Politics, Politics, Politics

Oh yeah, Kennedy just happened to have TWO teleprompters in front of him, but he didn't read them.....RIGHT!!!
Well, as a matter of fact, that's probably right. They put those there "in case they need them" .... in Trump's case, it was quite obvious that he was reading his speech ... you could watch his eyes, plus, the idiot's a slow reader. Its probably the most reading the President has done in 10-15 years.
Left-Wing Politician Arrested over Incestuous baby Abuse Claims Found with Hoard of Nazi Memorabilia

Based upon the recent Trump tax cuts, the ones getting the "free stuff" are the corporations & richest Americans .... AGAIN! I know, I know, this time they WILL create new jobs .... right? Of course, once again, the national debt will sky rocket ... already the treasury is calling for raising the debt ceiling earlier than planned because they're running out of money due to .... guess what ... the TAX CUTS!
Well, as a matter of fact, that's probably right. They put those there "in case they need them" .... in Trump's case, it was quite obvious that he was reading his speech ... you could watch his eyes, plus, the idiot's a slow reader. Its probably the most reading the President has done in 10-15 years.
Kennedy was obviously reading the teleprompters. You can clearly see him swapping between the right and left screens and watch his eyes scanning the words. He rarely said more than a few words at a time while looking ahead. Of course you didn't notice that because you were too blind or biased to even realize he had them....despite them being in plain sight.

Based upon the recent Trump tax cuts, the ones getting the "free stuff" are the corporations & richest Americans .... AGAIN! I know, I know, this time they WILL create new jobs .... right? Of course, once again, the national debt will sky rocket ... already the treasury is calling for raising the debt ceiling earlier than planned because they're running out of money due to .... guess what ... the TAX CUTS!

I don't like that anymore than you do Mac, the difference is I don't like entitlements and handouts on either end.
Republicans are ‘complicit’ in Trump’s ‘American carnage’

In his inaugural address, President Trump thundered about “this American carnage” laying waste to the nation. One year later, his dystopian description is more apt for his administration. Three hundred and sixty-five days of sustained destruction of every norm and custom that made the United States the envy of the world and its president a global leader who commanded respect.

Last week, a friend of mine from New York marveled in exasperation at Trump’s ability to avoid being held accountable for laying waste to everything we thought we knew was acceptable or appropriate or legal. With eyes wide and mouth agape, he said, “He’s Teflon!” It was in that moment that I realized that my friend’s assessment was off. Trump isn’t Teflon. Republicans are complicit. By their silence or active participation, they are allowing an unaccountable Republican president to lay waste to America. This government #TrumpShutdown is simply a new form of their complicity.

Trump doesn’t know what he wants on any given policy, yet congressional Republicans thunder that Democrats are to blame for the first government shutdown in four years. How does that work? Republicans have been in control of the House since 2011. They increased their majority to historic levels in 2015, the same year they took control of the Senate. Now that they have had the White House for a year, they want to pin their inability to actually govern on Democrats? Chil’, please.

Because Democrats are demanding that Trump address right now the mess he created by rescinding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that protects from deportation law-abiding, vetted young people who were brought to this country as children, the president has responded with a scorched-earth ad that is a roiling stew of racism and xenophobia. The command to “stop illegal immigration now” is followed by “Democrats who stand in our way will be complicit in every ******* committed by illegal immigrants.” And with that, you know Trump isn’t interested in any kind of immigration deal that would garner Democratic votes. More telling is the complicit silence of the Republican Party that lives in fear of Trump and in thrall to those who cheer the vile bigotry that sluices from his mouth and Twitter feed.

No one is surprised by this complicity of silence anymore. Just last week, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.) were complicit in giving the president cover for his racist “shithole countries” insult. Those two walking moral vacuums dutifully marched out to say they didn’t hear it. Never mind that Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) gave multiple interviews detailing what happened and Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) confirmed the offense happened to Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.). Then White House officials told The Post that Cotton and Perdue privately said they heard “shithouse.” A distinction without a difference that simply confirms the walls of the Oval Office echoed with racism from the president of the United States.

After the GOP snatched control of the Senate from Democrats in the 2014 midterm elections, then-incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) was filled with hope. His plan was to show the American people that they were right to entrust the GOP with leadership of both houses of Congress. “I don’t want the American people to think that if they add a Republican president to a Republican Congress, that’s going to be a scary outcome,” McConnell said. “I want the American people to be comfortable with the fact that the Republican House and Senate is a responsible, right-of-center, governing majority.”

What an epic failure.
You are without - ANY doubt - the perfect example of Trump derangement syndrome !!!
Pennsylvania GOP leader tells state supreme court he will ignore its anti-gerrymandering order

In an audacious move by a political leader who could potentially be held in contempt of court, Pennsylvania Senate President pro tempore Joseph Scarnati (R) informed the state supreme court on Wednesday that he will openly defy one of the court's recent orders in a gerrymandering case. On January ...
You are without - ANY doubt - the perfect example of Trump derangement syndrome !!!

