Politics, Politics, Politics

Does the paper have a union. We fed russia to there mob when we talked them into democracy They are not the threat they once were
they are more of a threat now than ever....they are taking over the world through subtle means...swaying elections in a bunch of countries....cyber attacks......they are just not doing tt through war
as for bldlaur…….he is one of the worst at having a double standard...….he is what he is and nothing going to change that....but once in a while he must actually read a post and go off on the name calling and everything he accuses the left of doing...he will cool and come back with the same old *******

as for the whinning...bullshit...it's our turn for one thing the right certainly dished when they had the opportunity...even though it was their mess

Eight years later: The economy and President Obama’s legacy
Jan 06, 2017 · The economy President Obama inherited was in peril. When he took office in January of 2009, the United States was in the worst recession it had experienced since the Great Depression.

Obama inherited a recession; Trump inherited a primed pump
Feb 21, 2017 · Obama inherited a recession; Trump inherited a primed pump. The government’s January economic report said the economy added 227,000 jobs in January and unemployment was 4.8 percent, a level the Federal Reserve considers an indication of full employment. When Obama took office January 2009, unemployment was 7.9 percent and,...

and what did the right do when Obama was trying to fix things

Senate Republicans Agree To Block Obama's ... - npr.org
Feb 23, 2016 · Senate Republicans Agree To Block Obama's Supreme Court Nominee. Top Republicans including McConnell, Senate Majority Whip John Cornyn of Texas, and Sen. Orrin Hatch, R-Utah, also told reporters they would not meet one-on-one with Obama's nominee, a long-established Senate custom in the confirmation process.

The Republicans' Plan for the New President | Inside Obama ...
Jan 15, 2013 · The Republicans’ Plan for the New President. After three hours of strategizing, they decided they needed to fight Obama on everything. The new president had no idea what the Republicans were planning. Tonight’s film, Inside Obama’s Presidency, explores the behind-the-scenes story of his first four years.

Who was the man who got Republicans to sign a pledge ...
Sep 06, 2015 · But as Republican stalwart Newt Gingrich has verified, there was a secret meeting of key Republicans not long after President Obama's election, where they vowed to obstruct everything the new president would try to do; and this was also reiterated in Mitch McConnell's admission that the party's goal was to make Mr. Obama a one-term president.

Here's just a short list of some of the bills that Republicans have blocked, or attempted to block, since Obama became President: Tax on Companies that ship jobs overseas- A bill that would have eliminated a tax break that companies get when they ship jobs overseas.

the right gave the go ahead to let jobs go overseas in hope it would destroy Obama

How often do Republicans undermine veterans? Here’s a list ...
Congressional Republicans blocked or filibustered bill after bill that would have aided veterans, all in an attempt to undermine President Barack Obama and cut taxes for the wealthy. They do not ...

Bills Republicans Have Blocked | Republicans for Obama
Sep 23, 2010 · Bills Republicans Have Blocked. * The Jobs Bill- Offsets the payroll tax for 1 year for companies that higher new employees, or people receiving unemployment insurance. Also gives other tax incentives to companies hiring new employees. Republicans attempted to block this. Small business lending bill- would give LOCAL,...

and it goes on....so this double standard does not cut it!
and then you have all this...

Donald Trump's Many, Many, Many, Many Ties to Russia
Aug 02, 2016 · Several had direct ties to Russian financial interests in ways that have raised eyebrows. What’s more, several of Trump’s senior advisors have business ties to Russia or its satellite politicians.

Trump campaign’s Russia ties: Who’s involved - Washington Post
Mar 31, 2017 · This page reflects information learned about Team Trump’s ties to Russian interests through February 2018.For more recent updates on the status of …

then throw in this...…..

Trump is Leading the Most Corrupt Administration in U.S ...
Trump is Leading the Most Corrupt Administration in U.S. History, One of First-Class Kleptocrats. To make America great again. To lock her up. Now, in the last weeks of his campaign for president, Donald J. Trump needed one more stirring slogan. And since he …

now you know exactly where I stand....so the whinning and the name calling....seems to go both ways!
At the time Obama made that "keep your own plan", he was NOT aware of the impact of the Ten Essential Services requirement in the plans.
Bullshit...first of all, he didn't just say it. He said it over and over and over. He even said it TWO years AFTER he signed Obummercare into law, during his 2012 debates.

