Politics, Politics, Politics

Think the only thing here that is a joke is you. More empty words without any back up. Same question - Besides attitudes, what has changed?
No real point trying to have any intelligent discourse with him. His modus operandi is so simple and obvious. He lacks the ability to knowledgeably debate so he just acts as if he knows something but is conveniently above discussing. Pin him down and you'll soon be a "dumbass" or told to "go fuck yourself"...reminiscent of a 10 year old
We are anarchists, no, that doesn t mean leather jackets and Molotov cocktails and punk music. It simply means I don't believe people need to be governed by another person's rule. Take care of your own self, and I realize what works for one may not necessarily work for another. Not everyone owns a house and land in the country to live their chosen life, nor would all of you choose this life.
No real point trying to have any intelligent discourse with him. His modus operandi is so simple and obvious. He lacks the ability to knowledgeably debate so he just acts as if he knows something but is conveniently above discussing. Pin him down and you'll soon be a "dumbass" or told to "go fuck yourself"...reminiscent of a 10 year old
Lol. You don't debate nor have intelligent discourse. But you are correct on one point. I am above trying to explain complex concepts to someone that responds with "we pay back in dollars". Ask a thoughtful question in a respectful manner and you will get an answer. You won't like it but you will get it.

And comedy gold that you call anyone a ten year old. Demo Crap? Obummer? At least I use adult words while you use infantile nicknames.
Lol. You don't debate nor have intelligent discourse. But you are correct on one point. I am above trying to explain complex concepts to someone that responds with "we pay back in dollars". Ask a thoughtful question in a respectful manner and you will get an answer. You won't like it but you will get it.
Yes I do debate as is evident in numerous posts over many years. My post that started this contained actual thoughts and concepts to explain and support my statement along with a supporting link. On the contrary, your elementary school playground reply was essentially "nuh uh"

Demo Crap? Obummer? At least I use adult words while you use infantile nicknames.
Yes I do debate as is evident in numerous posts over many years. My post that started this contained actual thoughts and concepts to explain and support my statement along with a supporting link. On the contrary, your elementary school playground reply was essentially "nuh uh"

That is no debate. You make a ridiculous, uniformed statement and then expect me to take time to answer. Why would I? If you don't even know the basics of the debate topic, there is no point in pursuing it further. If you think Debt to GDP is a meaningless metric regarding debt because "we pay back in dollars", it demonstrates you lack the basic knowledge to have the conversation. Now, when the topic shifts elsewhere and you show a rudimentary understanding of the topic, I will be more than happy to engage you, if you have matured by that time. Until then I will just laugh at your inane posts.
That is no debate. You make a ridiculous, uniformed statement and then expect me to take time to answer. Why would I? If you don't even know the basics of the debate topic, there is no point in pursuing it further. If you think Debt to GDP is a meaningless metric regarding debt because "we pay back in dollars", it demonstrates you lack the basic knowledge to have the conversation. Now, when the topic shifts elsewhere and you show a rudimentary understanding of the topic, I will be more than happy to engage you, if you have matured by that time. Until then I will just laugh at your inane posts.
Thank you....Res Ipsa loquitur
Most presidents would probably be upset by what Sir Kim Darroch said, but the difference is this guy reacts like a kid. He calls him stupid, he says he doesn't want to talk to him any more and he basically reacts like the thin-skinned narcissist that he is. I have never heard a British diplomat refer to a US president in these terms. I mean, they're diplomats, so they're diplomatic, usually. Things must be pretty fucked up in the Whitehouse for an ambassador to talk like he did.

Yeah - well your Sir Kim Darroch is walking down the street scratching his arse kicking a beer can and wondering how he got there now. Trump is still in the Whitehouse ;}
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Yeah - well your Sir Kim Darroch is walking down the street scratching his arse kicking a beer can and wondering how he got there now. Trump is still in the Whitehouse ;}

he hit the nail on the head with his comments....just that may is on her way out anyway...let the new guy appoint whomever he wants...….won't change the status of the whitehouse….or the opinion of most other countries

he was just stating facts......trump is the one crying boo hoo he is picking on me...and started name calling like any other 5 year old
Trump still has his position - ole Sir Kim got sacked. Pretty clear who won that one.
Well he was due to retire in a few months anyway, but it is sad when a guy with some years' experience fighting Islamic extremism alongside Britain's allies and many years of distinguished service for his country is compromised by a sneak and publicly rebuked by a daddy's little boy who was offended by criticism.
Thin skinned doesn't begin to describe your commander in chief.
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President Trump is still President - ole Sir Kim is ex Ambassador - I rest my case. Some in Britain apparently have some smarts ;}
In this country we have a saying “you fuck with the bull you get the horns”.
President Trump is still President - ole Sir Kim is ex Ambassador - I rest my case. Some in Britain apparently have some smarts ;}
In this country we have a saying “you fuck with the bull you get the horns”.
'Got the horns'? He resigned because his position became untenable. It is like the myriad other good people who have left their jobs, because they could not work under your cockwomble in chief.