Politics, Politics, Politics

Actually that is true. The more he's away from the functions of his job, the safer the world is, and the less damage he does to the USA. So, I guess that qualifies under his administration's Alt-Facts.
Former Congresswoman Michele Bachmann (R-MN) has sparked speculation that she may run for the Senate seat vacated on Tuesday by Sen. Al Franken (D-MN)
Ah yes, MORE ENTERTAINMENT from the "God told her to do it" woman who predicted the End Of Days and supported the Jade Helm 15 hoax during her last occupation of Congress.
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The protests in Iran are now a week old and continue to spread across the country. Hundreds of Iranians have been arrested and more than 20 people have been reported killed. These are the largest protests since the 2009 Green movement, when millions of Iranians demanded a recount after the country’s sham presidential election brought Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to power.
In sharp contrast to President Obama’s muted reaction to those 2009 protests, President Trump tweeted a message of solidarity with Iranians Tuesday morning, calling the regime in Tehran “******* and corrupt,” and warning that the United States is watching.

Surely they wouldn't replace and very good Dem...with her...hell she got laughed out of wash the last time!

also on the cartoon network.....Bannon turning on the family?...saying Kushner and D jr..were treasonous?
just keeps getting better

and Congress now reads the "dossier" ...and decide maybe they should look at ways of limiting Trumps dealing with Russia....

great start to the new year

BTW even some in the Senate are saying Franken got a raw deal...and they should e-think it....and even in his own state...they didn't like it..BUT didn't want him to step down....might be kind of a humiliating experience for bachman...she was laughed at before...funny if she didn't even garner enough support to get on the ticket...although I understand she still has over a mil dollars in her treasury from before...money makes the difference?!
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looks like the rats are jumping ship and squealing on the way out

just a matter of time........

and Mmmmm why doesn't the republicans want to follow the money?
starting to look like trump didn't finance his own campaign....maybe help from mom Russia?
The government of state sponsor of terrorism Iran, in an apparent effort to distract from the financial woes and political unrest fueling rallies that have been raging for days, has organized anti-U.S., pro-Islamist demonstrations on its behalf.
Iran’s state-controlled media is also attempting to portray the authentic demonstrations as public outcry over the United States, hiding the open rebellion against Iran’s Islamic leadership that has been feeding the rallies.
“The demonstrators also chanted anti-US and anti-Israeli slogans in the rallies, reaffirming commitment to the Islamic Republic and pledging support for the country’s security and stability,” alleges the regime-aligned Tasnim News Agency.
Meanwhile, the state-owned Press TV reiterates, “The participants further shouted slogans against the United States and the Israeli regime, which welcomed the turmoil and voiced support for the riots.”

looks like the rats are jumping ship and squealing on the way out

just a matter of time........

and Mmmmm why doesn't the republicans want to follow the money?
starting to look like trump didn't finance his own campaign....maybe help from mom Russia?
Always follow the money. Here is your hint of the day. There is a Canadian connection that flows via the Ukraine via several banks but there is an Austrian bank that hasn't been named yet. Remember that you have to move money (launder) and the president has used this avenue. The Russian connection was easier to use as massive amounts have been moving in a short time. The president will do everything he can to stop the investigation of his financial empire but it may be too late. Fun to watch.
also with Bannon's statements...kind of throws water on the fire Trump has been using against Mueller!

soon he will be toast...and a few on here will be crying in their beer
they need to hurry up and get rid of his ass before we are ******* around the world!

I would think even some republicans can see that....

Pakistan mad now that trump cut the money.....just another one that will turn to Russia for aid...just what we need!
The Justice Department has launched a new inquiry into whether the Clinton Foundation engaged in any pay-to-play politics or other illegal activities while Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State, law enforcement officials and a witness tells The Hill.
FBI agents from Little Rock, Ark., where the Foundation was started, have taken the lead in the investigation and have interviewed at least one witness in the last month, and law enforcement officials said additional activities are expected in coming weeks.
The officials, who spoke only on condition of anonymity, said the probe is examining whether the Clintons promised or performed any policy favors in return for largesse to their charitable efforts or whether donors made commitments of donations in hopes of securing government outcomes.
The probe may also examine whether any tax-exempt assets were converted for personal or political use and whether the Foundation complied with applicable tax laws, the officials said.
One witness recently interviewed by the FBI described the session to The Hill as “extremely professional and unquestionably thorough” and focused on questions about whether donors to Clinton charitable efforts received any favorable treatment from the Obama administration on a policy decision previously highlighted in media reports.
The witness discussed his interview solely on the grounds of anonymity. He said the agents were from Little Rock and their questions focused on government decisions and discussions of donations to Clinton entities during the time Hillary Clinton led President Obama's State Department.
The FBI office in Little Rock referred a reporter Thursday to Washington headquarters, where officials declined any official comment.

The Justice Department has launched a new inquiry into whether the Clinton Foundation engaged in any pay-to-play politics or other illegal activities while Hillary Clinton served as Secretary of State, law enforcement officials and a witness tells The Hill.
gif_Yellowball-happy.gif ... and I wonder WHO instigated this one? One thing about the Republicans, if they don't catch a fish in a dry pond on their first attempt, they have no problem returning over and over to fish the same pond again and again expecting a different results.
see where they are back on Clinton foundation......anything but investigate trump...and keep all the trump ******* out of the press

they epitomize corruption

they kick franken out of the Senate over his thing with a co-worker...without the hearing promised...and yet Gowdy caught by the FBI falsifying Clinton e-mails...and make him head of the judiciary committee?