Politics, Politics, Politics

What about the 300+ executive orders to reverse or ******* Obama's time in office?
300+ executive orders...what are you smokin???? As of today, Trump has signed a total of 58 executive orders (55 in 2017 and 3 so far in 2018)


So you claimed 300+ and the actual value is 58. Can you tell us what your percent error is Mac???? ;)

As far as these orders to "reverse or ******* Obama's time in office" Many of Trump's executive orders don't have a damn thing to do with reversing Obummer's policies....frankly not nearly enough of them are reversing Obummer's "work"

The last executive order Trump signed was #13822 titled "Supporting Our Veterans During Their Transition From Uniformed Service to Civilian Life". It orders his team to develop plans to enhance mental healthcare and suicide prevention resources for people transitioning from military to civilian life. Wow...take that Obummer!!!!

The executive order previous to that was " Streamlining and Expediting Requests To Locate Broadband Facilities in Rural America" In part it states: "It shall therefore be the policy of the executive branch to use all viable tools to accelerate the deployment and adoption of affordable, reliable, modern high-speed broadband connectivity in rural America..." Boy that's really stickin it to the ole Obummer!!!!
ok....that sounds ok......

Mmmm would certainly have to think this person is not in favor of the left

wouldn't that be kind of like talking out of both sides of your mouth?

as you should since you seem to be confused about what you are...and by your statements..Trump supporter?!
The White House Dreamer Deal Isn't A Compromise. It's A Racist Ransom Note.
Juan Escalante,HuffPost

As the White House’s senior advisor for policy, Stephen Miller seems to have one goal: to take a wrecking ball to the Statue of Liberty and shove the remains into the Upper New York Bay.
It’s no secret that Miller, along with Gen. John “Adult In The Room” Kelly, has been penning some of the most heinous immigration policies coming out of the White House. One might even wonder if Miller and Kelly, not President Donald Trump, are running the government from the sidelines ― exploiting Trump’s short attention span.
Which brings us to this moment, when the White House is preparing to erode America’s reputation as a nation of immigrants and replace it with toxic immigration policy, which it has disguised as a way to save young undocumented immigrants who were brought to the country as children, known as “Dreamers.” The Trump administration has said it supports extending a pathway to citizenship for the roughly 800,000 Dreamers that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy currently protects from deportation and for other young immigrants who are eligible but don’t currently hold the protections ― an estimated 1.8 million people in total.
On Monday, you will hear White House officials present their outline as nothing short of a heroic attempt to reform our nation’s broken immigration system. Do not be fooled. What the White House is selling the American people is nothing but a nativist wish list that would reduce the number immigrants, especially people of color born in countries that Trump considers “shitholes.”

Remember, this is supposed to be a plan to deal with the Dreamer crisis that Trump himself created by ending DACA, a crisis that affects my family and me directly.
In addition to a Dreamer fix, the White House plan will likely include an extreme reduction of legal immigration and a complete end to the diversity visa program. It also would empower more agents to immediately deport people like my parents or children fleeing violence. The result of enacting all of these policies? Slowing down the browning of America ― or at least Miller can hope.
And then there’s the wall. The “big, beautiful wall,” Trump’s signature policy goal and maybe the only one he fully understands. What else can a $25 billion wall be than a big middle finger to Mexico and countries south of the border? Keep out and stay out, the wall says.

ok....that sounds ok......
I am not confused at all - I think you make my point for me. Agree with you or it's attack - attack - attack. I support the USA and hope that the duly elected president improves our lot. Liberals started calling for impeachment the day Trump was elected - talk about sour grapes - wasn't like your candidate was an angel - the left and the way left leaning media don't and haven't wanted to even give the guy a chance - all I see coming out of liberals - is WAH WAH WAH !!!!

Mmmm would certainly have to think this person is not in favor of the left

wouldn't that be kind of like talking out of both sides of your mouth?

