Politics, Politics, Politics

Oh, ok ... so you are here to blame & accuse, not to contribute ideas and info to the forum? Typical conservative ... not here to be proactive ... here to annoy.
Sorry ... I'll try not to address you again, if possible ... guess you will remain bumfuzzeled.
Trump derangement syndrome is becoming soooooooooooooooo
tiresome :{
....Well, I don't know about other liberals, but THIS liberal is majorly concerned with the Russian's interference in our voting system and the fact that the Republicans aren't the least bit concerned about it. I'm concerned that corporations & individuals can hold their private donations of millions and billions to a political party and/or politician as collateral to sway his/her vote vs the desire of the people. I'm also concerned with the fact that either party can gerrymander a state in such a way that only 30% of the incumbents have an adversary challenger to run against, and that minorities are bunched into about 4-5 districts in the state. Republicans don't seem to be concerned about that either.
....Whether voters realize it or not, our Voting Rights are being diminished slowly but surely. Imagine an individual with the temperament and integrity of Donald Trump becoming a dictator ... never challenged? Me neither!
Oh, ok ... so you are here to blame & accuse, not to contribute ideas and info to the forum? Typical conservative ... not here to be proactive ... here to annoy.
Sorry ... I'll try not to address you again, if possible ... guess you will remain bumfuzzeled.
Oh, ok ... so you are here to blame & accuse, not to contribute ideas and info to the forum? Typical conservative ... not here to be proactive ... here to annoy.
Sorry ... I'll try not to address you again, if possible ... guess you will remain bumfuzzeled.
Blame and accuse seems to be the purview of the liberal - if you want to label me a conservative so be it - I have never considered myself one - but you probably know better than I. Liberals annoy me these days - I realize that any view contrary to yours is annoying to you. What I have to say is mostly my opinion - I try to insult no one - but as long as this remains a free country - people are entitled to voice their opinions on politics whether you happen to agree with them or not.
but as long as this remains a free country - people are entitled to voice their opinions on politics whether you happen to agree with them or not.

And that is one freedom Liberals are trying hard to squash. The "anti-bullies" want to bully others into submission - Ironic.
Someone mentioned that the Democratic party was highjacked by liberals, I think that statement was accurate. The Democratic party is no more the Democrats than the Republican party are the Republicans.

Well, I don't know about other liberals, but THIS liberal is majorly concerned with the Russian's interference in our voting system

We are all just as concerned Mac, however we operate on proof instead of speculation and assumptions. I've seen nothing concrete come of this mess and in fact it is starting to look like another Benghazi / Email server scandal. If there is something to it all, then they need ******* - or get off the pot. Otherwise it is just another he-said she-said point the finger coverup. Neither side is telling the truth from what I see.
We are all just as concerned Mac, however we operate on proof instead of speculation and assumptions. I've seen nothing concrete come of this mess
....This IS the President of the US ... its not like its a senator or house representative. They've already had several indictments, Trump has fired practically everyone but Mueller investigating him ... any bets on how much longer Mueller last? Trump is being investigated for a host of charges from various illegalities. He is obstructing, and has been obstructing, the investigation the entire year. He is a habitual liar, surely you don't deny that! Never came across with the tax returns ... lied about the infamous "wall" ... healthcare ... there's not enough ink here to cover all his lies and deceptions. I think the count on lies he's told since being President is over 2,000 documented. The man has mental issues.
....Guys, this man is corrupt ... way, way more so than anyone ever investigated. Mueller is doing exactly what he should, getting all the facts before committing Trump to questioning. Do YOU think Trump will ever go before Mueller? Surely you're not that naïve to think he will. Trumps doing what Trump always does to win ... cheating and lying his way through. Problem is, he isn't in the private sector anymore, and he just can't seem to understand that.
....If you guys are really "independent" of Trump, you'll want this man replaced azap ... let Pence take the job until 2020. If Trump stays in office, he's going to hurt a lot of innocent people.
....This IS the President of the US ... its not like its a senator or house representative. They've already had several indictments, Trump has fired practically everyone but Mueller investigating him ... any bets on how much longer Mueller last? Trump is being investigated for a host of charges from various illegalities. He is obstructing, and has been obstructing, the investigation the entire year. He is a habitual liar, surely you don't deny that! Never came across with the tax returns ... lied about the infamous "wall" ... healthcare ... there's not enough ink here to cover all his lies and deceptions. I think the count on lies he's told since being President is over 2,000 documented. The man has mental issues.
....Guys, this man is corrupt ... way, way more so than anyone ever investigated. Mueller is doing exactly what he should, getting all the facts before committing Trump to questioning. Do YOU think Trump will ever go before Mueller? Surely you're not that naïve to think he will. Trumps doing what Trump always does to win ... cheating and lying his way through. Problem is, he isn't in the private sector anymore, and he just can't seem to understand that.
....If you guys are really "independent" of Trump, you'll want this man replaced azap ... let Pence take the job until 2020. If Trump stays in office, he's going to hurt a lot of innocent people.
Totally respect your opinion - however - I don't agree - I believe impeachment is highly unlikely and the more that comes out the more it looks like the Obama administration weaponized and politicized the FBI much like he did with the IRS - time will tell who is right.
Being pro the elected president - does NOT make you anti American - but the contrary - makes you pro American - unlike rabid liberals that want to usurp the people's choice with propaganda.

