Politics, Politics, Politics

Don't waste your keystrokes trying to denigrate my company ( or wife or job or anything else you know exactly zilch about). My Fortune 100 company is doing quite well, thank you very much.
Such childish attacks really are beneath you....well they SHOULD be anyway.
Oh but 'contraire' my man. You follow me around the website to see my comments and placing your 'likes' to those that might disagree. You can't say you don't; you actually want to KNOW what I'm posting on here. At any rate, its no waste of my 'KEYSTROKES' to do to YOU what you do to me. I told you to leave me alone; all you do is look for disagreements to challenge. So until you take my suggestion, I'll just continue being a pain in your ass. Hate wasting my time like that, but what the hell ... for YOU, I'll continue insulting you.
At least I start threads, add photos etc and conversations ... you don't do anything but look for disagreements. That said ... please feel free to FO anytime you wish.

Oh but 'contraire' my man. You follow me around the website to see my comments and placing your 'likes' to those that might disagree. You can't say you don't; you actually want to KNOW what I'm posting on here. At any rate, its no waste of my 'KEYSTROKES' to do to YOU what you do to me. I told you to leave me alone; all you do is look for disagreements to challenge. So until you take my suggestion, I'll just continue being a pain in your ass. Hate wasting my time like that, but what the hell ... for YOU, I'll continue insulting you.
At least I start threads, add photos etc and conversations ... you don't do anything but look for disagreements. That said ... please feel free to FO anytime you wish.

If you'd bother to kick your neurons out of neutral, you'd recognize it was YOU who followed me around and jumped into this discussion. I started with an original post (#15286)....no reply to you or anyone else....just an original post pointing out the idiocy of Biden repeating Obummer's LIE OF THE YEAR as a new campaign promise. Then YOU replied to my original post barely more than an hour later looking for a disagreement. Perhaps if you posted more quality content instead of incessant arguing and childish name calling, your like to post ratio wouldn't be so much lower than mine.

Oh, and thanks for posting another link which proves I was RIGHT about Obummercare causing massive loss of top quality insurance plans. From YOUR link:

More than two years away from the implementation of the Affordable Care Act’s “Cadillac” tax, 16 percent of large employers offering health benefits have changed their benefit plans or moved to less expensive plans to avoid going over the limits set by the law, according to a Kaiser Family Foundation report released Tuesday.

The majority of these changes are not good news for the plans’ users: Almost two-thirds of those plans have increased cost sharing, and another 10 percent reduced the scope of covered services.

If you like your plan, you can keep your plan....as long as your plan is sufficiently crappy

Democrap Moto: You've heard it before, but we mean it THIS time.
More than two years away from the implementation of the Affordable Care Act’s “Cadillac” tax, 16 percent of large employers offering health benefits have changed their benefit plans or moved to less expensive plans to avoid going over the limits set by the law
I was kinda hoping you'd see the fact that it wasn't the Cadillac tax at all, afterall, the tax has never been implemented. But that doesn't matter with YOU because you simply hate Obama and this is your "stab" at him. In fact, the tax has never been applied, so, it wasn't the tax itself, but employers who needed excuses to cancel the rich plans they had. Obama gave the "rich plan" employers plenty of warning time to make any adjustments needed. Instead, they got pissed and simply blamed Obama.
If you work for a Fortune 100 company, there's probably no reason why your employer couldn't have gone to a "self funded" health plan and then they could have whatever benefits they wanted to give you, including the absence of birth control meds, etc. Nawww, it was just an excuse, H-H, so bothering me with your useless quibbles. It was YOUR current president that's LIED to you many times regarding tax cuts and health insurance, etc. And he's going to be lying THIS time when he says he's once again going to provide you loyalists a much better health plan. Keep on believing, that's what he wants you low IQ followers to do. Maybe he'll start bottling his piss and telling you its a "heal all" ******* for only $20 a bottle. Bet some of the "drones" would surely buy it.
Now, AGAIN, buzz off and leave me the fuck alone!
I was kinda hoping you'd see the fact that it wasn't the Cadillac tax at all, afterall, the tax has never been implemented. But that doesn't matter with YOU because you simply hate Obama and this is your "stab" at him. In fact, the tax has never been applied, so, it wasn't the tax itself
Try and comprehend what I write instead of just wanting to blindly argue something/anything. I stated the tax has been delayed multiple times (my post #15359). As soon as the big labor union Democrap donors cried about the Cadillac tax impacting their insurance, the Democraps and Obummer immediately got on board with kicking that can down the road .