as you should since you seem to be confused about what you are...and by your statements..Trump supporter?!
I'm not confused at all - I think you make my point for me . Agree with you or it's - attack - attack - attack. I support the USA and sincerely hope that the duly elected president improves - ALL - our lots . Liberals started calling for Trump's impeachment the day he was elected - talk about sour grapes ! Wasn't like your candidate was an angel. The left and the waaaaaaaay leaning left media don't and haven't even wanted to give the guy a chance from the very beginning. All I see coming out of liberals - is WAH WAH WAH !!!
With so many women still joining the #MeTo movement to report on their history of being sexually harassed, some are now saying “et tu Hillary” with reports that Clinton shielded a top male staffer from accusations of sexual harassment during her first ill-fated campaign for president in 2008.
A bombshell report from The New York Times claims that on at least two occasions Hillary refused to fire senior advisor Burns Strider in 2008 after he was accused of sexually harassing a female campaign staffer.
The Times quotes sources close to the Clinton campaign saying, “The campaign manager, Patti Solis Doyle, and other senior campaign officials discussed the situation involving Mr. Strider and Mrs. Clinton’s response at the time. Some of them were troubled that he was allowed to remain on the campaign.”
“Mr. Strider, who was Mrs. Clinton’s faith adviser, a co-founder of the American Values Network, and sent the candidate scripture readings every morning for months during the campaign, was hired five years later to lead an independent group that supported Mrs. Clinton’s 2016 candidacy, Correct the Record, which was created by a close Clinton ally, David Brock,” the paper added.
Late last year Clinton tried to capitalize on the “women’s issue” of sexual harassment by denouncing Hollywood movie mogul Harvey Weinstein, despite her long history of being closely associated with him over the last twenty years.
“I was shocked and appalled by the revelations about Harvey Weinstein,” Clinton said in an October statement. “The behavior described by women coming forward cannot be tolerated. Their courage and the support of others is critical in helping to stop this kind of behavior.”
Why it took a decade for this latest Hillary news to come to light is a vexing question for the media, especially coming on the heels of a story revealing a photo of Barack Obama meeting with notorious anti-Semite Louis Farrakhan, which was reportedly hidden for 13 years to protect Obama’s political ambitions.
With the mainstream media constantly dodging questions over its collective slant in favor of Democrats, the timing of the release of these two stories coming years after it might damage either high profile Democrat exacerbates the accusations of bias.

Draining the swamp? D.C. lobbying during Trump administration surges to highest level in 7 years

WASHINGTON — Lobbying activity in Washington surged to $3.34 billion last year — its highest level since 2010 — as corporations, trade groups and other interests scrambled to make their mark on everything from fast-moving tax legislation to immigration policy during President Trump’s first year in office.
The new tally from the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics shows powerful and long-standing trade groups, such as the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the National Association of Realtors, spending the most money to shape policy in 2017.
“Lobbyists appear not to have gotten the memo about draining the swamp,” said Sheila Krumholz, the center’s executive director, referring to Trump’s often-repeated campaign pledge to clean up Washington and rein in lobbyists.

So you claimed 300+ and the actual value is 58.
opps ... sorry, I forgot you can't tell when an over-emphasis is made to make a point ... maybe if I had said 3,000 you would have realized it was just exaggeration .... I guess its ok for Trump to do it daily by the HOUR, but not ok for a liberal to even make implications.
Now, as USUAL ... h-h .... gif_Yellowball-Finger2.gif

Here's something for YOU to do .... think you can handle it?
not really into mind fucks.......I'm sure you got a secret memo from the "boys"...you make a statement then say that is not what you meant....we already have 2 of those on here...check your mail
Nope - no mind fucks here. Don't know the "boys". I do not believe I have made any statements that I am not willing to stand behind.
opps ... sorry, I forgot you can't tell when an over-emphasis is made to make a point ... maybe if I had said 3,000 you would have realized it was just exaggeration .... I guess its ok for Trump to do it daily by the HOUR, but not ok for a liberal to even make implications.
Now, as USUAL ... h-h .... View attachment 1669373

Here's something for YOU to do .... think you can handle it?
View attachment 1669372
sorry, I forgot you just make ******* up like that when you don't have the facts to support your position.
opps ... sorry, I forgot you can't tell when an over-emphasis is made to make a point ... maybe if I had said 3,000 you would have realized it was just exaggeration .... I guess its ok for Trump to do it daily by the HOUR, but not ok for a liberal to even make implications.
Now, as USUAL ... h-h .... View attachment 1669373

Here's something for YOU to do .... think you can handle it?
View attachment 1669372
Geez - you guys are sooooooooooooooooooo
NBC’s Lester Holt was duped by the North Korean government into spreading fake news about a local ski resort, reports Yahoo News.
On Monday, in an “NBC News exclusive,” anchorman Lester Holt effusively praised the tyrannical communist government of North Korea while reporting from a ski resort teeming with people. Holt told the Today Show audience that “we have been treated with respect here” and that the “busy” and “very modern” ski resort was a “source of immense pride for a country trying to present a new and modern face to the world.”

