Politics, Politics, Politics

U.S. has lost sight of cash from $70 billion sent to ...
Jul 20, 2011 · U.S. has lost sight of cash from $70 billion sent to Afghanistan: Inspector General. That assertion may not surprise reporters who have tracked wartime money. In Iraq, $6 billion held by U.S. banks went missing after it was returned to Iraq as pallets of cash.

funny how the right always seems to forget what a republican president does...….and yet lie and stretch the truth on something a Democrat does....why is that?
Gee, that article (dated July 20, 2011) says over ten years ... I didn't know Obama was president back in those years; I thought "GW" was president. But, H-H blames Obama, and H_H is NEVER WRONG, so it must of been Obama's fault.
Right, H-H? Or is THAT just "fake news"? Closer to home, maybe we should bring up the BILLIONS unaccounted for by the Pentagon, what you think?
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All they DO is WHINE !!!!!
Whining isn't a crime, blklaur, but lying under oath, using money donations from a charity and campaign fund for PERSONAL USE , aiding and sharing highly classified information with an adversarial country, etc ARE ... and THAT'S what we're pissed about. A corrupt president that's being aided/covered for by House & Senate Republicans, a hand selected AG, and now even a SCOTUS.
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Gee, that article (dated July 20, 2011) says over ten years ... I didn't know Obama was president back in those years; I thought "GW" was president. But, H-H blames Obama, and H_H is NEVER WRONG, so it must of been Obama's fault.
Ahhh yes, the good ole MacnLies strawman argument. I have NEVER said GW did not send cash to Iraq. I have never blamed Obummer for it either. I did point out your hypocrisy of getting all wound up about a few million spent by Trump on a 4th of July parade when you never cared a peep about Obummer flying palletloads of cash to Iran. One would think as much as you attempt these strawman arguments you wouldn't be so bad at them....
Self-important liberals are the biggest waste of humanity ever created - they think they know everything and are better than everyone else - when in reality they are the biggest dipshits on the planet - you are a perfect example
Look, your president is an idiot. The whole world can see it, but there's a collective blindness in the US. You will look back on this episode in your history and cringe.
I think NOT. Your opinion in any case has zero value as you can not vote in our election - with your own country in such turmoil it brings to mind a quote in the Bible “cast the beam from your own eye before you attempt to remove the splinter from your neighbor’s”.
I think NOT. Your opinion in any case has zero value as you can not vote in our election - with your own country in such turmoil it brings to mind a quote in the Bible “cast the beam from your own eye before you attempt to remove the splinter from your neighbor’s”.
Don't talk crap. I just told you that your president is a halfwit and only halfwits must vote for him. I stand by that statement. My country is not in turmoil, thanks. We'll be just fine and 1000 years of history illustrates that. We were a strong country before the EU and will continue to be after the dust settles.
Your president doesn't even know the history of his own country. How is one expected to learn from the mistakes of history if one is ignorant of even the basic details? You need to ditch him quickly because your country is losing credibility and influence.
Our countries are allies and our people from the same stock, and so it would be negligent of me to give my opinion.
You won't listen though, because you believe that anybody who can run a business can run a country. That's nonsense.
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Brits opinions of the USA became irrelevant
243 years ago ;}
Thanks anyways - this president cares about what we think - not what you think - I like it that way
He cares about number 1, that's all. He doesn't give a flying fuck about you.

And neither has any president before him and any president after - so whats your point? Since you know all about the US, tell me whats different between now and 40 years ago? Other than the bigotry wedge that the left keeps hammering in, has anything really changed? Poverty hasn't substantially decreased or increased ( except in democratically controlled cities like LA), The middle class still struggles, Unemployment predictably fluctuates, and the top 1% remains in control. Until we get rid of the party line mentality, the left will continue to dangle those carrots and the right will continue to cater to the rich.
And neither has any president before him and any president after - so whats your point? Since you know all about the US, tell me whats different between now and 40 years ago? Other than the bigotry wedge that the left keeps hammering in, has anything really changed? Poverty hasn't substantially decreased or increased ( except in democratically controlled cities like LA), The middle class still struggles, Unemployment predictably fluctuates, and the top 1% remains in control. Until we get rid of the party line mentality, the left will continue to dangle those carrots and the right will continue to cater to the rich.
I don't know everything about politics, but I know an idiot when I see one. And he absolutely is an idiot.
Per the latest poll...."“It looks like Trump was a winner from the Democratic debate, as his head-to-heads tightened by about 5 points against all the leading Democratic candidates.”

well there...….wrong again!
the brits just told what they think of YOUR pres last week.....and the chump is mad
Most presidents would probably be upset by what Sir Kim Darroch said, but the difference is this guy reacts like a kid. He calls him stupid, he says he doesn't want to talk to him any more and he basically reacts like the thin-skinned narcissist that he is. I have never heard a British diplomat refer to a US president in these terms. I mean, they're diplomats, so they're diplomatic, usually. Things must be pretty fucked up in the Whitehouse for an ambassador to talk like he did.