As I also stated in 15359: "Of course killing the Cadillac tax now after numerous companies already killed off their great insurance plans and crammed HDHP down our throats to prepare for it is like trying to close the barn door after the horses have escaped and the barn burned down."
Obama gave the "rich plan" employers plenty of warning time to make any adjustments needed.
Thanks for just admitting Obummer's "if you like your plan, you can keep you plan" was a HUGE LIE.

Gee..."make any adjustments needed" does sound better than the reality of "around 60% of big employers had to cut their employee's benefits, raise their employee's deductibles, and/or make the employee's pay more of the cost of insurance" You really should run for that ISOTUS job....
Try and comprehend what I write instead of just wanting to blindly argue something/anything. I stated the tax has been delayed multiple times (my post #15359). As soon as the big labor union Democrap donors cried about the Cadillac tax impacting their insurance, the Democraps and Obummer immediately got on board with kicking that can down the road .

As I also stated in 15359: "Of course killing the Cadillac tax now after numerous companies already killed off their great insurance plans and crammed HDHP down our throats to prepare for it is like trying to close the barn door after the horses have escaped and the barn burned down."

Thanks for just admitting Obummer's "if you like your plan, you can keep you plan" was a HUGE LIE.

Gee..."make any adjustments needed" does sound better than the reality of "around 60% of big employers had to cut their employee's benefits, raise their employee's deductibles, and/or make the employee's pay more of the cost of insurance" You really should run for that ISOTUS job....

Why Republicans Hate Obamacare So Much

When President Barack Obama was first sworn into office in January 2009, he immediately began the process for passing his key policy issue - reforming the country’s expensive and haphazard health insurance industry. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, which would eventually be known as the Affordable Care Act, the ACA, or simply “Obamacare,” was then introduced in the fall of 2009. By November, it passed with a mere five-vote majority in the House, and the following month, it passed the Senate 60 to 39.

In both chambers, not one single Republican voted in favor of the bill.

It didn’t have to be that way. Health-care reform was an issue both parties were in favor of and previous efforts had enjoyed bipartisan support. The most hopeful-looking option was the “Healthy Americans Act,” a reform bill introduced by Sen. Ron Wyden, a Democrat from Oregon, and Sen. Robert Bennett, a Republican from Utah. The 2007 bill had multiple co-sponsors on both sides of the aisle but never managed to make it out of committee.
Still, when it came to the Affordable Care Act, Republican politicians were lockstep in their refusal to so much as consider any sort of common ground - even though many aspects of the plan were quite similar to a 2006 Massachusetts law developed and signed by Republican Gov. Mitt Romney. Their opposition was immediate, total, and relentless, to the point where many find themselves wondering just what do they hate so much about Obamacare?

Based solely on official conservative principles, there are actually a number of issues that the GOP legitimately would have with the ACA. Just like Social Security, Medicaid, and Medicare, they view Obamacare as an entitlement program they would be more than happy to discontinue, believing that the government should never be involved in assuring minimum standards of living are met. “ome conservatives oppose it for the same reason that liberals favor it. Through the Medicaid expansion and the exchanges, it subsidizes insurance coverage for people of modest means by raising taxes on people of less-modest means,” explains Reilhan Salam at Slate, adding, “Conservatives tend not to be enthusiastic about redistribution, and they’re particularly skeptical about redistribution that isn’t transparent.”
The industry regulations that are a part of the Affordable Care Act are also another stumbling block for fiscal conservatives who believe that businesses should always be allowed to govern themselves and are justified in gaining as much profit as they can for shareholders. As part of health-care reform, insurance agencies were ****** to spend 85 percent of all revenues on medical care rather than administration costs or bonuses or perks. They could also no longer cap how much they spend per patient in coverage due to medical conditions or other need for chronic care, either on an annual or lifetime basis. These restrictions on profitability are opposed by Republicans who think free market principles will keep businesses in check.

