Politics, Politics, Politics

Secret Society :rolleyes:
Yeah, typical Republican playbook ... make unsubstantiated accusations in PUBLIC, then when called out on it, retracts his statements in PRIVATE. Trial lawyers do this all the time in courtrooms ... knowing that the judge will remove the comment in the court records, BUT, the lawyer gets it out in front of the jurors. Its no wonder Trump drones don't know what's going on ....

I just read where they got called on it...by the DOJ no less
think some of these senators need to be put up for obstruction also!
can't wait for the midterms....although I hope the turn out is what I am expecting and showing so far!

be some serious frying going on later.......Especially for Gowdy....caught by feds altering Hillary emails and NOTHING!...and Dunce the Nunce from calif....if he isn't obstructing I don't know who is
I was really hoping this thread would be a place to read different points of view but all it is, seemingly, is a thread where liberals come to vent their rage that they didn't get their way in the 2016 election. Go for it and get over it - really funny though seeing the rage - follows closely the rabid Main Street medias assaults - too bad this country is so split !!!
I was really hoping this thread would be a place to read different points of view
....Well, there are over 12,000 comments and 600 pages to this thread, blkdlaur, if you can't find points of views on it in all that, you may have a problem reading. Some of us have been here since the inception of the thread, and in fact, this was the orginal thread to b2w 'off topic' section so arguments and opinions about politics wouldn't interfere with the primary topic of the website.
....If you have opinions regarding some of the things going on in politics NOW, feel free to comment. OR, if you're looking for others opinions, ASK. We also have had enough of individuals who add nothing to conversations other than criticisms of others comments.
....OK, so you want me to "go for it"?....
....I'll start if you so desire ... how do YOU feel about the current President? Do you think he is qualified? Do you think he provides a good image of our country as the most powerful man on earth? Do you think he's told any lies while in office? What about the promise to show his tax returns? Do you think he obtained his position as president FAIRLY and JUSTLY? If it was turned around, Russia had helped the Democrats and Hillary Clinton was president, would you feel the same way you seem to feel now? What about the recent Tax Cuts? Did the poor get a fair shake on that? What about Health Care .... promises that we would be given a better and less expensive health plan ... what's your feelings as to how THAT turned out? Do you think it wise for him to "cancel" the ACA plan before having a legitimate replacement for it? What about the WALL .... that MExico was going to pay for, that now Trump wants the taxpayers (mostly the middleclass & poor) to pay $28-70 billion for? Has he helped or hurt the attempt to bring the country together? What about the 300+ executive orders to reverse or ******* Obama's time in office? Do you think he truly knew what he was signing and the effect of what he was signing or just trying to ******* the Obama legacy?
....Please, share YOUR feelings, and if you get a chance, take time to complete your profile.
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I was really hoping this thread would be a place to read different points of view but all it is, seemingly, is a thread where liberals come to vent their rage that they didn't get their way in the 2016 election.

actually....how refreshing...another right wing conservative who can't understand how everyone doesn't share his viewpoint
I was really hoping this thread would be a place to read different points of view but all it is, seemingly, is a thread where liberals come to vent their rage that they didn't get their way in the 2016 election. Go for it and get over it - really funny though seeing the rage - follows closely the rabid Main Street medias assaults - too bad this country is so split !!!

Interesting, you have only marginally stated some personal view points and you have already been insulted 3 times. Just taking a guess here, but that might - just maybe - be in part the reason why there are very few different view points.
actually....how refreshing...another right wing conservative who can't understand how everyone doesn't share his viewpoint
Interesting, you have only marginally stated some personal view points and you have already been insulted 3 times. Just taking a guess here, but that might - just maybe - be in part the reason why there are very few different view points.
I'm actually a registered Independent and have been since I signed up to vote when I was 18. I have voted for Democrats as well as Republicians. It is my opinion though that as soon as liberals are faced with any opinion other than their own that they immediately attack with some inane vengeance that boggles the mind. So the responses generated in no way surprise or offend me.
I'm actually a registered Independent

mmmmmm I'm an independent that votes both ways.....but hates the left.....

