Politics, Politics, Politics

And yes, he points out Trumps bad Ideas too.

One interesting comment on the video, someone said "Stop questioning things and let the guy <Joe Biden> do his job."

If that's not the epitome of a Kool-Aid drinker, I don't know what is. Peaking of which, has the DNC told you guy which way to vote yet?
Tax hikes for the middle class! There's a winner!!!


It’s easy to campaign on tax hikes for Wall Street. It’s much harder to admit the middle class would be hit right along with it.

That's a double whammy on the middle class. Not only would we pay more in tax, but we would pay for the increase in wall street taxes also in the form of price inflation. Business basics 101 - if a Corporations operating expense increases, so does it's product or services. Humm what other tax hit the middle class twice. ... wait for it ... ACA!!