Politics, Politics, Politics

and speaking of piss poor presidents...….this one lets Russia and China push us around in the air and in the ocean....does nor says anything...….tries real hard to start a war with Iran......Iran spits in his eye....and he blinks.....what a puss

that must be those "balls" the trumptards talk about
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If he’d of bombed Iran you woulda bitched about that - nothing he could do you wouldn’t criticize - in fact that’s all the left does is WHINE - so sick of whining liberals - you people never shut up or stop whining :|
If he’d of bombed Iran you woulda bitched about that - nothing he could do you wouldn’t criticize - in fact that’s all the left does is WHINE - so sick of whining liberals - you people never shut up or stop whining :|

told you before there is no h in winning
BUT since you mentioned it....he has pushed and pushed and ****** Iran in a corner so something could happen......it does and he runs!.....is that those balls you were talking about earlier?

just more proof Cpt. Bonespurs is in over his head with foreign policy!
and when was the last time you saw our allies NOT side with us?....can't believe the guy so gets NO support anywhere

he should have just kept his mouth shut and left things alone....the rest of the world didn't see it like he did....and did not back him because of it....he gets what he wants......and has no idea what to do
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If he’d of bombed Iran you woulda bitched about that - nothing he could do you wouldn’t criticize - in fact that’s all the left does is WHINE - so sick of whining liberals - you people never shut up or stop whining :|
For one thing, the fact the "Bully-N-Chief decided to NOT attack Iran was a good thing. Most all liberals will agree to that. We also agree that his decision wasn't one of HIS OWN. Probably Fox News suggested it. I believe you're getting your parties mixed up, "bub" ... Trump & Republicans love to start wars, they just don't personally want themselves or their families participating.
Second, IF you are so SICK of the so-called whining liberals, you know where the IGNORE button is ... use the fucking thing. I, for one, am tired of your continual non-factual, pointless, sarcastic posts and would appreciate a reprieve from them. Why don't you join h-h in finding a job, or help him find his wife.
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Hillary testifying what 11 hours in front of the Senate.....and nothing.
You dolts just can't learn can you? As I've schooled Mac many times now, they clearly caught Shrillary on perjury. Of course Obummer's DOJ refused to prosecute her and it was all quietly swept under the rug.

Here's the actual referral for perjury prosecution.


It is quite notable how you ignore the whole topic of your ignorance regarding the Lewinsky scandal.....deflect, deflect, deflect
Why don't you join h-h in finding a job, or help him find his wife.
Hmmm....slamming me in the third person....something you've often whined about on these forums when you were brought up. Hypocrisy on display.

Second, IF you are so SICK of the so-called whining liberals, you know where the IGNORE button is ... use the fucking thing. I, for one, am tired of your continual non-factual, pointless, sarcastic posts and would appreciate a reprieve from them.
If you want a reprieve from someone's posts, why don't YOU use the IGNORE button instead of trying to order people around??
You dolts just can't learn can you? As I've schooled Mac many times now, they clearly caught Shrillary on perjury. Of course Obummer's DOJ refused to prosecute her and it was all quietly swept under the rug.

Here's the actual referral for perjury prosecution.


It is quite notable how you ignore the whole topic of your ignorance regarding the Lewinsky scandal.....deflect, deflect, deflect
comes to facts …..I think you are trumps understudy!
Hmmm....slamming me in the third person....something you've often whined about on these forums when you were brought up. Hypocrisy on display.

If you want a reprieve from someone's posts, why don't YOU use the IGNORE button instead of trying to order people around??

because you are gullible and believe anything you are told......as in some of that bullshit you try to pass on