Politics, Politics, Politics

Yeah - it’s hard to prove what you feel - confidence is back in the good ole USA mainly because we now have a President that is pushing our agenda worldwide and doing everything he can to stimulate and keep our economy roaring. Under Obama the feeling was the opposite at least for me.
As politely as a I can say your information sucks. The media sucks they lie.
Yep, it seems Trump's brainwashing has worked on you. You see, this is one of the primary goals of a fascist dictator, make the people "doubt" the reliability of the press. To make the people think that the press is against him and keeping the "truth" that he spreads from reaching them. The only "Truth" is what Trump says is reliable, nothing else.
Yet, the very one calling everything that speaks out against what he is doing is "fake news" ... only he, the Liar N Chief is who they should believe, right? The man who's a documented , habitual liar 8-10 times a day?
The real news sources are responsible for providing truthful news. If they get it wrong, its not because then intentionally got it wrong to mislead, as Trump so often does every day of the week. Its because THEY are competing with other news sources to be the FIRST on the press with that news. If they get it wrong, they often do corrections/retractions ... does TRUMP do corrections/retractions when its proven HE is wrong? I've never seen ONE.
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Yep, it seems Trump's brainwashing has worked on you. You see, this is one of the primary goals of a fascist dictator, make the people "doubt" the reliability of the press. To make the people think that the press is against him and keeping the "truth" that he spreads from reaching them. The only "Truth" is what Trump says is reliable, nothing else.
Yet, the very one calling everything that speaks out against what he is doing is "fake news" ... only he, the Liar N Chief is who they should believe, right? The man who's a documented , habitual liar 8-10 times a day?
The real news sources are responsible for providing truthful news. If they get it wrong, its not because then intentionally got it wrong to mislead, as Trump so often does every day of the week. Its because THEY are competing with other news sources to be the FIRST on the press with that news. If they get it wrong, they often do corrections/retractions ... does TRUMP do corrections/retractions when its proven HE is wrong? I've never seen ONE.
I live real life
I'm quite shocked by the lack of joined up thinking of some posters in here. They appear to be saying, "I'm doing well, so fuck the rest of you and I don't want to know the truth". If, and i hope I'm wrong, this is the attitude of the average American, then I'm not sure i like you and i no longer will believe that America is a ******* of good in the world. You seem, as a nation, to be turning in on yourselves and fuck everyone else.
How sad.
I'm quite shocked by the lack of joined up thinking of some posters in here. They appear to be saying, "I'm doing well, so fuck the rest of you and I don't want to know the truth". If, and i hope I'm wrong, this is the attitude of the average American, then I'm not sure i like you and i no longer will believe that America is a ******* of good in the world. You seem, as a nation, to be turning in on yourselves and fuck everyone else.
How sad.

I think it’s more we believe what we feel and see going on around us - rather than - believing the liberal pablum fed daily to us by the totally biased media which for over 2 years tried to convince us that Trump was guilty of “collusion” and thus - to a reasonable person - totally destroyed their credibility.
I'm quite shocked by the lack of joined up thinking of some posters in here. They appear to be saying, "I'm doing well, so fuck the rest of you and I don't want to know the truth". If, and i hope I'm wrong, this is the attitude of the average American, then I'm not sure i like you and i no longer will believe that America is a ******* of good in the world. You seem, as a nation, to be turning in on yourselves and fuck everyone else.
How sad.
I've been trying not to but go fuck yourself
No im a yankee test my pride you better runn and hide you ever had two friends argue stick your nose where it didn't belong and get your ass kicked for it thats an elementary school lesson.