Politics, Politics, Politics

Twitter will not take action against President Donald Trump’s tweets calling for four minority congresswomen to “go back” to where they “came from,” the company said today.
Trump's statements mark the latest test of the company's new policy of labeling and demoting tweets by world leaders that break its rules against harassment and abuse. Twitter said the tweets don't violate its rules but did not elaborate.

Good grief, Allforthewifey, he just told 4 congress women to "go back from where they came" ... in the NEWS TODAY!
RACIST Donald Trump 2015 quote:
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing *******. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists."​
Stereotyping a race of people is rasist, Allforthewifey. Agree or NOT?

Want to see plenty MORE ...

Those 4 - “The Squad “ inferring Nancy Pelosi is a racist - the anti-Semitic comments - the support for terrorist organizations - the unAmerican rhetoric - and just outright lies they spew are without a doubt the worst thing for your party - it’s unimaginable they were elected and I doubt they’ll get more than one term. If they are the face of your party now - you guys are TRULY fucked!!!!!!
Whole racist thing is who he is and its a distraction from the Epstein story.

Trump is basically saying if you donate to me.. ******* YOUNG ******* WHITE GIRLS ALL YOU WANT AGAIN!!!! 2020!!!

Those 4 - “The Squad “ inferring Nancy Pelosi is a racist - the anti-Semitic comments - the support for terrorist organizations - the unAmerican rhetoric - and just outright lies they spew are without a doubt the worst thing for your party - it’s unimaginable they were elected and I doubt they’ll get more than one term. If they are the face of your party now - you guys are TRULY fucked!!!!!!

Ill say it again.. fuck Israel. Fuck the 50 billion we give them every year in cash and military aid for NOTHING!

When we had the san bernadino terrorist shooting.. Israel wouldn't even help us hack their cell phones for free.. we had to pay them more millions for that.

So fuck Israel and fuck anyone who defends them.

Go America! Fuck Israel!
Yeah - the left - bunch of anti-Semites - wonder why the Jewish people vote predominantly Democrat - maybe they won’t next time around - it’s becoming clearer and clearer who their real friends are ;}
Yeah - the left - bunch of anti-Semites - wonder why the Jewish people vote predominantly Democrat - maybe they won’t next time around - it’s becoming clearer and clearer who their real friends are ;}

no we don't mind giving them support on a few things but right now we are giving them the farm...a lot of trumps fights with Iran are at Israel's encouragement....but then he voided the Iran deal just to spite Obama in the first place
they have more people lobbying in Congress than any 2 companies...they pay these congressmen to give them more money......and trump is just their puppet....
Democrap promises....You've heard it before but we mean it this time!
Shouldn't that be referring to Republicans and Trump promising to show THEIR new health plan this time? Thing is, ONCE AGAIN, its just BS from Trump and the "trump drones" just keep sucking it up from the liarNchief.
So, what's the count, now, h-h ... 74 or 75 attempts by Republicans to ******* Obamacare?
And you keep bringing up the same promise broken thing "keep your health plan if you want". The thing IS, it really ISN'T about "keeping your health plan" is it? The one big thing Obamacare required was the Ten Essential Services to make all health plans provide some valued service to those who held those cheap, low-cost health plan. All those health plans had to do was add those essential services, but nooooooo, many companies refused to do that, because THAT would have required them to include REAL VALUE to the health plans. Democrats even wanted to work WITH the Republicans to get the Obamacare right, but it never WAS about health care was it.

And once again Republicans want to ******* Obamacare, toss 30 million off their health plans, and STILL have no alternative. Republicans, just selfish bastards who look after the RICH who give them money!
Yeah socialism is waaaaaaay better
FREE everything ;}

Ofcourse it is. Look at Norway, Sweden, Denmark.

Ever wonder why we don't have immigrants from there? Democratic Socialism!!!

You couldn't pay them to move here!

Hell if you actually had an IQ, you could really think about it.. why are most immigrants to the US coming from capitalistic countries?

Mexico Capitalist.
China Capitalist.
India Capitalist.
Philippines Capitalist.
Domican Republic Capitalist.
Vietnam Capitalist.
El Salvador Capitalist.
Jamaica Capitalist.

Current socialist countries: Brazil, Croatia, Denmark, Ecuador, Finland, France, Germany, Greenland, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Moldova, Netherlands, Nicaragua, N. Ireland, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, Tunisia, Turkey, UK, Venezuela.

Why if they are so terrible aren't they trying to immigrate to the USA in mass #'s?
All those health plans had to do was add those essential services, but nooooooo, many companies refused to do that, because THAT would have required them to include REAL VALUE to the health plans.
We've been over this umpteen times. Many companies like mine had insurance that was TOO GOOD. My company was slated to get hit with a 40% "Cadillac Tax" because our benefits were too good per the ObummerCare regs...of course companies weren't going to pay that so, they stripped our great insurance, and off to the high deductible health care crap we were ******.

LOTS of people were in this boat. There's good reason why Politifact rated Obummer's "if you like your health care plan, you can keep it" as THE BIGGEST LIE of the year.

Oh but THIS time if we like our health care we'll get to keep it....RIGHT!!!! New Democrap motto....you've heard it before but we mean it this time!

Democrats even wanted to work WITH the Republicans to get the Obamacare right, but it never WAS about health care was it.
Democraps had a trifecta with filibuster proof majority in the Senate. They could have made Obummercare whatever they wanted and Republican's couldn't have done squat to stop them....but again we've been over that umpteen times as well.
Just wanted to comment about antisemitism. Over here, if you criticise Israel you get called antisemitic, even though you aren't criticising a race you're criticising a state, which in my eyes is fine.

Criticising a state for being in contravention of United nations resolutions and for the oppression of Palestinians is entirely justifiable and COULD be called antizionism if you want to put a label on it.

But it isn't racism and it isn't antisemitism in my book.
Those 4 - “The Squad “ inferring Nancy Pelosi is a racist - the anti-Semitic comments - the support for terrorist organizations - the unAmerican rhetoric - and just outright lies they spew are without a doubt the worst thing for your party - it’s unimaginable they were elected and I doubt they’ll get more than one term. If they are the face of your party now - you guys are TRULY fucked!!!!!!
You appear to be saying that it is ok to say you want these 'sent back' because they are lefties. True.

I've been accused on here for being anti American, but I'm not. So, I'm not sure I agree with your definition of anti americanism.