The bulk of your post is just more of your deflection/Gish Gallop bullshit to avoid the FACT democraps fully on their own created the cadillac tax which ripped excellent insurance out of the hands of so many to be replaced with HDHP crap.

Is being voted on TODAY in the House. Want to bet which party will REFUSE to vote YES? Remember, now, its the Republicans who say they are for healthcare .... lets see how this goes.
That bill has 168 Republican and 201 Democrap sponsors. It will pass by a wide margin.

The cadillac tax has already been postponed multiple times. Republicans always wanted to end this onerous tax. Democraps promptly got on board....as soon as their big labor union donors cried that they would have to pay the tax too.

Of course killing the Cadillac tax now after numerous companies already killed off their great insurance plans and crammed HDHP down our throats to prepare for it is like trying to close the barn door after the horses have escaped and the barn burned down.

Of course killing the Cadillac tax now after numerous companies already killed off their great insurance plans and crammed HDHP down our throats
Give me a break, will ya? Your company was having to lay off employees to begin with. You probably got laid off because of your age, although I'm sure that's what they told you. Regardless, the Cadillac tax never impacted your company.
first of all, he didn't just say it. He said it over and over and over. He even said it TWO years AFTER he signed Obummercare into law, during his 2012 debates.
Some of the individual health plans WERE grandfathered. Had the states implemented competitive exchanges and Medicaid expansion, AND allowed for modifications, you would still have your plan ... all plans have to have the "Ten Essential Services".
I wasn't deflecting form a response; your party ******* on the plan when Democrats were trying to fix problems and Republicans wouldn't allow them to fix anything. Pretty similar to the issues George W Bush ran into with Medicare Pt. D ... except the Democrats helped them FIX IT ... not so with ReThuglicans.
So quit your whinning and LEAVE ME THE FUCK ALONE, JERK! My time on here is LIMITED ... and I don't want to waste it going back & forth with you. My time is valuable ... yours obviously isn't. FO!
Give me a break, will ya? Your company was having to lay off employees to begin with. You probably got laid off because of your age, although I'm sure that's what they told you.
Don't waste your keystrokes trying to denigrate my company ( or wife or job or anything else you know exactly zilch about). My Fortune 100 company is doing quite well, thank you very much.

Such childish attacks really are beneath you....well they SHOULD be anyway.
Regardless, the Cadillac tax never impacted your company.
Utter bullshit as I've explained to you umpteen times. And it most certainly wasn't just my company. As CNBC reported, about 60% of big companies realized they were going to take it in the shorts from the Cadillac tax if they didn't start cutting benefits, raising deductibles and shifting more of the cost onto the employees. Nearly all of them made these changes....contrary to Obummer's LIE OF THE YEAR.

From CNBC:

But only 5 percent of companies that expect eventually to be subject to the tax actually expect to pay it. Those companies say they either already have or plan to make changes to their health coverage programs that will allow them to avoid the tax, according to the survey by the International Foundation of Employee Benefit Plans.
Overwhelmingly, those changes involve reducing benefits, shifting costs to employees in the form of higher copayments or coinsurance, and switching to health plans that have higher deductibles. Such moves to have workers pay a bigger share of their health costs out of pocket, as opposed to in the form of premiums, would help get health plans under the Cadillac tax threshold.

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A Latina Border Patrol officer is taking the Internet by storm after a photo of her standing outside a migrant holding cell surfaced online Monday.
Social media users have named Texas-based Border Patrol officer Kiara Cervantes, 26, “ICE Bae” in reaction to the viral photo.

Cervantes was reportedly providing security for Vice President Mike Pence’s recent visit to the facility where she works when she was initially photographed.

President Trump Continues Attack On ‘The Squad’ At ...
8 hours ago · President Donald Trump isn’t going to let the outrage about his “go back” tweets stop him from continuing his attack on The Squad.. Speaking at a rally in Greenville, NC tonight, Trump once ...

