Politics, Politics, Politics

its with the ones YOU ELECT and put into office.

No, Mac, he is NOT someone I elected - Never voted for him. I've met him, he's an ass.

When will you conservatives realize that the current Republican party does NOT have your best interests or the country's, in mind?
About the same time that you liberals realize that the Democrats don't either. But, it will all be too late then.
TwoBi ... my point is that conservatives have no intent to provide quality healthcare ... none at all. Same with education ... they're cutting programs to education, to veterans, etc ... the ONLY thing that matters to them is cutting taxes for the wealthy & eliminating entitlements. Paul Ryan said it himself last week ... "in 2018 we need to address entitlements; we can't sustain the cost of those programs". Well, of course we can't, not when we keep taking more and more revenue out of the system.
Over the past four days, Iranians have taken to the streets in several cities to protest corruption and living conditions in the repressive Islamic Republic. The unusual public protest of the Iranian regime has provoked a predictable government crackdown. While protests in Iran are rare, they aren’t unprecedented. However, this time, unlike in 2009, the White House is poised to support the protesters, not leave them in the lurch.
Demonstrations began in the northeastern city of Mashhad on Thursday, and quickly spread to several other cities on Friday. They began over high prices, but now protestors are calling for the ouster of Tehran’s powerful clerical class, and speaking out against police beatings and other government abuses. Ironically, the protests began just two days before previously scheduled pro-government rallies that took place on Saturday, meant to mark the eight-year anniversary of the 2009 Green Movement protests that the Iranian regime harshly suppressed.

TwoBi ... my point is that conservatives have no intent to provide quality healthcare ... none at all. Same with education ... they're cutting programs to education, to veterans, etc ... the ONLY thing that matters to them is cutting taxes for the wealthy & eliminating entitlements. Paul Ryan said it himself last week ... "in 2018 we need to address entitlements; we can't sustain the cost of those programs". Well, of course we can't, not when we keep taking more and more revenue out of the system.

And the Democrooks do? You keep following that carrot Mac. Sorry, but I believe in teaching a man to fish...
My point is that our government as a whole has failed, and will continue to fail the American people. It's beyond Democrats vs Republican.
Over the past four days, Iranians have taken to the streets in several cities to protest corruption and living conditions in the repressive Islamic Republic. The unusual public protest of the Iranian regime has provoked a predictable government crackdown. While protests in Iran are rare, they aren’t unprecedented. However, this time, unlike in 2009, the White House is poised to support the protesters, not leave them in the lurch.
Demonstrations began in the northeastern city of Mashhad on Thursday, and quickly spread to several other cities on Friday. They began over high prices, but now protestors are calling for the ouster of Tehran’s powerful clerical class, and speaking out against police beatings and other government abuses. Ironically, the protests began just two days before previously scheduled pro-government rallies that took place on Saturday, meant to mark the eight-year anniversary of the 2009 Green Movement protests that the Iranian regime harshly suppressed.

Just because they hate their religious leaders doesnt mean they love the west. Its best we shut up about it.
I believe in teaching a man to fish...
ah, so maybe the real issue is you feel that the poor, as a whole, are lazy and refuse to earn their way? There are always going to be the poor & oppressed, many put there not of their own choosing. If you're a 'god-fearing' man, maybe its time to crack open that dusty, old bible ...
..........Proverbs 21:13 - "whoever despises his neighbor is a sinner, but blessed is he who is generous to the poor".
.........Proverbs 22:16 - "whoever oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, will only come to poverty, himself".
.........Deuteronomy 15:11 - "..... for there will never cease to be the poor. Open wide your hand to the needy & the poor in your land".
If you're a 'god-fearing' man, maybe its time to crack open that dusty, old bible ...
religion is something the right only talks about and uses as a form to dictate their own lifestyles

their real form of religion all comes in "In God we trust" ...their own wallet is all that really counts!...it shows in everything they do and say....laws they pass...how they run their biz..etc

they haven't cared about anything or anyone since you left the womb!
churches should lose their tax status....that would be more than enough to cover this latest tax plan loss!
ah, so maybe the real issue is you feel that the poor, as a whole, are lazy and refuse to earn their way? There are always going to be the poor & oppressed, many put there not of their own choosing. If you're a 'god-fearing' man, maybe its time to crack open that dusty, old bible ...
..........Proverbs 21:13 - "whoever despises his neighbor is a sinner, but blessed is he who is generous to the poor".
.........Proverbs 22:16 - "whoever oppresses the poor to increase his own wealth, will only come to poverty, himself".
.........Deuteronomy 15:11 - "..... for there will never cease to be the poor. Open wide your hand to the needy & the poor in your land".