And of course there were issues with reproductive health care such as abortion and birth control. Anti-abortion groups claimed the Affordable Care Act to be “the largest expansion of abortion since Roe v. Wade” due to the inclusion of some insurance plans in the exchange that allowed coverage for elective abortions. They considered plans purchased on state and federal exchanges to be a means of forsing other taxpayers to “subsidize” elective abortion coverage, despite the fact that the government set up additional steps to ensure that federal funding to private insurance plans that cover abortions remain separate, and the president’s additional executive order reaffirming the Hyde Amendment’s federal ban on abortion funding. They also demanded exceptions for all companies - for-profit and nonprofit - who had religious objections to birth control. The birth control mandate declared contraception an essential service for women’s health and required all companies to offer plans that included hormonal birth control, emergency contraception, long-acting birth control methods, and female sterilization procedures. Religious institutions were allowed a conscientious objection to the coverage, but social conservatives wanted the loophole extended to any business or organization whose owners disapproved of any birth control use for moral reasons – regardless of how many of their own employees or other insurees may have different opinions on the issue
Yet while the GOP has strenuously opposed all of these individual aspects of the ACA, it was the individual mandate that appeared to irk them the most - and had the least reason to do so. Republicans, using language that originated with the conservative Heritage Institute, were advocating for a requirement that all people be required some form of health insurance as long ago as the late 1980s and it was championed by GOP Congress members during much of the early 1990s. It was even a key component in the Massachusetts health care law approved by Gov. Romney in 2006. But the individual mandate instead went from being something that Republicans were willing to support in order to bring down the costs of insurance to a policy they claim strips personal liberty and is even tantamount to slavery.

So what flipped the switch? Election Day, 2008. When Obama won his first presidential election, that also put both the House and Senate into Democratic control. The House Democrats outnumbered Republicans 257 to 178, and Democrats and their two independent allies outnumbered the Senate Republicans 59 to 41. According to the Brookings Institute’s Thomas Mann, GOP strategy experts decided that the best way to win back majorities would be to keep their entire conservative block united in rejecting any legislation that could potentially be viewed as a Democratic success if it passed. Congressional Republicans were urged to filibuster any bill that came before the Senate and harshly criticize any law that they couldn’t stop in an attempt to make what did pass as unpopular as possible. That decision doomed any chance for bipartisan health-care reform.
The GOP’s refusal to vote in favor of Obamacare’s passage and their aggressive opposition to every element of the bill - even those they had agreed with in the past - served to help them sweep into power in both Congress and a number of state legislatures when the 2010 midterms came around. And by taking over a number of state legislatures and governors’ mansions, Republicans could then block portions of the ACA from going into effect, further hampering the reforms. Red-state legislatures often refused to expand Medicaid so more people could receive subsidized insurance plans, leaving their residents with far more expensive out-of-pocket costs than blue-state counterparts. They also often opted out of opening their own state exchanges, forsing the uninsured to enroll through the federal exchange instead, which limited their coverage options and put a greater burden on the federal site. By first refusing to support Obamacare and then purposefully trying to make it fail, Republicans believed any consumer dissatisfaction would rest completely on the shoulders of the Democrats, since they were the only ones to vote in favor of the law.

So do Republicans really despise the Affordable Care Act? Despite the fact that they have voted in some way, shape, or form to repeal some or all of the ACA more than 60 times in the six years since it was signed into law, the answer may surprisingly be no. Or at least, not as much of it as they claim. But they do hate the “Obamacare” that was passed solely with Democratic votes and signed by a Democratic president, and they will do anything to tear that down completely. And when they later replace it with a new plan that has a surprising number of policies similar to the law they just undid, well, then we will know the thing they hated most about Obamacare was always Obama.

And no republican hates it more than Benito Trumpsawienie
Good ole MacNFries....always good for some sort of childish ad hominem after you've exhausted your strawmen arguments, deflections, Gish Gallops, etc. etc.
Exactly what argument am I suppose to have exhausted? You kept crying about losing your healthcare plan because of Obama's luxury tax which never materialized and probably won't ever.
And you keep bringing up Obama's supposed lie about "if you want to keep your health plan ... etc" ... .how many times now ... maybe a good 2 dozen times throughout these political threads ... I simply stated that I don't think Obama was aware (at the time of his announcement) how the PPACA's rules would impact private health plans that didn't comply with the Ten Essentials requirement. One thing for sure, IF given the chance to FIX the problem, Democrats would probably have done just that, HOWEVER, Republicans wouldn't allow ANY changes the Democrats wanted to make to the PPACA. Do I NEED to go over the list of efforts the Democrats made, which Republicans denied?
You say it was a lie, that he knew ... ok, so we DISAGREE. Big Deal! Why do you keep bringing it up thread after thread and crying over it?
Let's suppose, however, that Obama DID KNOW what would happen to a lot of private health plans and that he truly DID LIE ... that's ONE LIE ... how many LIES has Trump told, and keeps telling daily ... 8-10-15 lies a DAY. Do you wish for me to start LISTING those LIES?
So, why KEEP bringing up Obama and his supposed LIE regarding keeping your own health plan?
I know ... Its because you have NO WHERE TO GO with that argument any longer. Republicans and TRUMP ran on a platform of Terminating Obamacare (they haven't done THAT yet) and providing a much better health plan at a lower cost (they haven't and didn't have any INTENTION of doing that). So, Trump is elected, he's been in office over two and a half YEARS, and you're NO BETTER OFF. In fact, you're unemployed and won't admit that because you're too proud to admit they laid your ass off, YET you have to blame someone.
So, H-H, that's where we are. You have NOTHING to do but constantly harass me every day I'm on here, and thus why I'm rude to you so often.
Why not START your OWN THREAD on something ... if I find it interesting, I'll comment and then you'll have every right to harass me.
Otherwise, why the FUCK don't you quit crying about your health care plan and the ONE LIE you assume Obama told ... and start concentrating on the racist, ******* we call a PRESIDENT and the Spending Deficit that's just now about to cross over to the $1Trillion mark.

