Politics, Politics, Politics

In Mississippi, 21.7 percent of the population receive food stamps, the highest rate in the country. New Mexico is the only other state with food stamp participation above 20 percent. Nearly 22 percent of District of Columbia residents receive food stamps. Wyoming has the lowest food stamp participation at 5.6 percent.

Population by Races (Kentucky)

RacePopulation% of Total
Total Population
White3,809,537 87%
Black or African American337,5207
Hispanic or Latino132,8363
Two or More Races75,2081
Some Other Race55,5511
American Indian10,120Below 1%
Three or more races4,426Below 1%
Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander2,501Below 1%
Native Hawaiian541Below 1%
Alaska Native tribes111Below 1%

Proving once again libtards only educate themselves with memes instead of facts.
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No meme...just a FACT!

the 10 poorest states in the US are all in the south and republican controlled....they all draw more money from the gov than they pay in
just more proof that conservatives are nothing more than leeches!
Texas being one of the worst and yet always talking about succession...they couldn't make it on their own!

that rebel flag they so proudly wave.......
a flag of surrender.....and for the north to SEND MORE MONEY!
Texas being one of the worst and yet always talking about succession...they couldn't make it on their own!
You're right there, my man. Texas is lucky in the sense that they have an abundance of crude oil, but as clear air sources continue developing and the world moves away from oil, they're going to lose profit for crude. Near the bottom in just about all critical areas ... individual income, education, health insurance, etc. I do read they've made headway in becoming one of the primary states to provide toxic dump sites ... unfortunately, they're building some of them right on top of the aquifers. And, they're adamantly against DACA when a third of their population is Hispanic and there are a lot of Hispanic businesses in Texas.
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Near the bottom in just about all critical areas ... individual income, education, health insurance, etc.

you got that right...did you read where a pregnant women in Africa stands a better chance of getting health care than in Texas...they pretty much did away with planned parenthood

the rest of the south have been poor dumb and illiterate for so long they just don't know better.....and now you have Kansas and Wisconsin trying to compete for that title...Brownback flat screwed Kansas to death....as for Wisconsin....mostly just Kock puppets...he runs that state...and they swallow all his bullshit!

But what the hell Trump is going to put us all on the same level
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mac you see where that asshole is going to deport the imigr. if he doesn't get the money for the wall
and now he wants the dems on board to pass the budget..other wise the country comes to a halt and the dems fault ( because even the republicans can't agree on spending)
where in the hell is he going to get the money for the wall...he already put us 1 trillion deeper in debt with his tax deal.......he can't just go ahead with the wall and file bankruptcy like he does everything else
wtf is taking Mueller so long?
You talking about raising the debt ceiling? I know he's holding up renewing DACA over the wall. Hadn't heard anything on not upping the debt ceiling if the wall isn't approved by Dem's.
Running up the Nat'l Debt with "trickle down" tax cuts is the Republican's MO ...
Mueller has a huge job ... Jesus, I mean its like almost everyone in the Trump administration. Think about it, who does he have LEFT from his initial department appointments? And they're quitting/resigning daily as they see the handwriting on the wall pretty clear. I think as Trump's time nears an end, he's going to throw a 'hail mary' get rid of Sessions, and appoint someone who will remove Mueller ... then all hell will break loose in the US i'm fairly sure.
I imagine, however, if it takes bankrupting the country to ******* entitlements to the private sector, that's exactly what Republicans will do. they know they may not have another chance at this for a couple decades or more if they don't.
Hadn't heard anything on not upping the debt ceiling if the wall isn't approved by Dem's.

there are some republicans NOT buying all the spending naturally....so he needs the Dems to avoid a shut down.....if the Dems don't go along it will be the Dems who are the ones responsible for the shut down...according to Trump

Mueller has a huge job ... Jesus, I mean its like almost everyone in the Trump administration

yes I agree...but there are some on the right saying he has taken it to far (money laundering and etc)...I agree he can't do one without the other...and what turn a blind eye to the other laws they have broken?

sure didn't have any problem with it when they went after Bill Clinton...started out as whitewater...ended up with a cummy dress for impeachment....seem to have a lot of double standards don't you think...and look at how many of them want to stop the whole thing...bunch of them should be brought up on obstruction them selves!...especially the ass from Calif!

the one thing this guy has done...is make the country more divided
and to me show just how far the right is willing to go to benefit the select few and literally fuck the country....most of them could care less that Russia was involved because they gave them someone who is willing to fuck the country to get all the things they want
hopefully by midterms the courts will have changed a lot of this gerymendering...and people get registered ( although then you get someone like Pence who throws out those registrations)
what I really don't understand is how some of these people can just turn a blind eye to all the ******* being pulled and still vote the party no matter what..and NOT think some of this will not effect them..(like the gun nuts) and a few others...(most of the south)...I guess when they end up off food stamps and some of those programs they might wake up

Ryan and team are already looking at serious cuts to all those programs this year....and I read yesterday Trump is looking at privatizing social security and etc

social security is NOTHING to the gov....we pay into it and we draw it...except they keep stealing it so why fuck with it?
Medicare..Ok MOST of it is paid by employers so I can see them doing everything they can for the employer...goes along with their version of the major fucking....but along with cutting the Medicare and the fucking will be to those in need!

I wanted to retire next year and all those cuts and etc...are sure fucking the elderly!