Politics, Politics, Politics

I watched the speech and fly overs - liked it - no politics - just a tribute to our military including all branches - tastefully done.
Never said there wasn't a "speech", and never said there was no "fly overs" .... what I did SAY was there was NO HUGE parade of tanks, etc
Surely you know the difference.
I liked when he said it would happen and then made it happened he follows thru Go Trump
Hummm like he did Health Care? Like he did Middle Class tax cuts? Like he said de-nuclearization of Iran & N Korea? Like he did deleting the deficit spending and paying DOWN the national debt?
Good grief folks, you're EAT UP trying to make a meal out of ******* sandwiches.
He's only done ONE THING since taking the Presidency, besides enhancing his own wealth, and that is appointing two POTUS, one of which was Obama's POTUS that McConnell refused to allow interviews. That and his exextuve orders is about it for Trump & his 10 lies a day.
Crowd on the mall yesterday for Trump's 4th of July address:
View attachment 2703339

"Crowd" on the national mall yesterday for the Trump inflatable "baby" protest:

View attachment 2703347
View attachment 2703348
View attachment 2703349

Was this the rally where trump described the war of independence? You know, where he said that the American army occupied the airfields, well over a hundred years before the first powered flight ?

Your president is an imbecile and you follow him lolol (-:
Was this the rally where trump described the war of independence? You know, where he said that the American army occupied the airfields, well over a hundred years before the first powered flight ?
Yup, the same president that referenced the parade of the NEW SHERMAN TANKS! gif_Yellowball-happy.gif
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The sad thing is, just like everything else that Trump does, if its not specifically for HIM, its all "photo-op" stuff. He could care less about the military, or the poor, or the environment, or anything else not directly tied to him.
And the really scary thing is, he has a better relationship with our adversaries than he does with our own allies ... and its the same with THEM.
Trump wouldn't know an army tank from a halftrack if he saw one¿ ☼
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what I did SAY was there was NO HUGE parade of tanks, etc
Surely you know the difference.
Surely you know there wasn't going to be a parade of tanks....it was announced days ahead of time the tanks would only be static displays....even on your Communist News Network. Oh that's right....facts and reality.....

Surely you know there wasn't going to be a parade of tanks....it was announced days ahead of time the tanks would only be static displays....even on your Communist News Network.
Trump specifically referred to the Sherman tanks as the "NEW" Sherman Tanks" ... dildo breath. And the HUGE military parade??? ... no frik'n coverage.

Is being on HERE count the same as JOB HUNTING, h-h? Are you receiving unemployment as you play on the net? LOL
Trump specifically referred to the Sherman tanks as the "NEW" Sherman Tanks" ... dildo breath. And the HUGE military parade??? ... no frik'n coverage.

Is being on HERE count the same as JOB HUNTING, h-h? Are you receiving unemployment as you play on the net? LOL
Another MacNLies straw man argument to deflect.....I was commenting on your statement:

"What I did SAY was there was NO HUGE parade of tanks, etc Surely you know the difference."
Another MacNLies straw man argument to deflect.....I was commenting on your statement:
Obviously you have NOTHING to do today. The discussion was about the parade and the reference to NEW Sherman tanks.
Listen up, dickhead, go "fuckoff" somewhere else. I don't need your annoyances today ... find someone else to irritate.
Obviously you have NOTHING to do today. The discussion was about the parade and the reference to NEW Sherman tanks.
Listen up, dickhead, go "fuckoff" somewhere else. I don't need your annoyances today ... find someone else to irritate.
Bullshit! You brought up tanks in post 15111. You then spoke of NO huge parade of tanks in post 15116, which is the post I quoted and commented on. Sherman didn't come up until post 15121. But again, fact and reality.....what's it like inside your fantasy land today????
Was this the rally where trump described the war of independence? You know, where he said that the American army occupied the airfields, well over a hundred years before the first powered flight ?

Your president is an imbecile and you follow him lolol (-:
how'd your side make out that time
If there where tanks rolling down hot asphalt we would need new roads. We save those parades for other countries
Oh gee, for a minute there, I thought you were going to say new infra-structure, but, that again is something President Dump promised and has done nothing with YET ... sorry. Parks, ******* locked up in cages, bridges & roads ... screw them, we need a BIG PARADE! Yup, priorities!
Oh gee, for a minute there, I thought you were going to say new infra-structure, but, that again is something President Dump promised and has done nothing with YET ... sorry. Parks, ******* locked up in cages, bridges & roads ... screw them, we need a BIG PARADE! Yup, priorities!
Parks, ******* locked up in cages, bridges & roads.....screw them, we need to fly pallet loads of cash to Iran. Priorities!
Parks, ******* locked up in cages, bridges & roads.....screw them, we need to fly pallet loads of cash to Iran. Priorities!

U.S. has lost sight of cash from $70 billion sent to ...
Jul 20, 2011 · U.S. has lost sight of cash from $70 billion sent to Afghanistan: Inspector General. That assertion may not surprise reporters who have tracked wartime money. In Iraq, $6 billion held by U.S. banks went missing after it was returned to Iraq as pallets of cash.

$1.7-billion payment to Iran was all in cash due to ...
The Obama administration is acknowledging its transfer of $1.7 billion to Iran earlier this year was made entirely in cash, using non-U.S. currency, as Republican critics of the transaction ...
  • Author: Associated Press

funny how the right always seems to forget what a republican president does...….and yet lie and stretch the truth on something a Democrat does....why is that?
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