Politics, Politics, Politics

IRAN has needed a kick in the teeth for a long time

probably.....but we signed an agreement with them...….now it shows we don't honor our agreements and our words no good....don't blame Iran at all for stalling until after the election......might get someone with some kind of foreign policy …….as for needing a kick in the teeth.....we know they are in Iraq...yet we do nothing...and doing something there would have no repercussions......we know they are in Syria.....but trump wants to give all that to P u t I n ….there are a lot of ways we could kick their ass....and nothing said....but breaking an agreement that most of the world sign just makes us look like assholes
Shooting down our drone should throw out our treaty

the treaty was thrown out shortly after trump came into office......and doing nothing for shooting down the drone......nothing about russia and china playing thier games with boats and aircraft.....a big sign of weakness and i ran is just taking advantage of it...as will and have the others....yes something should be done......how about a major offensive in just Iraq where they are building up....alot of other things we could instead of a major attack on the country....which he caused to begin with
Like I said - just think if Trump had attacked and got us into a war with Iran - holy crap the left would have a Hay day. The left does nothing but BITCH about every war we have been in and blamed the right for it all. Now they WANT to be in a war. :unsure:
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Say a good one today, it read ...

"Trump should build the wall and then Fine everyone who doesn't like it $800.00.
You know, like Obama did with healthcare."
Except Obamacare was VOTED on in congress and approved ... why won't Trump do the same. Let Congress vote on it!
Iran SUCKS and is the cause of the deaths of hundreds of Americans - sounds to me like YOU’RE in the WRONG country!!!!!!!
And America is responsible for millions of deaths in many countries sounds like I’m using my 1st Amendment right and your right dumpland is the wrong country to be in at the moment (new president coming in 2020)
Take the Girl Scouts 3 or 4 days maybe - no need to mobilize the Boy Scouts - exercise your 1st Amendment right all ya want but anyone living in America that supports Iran and it’s killing of American soldiers can go straight to HELL!!!!