Politics, Politics, Politics

Ofcourse it is. Look at Norway, Sweden, Denmark.

Ever wonder why we don't have immigrants from there? Democratic Socialism!!!

You couldn't pay them to move here!

Hell if you actually had an IQ, you could really think about it.. why are most immigrants to the US coming from capitalistic countries?

Mexico Capitalist.
China Capitalist.
India Capitalist.
Philippines Capitalist.
Domican Republic Capitalist.
Vietnam Capitalist.
El Salvador Capitalist.
Jamaica Capitalist.

Current socialist countries: Brazil, Croatia, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Moldova, Netherlands, Nicaragua, N. Ireland, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, Tunisia, Turkey, UK, Venezuela.

Why if they are so terrible aren't they trying to immigrate to the USA in mass #'s?

Talk about being dumb - give the government power they’ll take all they can get. The quote “absolute power corrupts absolutely” is correct. The framers of our constitution were hugely concerned about government becoming too powerful. You lefties want to have the government control EVERY aspect of our lives - well in America - we LIKE our freedom - and thank God we have a President that will see socialism - euphemism for communism will NOT take hold. If the election becomes socialism vs capitalism - in America - the left thankfully - has NO chance.
Talk about being dumb - give the government power they’ll take all they can get. The quote “absolute power corrupts absolutely” is correct. The framers of our constitution were hugely concerned about government becoming too powerful. You lefties want to have the government control EVERY aspect of our lives - well in America - we LIKE our freedom - and thank God we have a President that will see socialism - euphemism for communism will NOT take hold. If the election becomes socialism vs capitalism - in America - the left thankfully - has NO chance.

There you go again with your fear of grass being greener on the other side! Hahahahaha.

Meanwhile all the socialist countries I listed laugh at Trump and you while you bitch about insurance payments everymonth.. LOL!
We are a capitalist country if what you prefer isa socialist move, they probably wouldn't Want though Don't push your ******* on me i don't need a big government to hold my hand
Talk about being dumb - give the government power they’ll take all they can get. The quote “absolute power corrupts absolutely” is correct. The framers of our constitution were hugely concerned about government becoming too powerful. You lefties want to have the government control EVERY aspect of our lives - well in America - we LIKE our freedom - and thank God we have a President that will see socialism - euphemism for communism will NOT take hold. If the election becomes socialism vs capitalism - in America - the left thankfully - has NO chance.

