Politics, Politics, Politics

I believe it will come out shortly that McCabe was removed and may face charges - I guess we'll see soon enough.

naturally a Trump appointee...both of whom have been on him to get rid of Mueller...and both would like nothing better than to discredit anything put out by the FBI....our dictator in chief is flat trying to control everything and put a stop to this....you should at least ask your self WHY?
FBI Director suggests McCabe stepped down due to watchdog findings
Yahoo View 23 hours ago

the right puts out their version of a cut and paste memo and yet denies the DOJ access to it...virtually unheard of AND denies the left a response...again you have to ask why!

Nunes 'Cherry-picked' Details for the Secret Memo Without Reading the Source Material
Ryan Sit,Newsweek

if everything on the up and up....why?

After calling to “Release the Memo,” House GOP blocking a memo

White House Ducks Questions on Departure of McCabe at FBI

Comey: McCabe stood tall when 'small people' tried to 'tear down' the FBI
Little too mellow dramatic for me, I'm surprised he didn't break a tear, guess he hasn't learned how to cry on demand yet., those young k]ds ;)
But I have to say - "He didn't say anything!!!".
Ah, but he didn't have to use a prompter like Trump, now did he? Nothing Trump said was 'classic Trump style' ... wait 48 hours and Trump's prompter read speech (done in s...l...o...w... motion I might add) will vanish like a fart in the wind and he'll be back to tweeting what he really thinks ... they should have just let him do that last night. It would have been a heck of a lot more fun to laugh at. God, and he's still hanging onto "coal ... clean energy" .... hahahaha! yeah, love that one even if it has grown old. And I can't believe Trump didn't mention Russia once ... not once. What happen to the infiltration of the 2016 election issue?
‘I don't know what the hell happened’: Michael Steele on the GOP under Trump
By Jonathan Capehart

Michael Steele speaks with The Post’s Jonathan Capehart during an interview for the “Cape Up” podcast on Jan. 26. (Carol Alderman/The Washington Post/)

Given the state of American politics and the Republican Party, I had one question for Michael Steele: Why shouldn’t we blame him for the current condition of the country? After all, he was the chairman of the Republican National Committee who helped the tea party revolution take over the House in 2010.
“That’s right, baby, I built that bad boy out of steel,” Steele told me in the latest episode of “Cape Up.” “Now, having done that, I can’t help it if they went inside and started tearing up the floorboards and knocking out the windows, and crapping all over the house.”
For more conversations like this, subscribe to “Cape Up” on Apple Podcasts or Stitcher.
As President Trump opines on the state of the union on Tuesday night, Steele looks back on the GOP and his frustration with how it has changed in the age of Trump. The tax bill is an example of how the party lost its way. After running around the country for 18 months, “[making] the argument for why Republican leadership and Republican governance was important as an A.) an important check on [President Barack] Obama and B.) to show that we had the capacity to govern,” Steele said, “I don’t know what the hell happened. … I sat there and watched them vote for a $1.5 trillion debt increase. … It made no sense because it was inconsistent and it has been inconsistent with what we said we wanted to do, how we would govern.”

The hypocrisy of the evangelical movement is especially bothersome for Steele, a Catholic who once studied for the priesthood. He deemed it “no different than any other lobbying group in town. It is in the business of getting something, and what they are willing to trade off for the something they want, whether [a] Supreme Court justice or a tax cut or whatever, is in my view, their soul, their moral underpinning, the character of who they are.” The pass being given to Trump — “a mulligan,” in the words of Tony Perkins — for his moral failings, including reports of an affair with an adult-film star, is especially maddening for Steele.
And the fact of the matter is, when you have spent the better part of 30 years telling the American people, as I said, how to behave, what to think, who to love, who not to love, what to do, what not to do, you’re wrong, condemn you, judge you. And now you’re going to come back because this man, the president, has given you a tax cut or a Supreme Court justice that you like, none of that matters when you find out that, while his wife was pregnant with his baby, he was having an affair with a porn star. That did not just end once the baby was born, but continued long afterwards. And yet you’re going to give a mulligan for that.

So I want Tony Perkins and others to give a mulligan to all those people that they condemned over the last 30 years. Where’s their mulligan? And if you’re going to be in the business of making these kinds of judgments, because I think the last place you need to be is in a place of judgment, ’cause the Lord said, “Thou shalt not judge,” you know? That’s not our role, that’s not our role. But if you want to go there, then check your hypocrisy. Because for me, it’s about being true to the Gospels, and certainly being true to yourself. …
So, the GOP has unmoored itself from its promises of governance and fiscal responsibility. It has turned a blind eye to the moral and character issues of its titular head. That left me with one question for Steele: Why are you still a Republican?

“I think about the 17-year-old kid who took the risk, went against the odds, went against the grain, growing up here in Washington, D.C.,” Steele said about himself. “I saw something that made sense to me, and I watched and learned and listened and understood that the Republican Party is the political home for the African American community. It was, and I still believe it should be.” Then he got to heart of the matter for him. “But what I see now, where I have a president who acknowledges the racism on the other side is okay, who refers to the homeland that my family came from as a ‘shithole,’ I know that’s not my party,” Steele told me. “I know that’s not conservatism. I know that’s not Republicanism. And so that, for me, engages up for me the fight. I just think it’s worth the fight to prove that that’s not who we are.”
Listen to the podcast to find out what Steele has to say about the Mueller probe, the fight over immigration, race and whether Trump actually likes being president.
Republicans are ‘complicit’ in Trump’s ‘American carnage’

In his inaugural address, President Trump thundered about “this American carnage” laying waste to the nation. One year later, his dystopian description is more apt for his administration. Three hundred and sixty-five days of sustained destruction of every norm and custom that made the United States the envy of the world and its president a global leader who commanded respect.

