Politics, Politics, Politics

Current Recalls and Alerts - Food Safety and Inspection ...
Jul 09, 2019 · Current Recalls and Alerts. ... *Information on recalled foods other than meat (including fish of the order Siluriformes), poultry, or processed egg products is available from the Food and ******* Administration website or from FoodSafety.gov. Related Information.
Beef a customer notified and the other I could have told you you'd get sick from Mexican poultry and eggs
and who caught that bad beef?

I don't know about you but I want to eat food that I know is GOOD!

again ….. a kid on the farm I remember taking a bunch of cattle to the auction for sale...….turns out some big beef buyer bought them for slaughter....as we were leaving I noticed a bunch of cattle in a separate pen...flies all over them..half looked blind..i asked about them.....sold to McDonalds!....don't have to worry about that now since most of what they sell is soybergers
and who caught that bad beef?

I don't know about you but I want to eat food that I know is GOOD!

again ….. a kid on the farm I remember taking a bunch of cattle to the auction for sale...….turns out some big beef buyer bought them for slaughter....as we were leaving I noticed a bunch of cattle in a separate pen...flies all over them..half looked blind..i asked about them.....sold to McDonalds!....don't have to worry about that now since most of what they sell is soybergers
the consumer caught beef. Thats why i started raising my own food plus it taste real
The government was never intended to be so involved its way to big and regulates everything to death. Leave it to the people

wouldn't need half of it …...if it wasn't for corporate greed....gone are the days you sold a quality product and stood behind and took care of your workers...Reagan ended that....and the corporations just picked up on it and took it that much further....I doubt you could find any company in this country that sells a quality product and stands behind it like the old days.....what you have now is they charge big prices...far more than it is worth and if they have to refund...no problem still ahead
We are a capitalist country if what you prefer isa socialist move.

If you'Il read these "recently written" articles, you'll understand a bit better the true intentions of both capitalism and socialism.

typical...still trying to remain …...

didn't I see today that 4 republicans voted with the dems on trumps racist talk?
could be wrong...but starting to look like trump may have worn out his welcome
There you go again, h-h, skirting around the "truth" as usual. Yes we have had this conversation many times, and the truth is written in the history books which you obviously like to avoid.
And there you go again....You can't address the substance of my post so you use your typical deflection tactics starting one of your Gish Gallops. You ramble on about the economic crisis, republican conspiracies, one term president hopes, jobs acts, etc. etc. etc. All of which, regardless of their veracity or lack thereof, means exactly zilch with regard to the FACT that Democraps, all on their own, created Obummercare and created the Cadillac Tax clause which caused tons of people like me to lose their awesome insurance and get HDHPs rammed down our throats.

Obummer told the LIE OF THE YEAR with his BS over and over about if you like your health insurance you can keep your insurance. I suppose that has a better ring with the useful idiots than "if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance....unless you like it too much or I don't like it"
Obummer told the LIE OF THE YEAR with his BS over and over about if you like your health insurance you can keep your insurance. I suppose that has a better ring with the useful idiots than "if you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance....unless you like it too much or I don't like it"
At the time Obama made that "keep your own plan", he was NOT aware of the impact of the Ten Essential Services requirement in the plans. But suppose Obama DID know ... how does THAT compare to the umpteen million lies Trump has made since running for president. NO COMPARISON.
I'm not dancing around anything, just stating the FACTS about Obamacare. YOU refuse to LISTEN. Republicans bought part-ownership in the success of Obamacare when they started "obstructing" it. You won't admit to that. They wouldn't attend any of the committee meetings regarding the PPACA because they were so pissed that Obama won the Presidency. They decided to obstruct it to make it fail ... (stop)....
.... Democrats wanted to set up Exchanges ... Republican states said NO .... Democrats wanted to make modifications to help the plan run more efficiently and remove glitches in the site software ... Republicans said NO. Democrats wanted to apply the "subsidies" to all the plans and AGAIN Republicans said NO. Republicans even ran TV ads making false claims about Obamacare, and as Democrats had them removed for false advertisement, Republicans would simply put up another false TV ad in its place. Republicans tried to discourage people from enrolling on the Open Enrollment Dates by cutting the funding to the advertisements announcing Open Enrollment, and Republicans refused to allow the Medicaid Expansion program, and responsible for cutting the Health Carrier subsidies for huge claims losses due to the "no pre-X" clause.
So, H-H the Republicans have taken part ownership in whatever happens to Obamacare. Interestingly enough Republicans have held a Trifecta in Washington now for the past 3 years ... and what have they accomplished in killing Obamacare or starting a Better and Less Expensive plan? NOTHING ... that's what, H-H. So, if you have some crying to do, look at the help Republicans have given you on health care.

Is being voted on TODAY in the House. Want to bet which party will REFUSE to vote YES? Remember, now, its the Republicans who say they are for healthcare .... lets see how this goes.

Now please ... STFU and leave me alone. You bore the hell out of me. Maybe you'll find a new JOB soon!
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