etc haven't. He recently sat in a meeting (shown on TV) in which he asked everyone at the table "why nuclear weapons shouldn't be on the table AGAINST Iran." Trump is so anxious to start his own little war that HE can win and brag about ... all at the cost of many LIVES.
It wouldn't surprise me if he requested election assistance from Russia, again, knowing he can get away with it again. Although everyone else is in agreement that Russia interfered with the 2016 election, Trump STILL denies it. This should be troubling to you so-called conservatives. This is not what our government was built on. He grows bolder by the week.
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What laws have been proven he broke?
Jesus, Allfor ... where the hell YOU BEEN? I'm NOT going down the laundry list AGAIN ... you can start with OBSTRUCTION & misuse of campaign funds as starters. The emolument clause, in and of itself, is impeachable. If you need the long list, go back through the political threads and read them.
This is the tip of a very big iceberg of overall national discontentment in the US. When a President puts himself ABOVE the laws of the country, and, his party stands behind HIM rather than the Constitution, we've got bigger fish to fry.

Like Clinton did? They all protect their own Mac - it's not just Trump, and it's nothing new. It has been going on for a while now. Why do you think I keep saying both parties need to go? (oh wait, is that racist of me telling both the DNC and the GOP to "go home"?)
Clearly there is a failure to communicate here.

Allfor and meself believe in innocent til proven guilty - the Dems have switched to guilty until proven innocent - a decidedly unAmerican philosophy :|

It wouldn't matter to the Dems even if Trump (or anyone for that matter) proved his/her innocents. If their so called "feelings" are hurt, they will condemn you no matter what.
It wouldn't matter to the Dems even if Trump (or anyone for that matter) proved his/her innocents. If their so called "feelings" are hurt, they will condemn you no matter what.
TwoBi, if you have NOTHING really to say, fuck off this discussion, please.