you are some kind of a Russian "bot"....the guy is a Russian plant.....if nothing else under P u t I n control ( he controls Trumps purse strings)....as for the liberals wanting to usurp the people's choice......have you looked at any numbers lately or since the election.....he never won the popular vote for one....the majority of the country feels there is something with the Russian connection....if nothing else look at his popularity rating....he is even falling in the eyes of his supporters....except those just to blind to open their eyes
Obama administration weaponized and politicized the FBI much like he did with the IRS - time will tell who is right.
The Obama admin did make people aware of it and wanted to know more....but did very little so as to not panic voters....the Feds did what they are supposed to do...and couldn't do that without a judges ok to proceed.......so there must have been enough evidence for a judge to grant the feds to do what they did.....but our dictator in chief is firing anyone or discrediting anyone involved in the investigation...doing anything he can to hide the facts

trump may not go to jail......but I don't think Jr. and Kushner will be so lucky!
I Think Mueller's Days Are Numbered

If you were prone to do that, the sudden resignation, more than a month early, of Andrew McCabe from his post as Deputy Director of the FBI ought to shake you back into reality in one quick hurry. McCabe’s decision to abandon his post, when he could’ve simply stayed in it until March, is a signifying moment in what is rapidly becoming a constitutional crisis taking place almost entirely within the executive branch, with the members of the Republican majorities in the Congress either sitting this out, or throwing themselves behind the White House in its attempt to keep the hounds at bay. Couple that with the powerful influence of the right-wing media enterprises, and their audiences, which will gladly buy any fantastical codswallop that is spooned out to them, and you get the sense that McCabe simply had had enough. Last month, Trump gave a push to McCabe, questioning reports that he would stay in the job until the spring: "90 days to go?!!!" Trump tweeted. ...

you are some kind of a Russian "bot"....the guy is a Russian plant.....if nothing else under P u t I n control ( he controls Trumps purse strings)....as for the liberals wanting to usurp the people's choice......have you looked at any numbers lately or since the election.....he never won the popular vote for one....the majority of the country feels there is something with the Russian connection....if nothing else look at his popularity rating....he is even falling in the eyes of his supporters....except those just to blind to open their eyes
The polls have been proven wrong time and time again - I no longer believe them. Left leaning media spews ammunition for you to quote - endlessly. Time will tell who's correct.
I believe it will come out shortly that McCabe was removed and may face charges - I guess we'll see soon enough.
Mmmmm why would they think that.......when everything has been going in their favor recently

Fearing Democratic wave, Koch network to spend big on U.S. midterm elections
The polls have been proven wrong time and time again - I no longer believe them. Left leaning media spews ammunition for you to quote - endlessly. Time will tell who's correct.
I believe it will come out shortly that McCabe was removed and may face charges - I guess we'll see soon enough.
Mmmmm why would they think that.......when everything has been going in their favor recently

Fearing Democratic wave, Koch network to spend big on U.S. midterm elections
Probably because the left is so crazy that Trump got elected in the first place - they know they will be mobilized and out for *******.
Probably because the left is so crazy that Trump got elected in the first place - they know they will be mobilized and out for *******.
wrong again........yes people are pissed about Trump getting in with Russia's help ( does he really think he would have made it on his own?)...but it's a lot more than just Trump...it's the cover up the right is doing....the health care they have managed to completely fuck up...the taxes.....the deficit they just keep piling up on...their plans to pay for a lot of it with the needs of the people who are hurting...while catering to those who don't need it...
why do you think Schumer backed out of the wall deal? he knows where the money will come from to fund it!
the right has no morales nor a care in the world...as long as they put money in big biz pockets so it will eventually get some in there pockets...look at Ryan..put that tax thing together..right after it passed the kock Bro.s gave him a half million dollars
it is not about the people it is about what they do for a select few
now pick anyone of the above topics and they are enough...but add them all together....yes it's time to turn out the vote....question is can the Kock Bro's and a few others pump enough money into the rights campaign's to stop it?
it would appear most states have been called out on their gerrymandering...so it might just be a fair election...maybe.....they already know Russia is not changing it's plans to try and sway things.....why is that?....because the right is perfectly ok with Russian involvement as long as it works in their favor!

