Politics, Politics, Politics

No im a yankee test my pride you better runn and hide you ever had two friends argue stick your nose where it didn't belong and get your ass kicked for it thats an elementary school lesson.
No that never happened to me because I'd never stick my nose in where it didn't belong. Even if I did I wouldn't run.
Hey Mac, what percentage of your countrymen are as dim as these clowns?
Believe me when I say this ... approximately 36% and decreasing by the month. Trump's not picking UP followers, he's losing them, even Republicans like x-Republican speaker of the house Paul Ryan. Check that out in his new book.
Keep your faith in the USA ... we're due for a management shakeup in 2020.
I don't think I'll bother. You lot are too close to the Russians for my liking.
Trust me when I say ... NO we are NOT! KARMA is due to be served prior to the 2020 election. We totally expect Trump to encourage voter suppression and foreign country involvement in our 2020 election, however, I think both voters as well as voting polls will be a bit more prepared. This time it won't be a vote of "the less of two evils" ... it will be to get RID of President Dumbnuts.
I live real life
Really? Then please explain Trump's consistent lying and obstruction of justice ... are those Real or Fake?
How do you explain the Russian involvement in our election? Are you denying it happened, like Trump? Everyone else agrees it occurred. So, you either agree with Trump that it DID NOT happen, OR you agree it DID BUT did not involve Trump, right? So, what is your position THERE?
Believe me when I say this ... approximately 36% and decreasing by the month. Trump's not picking UP followers, he's losing them, even Republicans like x-Republican speaker of the house Paul Ryan. Check that out in his new book.
Keep your faith in the USA ... we're due for a management shakeup in 2020.
Of course here in reality land, Trump's approval numbers based on the average of numerous polls have been gradually improving and disapproval numbers gradually decreasing over the last two years....but hey, fact and reality....should have known you'd have it bass ackwards

President Trump Job Approval

Here's what I found at RealClearPolitics:

Job Approval on Economy | Job Approval on Foreign Policy | Congressional Job Approval | Direction of the Country

Polling Data
PollDateSampleApprove Disapprove Spread
RCP Average6/28 - 7/11--44.451.9-7.5
Rasmussen ReportsRasmussen7/9 - 7/111500 LV4652-6
The Hill/HarrisXThe Hill7/8 - 7/91001 RV4753-6
Reuters/IpsosReuters7/8 - 7/9971 RV4355-12
Economist/YouGovEconomist7/7 - 7/91140 RV4353-10
EmersonEmerson7/6 - 7/81100 RV4448-4
PPP (D)PPP (D)7/3 - 7/8604 RV4252-10
Politico/Morning ConsultPolitico6/29 - 7/11472 RV4353-10
ABC News/Wash PostABC/WP6/28 - 7/1875 RV4750-3
CNNCNN6/28 - 6/301466 RV4551-6
All President Trump Job Approval Polling Data
You see, this is one of the primary goals of a fascist dictator, make the people "doubt" the reliability of the press. To make the people think that the press is against him and keeping the "truth" that he spreads from reaching them. The only "Truth" is what Trump says is reliable, nothing else.
Actually that's incorrect - Mussolini, the grandfather of Fascism, used the media to glorify himself to the people. Mussolini controlled the media and only allowed the media to report good about himself and only bad things, even "Fake news" about his rivals (Hitler did the same). Again I will suggest you watch the documentary I suggested a couple times before already, you will find more similarities to Obama than to Trump. You do know what Mussolini was before his fascism - he was a Socialist.
Mussolini, the grandfather of Fascism, used the media to glorify himself to the people. Mussolini controlled the media and only allowed the media to report good about himself and only bad things, even "Fake news" about his rivals (Hitler did the same).
You're having to reach out there a bit to try to "argue" a point aren't you?
You say it YOURSELF ... he CONTROLLED the media. Suppress the bad news, promote the good news ... surely you can see similarity in what you and I posted? Maybe not when reaching to argue a point.

pic_political-FASCISMEarlySigns.jpg Surely you aren't going to argue with the Holocaust Memorial Museum, TwoBi?!

Now THINKING a minute ... what President has publicly announced himself a "nationalist"? What is the next step of radical nationalism??
I'm quite shocked by the lack of joined up thinking of some posters in here. They appear to be saying, "I'm doing well, so fuck the rest of you and I don't want to know the truth". If, and i hope I'm wrong, this is the attitude of the average American, then I'm not sure i like you and i no longer will believe that America is a ******* of good in the world. You seem, as a nation, to be turning in on yourselves and fuck everyone else.
How sad.

I don't see you handing the shirt off your back to anyone? Take in any refugees? Give your left nut?
No we are not only "thinking of ourselves" We do our share of good will, but we aren't going to cut off our nose to spite the face.
You fall for the media hype.
You say it YOURSELF ... he CONTROLLED the media. Suppress the bad news, promote the good news ... surely you can see similarity in what you and I posted? Maybe not when reaching to argue a point.

Yes, MUSSOLINI controlled the media - Trump Does not in any way shape or form of your twisted imagination control the media. THINK mac THINK.
And again, that little meme you like to post is propaganda, Learn something
The poster was not an exhibit but instead was at one point available in the gift shop of the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum.
