Politics, Politics, Politics

The whole political mess is a trick bag. They have all of us hating on each other, pontificating, analyzing, pointing fingers and calling each other names. And then they use us as pawns when they want to start a protest or highlight an issue. They twist the facts and do a little photoshop on pictures and video...next thing you know, everyone is arguing on social media. Do you notice how every time an issue dies down they find some way to stir it up, or they go to a new issue to stir that up? And nobody is innocent. If it's not one party, it's the other. This thread started with people complaining that Obama was being blamed by the "other guys" for every bad thing that was happening. It has evolved to Trump being responsible for all the atrocities! You guys are on page 760. GO GET YOUR WIFE SOME FLOWERS! nuff' said... :) #yougottaloveme
Yeah - insult my President and impugn my country - I can get REALLY rude - no apologies
Actually, Subby makes some good points and observations, blkdlaur. I mean, if it was just ONE of our allies, you would maybe have a point, but Trump seems to like circling the globe of our allies, pissing everyone of them off ... Canada, Australia, Japan, Mexico, you name 'em, he's pissed them off, yet loves hanging out with our adversaries and even giving them highly classified information about OUR country. In the meantime he can't seem to keep a solid administration, and they and his "friends" he's hung out with in the past, continue being indicted, arrested, and going to jail. He has absolutely NO integrity about himself, and constantly lies and blames others for his fuck ups. Yet you loyalists continue to stick by our Divider N Chief. Subby has a very valied point.
I can certainly see how you would feel that way with the torrent of adverse press the MSM pours out - however - after 2 years of pushing Russia collusion to no end and nothing - I choose not to believe them. I’d rather have a President that pushes the USA agenda and pisses off allies - than one like Obama that was constantly apologizing for us.
after 2 years of pushing Russia collusion to no end and nothing - I choose not to believe them.
If you haven't noticed, Trump keeps a layer of "guinea pigs " between himself and whoever he's associating with ... always "someone else". You easily forget the highly classified info he shared with the Russians at the Trump Tower and the 2-3 private meetings with MrPutin ... ALL with no other American associates present. And he CONTINUES doing just that, so you have no idea whether he's colluding with the Russians or not. All you have is HIS WORD ... this from someone who tells lies 7-10 times A DAY. And, you can't deny he publicly ASKED the Russians to find dirt on Hillary. We know he's openly obstructed investigations ... we know he has almost a dozen lawsuits against him now. Yet, the Republicans remain "silent". We know he's cheated on all three of his wives ... that he likes "younger women" ... etc. If this is the kind of president you like, it tells a lot about you as well, sorry to say.
If you haven't noticed, Trump keeps a layer of "guinea pigs " between himself and whoever he's associating with ... always "someone else". You easily forget the highly classified info he shared with the Russians at the Trump Tower and the 2-3 private meetings with MrPutin ... ALL with no other American associates present. And he CONTINUES doing just that, so you have no idea whether he's colluding with the Russians or not. All you have is HIS WORD ... this from someone who tells lies 7-10 times A DAY. And, you can't deny he publicly ASKED the Russians to find dirt on Hillary. We know he's openly obstructed investigations ... we know he has almost a dozen lawsuits against him now. Yet, the Republicans remain "silent". We know he's cheated on all three of his wives ... that he likes "younger women" ... etc. If this is the kind of president you like, it tells a lot about you as well, sorry to say.

Yeah according to the MSM and you and Subhub - Trump is THE ROOT of ALL EVIL -
I think not - believe died in the wool lefties LUV to eat up the propaganda the biased MSM dishes out - I on the other hand reject it - after pushing their RUSSIA - RUSSIA - RUSSIA narrative for 2 solid years and being undone by Mueller - you and they still rag on whining about our President - patriotism on the left is dead - beginning to believe - thought I really don’t want to that the left is becoming unAmerican - most of your current candidates are commies with socialist agenda - all a power grab and your whining about our President is incessant and grating - trust me if you believe NOTHING else I say - NOBODY LIKES A WHINER!!!!!
Not criticising America at all. A fantastic and wonderful country, full of lovely folks.
But your president is a complete tosser.

Yeah well half the population including me thinks he’s doing a good job - you insult his supporters that make up half the population of this “wonderful country” seems to me your insulting my country - tosser my ass
RECORD-BREAKING RESULTS: Under President Donald J. Trump, economic opportunity is soaring and unemployment is dropping for African Americans.

  • This year, African-American unemployment fell to a record low of 5.9 percent.
  • Total African-American employment has increased by 976,000 since President Trump’s election and stands at a record high.
  • The poverty rate for African Americans reached its lowest level on record in 2017.
Look, I know you guys think I'm this disrespectful limey, who is bad- mouthing your country, but I'm not ok.
I'm trying to give you the outside of the US perspective and my views are echoed with most people outside of the US as far as I can gather.
The use of statistics to bolster arguments is fraught with holes. I can see from the pasted chunks of texts and you tube clips on this thread that it is almost impossible to get a balanced view on things. Not only that, but I'm guessing that almost nobody really studies the offerings put up here from the enemy camp, so to speak.
Give a minute to read what I think looks like quite an impartial take on the state of the economy in the US and the claims made by trump recently.
Please think of me as an honest broker, albeit a passionate one, who is genuinely concerned that there is a form of mass delusion happening in the states right now and I'm trying to shed some light on it.

As politely as a I can say your information sucks. The media sucks they lie. I tell you what I see and you blow it off because im not a media source . Go Trump. THERE IS FAR MORE PEOPLE AROUND GLOBE THAT LIKE TRUMP THEN YOU CARE TO KNOW