Trump "forsing" Democrats To Embrace AOC's Squad,

with him picking on those 4 he has ****** the rest of the Dems to rally behind them
Odddddd….. rand paul supported the tax cuts...….but can't support the first responders without having a way to pay for it.....typical republican thinking

give to the wealthy and fuck the people who actually work for the country
Make America great Again?

he makes fun of 4 minorities and his approval ratings go up 4 points

wonder how many minorities actually support this guy......and think he won't speak against them also

hate and discontent...….it's the trump way
Wrong just your union propaganda

'First they came for the Communists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Communist

Then they came for the Socialists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Socialist

Then they came for the trade unionists
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a trade unionist

Then they came for the Jews
And I did not speak out
Because I was not a Jew

Then they came for me
And there was no one left
To speak out for me'
Make America great Again?

he makes fun of 4 minorities and his approval ratings go up 4 points

wonder how many minorities actually support this guy......and think he won't speak against them also

hate and discontent...….it's the trump way

Those 4 anti-American raving lunatics that call ANYONE that doesn’t agree with them a racist - need to be made fun of. No idea how any of them could even have got elected - except for the fact that the left seems to be losing it’s mind. Omar has an approval rating of 9 and AOC 22 - hopefully they’ll be gone soon.
I could care less where the article is from Mac - the tweet was a real tweet. You simply have nothing.
Well, that's pretty obvious, TwoBi; I mean, if the rolls were reversed, you certainly wouldn't have posted it, right?
I read one once where gerbil owners were most likely white, gay Republican males because they loved using them as sex toys. Use your imagination, obviously, if you have a miniscule of belief In what you posted, you'll have NO problem.
Several Q's come up almost immediately ...

☼ Like the Survey study details?​
☼ Validity of the originality of this article and the person doing it.​
☼ Maybe Danielle ( if a real person) is actually a conservative using reverse psychology on Trumptards, after all, they've already proven their gullibility and low IQ's, now, haven't they" - they believe ANYTHING our Alt-President says. This MIGHT be the original as Trump maybe wishes to push more voters to the right.​
☼ And what about blacks owning dogs ... ohhhh, wait a minute, a lot of black males always talking on here about "owning" white females and white "families" ... maybe YOU should do a SURVEY to determine how many black males HERE own dogs or don't own dogs. Give you something to DO as its obvious you have nothing better TO DO ... like tend to that awesome business you have.​
Personally, I think you're "vapor locked" and need to fart. The unreleased gas has backed up into your memory and logic brain cells.
Well, that's pretty obvious, TwoBi; I mean, if the rolls were reversed, you certainly wouldn't have posted it, right?
I read one once where gerbil owners were most likely white, gay Republican males because they loved using them as sex toys. Use your imagination, obviously, if you have a miniscule of belief In what you posted, you'll have NO problem.
Several Q's come up almost immediately ...

☼ Like the Survey study details?​
☼ Validity of the originality of this article and the person doing it.​
☼ Maybe Danielle ( if a real person) is actually a conservative using reverse psychology on Trumptards, after all, they've already proven their gullibility and low IQ's, now, haven't they" - they believe ANYTHING our Alt-President says. This MIGHT be the original as Trump maybe wishes to push more voters to the right.​
☼ And what about blacks owning dogs ... ohhhh, wait a minute, a lot of black males always talking on here about "owning" white females and white "families" ... maybe YOU should do a SURVEY to determine how many black males HERE own dogs or don't own dogs. Give you something to DO as its obvious you have nothing better TO DO ... like tend to that awesome business you have.​
Personally, I think you're "vapor locked" and need to fart. The unreleased gas has backed up into your memory and logic brain cells.
View attachment 2731063

Wouldn't surprise me that it came from you.
Wouldn't surprise me that it came from you.
I have quite a bit more integrity than to fake a tweet, for one thing. And, sorry to say, I don't know HOW to tweet. Both my ******* have wanted to teach my wife and me; we refuse. Texting is as far as our computer technology goes. They stay on their phones all the time.
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