and yet you have no problem with trump obstructing?....talk about talking out of both sides of your ass
Democraps had a trifecta with filibuster proof majority in the Senate. They could have made Obummercare whatever they wanted
There you go again, h-h, skirting around the "truth" as usual. Yes we have had this conversation many times, and the truth is written in the history books which you obviously like to avoid. Its why I have so much DETAIL about it. Here it is AGAIN ...
Obama had a trifecta in Washington for exactly TWO years ... "just" two years. The mess Obama inherited from GW Bush would be a handful of issues by themselves. We had a "tanking" economy ... surely you don't forget the US was losing almost 800,000 jobs a month when Obama walked into the White House. So don't forget the state of the economy when Democrats had the trifecta ONLY the first two years of Obama's first term.
Secondly, you forget the Great Republican Conspiracy of Eric Cantor (R) & Mitch McConnell (R) laying out their "no honeymoon" strategy for all republicans to say NO to anything Obama wanted to do. (all confirmed by George Voinovich, also a Republican). So, Republicans, from John Boehner on down refused to even MEET with Obama, much less sit down to discuss the PPACA with the committees. You conveniently forget the night of President Obama's inauguration when Eric Cantor, Kevin McCarthy, Paul Ryan, Pete Sessions, Dan Lungren, Jim DeMint, and a host of other Republicans met with Newt Gingrich & Frank Luntz for several hours to plan their strategy of challenging Obama on EVERY SINGLE bill as quoted by Kevin McCarthy. Surely you don't forget the "Do Nothing" party's efforts to do absolutely NOTHING in Washington while Obama was there but to oppose anything that Obama wanted to do. For over six years the only thing Republicans accomplished was "sitting on their hands" and saying NO. They "TITLED" themselves, h-h ... and were seemingly PROUD of it.
There WAS no "working together" on Obamacare because there was NO INTENTION of the Republicans to even HAVE a health care plan at all. Republicans simply wanted OBAMA to fail and be that One Term President that Mitch McConnell said "Our Number One Goal is to make Obama a One Term President". Obamacare got approved only by Democrats, but they wanted to refine and adjust the plan as issues came up so it WOULD work for everyone. Again, with the economy tanking, Democrats only held a trifecta the first two years in Washington. They still accomplished SAVING the economy and implementing a health care plan that Republicans had kicked down the road a thousand times before.
So, Republicans have obstructed HEALTH CARE for over TEN years now and done NOTHING to help health care because they don't WANT everyone to have HEALTH CARE. Over 74 attempts by Congress and at least 4 attempts by Trump have thus far FAILED. Yet YOU blame the Democrats.
Why not go READ about all the Obama initiatives Republicans blocked during that "JUST SAY NO" ... like the American Jobs Act which was SPECIFICALLY designed to help small businesses by cutting payroll taxes in half, aid for start-up entrepreneurs, tax credits for hiring VETERANS, upgrades in Education, infrastructure jobs, etc.
But, even with the Republicans saying NO to anything Obama wanted to do to SAVE the economy, the economy STILL recovered, didn't it?
You might also should know that Democrats are proposing to remove that LUXURY tax on the top shelf Obamacare plan.
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sure it is....the right keeps saying that....but just like the budget and the deficit....they don't follow it....the only time it is a major issue is when a dem is in the white house....and even though the right created the problem....they will blame the left for it being there...gov...deficit...budget....just some of the lies the right puts out

Forget about small government. Republicans support big ...
For decades, the Republican Party has genuflected at the altar of small government. It has waged war against the Great Society, even the New Deal. The arguments ranged from constitutional (citing the commerce clause and the Ninth and 10th amendments) to philosophical (libertarians insist active government is a threat to freedom)...
You want more and more and for free not me. When they give you something you give something up in return
You are EXACTLY RIGHT Alforthewifey ... seriously. Everytime the Republicans have those big "Trickle Down" tax cuts for the rich and corporations, it is the middleclass and poor who suffer and give UP something, which is EXACTLY why the equality pay gap between the Rich & Poor have continued to increase and cutting of programs that help the poor. Who profited off the last Trump Cut ... the RICH ... hell, even Trump admits that now BUT promised the next tax cut would be for the working middleclass. Surely you haven't forgotten that, as that was the month after the election?
You are EXACTLY RIGHT Alforthewifey ... seriously. Everytime the Republicans have those big "Trickle Down" tax cuts for the rich and corporations, it is the middleclass and poor who suffer and give UP something, which is EXACTLY why the equality pay gap between the Rich & Poor have continued to increase and cutting of programs that help the poor. Who profited off the last Trump Cut ... the RICH ... hell, even Trump admits that now BUT promised the next tax cut would be for the working middleclass. Surely you haven't forgotten that, as that was the month after the election?
The government was never intended to be so involved its way to big and regulates everything to death. Leave it to the people
The government was never intended to be so involved its way to big and regulates everything to death. Leave it to the people
If we LEAVE IT TO THE PEOPLE ... you'd have monopolies on every product or service and we wouldn't be able to afford them. Obviously you've heard that old saying "The Rich get RICHER and the Poor get POORER" ... you best go back and look which party works for the "little guys" as it sure isn't Republicans.
The government was never intended to be so involved its way to big and regulates everything to death. Leave it to the people

wrong..…..ever hear of ecoli…..you think those food producers are going to even check for any of that....

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If we LEAVE IT TO THE PEOPLE ... you'd have monopolies on every product or service and we wouldn't be able to afford them. Obviously you've heard that old saying "The Rich get RICHER and the Poor get POORER" ... you best go back and look which party works for the "little guys" as it sure isn't Republicans.
you want to be on the right side but your on the left