so yes the people will turn out to vote most likely...but it is an uphill battle with the rights deep pockets (and trump just gave them some more)...the crooked voting in a lot of states...and the Russian interference...so it's an up hill battle....fighting big money and the communists (what appears to be the same party)
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wrong again there SFB........yes people are pissed about Trump getting in with Russia's help ( does he really think he would have made it on his own?)...but it's a lot more than just Trump...it's the cover up the right is doing....the health care they have managed to completely fuck up...the taxes.....the deficit they just keep piling up on...their plans to pay for a lot of it with the needs of the people who are hurting...while catering to those who don't need it...
why do you think Schumer backed out of the wall deal? he knows where the money will come from to fund it!
the right has no morales nor a care in the world...as long as they put money in big biz pockets so it will eventually get some in there pockets...look at Ryan..put that tax thing together..right after it passed the kock Bro.s gave him a half million dollars
it is not about the people it is about what they do for a select few
now pick anyone of the above topics and they are enough...but add them all together....yes it's time to turn out the vote....question is can the Kock Bro's and a few others pump enough money into the rights campaign's to stop it?
it would appear most states have been called out on their gerrymandering...so it might just be a fair election...maybe.....they already know Russia is not changing it's plans to try and sway things.....why is that?....because the right is perfectly ok with Russian involvement as long as it works in their favor!

so yes the people will turn out to vote most likely...but it is an uphill battle with the rights deep pockets (and trump just gave them some more)...the crooked voting in a lot of states...and the Russian interference...so it's an up hill battle....fighting big money and the communists (what appears to be the same party)
Russia interfered but it did not determine the outcome of the election. Trump won because Hillary was a terrible candidate. It's beginning to look like in addition to fighting the Democrats - the Republicans - the left biased news media - that he also was the victim of a politicized and weaponized FBI - as the story unravels - let's wait and see what the "memo" says - I basically am taking a wait and see attitude. To me it just seems that since Trump got elected - and I mean from day 1 - the left has tried to delegitimize him and justify their loss with the endless Russia story - the more they squawk - the harder it is to listen to them - if the facts ever come out - they will speak for themselves - everything else is just - in my view - conjecture and vitriol.
Russia interfered but it did not determine the outcome of the election
you know that for a fact?
we already know they got into several sites....it would only take a few in major areas to give the needed punch
also...with all the twitter (500,000) of them promoting Trump and denouncing Clinton....you sure none of them didn't matter?
Campaign money?...etc....

Trump won because Hillary was a terrible candidate

Hillary was a terrible candidate is because of all the bad press Russia and a few others put out....most of which turned out to be false!
How about the pizza joint in NY where Clinton was supposed to be part of a smuggling ring in the basement...guy goes in with a gun going to take care of it...the place didn't even have a basement...that's just one...if just part of what Trump/Russia said was true she would be in jail!
but people like you bought into it and believed it
she is probably the most investigated candidate in History...and has been under investigation from the right for 20 years...even a few republicans admitted it was all to make her look bad in the polls....because there are people like you out there that will believe it

It's beginning to look like in addition to fighting the Democrats - the Republicans - the left biased news media - that he also was the victim of a politicized and weaponized FBI - as the story unravels

that's just more stuff put out by trumps lawyers and crew and a few republicans ...doing everything they can to discredit the FBI
funny the so called report is just a memo from the republicans....the rest they picked what they wanted out of the report and just gave what they wanted you to know...and people like you buy right into it!

I basically am taking a wait and see attitude

I haven't seen that part yet......everything has been anti-left...pro trump...you have been severally mind fucked and just don't know it!

To me it just seems that since Trump got elected - and I mean from day 1 - the left has tried to delegitimize him and justify their loss with the endless Russia story

and rightfully so....sure looks mighty fishy!...and the more you look the fishier it gets!

the more they squawk - the harder it is to listen to them

that's because you have bought into the trump thing and refuse to open your eyes and see what's going on!\
let's just say Trump did make it on his own.....what about all the Russian interference? why is he so determined to cover everything?
if he did nothing wrong and has nothing to hide we need to get to the bottom of Russia trying to interfere....but he is going out of his way to hide it all...why?

if the facts ever come out - they will speak for themselves

they are coming out a little at a time...funny what 4 of his campaign people under indictment already...for someone so innocent...not looking good.....even Bannon himself said follow the money!
but when Bannon turned on trump...it cost him his job and etc...so now he is back peddaling a little even asking the white house what to say
but he already made enough statements that he can't retract
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Joe Kennedy III knocks the Democrat response to the State Of The Union out of the ballpark. This guy's got serious potential; I thought I was listening to a Bobby Kennedy speech.
Kudos to you, Mr Kennedy!


Little too mellow dramatic for me, I'm surprised he didn't break a tear, guess he hasn't learned how to cry on demand yet., those young k]ds ;)
But I have to say - "He didn't say anything!!!".