Ahhh, there you go with your assumptions again - you only think black and white don't you?
Sorry, not a God fearing man. I grew up in a church, I know all to well the hypocrisy of the "conservative christian" They are just as bad as the liberal, just opposite ends of the rope and both to blind the see the truth right in front of them, and neither willing to compromise. Perhaps you feel that the poor are "too dumb" to climb out of poverty and constantly need your handout? Of course there will always be poor, but not on the scale we have today. I don't expect everyone to live like kings, but with the amount of wealth in this world there is no reason that anyone should be hungry.

Do I think the the poor are lazy and unwilling? not all of them - no. The Vast majority simply need the means and the method (you know - teach them to fish), neither of which are provided by our government. Social program don't work, they haven't worked for over 60 years, They only serve to keep the poor - poor. I'm sure there are "success stories" out there, but more and more those who relay on it are becoming more lazy and more unwilling because social programs keep them that way. How many more decades do you think the middle class can afford to dump trillions into social programs? You are always talking about beating a dead cat - social programs are that cat. I would suggest (again) you watch Poverty Inc. but beware, it might burn your ears out.

In this country it is simple to start a new business, however it is one thing to start a business and it is something entirely different to grow that business. Democratic policies, government red tape, and tax on small business make it even harder. Why is it that only the largest corporations seem to benefit the most with either Democrat or Republican policies? Small companies like mine do not qualify for any tax deductions or subsidies. Grant you we also can skate under most of the regulatory laws as well, but that simply proves that as far as the government is concerned, we don't exists. As long as we pay our taxes is their only concern. Small business and individuals do not have the same protections that large corporations do, just look at what Monsanto has done to the local farmer.

You complain about the Republicans cutting social program - but you don't complain when the Democrats don't reinstate them.
You complain about the Republicans cutting education - but you don't complain when the Democrats don't re-establish funds.
You complain about the Republicans cutting tax to the rich - but you don't complain when the Democrats don't reinstate those.

Should these 3 things be the Democrats first objective each time they have the trifecta? I would think so, but the last Democrat who had the trifecta instead ****** a mandate on the people the majority did not want that. A mandate that did nothing but tax the middle class, give trillions to a crony capitalist corporation called "insurance companies", and ****** thousands of small businesses out of the competition. Sure the Democrats talk a good game, but all we really get is scraps in the end and a dangling carrot with promise of more.

Question: Which is better, a Social program that helps make your house payment until you can get back on your feet (temporary help). Or a social program that forces you to sell your home, move into low income housing and continues to pay your rent as long as you remain unemployed (long term).