oh? we have one just like you....independent....yet hates the left and supports the right....sounds familiar...have been listening to one for a while now.... it is funny the same case can be made for you....confused? ones that always have issues when some one from the left speaks up and it's an opinion different than yours it's..????......funny how it's always one way......well you and the other one on here can now share a shoulder
if you want to discuss an issue...ok have it...but if you just want to defend the right and cry about the left... grab your fucking seat and hold on

but when you start off your comments like

"but all it is, seemingly, is a thread where liberals come to vent their rage that they didn't get their way in the 2016 election"

you didn't really come to discuss anything....just throw out some BS and see what happens

but you can be like a couple others on here and support an unpopular President that is more than losing in about everything that counts....you just like the others are on the losing end of most conversations....independents seem to be slow to grasp the facts
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mmmmmm I'm an independent that votes both ways.....but hates the left.....

oh? we have one just like you....independent....yet hates the left and supports the right....sounds familiar...have been listening to one for a while now.... it is funny the same case can be made for you....confused? ones that always have issues when some one from the left speaks up and it's an opinion different than yours it's..????......funny how it's always one way......well you and the other one on here can now share a shoulder
if you want to discuss an issue...ok have it...but if you just want to defend the right and cry about the left... grab your fucking seat and hold on

but when you start off your comments like

"but all it is, seemingly, is a thread where liberals come to vent their rage that they didn't get their way in the 2016 election"

you didn't really come to discuss anything....just throw out some BS and see what happens

but you can be like a couple others on here and support an unpopular President that is more than losing in about everything that counts....you just like the others are on the losing end of most conversations....independents seem to be slow to grasp the facts
Who pray tell - said I hate the left - certainly not I . Not confused in the least bit. Not even by inane attacks as above - seems the left demands that you think like them or it's off to the races flinging insults and venom. Hey whatever makes ya feel better - I just find it amusing. Making unfounded assumptions and statements - like I hate the left and am confused - make me laugh. Next there'll be the personal attacks yet you know me not. Fire away.
Who pray tell - said I hate the left - certainly not I .

ok....that sounds ok......

seems the left demands that you think like them or it's off to the races flinging insults and venom

Mmmm would certainly have to think this person is not in favor of the left

wouldn't that be kind of like talking out of both sides of your mouth?

I just find it amusing
as you should since you seem to be confused about what you are...and by your statements..Trump supporter?!
The White House Dreamer Deal Isn't A Compromise. It's A Racist Ransom Note.
Juan Escalante,HuffPost

As the White House’s senior advisor for policy, Stephen Miller seems to have one goal: to take a wrecking ball to the Statue of Liberty and shove the remains into the Upper New York Bay.
It’s no secret that Miller, along with Gen. John “Adult In The Room” Kelly, has been penning some of the most heinous immigration policies coming out of the White House. One might even wonder if Miller and Kelly, not President Donald Trump, are running the government from the sidelines ― exploiting Trump’s short attention span.
Which brings us to this moment, when the White House is preparing to erode America’s reputation as a nation of immigrants and replace it with toxic immigration policy, which it has disguised as a way to save young undocumented immigrants who were brought to the country as children, known as “Dreamers.” The Trump administration has said it supports extending a pathway to citizenship for the roughly 800,000 Dreamers that the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policy currently protects from deportation and for other young immigrants who are eligible but don’t currently hold the protections ― an estimated 1.8 million people in total.
On Monday, you will hear White House officials present their outline as nothing short of a heroic attempt to reform our nation’s broken immigration system. Do not be fooled. What the White House is selling the American people is nothing but a nativist wish list that would reduce the number immigrants, especially people of color born in countries that Trump considers “shitholes.”

Remember, this is supposed to be a plan to deal with the Dreamer crisis that Trump himself created by ending DACA, a crisis that affects my family and me directly.
In addition to a Dreamer fix, the White House plan will likely include an extreme reduction of legal immigration and a complete end to the diversity visa program. It also would empower more agents to immediately deport people like my parents or children fleeing violence. The result of enacting all of these policies? Slowing down the browning of America ― or at least Miller can hope.
And then there’s the wall. The “big, beautiful wall,” Trump’s signature policy goal and maybe the only one he fully understands. What else can a $25 billion wall be than a big middle finger to Mexico and countries south of the border? Keep out and stay out, the wall says.
