Politics, Politics, Politics

Trump says Dreamers won't be protected without a border wall.
Is this the same wall that President Chump campaigned on saying "Mexico is going to pay for it" .... that NOW, you and I are going to help pay for it? The same wall that he insisted Mexico would pay for it, but after elected then said "we'll build the wall but we'll bill Mexico for it?"
The same PRESIDENT that's been caught in lies over 1,200 times since elected starting with "the largest crowd to ever watch a Presidential inauguration in history". That President? The one that just recently said he was "giving the middleclass the largest tax cut ever?" That President? The President that said "I'm going to give the American people a much, much better health plan than Obamacare?" ... and didn't have anything even close to comparable to offer the people?
cartoon_TRUMP.jpg....................Oh my, guess WE should bow down and "KISS THE RING" ... right? gif_Yellowball-JerkingOff.gif
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and yet the right still worships and supports their false god!

In a 30-minute interview, President Trump made 24 false or misleading claims

President Trump gave an impromptu half-hour interview with the New York Times on Dec. 28. We combed through the transcript and here’s a quick roundup of the false, misleading or dubious claims that he made, at a rate of one every 75 seconds. (Some of the interview was off the record, so it’s possible the rate of false claims per minute is higher.)
“Virtually every Democrat has said there is no collusion. There is no collusion. . . . I saw Dianne Feinstein the other day on television saying there is no collusion.”
Trump appears to be referring to an interview with Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.), a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee. She did not flatly say there was no collusion and instead was more nuanced. Asked by CNN’s Jake Tapper on Nov. 5 whether she had “seen any evidence that this dirt, these emails, were ever given to the Trump campaign,” she replied: “Not so far.” Tapper than asked: “Have you seen any communications that suggested that the Trump campaign wanted them to release them through a different means?” She answered: “I have not.”
Is this the same wall that President Chump campaigned on saying "Mexico is going to pay for it" .... that NOW, you and I are going to help pay for it? The same wall that he insisted Mexico would pay for it, but after elected then said "we'll build the wall but we'll bill Mexico for it?"
The same PRESIDENT that's been caught in lies over 1,200 times since elected starting with "the largest crowd to ever watch a Presidential inauguration in history". That President? The one that just recently said he was "giving the middleclass the largest tax cut ever?" That President? The President that said "I'm going to give the American people a much, much better health plan than Obamacare?" ... and didn't have anything even close to comparable to offer the people?
View attachment 1619637....................Oh my, guess WE should bow down and "KISS THE RING" ... right? View attachment 1619631

Oh of course you'd be all up in arms over such horribly egregious lies from Trump as his claim of crowd size at his inauguration. To quote you from a few days ago: "soooooo fuckinnnnng what?"

Why weren't you equally wound up over "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" "If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance" Seems like those Obummer's lies were a hell of a lot more substantive than your whining about crowd size claims.

You're wound up about us having to pay for a border wall. The leftists at Time magazine say that the border wall may be three times more expensive than claimed by Homeland Security. The wall might cost us a whopping $70 billion to build.


Why weren't you equally wound up about the $1.4 TRILLION Obummercare is going to cost us over the next ten years? Oh that's right, Obummercare made it illegal for people to not buy your product. How much money does my company have to slip under the table to congress to get a deal like that????



"To separate the effects of the ACA’s coverage provisions from those broader estimates, CBO and JCT compared their current projections with estimates of what would have occurred if the ACA had never been enacted....For the 2017–2026 period, the projected net cost of those provisions is $1.4 trillion."
The GOP tax plan creates one of the largest new loopholes in decades
Los Angeles Times

