Politics, Politics, Politics

Oprah Winfrey can't run for President, she has a police felony record for prohibited substances ...
pic_OprahWinfrey.jpg......She was flying out of Chicago and the screeners lifted her dress and found 40 pounds of crack.!
She was flying out of Chicago and the screeners lifted her dress and found 40 pounds of crack.!

although getting time for someone to step up for the dems and start taking some kind of a leadership role....apparently the right is going to stick with the lunatic...????? maybe...if he lasts that long

Mmmm will it be Oprah...Clinton again (don't think so)....Elizabeth Warren....Joe Biden?...or Kermit the Frog....all could easily beat the Dumpster!
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you think those rethuglicans aren't serious about taking care of the wealthy...at any cost...these right wingers are really whacko!

look at one of Roy Moore's accusers last week....got her house burned down

and now this.......

Fusion GPS lawyer: Someone has already been killed over publication of dossier

it was rumored long ago Trump had mob ties.....you notice most of his accusers are stepping back...some have already stated they have been threatened
American employers from Disney to office cleaners to builders of giant office complexes are preparing for the loss of workers from Haiti and Central America long ago given temporary permission to live and work in the United States.
The Trump administration said Monday that it would end this temporary status for around 200,000 foreign workers from El Salvador. As a result, they would be required to leave by September 2019. More than 45,000 Haitians have been put on notice that they will have to leave by July 2019. Around 57,000 Hondurans are still waiting to receive news from the administration.
All these foreign workers were originally granted permission to live and work in the U.S. on a temporary basis, typically as a humanitarian measure following wars or natural disasters. Although these programs granting residency are supposed to end when conditions in their home countries expired, they have often been extended by past presidents of both parties–sometimes for decades.
Many American businesses are already crying foul, concerned that the loss of foreign workers will ******* them to raise wages to make jobs more attractive to native workers. Some are even threatening to shrink their businesses rather than raise wages, a classic sign of uncompetitive behavior that economists call “monopsonistic.” Often, businesses opposed to the Trump administration’s position have made a variant of the old argument that theirs are “jobs Americans won’t do.”
“There are no Americans out there to take the jobs,” Mark Drury, a vice president at Shapiro & Duncan, a Washington-area plumbing, heating and cooling firm, told the New York Times.

well maybe there is some hope.....

Judges: North Carolina must redo map skewed by partisanship
GARY D. ROBERTSON,Associated Press

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — Federal judges ruled Tuesday that North Carolina's congressional district map drawn by legislative Republicans is illegally gerrymandered because of excessive partisanship that gave the GOP a rock-solid advantage for most seats and must quickly be redone.
The ruling marks the second time this decade that the GOP's congressional boundaries in the state have been thrown out by a three-judge panel. In 2016, another panel tossed out two majority black congressional districts initially drawn in 2011, saying there was no justification for using race as the predominant factor in forming them. The redrawn map was the basis for a new round of lawsuits.
RE: Judges: North Carolina must redo map skewed by partisanship
This is the third time, now, that our Republican assembly has been ordered to FIX their biased gerrymandered districts. Each time it comes up about 9-10 months before voting, and each time the Republicans drag their feet, saying they can't get it redistricted in time for the election. This last time, prior to the 2016 (general election) they changed the districts to their "alternative" plan from one that discriminated by race, to one that discriminated by party, AND, they closed a bunch of voting polls and shortened the voting days and times. The NAACP has been raising hell about it ever since. So, now, the Republicans, here, eliminated the new Democrat Governor's authority to appoint judges and are appointing new judges as quickly as they can, and they're looking for the most far-right judges they can appoint in order to get favorable decisions. Their efforts to CHEAT simply continues as their voter base shrinks.

PoliticsLetter: Retirees will pay dearly for GOP tax debacle
The Salt Lake Tribune

Growing old appears to be a common human trait. Retirement on a modest fixed income is often the result. It’s hard to see how the passage of the recent Republican tax plan does much for a significant portion of our elderly population. Assuming most of these seniors (both Republican and Democrat) will opt for the doubling of the standard deduction, the benefit loses a lot of its glitz when offset by a retired couple losing the former $8,100 exemption allowance. With the scheduled future expiration of the doubling, I haven’t seen any indication the exemption will ever be reinstated. Add the dismantling of the individual mandate and seniors get treated even worse. Not requiring the young and healthy ...

anyone hear about Trump wanting to pass a law where you can't print or make false statements about people?

that would ******* any republican campaign....they couldn't run a candidate that could follow that...to include Trump!
Right up your alley Mac

With the individual mandate repealed, three things to expect
The Tennessean

Republicans successfully repealed the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate through their tax reform legislation, which has created many questions for consumers. How will this decision affect insurance markets and consumers’ ability to get coverage? Without additional legislative action, there are three things we can expect. With the individual mandate repealed, many healthy people will drop their coverage. This will likely lead insurers to expect to lose money, and they will either exit the individual market or raise premiums. As a result, there will be increased pressure on Congress to come up with a solution before consumers’ access to coverage is reduced. Let’s go through each of these ...
With the individual mandate repealed, many healthy people will drop their coverage. This will likely lead insurers to expect to lose money, and they will either exit the individual market or raise premiums.

What it should do is encourage insurance companies to put together more affordable packages an lower premiums to keep their customers - instead of relying on a LAW to keep them in business. Think of all the money they would save on lobbyist. People don't have insurance because it is too expensive, and you get nothing out of it. (unless you are a hypochondriac) I can pay for my Doc visits and I can pay for my scripts. Why can't I carry a simple plan that will cover me if I get hospitalized? Good example, over the past 3 years I paid almost $15,000.00 in premiums alone, I have been to the doc 3 times in those 3 years for a whopping total of (drum roll) $810.00 and Insurance covered $0. Yep - that's fair.
my wife and I neither one pay ANYTHING when we go to the Dr.
a friend from work told me to talk to United health care about after I leave work
looks to me like a decent affordable plan...that again will cost me nothing when I go to the Dr.
there are plans out there for those that look
Trump Hails Poll That Credits Obama for Booming Economy
Leah Thomas,Newsweek

Donald Trump hailed a new poll on the economy Thursday, despite the full results being a less than resounding endorsement of his presidency.
“In new Quinnipiac Poll, 66% of people feel the economy is “Excellent or Good.” That is the highest number ever recorded by this poll, Trump tweeted.

Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
In new Quinnipiac Poll, 66% of people feel the economy is “Excellent or Good.” That is the highest number ever recorded by this poll.
5:43 AM - Jan 11, 2018

While Trump is right that these numbers are the highest positive rating for Quinnipiac polls on the economy since 2001, the poll also found that 49 percent of American voters believe former President Barack Obama to be responsible for the current state of the economy. Only 40 percent of voters said that Trump was responsible.

The Quinnipiac poll, which was published on Wednesday, also asked about Trump’s intelligence, his level-headedness, and his fitness to serve as Commander in Chief.
When asked to grade President Trump’s first year in office, 56 percent of those polled gave him a failing grade of an “F” or a “D.” Just sixteen percent of respondents gave him an “A.”

The old saying ... "You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it *******" holds true with these folks that keep denying the essential services of Obamacare ... if you had health care in 2017 and 2016 you had doctors visits covered.
"Come on, horse, its paid for under your Obamacare plan!"