Politics, Politics, Politics

Burn the whole fucking batch!

Will Mueller Charge Ivanka Trump in Russia Investigation in 2018?
Christianna Silva,Newsweek

Special Counsel Robert Mueller continues to make his way through the Trump family as his investigation into Russian meddling in last year’s election continues—and Ivanka Trump might be next.
Based on reports, it’s possible that President Donald Trump’s *******, Ivanka Trump, could be engulfed in Mueller’s investigation. A Los Angeles Times investigation shows that Mueller’s team is looking into an interaction between a Russian lawyer and Ivanka Trump that took place during her fathers 2016 presidential campaign.

Palmer Report @PalmerReport
Donald Trump’s day so far:

- Says he’s “like, really smart”
- Says he’s a “stable genius”
- Everyone is laughing at him
- #StableGenius is trending
- Fredo Corleone is trending
- Trump needs a straitjacket
- Mueller targeting Ivanka
- SEC targeting Kushner
- It’s still only noon
11:00 AM - Jan 6, 2018


I read an article that when Trump was over there for his pageant that he visited the kremlin and Ivanka sat in Putins chair joking about being in charge....you really think they are NOT that close?
anyone read where unemployment is so low that employers are having trouble getting workers?

Know what that means?...they will have to raise the wages!
I'm sure Trump and the right will want to take credit for that also...he forgets so quickly as do others on the right...he inherited a growing economy!
this asshole just creating another Russian ally

U.S. weighs Pakistani blowback as it piles pressure on Islamabad
By Phil Stewart,Reuters

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The United States is examining ways to mitigate any Pakistani retaliation as it piles pressure on Islamabad to crack down on militants, a senior U.S. official said on Friday, cautioning that U.S. action could extend beyond a new freeze in aid.
Pakistan is a crucial gateway for U.S. military supplies destined for U.S. and other troops fighting a 16-year-old war in neighboring, landlocked Afghanistan.
So far, the Pentagon says Pakistan has not given any indication that it would close its airspace or roads to military supplies and U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis played down concerns on Friday.
But Washington has only just begun to work through its new plan to suspend up to roughly $2 billion in U.S. security assistance, announced on Thursday. It came days after U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted that Pakistan had rewarded past U.S. aid with "nothing but lies & deceit."
A Government Accountability Office (GAO) report shows federal agents tried to show ease of illegally purchasing guns online only to fail in 72 out of 72 attempts.
The 72 attempts spanned a two and a half year time frame.
The NRA-ILA reported:
In yet another embarrassment for the gun control lobby, a government investigation of online gun sales designed to determine “whether private sellers would knowingly sell a firearm to an individual prohibited from possessing one” determined that … no, actually, they would not. In 72 attempts undertaken over 2 ½ years, undercover agents trying to buy guns through readily-accessible Internet sites failed exactly 100% of the time to complete a sale when the seller had reason to believe the buyer was prohibited or lived in another state.​
The GAO report was titled, “Internet Firearm Sales: ATF Enforcement Efforts and Outcomes of GAO Covert Testing.” It was commissioned by three rabid gun controllers, Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-MD) and Sens. Brian Schatz (D-HI) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA).
Cummings, Schatz, and Warren were apparently all lured in by a Michael Bloomberg-funded 2011 study which claimed “62% of private sellers” would go through with an online sale even after finding out the would-be buyer had a criminal history. Bloomberg’s study gave ammunition to the gun control zealots who then urged the GAO study, only to find that the so-called lucrative market of “unregulated” online sales is not there.
Again, federal agents made 72 attempts to buy guns online during a two and a half year time frame and failed every time.
Gun controllers in the House or Senate and frequently speak of a loophole that allows criminals to buy guns online. Their surrogates in Hollywood and the media often make the same claims following a high profile firearm-based attack. For example, after the Las Vegas attack Jimmy Kimmel claimed, “Right now, there are loopholes in the law that let people avoid background checks if they buy a gun privately–from another party–if they buy a gun online or at a gun show.”
Sorry Jimmy, there is no loophole. There are private sales–which have been legal since the Second Amendment was ratified in 1791–but besides these, Americans have been ****** to undergo a background check for every retail sale since 1998. In fact, it is illegal to buy a gun online without going through a background check. If an individual from Florida wants to purchase a firearm online from a gun store in Oklahoma, that gun has to be shipped to a Florida store where the buyer passes a background check before taking possession of it.
The GAO report is clear–72 attempted purchases, 72 fails.

HEALTH INSURANCE For Small Businesses?

haven't looked into what it is going to look like for retirees yet (coming soon) but from what I have read so far not looking good for the elderly
momma going to take a walk this summer and start commuting to the new house...I plan on MAYBE one more year....she has health ins for life but has to use certain providers...I'm at the mercy of the Gov
see where one of Roy Moore's accusers had her house burned down?

these right wingers are becoming real fanatics anymore...party over everything...country ..morale's etc...just so blind to everything

Hell look at some that came forward on Trump...had their lives thrreatened

In some ways I am looking forward to all these programs that will and are getting cut...maybe open their eyes some...but then feel sorry for those just caught in the mess and have to face the hardship....but I suppose by the time it really hits some of them a Dem will be back in power and just blame it on the dems again
ashamed...knowing how they just fucked the country...or embarrassed knowing they won't be re-elected?

Republicans on the run: Retirements could be trouble for Trump and party
The Hill

"When the president visited Utah last month, he said I was a fighter. I've always been a fighter. I was an amateur boxer in my youth, and I brought that fighting spirit with me to Washington. But every good fighter knows when to hang up the gloves.” With those words, Sen. Orrin HatchOrrin Grant HatchMcConnell names Senate GOP tax conferees Ryan pledges 'entitlement reform' in 2018 Utah governor calls Bannon a 'bigot' after attacks on Romney MORE (R-Utah) became the latest member of Congress to announce that he will not be seeking another term. The spate of recent retirements led to speculation about a widespread exodus by Republicans from Trumpland. It is first important to note that, of the ...
A Gwinnett County, Georgia, resident awoke to the sound of a door crashing in on Monday morning, armed himself and shot and killed one of three home intrusion suspects.
Police found the body of the deceased suspect “in a neighbor’s yard.”
According to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, the homeowner went toward the sound of the crashing door only to come face to face with three suspects. A gun battle ensued in which the homeowner was shot in the leg. Police report that he was “******* profusely” when they arrived on scene.
Although wounded, the homeowner was able to ******* the suspects to flee the scene. The suspect who was fatally wounded collapsed in the neighbor’s yard as he fled. The other two suspects got into a vehicle and made their escape.
The homeowner was rushed to a hospital and his condition is unreported.
The Gwinnett Daily Post reports that the two suspects who escaped have not been identified.

Oprah for president!

after all we have already seen the bottom now....

she REALLY built an empire from nothing AND made it even bigger on TV....but to my knowledge she hasn't ******* anyone...but for the right that may be a prerequisite....

trump crying again the media against him since NBC posted that tweet....well hell yes most are against him...he didn't win the popular vote for president by the people....and he sure hasn't made any attempt to represent the people...except a select few so far...so why shouldn't everyone be against him
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