The tax plan that President Trump signed into law last week creates one of the largest new loopholes in decades: a 20% deduction for “pass-through income.” Pass-through income is business income that is immediately “passed through” to the owner’s personal tax return, thereby avoiding the corporate income tax. Proponents of the Republican tax plan claim the cut benefits small businesses, but that’s a red herring. In reality, the new deduction disproportionately benefits the wealthy, penalizes workers and, in part because it is so complex, will ultimately reward those who can afford the best tax advice. The new deduction could have profound effects on the American workplace over time. It essentially ...
Oh of course you'd be all up in arms over such horribly egregious lies from Trump as his claim of crowd size at his inauguration. To quote you from a few days ago: "soooooo fuckinnnnng what?"
Its notable for several reasons, oh dense one ... #1 it was easily determined it was a LIE ... simply comparing the photos of the crowds from the two inaugurations. #2 He ****** Sean Spicer to go in front of the press to tell that LIE. #3 It was the President intentionally lying to the people, and believe it or not ... no I think I believe it ... the Trumpnut crowd actually believed Trump, saying the photos were altered.
Why weren't you equally wound up over "If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor" "If you like your insurance, you can keep your insurance" Seems like those Obummer's lies were a hell of a lot more substantive than your whining about crowd size claims.

Because Obama was NOT intentionally lying to anyone. He was responding with the info he was given. And, any attempt to fix the problem issues with Obamacare was immediately stopped by Republicans. Oh yeah, "Just Say NO" to anything Obama wants started on day one of his first inauguration.

You're wound up about us having to pay for a border wall. The leftists at Time magazine say that the border wall may be three times more expensive than claimed by Homeland Security. The wall might cost us a whopping $70 billion to build.
As usual, you miss the whole point, but then again, you don't originate posts, you just look for liberals to direct your sarcastic comments. Trump's #1 platform was "we're gonna build a wall and make Mexico pay for it" ... he knew that was a lie. Mexico has told the fool several times to shove his wall up his ass, they aren't paying for it ... so, the US citizens pay for HIS wall. NOW, he's holding NAPA hostage ... he's telling Democrats to agree to fund his wall OR he isn't going to fund NAPA ... totally different topics, BUT, its the way TRUMP deals .... always from the bottom of the deck. h-h, Trump intends of erecting a shrine to himself ... the Mexican Wall is it. Something that will last long after he's left this earth, which couldn't be soon enough, in my opinion.

Why weren't you equally wound up about the $1.4 TRILLION Obummercare is going to cost us over the next ten years? Oh that's right, Obummercare made it illegal for people to not buy your product. How much money does my company have to slip under the table to congress to get a deal like that????
Here's the thing, h-h, of course you won't get it because you're too dense to admit it ... not only did the Republicans NOT work with the Democrats on a health plan created by a Republican ... but they actually obstructed it, wanting it to fail. Not allowing tweaks to the plan, not creating exchanges, not expanding Medicaid for the poor, killing the subsidies for the poorer income earners, etc etc ... and WHY did they do this ... because they wanted to make Obama and his ACA fail. Because the Republicans had NO intentions to develop a comparable program at a "lower cost and more coverage" ... all lies by the Republicans in Congress.
And just this past Wednesday, Paul Ryan announced that they were going to have to address making cuts to ... guess what? .... entitlements. And why ... to help fund their fucking tax cuts that no common laborer wants that only the wealthy & corporations actually benefit from.
So, as usual, h-h ... here's MY response to YOU ... .....gif_Yellowball-KissMyAss.gifgif_Hearts-flyingAir2.gif"and call it my love story to you!"

NOW, quit bothering me, Mr Hemorrhoids, and go exercise or something and burn some of that FAT off your belly and ass.
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Its notable for several reasons, oh dense one ... #1 it was easily determined it was a LIE ... simply comparing the crowds from the two inaugurations. #2 He ****** Sean Spicer to go in front of the press to tell that LIE. #3 It was the President intentionally lying to the people, and believe it or not ... no I think I believe it ... the Trumpnut crowd actually believed Trump.
As usual, you ignore the point and start name calling. The crowd size issue was inconsequential. In case your reading comprehension matches your pre seventh grade level math skills, that means it wasn't important.