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Free healthcare for all is not a sign of insidious socialism, it is a sign of a caring and decent democracy, in which people are the most valuable resource and not money.
Exactly what argument am I suppose to have exhausted?
Surely you don't actually need me to go back over all this with you. There's far too many to go over....but since you insist....
And you keep bringing up Obama's supposed lie about "if you want to keep your health plan ... etc" ... .how many times now ... maybe a good 2 dozen times throughout these political threads ... I simply stated that I don't think Obama was aware (at the time of his announcement) how the PPACA's rules would impact private health plans that didn't comply with the Ten Essentials requirement.
This is a shining example. You keep trying to make excuses for Obummer. You first tried this BS that Obummer just didn't know the 10 essentials impact. Then I showed you he was still making the same statement over TWO years AFTER signing Obummercare into law. There's good reason Politifact called Obummer's statement the LIE OF THE YEAR. Hell, they were being generous! I also proved your BS about the 10 essential services was just the tip of the iceberg. CNBC showed that 60% of big companies had to CUT their benefits and/or shift more of the cost onto their employees to prepare for the Cadillac tax. Millions of us lost our great insurance NOT because it didn't meet Obummercare's 10 essential services....our insurance was TOO good.

Of course when confronted with these facts, you immediately call upon your go to fallacies: Deny, Deflect, and when those fail, Denigrate.
You have NOTHING to do but constantly harass me every day I'm on here,
As I pointed out to you already, my post about Biden repeating Obummer's LIE OF THE YEAR for a 2020 campaign promise was an original post, not a reply to you or anyone else. You could have ignored my post, but instead you jumped in with your BS reply. When you post BS, don't be surprised when you get called out on it....don't like it? Tough *******, time to grow a pair.
..... Then I showed you he was still making the same statement over TWO years AFTER signing Obummercare into law.

Millions of us lost our great insurance NOT because it didn't meet Obummercare's 10 essential services....our insurance was TOO good.
Sorry you are just too stupid to realize what you're saying. A LAW that was NEVER implemented caused YOU and others to lose their so-called Cadillac health plans? Kind of stupid to think that the employers (including yours at the time) used THAT as an excuse to change their health plans. And I'll say again, the Democrats were trying to make fixes to the plans even as Republicans blocked their requested changes. The idea being that the Obamacare plan fail. I still say you're using Obama as an excuse.
I can agree, however, the law was negatively affecting some private, individual health plans, but some were grandfathered into the rules, and the ones that were not, were invited to add the features to their plans within a specific time period. I've said many times those indemnity policies ought to be taken off the market, OR, agents be required to explain the limited benefits they provide. Lots of people buy those things thinking they have REAL health insurance.
By, the way, how's your job search going? Its kind of hard to find jobs when you're "older", isn't it? You should maybe write Prez Trump!?
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Sorry you are just too stupid to realize what you're saying. A LAW that was NEVER implemented caused YOU and others to lose their so-called Cadillac health plans? Kind of stupid to think that the employers (including yours at the time) used THAT as an excuse to change their health plans.
Stupid???? can you not read? As I already showed you....From CNBC:

But only 5 percent of companies that expect eventually to be subject to the tax actually expect to pay it. Those companies say they either already have or plan to make changes to their health coverage programs that will allow them to avoid the tax, according to the survey by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans.
Overwhelmingly, those changes involve reducing benefits, shifting costs to employees in the form of higher copayments or coinsurance, and switching to health plans that have higher deductibles. Such moves to have workers pay a bigger share of their health costs out of pocket, as opposed to in the form of premiums, would help get health plans under the Cadillac tax threshold.

This post of yours is a TEXTBOOK version of your go to tactics when confronted with facts you don't like....you've combined them all: DENY, DEFLECT, and DENIGRATE

And the logical fallacies will resume in 3....2....1....