Politics, Politics, Politics

Glad to see you've come around to support Trump's repeal and replace of Obummercare....maybe with your new found backing, the democraps in the Senate won't block the replacement that the House passed last congress.
That's Repeal & Replace Trump "dumpling cheeks!
Crowd on the mall yesterday for Trump's 4th of July address:

"Crowd" on the national mall yesterday for the Trump inflatable "baby" protest:


President Trump’s “Salute to America” was a patriotic celebration of our military including all branches and was beautifully done IMHO.
President Trump’s “Salute to America” was a patriotic celebration of our military including all branches and was beautifully done IMHO.
Give us a brake, blkdlaur, that parade was NOTHING but an attempted boost to Trump's humongous EGO, and you know it. The 3-time Vietnam draft dodger doesn't give one rat's ass about the military OTHER than thinking he controls it if he ever wished to turn the military ON the citizens. The day he sees himself being railroaded out of office, it wouldn't surprise me in the least if he did.
That said, it was a lot of money to spend on a parade that (in and of itself) didn't even marginally equal either the N Korean's, Chinese, or even the French. In fact, it was a big DUDE. No press on the parade at all. It was money that could have been used for the good of the people. The military parade simply "sucked" and you know it. The only press allowed on the internet are right-wing fake news saying how successful Trump's 4th Of July celebration was, but NOOOOO coverage of the military parade he bragged about. Any negative press has been taken off the internet, so there's hardly anything mentioned about a military parade.
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No brake for you - and that is absofuckinglutely no way for a “Republican “ to be talking about our President and his terrific parade ;}
No brake for you - and that is absofuckinglutely no way for a “Republican “ to be talking about our President and his terrific parade ;}
Listen up, its late, and I'm grouchy, so lighten up on that Trump - Republican crap.
Think about it, however, don't you think it odd that there has been NO NEWS on that military parade? Saw his speech, saw the fir works, saw the tanks parked on the sides of the road ... but not anything about the military parade.
I watched the speech and fly overs - liked it - no politics - just a tribute to our military including all branches - tastefully done.
Can see why you didn’t like it you guys don’t like anything that Trump is involved in - that’s too bad :{
Listen up, its late, and I'm grouchy, so lighten up on that Trump - Republican crap.
Think about it, however, don't you think it odd that there has been NO NEWS on that military parade? Saw his speech, saw the fir works, saw the tanks parked on the sides of the road ... but not anything about the military parade.

That should tell you how biased the media is Mac. Just think if Obama had a Military Parade. Viewer participation probably would have been required by law.

Just to note however, I think the money should have been left in Parks & Rec.