According to Yahoo, Holt and NBC News were completely duped by their communist hosts.
“[A]s Holt delivered the TV report,” Yahoo reports, “he failed to notice that the North Korean government appeared to have drafted in skiers who wore identical outfits in an attempt to give the impression of a busy and progressive ski resort.”

anyone notice Trump's tax plan in action?
It is not really doing *******!...companies like to show they are doing something by giving their employees a bonus....BFD
if you remember right Bush at one time gave the whole country a bonus....what did it do? nothing people used it to pay their taxes and didn't do squat for the economy.....same thing going on right now....a lot of companies giving out a one time bonus to their employees....won't do ******* for the economy....and yet for the next several years the company going to be raking in more money
I think it was Boeing going to use some money to expand....that's a good start........another going to raise wages BUT also going to cut 500 jobs
Trump is still living off Obama's numbers.......but with the changes the chump has made...we are heading for a big fall!
oh and hell yes.....why wouldn't he has pretty bought everything in the country now....so yes he needs to spend money to stop anything the people want to do to stop him...talk about owning the country!...sure he wants to help the dreamers..but he is not helping anyone that doesn't serve in his best interest

Koch political action committee to ramp up spending in midterms, fight for Dreamers
MaryAlice Parks,Good Morning America

The political action committee backed by Republican megadonor Charles Koch will spend between $300 million and 400 million during the upcoming 2018 midterm elections -- a 60 percent increase compared to what the organization spent in the 2016 elections.
"It is going to be a very challenging environment at both the federal and state level," Tim Phillips, president of Americans for Prosperity, told reporters Saturday as the Koch network kicked off a weekend conference here with donors, lawmakers and business leaders. Phillips described his work to keep Republicans in office this year, as "going against the tide."
Phillips added, "The left is energized. There is no question about that. It is prudent for folks to understand that."

The announcement about campaign spending, interestingly, came at the same time as another wing of Koch's powerful political and philanthropic apparatus voiced disapproval of the White House's new immigration plan.
Brian Hooks, president of the Charles Koch Foundation, said while he applauded President Donald Trump for outlining a path to citizenship for so-called Dreamers, those young immigrants who came to the country as children, his group could not support a plan that would dramatically cut other legal immigration opportunities.
"Immigration is a good thing," Hooks said plainly during a Q&A session with reporters. He was critical, in particular, of the part of the White House plan that would end a person's ability to sponsor his or her parents or other extended family members. Hooks urged lawmakers to commit to a larger conversation on comprehensive immigration reform.
"We cannot support a policy that arbitrarily reduces the number of people who might come to the country to contribute and ending the family migration policy in the absence of an alternative does that," he added.

Hooks said that the plight of Dreamers should be a top priority for the country, and it would be for the Koch network of political organizations and nonprofits.
When asked by ABC News if they would advise members to vote against a potential bill based off the White House’s framework, Hooks hedged and said only that it was a work in progress and his foundation was lobbying the White House and lawmakers on the issue.
The more liberal, pro-immigrant position of the Charles Koch Foundation seemed directly at odds with the stated views and positions of some of the members of congress in attendance at the weekend summit, including Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas and Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C.

"We have an opportunity to be the party -– I'm speaking as a Republican -– to be the party that stops talking about fixing the problem and then using it a political as a wedge every election and being the party that solves the problem," Cornyn said.
Another spokesperson for the Koch network, James Davis, declined to say whether their larger political apparatus would or would not back a candidate if he or she did not agree with a pathway to citizenship for Dreamers.
According to Phillips, the eye-popping $300 million to $400 million figure includes $20 million that his organization already spent to lobby in favor of the recent Republican tax bill before it was signed into law at the end of last year, as well as another $20 million it plans to spend in the coming year to try to "sell" Americans on the new reform package.
Phillips said that he thought Americans would warm to the new tax law, which is currently fairly unpopular nationwide according to polls, as they see tax savings and potential bonuses in months ahead.

and what about the half a million they gave to ryan for getting the tax bill through?
anyone notice Trump's tax plan in action?
It is not really doing *******!...companies like to show they are doing something by giving their employees a bonus....BFD
if you remember right Bush at one time gave the whole country a bonus....what did it do? nothing people used it to pay their taxes and didn't do squat for the economy.....same thing going on right now....a lot of companies giving out a one time bonus to their employees....won't do ******* for the economy....and yet for the next several years the company going to be raking in more money
I think it was Boeing going to use some money to expand....that's a good start........another going to raise wages BUT also going to cut 500 jobs
Trump is still living off Obama's numbers.......but with the changes the chump has made...we are heading for a big fall!
Just an observation - during the Obama years - anything and everything that was wrong - was George Bush's fault - now anything and everything that is right is because of Obama - talk about bumfuzzlization !!!