I will take that as a compliment.....I think the ass should be tried for treason!
that's just a start!...he is destroying this country from within....just like daddy P u t I n wants him to

Nixon was impeached on far less than what Trump is doing/done....but trump is putting money in the 1% pockets so it's ok
most even know they have pushed things to far......and are just going to take the money and run knowing their re-election is probably toast!
it's the way of the right....me...fuck the country!
and that is not even going into anything he is doing to destroy the country...like the pipeline...coal...water....national monuments and land.....you can't see the guy is in it just for himself and his rich friends.....can you mention one thing...just one...he has done for you or the good of the country?
NOTHING........you just like going against the grain and supporting an asshole

let's just take coal for one.....coal will never make a real comeback.....but he did away with the reg.s on coal so they can start again....killed aca which was taking care of the health of most of them with black lung....deaths are up what almost 20%...but the coal mine owners are happy.......that part of the country was hurting for jobs...anyone with half a brain...and he is supposedly a job creator....could have re-located a manuf. comp to that area...gave them jobs and etc.. but then again look what he did for carrier...huge tax breaks and etc to the cost of the taxpayer...and jobs still going to Mexico...yes he is so good for jobs
won't even go into the pipeline...that already leaks and dumped how many gallons of oil on good farm land
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You are without - ANY doubt - the perfect example of Trump derangement syndrome !!!

more of your man doing what is right for the country?.....tell me again what he is doing good for us?

White House seeking to slash renewable energy research: report

The Trump administration will ask Congress to cut funding for clean energy and energy efficiency programs by 72 percent in this year's budget, according to a report in the Washington Post, underscoring its preference for fossil fuels.
The Post said it had obtained draft documents that outlined the administration's starting point for negotiations for the 2018 budget, set to be unveiled in February.
Congress, which is ultimately tasked with deciding appropriations, could push back -- but the documents signal the White House's policy priorities, the newspaper said.
President Donald Trump has focused heavily on prioritizing the extraction of fossil fuels and their export around the world, especially the coal sector, which has long been in decline.
the whole world trying to get away from fossil fuels and coal....but not the US.....our leader is focusing on getting more money in big oils' pockets again...putting the mines going again...putting that smog in the air while killing the people mining it

Mmmmm he is trying to take us back 100 years
I will take that as a compliment.....I think the ass should be tried for treason!
that's just a start!...he is destroying this country from within....just like daddy P u t I n wants him to

Nixon was impeached on far less than what Trump is doing/done....but trump is putting money in the 1% pockets so it's ok
most even know they have pushed things to far......and are just going to take the money and run knowing their re-election is probably toast!
it's the way of the right....me...fuck the country!
and that is not even going into anything he is doing to destroy the country...like the pipeline...coal...water....national monuments and land.....you can't see the guy is in it just for himself and his rich friends.....can you mention one thing...just one...he has done for you or the good of the country?
NOTHING........you just like going against the grain and supporting an asshole

let's just take coal for one.....coal will never make a real comeback.....but he did away with the reg.s on coal so they can start again....killed aca which was taking care of the health of most of them with black lung....deaths are up what almost 20%...but the coal mine owners are happy.......that part of the country was hurting for jobs...anyone with half a brain...and he is supposedly a job creator....could have re-located a manuf. comp to that area...gave them jobs and etc.. but then again look what he did for carrier...huge tax breaks and etc to the cost of the taxpayer...and jobs still going to Mexico...yes he is so good for jobs
won't even go into the pipeline...that already leaks and dumped how many gallons of oil on good farm land
Thank you for so eloquently making my case for me - I knew you would take that as a compliment.
Do you consider Social Security an entitlement?

Define entitlement -

If SSI is used the way it is supposed to be, than the person who paid in is indeed "entitled" to received benefits, much like a 401.
What I don't agree with is the government using that money for things it is not supposed to be used for, always borrowing on it.
I am indifferent to SSI. it has good things and it can be abused, the abuse needs to be targeted. It can really help those who can no longer work. If you have made it to age 70 and you have contributed to society all your life the best that you could, then you should be entitled to receive the money you paid in with interest. On the same token - I could invest that money myself instead of giving it to the government and have a higher return. I wouldn't be opposed to it being voluntary.

Entitlements I am talking about are basically the handouts. We have a welfare structure that is designed to keep you poor. I have no problem with helping other get back on their feet or helping the disabled and elderly. What I have a problem with generational welfare families and system set up to prevent them from succeeding. On the flip side, giving money to mega corps is just retarded. The system is designed to keep the Huge corporations monopolized and lets the small business struggle, much in the same manner that the rich stay rich and the poor stay poor.