Last week, a friend of mine from New York marveled in exasperation at Trump’s ability to avoid being held accountable for laying waste to everything we thought we knew was acceptable or appropriate or legal. With eyes wide and mouth agape, he said, “He’s Teflon!” It was in that moment that I realized that my friend’s assessment was off. Trump isn’t Teflon. Republicans are complicit. By their silence or active participation, they are allowing an unaccountable Republican president to lay waste to America. This government #TrumpShutdown is simply a new form of their complicity.

Trump doesn’t know what he wants on any given policy, yet congressional Republicans thunder that Democrats are to blame for the first government shutdown in four years. How does that work? Republicans have been in control of the House since 2011. They increased their majority to historic levels in 2015, the same year they took control of the Senate. Now that they have had the White House for a year, they want to pin their inability to actually govern on Democrats? Chil’, please.

Because Democrats are demanding that Trump address right now the mess he created by rescinding the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that protects from deportation law-abiding, vetted young people who were brought to this country as children, the president has responded with a scorched-earth ad that is a roiling stew of racism and xenophobia. The command to “stop illegal immigration now” is followed by “Democrats who stand in our way will be complicit in every ******* committed by illegal immigrants.” And with that, you know Trump isn’t interested in any kind of immigration deal that would garner Democratic votes. More telling is the complicit silence of the Republican Party that lives in fear of Trump and in thrall to those who cheer the vile bigotry that sluices from his mouth and Twitter feed.

No one is surprised by this complicity of silence anymore. Just last week, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and Sen. David Perdue (R-Ga.) were complicit in giving the president cover for his racist “shithole countries” insult. Those two walking moral vacuums dutifully marched out to say they didn’t hear it. Never mind that Sen. Richard J. Durbin (D-Ill.) gave multiple interviews detailing what happened and Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) confirmed the offense happened to Sen. Tim Scott (R-S.C.). Then White House officials told The Post that Cotton and Perdue privately said they heard “shithouse.” A distinction without a difference that simply confirms the walls of the Oval Office echoed with racism from the president of the United States.

After the GOP snatched control of the Senate from Democrats in the 2014 midterm elections, then-incoming Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) was filled with hope. His plan was to show the American people that they were right to entrust the GOP with leadership of both houses of Congress. “I don’t want the American people to think that if they add a Republican president to a Republican Congress, that’s going to be a scary outcome,” McConnell said. “I want the American people to be comfortable with the fact that the Republican House and Senate is a responsible, right-of-center, governing majority.”

What an epic failure.
And, can you not READ? The post read: 'Ah, but he didn't have to use a prompter like Trump, now did he?'
Are you blind or do you not know what a teleprompter is/looks like???? He had teleprompter on both sides of him in plain sight.
You see, this is what you get for being such a BIG ASSHOLE, h-h. You don't read, because you aren't looking for anything but something to make a big, smartass remark & its the reason I treat you like the asshole that you are. Notice I don't treat TwoBi like I treat you. Do you not wonder why?
Sooooooo, as always, my message to you, because you can't act civil is: gif_yellowball-FuckOFF.gif...............gif_Yellowball-Finger2.gif...asshole!
Is that supposed to impress me? Obama used a promoter so does that mean he sucks too? lol
hummm, did I say Trump sucks? I would NEVER make a comment like that. Its way to civil for him. You and h-h really do have reading problems. You guys must be very irritable with the current state of your conservative representatives, but you sure do stand by your representatives. Can't wait until they start leading that "suckass" ;) (feel better now?) off in handcuffs to prison. Maybe he'll be sentenced to Guantono and get that huge pile of YELLOW HAIR shaved off. :)
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An “instant” poll of viewers who watched President Donald Trump’s State of the Union address on Tuesday night found that 75% approved
Breitbart? Think you could find a little bit more biased survey somewhere? Maybe Trump's personal communications staff? LOL!
Next time I post something quoted from MSNBC or CNN I don't what to hear a word from you righties! I don't know why you're so interested in US politics anyways.
Breitbart? Think you could find a little bit more biased survey somewhere? Maybe Trump's personal communications staff? LOL!
Next time I post something quoted from MSNBC or CNN I don't what to hear a word from you righties! I don't know why you're so interested in US politics anyways.

MSNBC and CNN are proven liars and fake news makers and have reporters that do assigments for the CIA. breitbart in thier articles post links to thier original sources
Breitbart? Think you could find a little bit more biased survey somewhere? Maybe Trump's personal communications staff? LOL!
Next time I post something quoted from MSNBC or CNN I don't what to hear a word from you righties! I don't know why you're so interested in US politics anyways.
If you had bothered to read, you would know that was a CBS poll....remember CBS, the news organization so biased they used obviously fake documents to discredit GW right before an election??? Breitbart was only reporting on the CBS poll.


Of course you didn't bother to read because you just want to blindly accept any b.s. report that looks had for republicans and immediately discount anything that favors republicans. Take your rose colored Obummer glasses off....there's a whole real world you're missing out here.
And, can you not READ? The post read: 'Ah, but he didn't have to use a prompter like Trump, now did he?'

You see, this is what you get for being such a BIG ASSHOLE, h-h. You don't read, because you aren't looking for anything but something to make a big, smartass remark & its the reason I treat you like the asshole that you are. Notice I don't treat TwoBi like I treat you. Do you not wonder why?
Sooooooo, as always, my message to you, because you can't act civil is: View attachment 1676715...............View attachment 1676714...asshole!
Oh yeah, Kennedy just happened to have TWO teleprompters in front of him, but he didn't read them.....RIGHT!!! See above suggestion regarding removal of your rose colored Obummer glasses.
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There were reports that someone was spotted coming out from under Trumps podium after his speech, wonder who it was .......

