Politics, Politics, Politics

talk about bumfuzzlization

you are just confused and don't see the light.....check the numbers...but then that would go against your right wing desires and beliefs!
you go back on this thread and there are plenty of charts showing the facts!
Obama inherited a mess...got it back on track ...with no help from the obstructionist....and going strong when the chump took over
you can look on the net and there are plenty of facts stating just that....but you only believe what you hear on fox cartoon network
although I think you know the fatcs and sre just wanting to spout more of your right wing Bull *******!

Trump's claim about weak economic growth under President Obama doesn't tell the full story

TRUMP'S FIRST 100 DAYS: Here's how they compare with Obama's, Bush's, and Clinton's

Which Presidents Have Been Best for the Economy?

you are just confused and don't see the light.....check the numbers...but then that would go against your right wing desires and beliefs!
you go back on this thread and there are plenty of charts showing the facts!
Obama inherited a mess...got it back on track ...with no help from the obstructionist....and going strong when the chump took over
you can look on the net and there are plenty of facts stating just that....but you only believe what you hear on fox cartoon network
I stand on my statement of bumfuzzilization
you are just confused and don't see the light.....check the numbers...but then that would go against your right wing desires and beliefs!
you go back on this thread and there are plenty of charts showing the facts!
Obama inherited a mess...got it back on track ...with no help from the obstructionist....and going strong when the chump took over
you can look on the net and there are plenty of facts stating just that....but you only believe what you hear on fox cartoon network
and I stand on mine....
although I think you know the fact's and are just wanting to spout more of your right wing Bull *******!
end of conversation!
I spout no right wing bullshit - I am an Independent - however - as I indicated before - when trying to espouse any view other than that of a liberal - it seems everything you say is bull ******* - or you are ridiculed - or attacked - I believe that the economy is currently on a tear - Trump's policies have certainly fueled that - and that after a year the former President has little to do with current events.
this guy's lack of diplomacy and just plain stupidity hurting us world wide....and boosting Russia's standing in the world...maybe that's what he wants?

It's time for Trump to face reality in Syria

The Trump administration inherited a bad situation in Syria, but it has managed to make matters even worse. There is no better illustration of the problem than the fact that Turkey, a NATO ally, sought permission from NATO’s chief adversary, Russia, to attack America’s local partner in Syria despite U.S. pressure not to do so. It's time to do more than try to manage this particular crisis. It's time to rethink the fundamental policies that got us here. The Trump administration has good big ideas. It rightly seeks, for example, to pivot way from Obama’s single-minded focus on ISIS, and refusal to recognize the Iranian threat in Syria. The Trump White House identifies Iran as a primary threat. ...

we need the Kurds......they did a lot of the fighting in Iraq....AND we need Turkey mainly for the airbase and as an ally in the region...needs to get his head out of his ass and fix that problem...make peace somehow between the 2!
just like most Trumpies this guy is nuts and going to find himself in serious trouble...was investigated by the senate once and they shoved it under the rug....about to happen again and don't think they will this time

Fmr. Federal Prosecutor: If Memo is Released, I Will Call for Criminal Investigation of Nunes

Former federal prosecutor Frank Figliuzzi calls for the criminal investigation of Representative Devin Nunes if his staff's Russia memo - which reportedly contains classified intel - is released to the public.
Lisa Rockford,a professor at Broward College in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, has come under fire for an “art project” that involved using an American flag as a doormat.
Broward College art professor Lisa Rockford has come under fire for a controversial art piece that involved tricking students into stepping onto an American flag as a camera pointed at their feet snapped a photo.
Rockford painted an American flag with white paint, cut it in half, and placed in high traffic area on campus. “People are stepping on the flag as they enter most of whom don’t realize its an American flag. The artist had a camera set up taking pictures of people stepping on it as part of her artwork,” student Jess Karcher said. “I find this extremely disrespectful and kick in the gut as a veteran. I have lost many friends whose caskets were draped with that same flag.”
Karcher explained that Rockford intended that those who stepped on the flag would do so unwittingly. “I am not sure what the message is they are trying to give, but there was a camera taking pictures of people unknowingly steeping [sic] on it,” Karcher added.

Just an observation - during the Obama years - anything and everything that was wrong - was George Bush's fault - now anything and everything that is right is because of Obama - talk about bumfuzzlization !!!
....Not so hard to figure out ... when Bush was leaving the Presidency jobs were being lost at 800,000 a month .... all the arrow indicators were heading down, 2 unfunded wars, auto industry & financial companies going out of business. Housing crashing!
In comes Obama, and in a couple months job growth began (74 consecutive months actually), saved the auto industries, financial industries, ended one war, etc etc .... what's to be bumfussaled about, blkdlaur?
....Even now he takes sole credit for the stock market growth even though stock values are up in the rest of the developed world more than here when comparing the S&P500 to the MSCI's. Trump says "America First", then why is the stock market gains benefiting the rest of the world more than the US? US equities have been in a bull market that well predates the fabulous Trump administration. Besides, Trump uses the stock market as a benchmark to his administration's success ... pretty dangerous, don't you think? When the stock market adjusts, who's he gonna blame ... Obama? Hillary? the Democrats? Mueller? TinkerBell? .... who? Or will he do, as he's been doing lately, and call the adjustment FAKE NEWS? You know he isn't going to accept the blame himself when (not if) the stock market makes a big adjustment. He NEVER accepts the blame, and he never apologizes, right? In fact, if it wasn't for his campaigning for/and big Corporate Tax Cut and its 'after-tax' profits for the corporations, I doubt he'd be bragging so loudly and so often. Yeah, the shareholders have more money, but society, as a whole, doesn't get anything BUT the debt for the lost revenue from the corporations and the wealthiest 1%ers. Just more Trickle Down Debt hitting the bottom line, as if our national debt isn't large enough, already. And, these days, since foreign countries are major shareholders in the US ... guess who profits on the stock growth? But, hey, I bet Trump benefited just fine, you think?
....Also, from Obama's 1st inauguration for the first year, the S&P 500 went up 42% compared to Trump's 21% from his inauguration date. Hell, even Bill Clinton beat Trump's ass. Maybe Trump just doesn't realize that threats of trade wars, government shutdowns, and nuclear war tend to have a negative effect for big investors. Heck, I bet Hillary would beat Trump fairly easily, and half the world wouldn't be pissed off at us right about now, either. Ohhhhh, but wait, if Hillary was President, we'd be into our 15th Benghazi investigation, and 6th Hillary e-mails investigation, I bet.


....So, are you still befuzzaled?
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so did you...you are just not smart enough to know it

you sound like one of those Russian bots......all pro trump...anti american
Being pro the elected president - does NOT make you anti American - but the contrary - makes you pro American - unlike rabid liberals that want to usurp the people's choice with propaganda.
In my view - NOBODY - but NOBODY - knows hypocrisy better'n a liberal !!!!
God, you're one to talk. I answer your question and that's all you have?
I assume you have health care, right? I hope you'll go ahead and have that major surgery, you need, to pull your head out of your ass, blkdlaur!
God, you're one to talk. I answer your question and that's all you have?
I assume you have health care, right? I hope you'll go ahead and have that major surgery, you need, to pull your head out of your ass, blkdlaur!
Show me the question I asked - I am unaware of any query. I primarily make statements based solely on my own opinion.
I live in a bastion of liberalism and being an Independent I am constantly being attacked for my views by liberals. Trump derangement syndrome is becoming soooooooooooooooo
tiresome :{