I prefer the first option.
there you go with your assumptions again - you only think black and white don't you?
Sorry, not a God fearing man. I grew up in a church, I know all to well the hypocrisy of the "conservative christian"
....Nope, not at all, that's why I injected the words maybe the issue is, which you chose to look through so you could accuse me of assuming. I told you, long ago, I think the best thing for you would be to find a high quality, professional financial planner, lay down the $2,000 he'll probably charge you, and get a true evaluation of your business situation and ways to work it to your advantage. Particularly with start-up small businesses, this is the way to go ... but, if you try cutting costs and going with an undesignated financial planner for less money, you'll probably "get what you paid for" ... and this is too important to not see the real opportunities out there.
....As far as Democrats undoing what the Republicans are doing, it seems President Obama and Democrats spent their first four years UNDOING what the Republicans did the eight years prior ... don't you think? Cost the country several trillion dollars on TOP of what DWBush and the irresponsible "trickle-down" crowd cost this country. The damage THEY caused businesses and investors far outweighed anything the Obama and Democrats caused. Democrats simply went around Republicans on healthcare BECAUSE they knew they would do as they always do everything, kick that can down the road. Obviously you still don't buy into the fact that Republicans have NO INTENTION of providing an affordable healthcare system. But, they also spent their last ten years making sure Democrats couldn't either ... 62 times opposing the PPACA in the House???? The Republicans have spent their entire time focusing on stopping Democrats from developing a competitive healthcare system and demonizing the plan & Hillary Clinton, both of which they were afraid of. And you obviously ignore the Republicans forming the Party Of NO to stop anything President Obama wanted to do. It was Republicans that brought the big money of corporations into the politics with Citizens United ... now, our representatives work for THEM, not for the American people. Even Republican party-affiliates agree that the Republicans have taken a corrupt path to govern ... so, how is "President Trump" working out for them? We'll see in November, won't we?
• The Democratic Party has a long and cherished history of trying to do the most good for the greatest number of people.
• Social Security
• Medicare, Medicaid, Healthcare Reform, Food Safety
• New Deal, Great Society, Peace Corp, Vista, Job Corp
• Civil Rights, Women’s Right to Vote, Equal Rights, The Voting Rights Act, Equal Pay Act, Motor Voter
• Consumer Protection, FDIC, Banking and Wall Street Regulations, SEC, Federal Reserve System, Anti-trust Legislation
• Funding for Science, Medical and Engineering Research, Space Exploration, NSF, NIH
• Support for Public Education, Head Start, School Lunch and Breakfast Programs
• NLRB, 8 hr. Work Day/40 hr. Work Week, Overtime, Unemployment
• Protection for the Environment, Increased Numbers and Support of National Parks and Wilderness Areas, Endangered Species Act, FEMA
• Veterans’ Benefits, GI Bill
• UN, NATO, Marshall Plan
• Vehicles Safety Requirements, Reduced Emissions, and Fuel Economy Standards (CAFE)
• TVA, Federal Loan Program, PBS, NPR, the Internet
• Economic Growth (Democratic Presidents: Roosevelt through Obama)
hard to understand why people STILL defend the right...when history is on the side of Democrats for doing GOOD for the country

WW1 Victory(1919) - Woodrow Wilson(D)
WW2 Victory(1945) - Franklin D Roosevelt(D) / Harry S. Truman(D)
GI Bill (1945) - FDR(D)
NATO(1949) - Truman(D)

Foreign Relations
Marshall Plan(1947) - Truman(D)
Peace Corp(1960/61) - John F. Kennedy(D)

Space Exploration
First Manned Moon Mission(1969) - Under Pres. Lyndon B. Johnson(D)
First American to Orbit the Earth(1962) = John Glenn \ Under Pres. JFK(D)
Oldest Person in Space(1998) = Sen. John Glenn(D)\ Under Pres. Bill Clinton(D)

Socio-Economic Programs
40-hour Work Week(1938) - Roosevelt(D)
Minimum Wage Law(1938) - Roosevelt(D)
Overtime(1938)- Roosevelt(D)
Social Security Act(1935) - Roosevelt(D)
Unemployment Compensation(1935) - Roosevelt(D)
Rural Electrification Act(1936) - Roosevelt(D)
Federal Deposit Insurance(1933) - Roosevelt(D)
Federal Home Loan Program(1934) - Rossevelt(D)
Securities & Exchange Act(1934) - Rossevelt(D)

Guaranteed Student Loan Program(1965) - Johnson(D)
School Lunch Program(1946) - Truman(D)
Operation Head Start(1965) - Johnson(D)

Medicare(1965) - Johnson(D)
Medicaid(1965) - Johnson(D)
Family and Medical Leave Act(1993) - Clinton(D)

Civil Rights
Women's Suffrage Amendment
Civil Rights Act(1965) - Johnson(D)
Voting Rights Act (1965) - Johnson(D)
Motor Voter Act(1993) - Clinton(D)
.Nope, not at all, that's why I injected the words maybe the issue is, which you chose to look through so you could accuse me of assuming. I told you, long ago, I think the best thing for you would be to find a high quality, professional financial planner, lay down the $2,000 he'll probably charge you, and get a true evaluation of your business situation and ways to work it to your advantage. Particularly with start-up small businesses, this is the way to go ... but, if you try cutting costs and going with an undesignated financial planner for less money, you'll probably "get what you paid for" ... and this is too important to not see the real opportunities out there.

