Politics, Politics, Politics

Trump Does not in any way shape or form of your twisted imagination control the media.
TwoBi, missing the point AGAIN ... he has HIS FOLLOWERS, like YOU, doubting the validity of the news as he continues lying and dividing.
OK, why don't you go look at the similarities of fascism and nationalism ... I can post those fascism notes all day.
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TwoBi, missing the point AGAIN ...

No Mac - what you said was completely incorrect. There wasn't a point being made. I corrected your false allegations how fascism uses the media.

I'll ask you AGAIN, show me ONE piece of legislation from Trump that supports your claims if racism, sexism, or Trump trying to change our government structure. Just 1
Here's what I found at RealClearPolitics:
What YOU found???? That's the EXACT same link I posted......Thanks for posting proof that you are 2719274 with your 36% and falling claim. Not one of the polls in this has Trump less than 42% approval and the graph as I showed from that web page clearly indicates his approval numbers have been increasing and disapproval decreasing.
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Hey guys!

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

Just read this whilst drinking a cup of tea and shaking my head in astonishment.

Impeach the racist now.
Another weekend, another “woke” comedy — this time Stuber — bites the box offices dust.
What, you mean Americans aren’t interesting in paying $12 for a lecture about the dangers of toxic masculinity?
Go on!
Rather than simply make us laugh, rather than have the decency and graciousness to show us a good time, according to its own stars, Stuber’s true purpose was to wag its finger at the left’s latest bogeymen… masculinity.
Yep, because the men who fight the wars and truck the products and extract the heating oil and unclog the toilets and keep our streets safe and deport the illegal aliens — they are the problem.

Hey guys!

“Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free.”

Just read this whilst drinking a cup of tea and shaking my head in astonishment.

Impeach the racist now.

K - will send all the illegals sneaking in to England - see how you like it.
******* on your tea. What has he done. That shows hes racist
Good grief, Allforthewifey, he just told 4 congress women to "go back from where they came" ... in the NEWS TODAY!
RACIST Donald Trump 2015 quote:
“When Mexico sends its people, they’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing *******. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists."​
Stereotyping a race of people is rasist, Allforthewifey. Agree or NOT?

Want to see plenty MORE ...
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He said they are sending there worst like cuba did he didn't say all Mexican
That's exactly what he SAID about the people coming to the US ... ALL OF THEM ... that is 'stereotyping'. And what he said is a racist remark. The one who chooses to read it the other way is simply in denial. Just keep taking up for your President ... personally, I'm 100% ashamed he represents the best we have as the #1 representative to the US.
That's exactly what he SAID about the people coming to the US ... ALL OF THEM ... that is 'stereotyping'. And what he said is a racist remark. The one who chooses to read it the other way is simply in denial. Just keep taking up for your President ... personally, I'm 100% ashamed he represents the best we have as the #1 representative to the US.
read again