Gee, thanks for pointing that out Mr. Obvious, did it make you feel smart? (the reason for the sarcasm Mac, is because you obviously assume I am not smart enough to do that already). There just isn't many opportunities other than loans for a small business. Grants are almost impossible for small business, It's more about who you know,....

The poor who have 0 opportunities to get out of poverty. All types of social programs, but poverty still continues to grow. Ever ask why that is? Go ahead and point the finger to the evil GOP, but I see no to little efforts from the Democrats other than raise tax and dump more money into failed programs. Programs that have worked in the past get shut down, ever think there might be a reason for that?

As far as Democrats undoing what the Republicans are doing, it seems President Obama and Democrats spent their first four years UNDOING what the Republicans did the eight years prior ... don't you think?

But did they really? More scraps and dangling carrots is what I see.

Obviously you still don't buy into the fact that Republicans have NO INTENTION of providing an affordable healthcare system.
No, and I have stated a few times I don't think the Republicans will provide an affordable health plan. What I maintain is that the Democrats didn't either. Rates will have to go so high corps will start (and already have) dropping insurance and paying the fines - it will be cheaper. And spare me the BS about the GOP blocking all efforts to control cost, you might want to believe that, but history shows us that when something becomes required by law the price instantly doubles. Again, creating a law requiring everyone to buy insurance does not equate to "making healthcare affordable".

I won't be voting the normal party lines, I will be voting Libertarians, Independents, and anyone that has never held office when ever possible. If you want to continue doing the same thing and expect a different result, then you go ahead.
42+ Democratic Accomplishments You May Not Know About

This is not your *******’s Republican Party. We’ve heard the phrase from a variety of people in recent years, yet it has never rung more true. In fact, my ******* and stepmother, both lifelong Republicans have expressed feelings of discontent and disconnect from the modern Republican Party, largely due to the string of radical Sarah Palin-backed Tea Party candidates.
While, historically speaking, the kind of mood suggested by recent polls derive from a bad economy, this election has no shortage of frights. Between O’Donnell in Delaware, Sharron Angle in Nevada, and Carl Paladino in New York, among others, Republicans and Democrats alike have something to worry about, and vote against. All of the labor completed by the 111th Congress is under siege, and their legislative accomplishments, many of which benefit the average family, could be overturned or underfunded.
Our current economic situation, which was created over the course of about a decade of Republican rule, cannot be fixed in 21 months. Although we have not seen economic instant gratification, we have seen consistent improvement.

Gee, thanks for pointing that out Mr. Obvious, did it make you feel smart? (the reason for the sarcasm Mac, is because you obviously assume I am not smart enough to do that already).
No, but I see even when I try to show an interest in your posts, you'd prefer taking it as an insult and become arrogant again. So, keep your "liberal hatred" going and I'll uninvite myself from your little "pity party" because ....
Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN) has sparked speculation that she may run for the Senate seat vacated on Tuesday by Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) following revelations by several women that he sexually harassed them.
Bachmann spoke about the possibility of running on a religious television program, a CBS affiliate in Minnesota reported.
“The question is: Am I being called to do this now?” Bachmann said on The Jim Bakker Show. “I don’t know. I don’t know.”
Bachmann said she could handle the job, but added that the current political climate in Washington is “toxic.”
“The question is, should it be me, should it be now — but there’s a price you pay, and the price is bigger than ever because the swamp is so toxic,” Bachmann said.
Bachmann, 61, served in Congress from 2007 until 2015. In 2012 she threw her hat in the ring for the Republican presidential nomination.
The special election to seat a permanent replacement for Franken will take place in November.
Minnesota Lt. Gov. Tina Smith, a Democrat, is expected to be sworn in on Wednesday to temporarily replace Franken. Smith said she’ll run in the special election, CBS reported.

there is SOME truth to that....more time away from WH ..less time to fuck the people

White House Says Secret Rounds Of Golf Make Donald Trump A Better President
Amanda Terkel,

Donald Trump loves golf. He has spent at least 91 days of his presidency at golf courses and has been confirmed golfing at least 35 times. Presumably, he has golfed more times, but the White House is often tight-lipped at what in the world the president is doing at these golf courses.
On Christmas Day, Trump tweeted that he was taking the day off then getting “back to work” after the holiday.