Lying about "you can keep your health insurance" was very much consequential (important) to millions of Americans including myself. I went from awesome health insurance to high deductible crap thanks to Obummercare trying to slap a cadillac tax" on my insurance. My thanks for getting far worse insurance....the premiums have gone UP about 75%. I guess from Obummer's perspective, his lie of "ACA will save each family $2,500" and "you can keep your healthcare" sounds better than "you can keep your healthcare if your company is willing to pay me an additional 40% tax on it" Why confuse the useful idiots with those pesky little details, right???

You continually want to deflect and blame republicans for all of Obummercare's woes, but as has been pointed out to you umpteen times on here, Democrats held a supermajority in congress. They could have made it whatever the fuck the wanted and republicans couldn't have done a damn thing to stop them.

Because Obama was NOT intentionally lying to anyone.

Utter BULLSHIT. Obummer's "if you like your healthcare, you can keep your healthcare" was so egregious, it was rated the Lie Of The Year by Politifact in 2013.


Tell me again how much money your industry had to bribe Congress with in order to make it illegal to NOT buy your product....

NOW, quit bothering me, Mr Hemorrhoids, and go exercise or something and burn some of that FAT off your belly and ass.

Sorry Mac, just checked. You're so far down on my don't give a ******* about your orders list that I had to use scientific notation to write it. (sixth grade math level translation...it's a really really big number!)
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Utter BULLSHIT. Obummer's "if you like your healthcare, you can keep your healthcare" was so egregious, it was rated the Lie Of The Year by Politifact in 2013.
....No, it wasn't a LIE ... a LIE is an INTENTIONAL MISTATEMENT, dumbnuts. That wasn't Obama's intentions. In fact, they wanted people to keep their insurance plans but a lot of the "over-the-counter" health plans were not worth very much when claims were submitted; they didn't meet health insurance coverage standards. That's why Obamacare came out with the "10 Essential Services" and Preventive Care benefits ... all the insurance companies needed to do was add those to their existing policies and everything would have gone fine; most refused to add amendments to their plans to do that because it never was their intention to provide a beneficial health plan, and they started canceling them ... they wanted the "over-the-counter" plans to appear valuable but be rather useless if large medical claims occurred. Most all those plans were indemnified plans which drastically underpaid for major surgeries, long hospital stays, various expensive exams such as cat-scans and MRIs, etc. And NONE provided preventive health care or well-baby care to allow insureds to go to the doctor (not the emergency rooms) for checkups and exams for free.
....Its funny, however, once Republicans and Trump started beating on Obamacare (which people hated because of the propaganda and fake news), they didn't care about it BUT, DON'T MESS WITH MY PP-ACA Affordable Care plan ....its amazing the number of people who were totally unaware that the ACA & Obamacare plans were ONE and the SAME plan. But, NOW they do, thanks to that PIECE OF ******* health plan that the Republicans and Trump proposed that NO ONE wants. You know, the one that would ALSO pick up pre-existing health problems with no penalties .... hummm, no, wait a minute, the Trump SAID it would, but it wouldn't ... you know ... the Liar N Chief's plan.
....So, h-h, tell us all again about that GREAT HEALTH PLAN that President Trump & Republicans promised to provide that they haven't even worked on yet ... you know, the one that would be less expensive and better coverage ... we haven't seen that one yet. WHERE IS THAT PLAN? Six years they had to produce a comparable health plan, WHERE IS IT, H-H?
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No, it wasn't a LIE ... a LIE is an INTENTIONAL MISTATEMENT, dumbnuts.
Yes it WAS a LIE (please insert whichever of your own childish name calling you wish here). That's why Politifact rated it THE LIE OF THE YEAR in 2013. It was obvious to everyone....well everyone past the 6th grade...that people were going to lose their plans. Even you're smart enough to understand a lot of employers like mine were not going to pay a brand new 40% tax on top of already expensive health insurance. So lots of companies that had graciously provided "Cadillac plans" to their employees were going to rip those away and give them crappier plans in their place.
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The Daily Mail has published an article citing a 4chan hoax to accuse a former White House intern of supporting white supremacy after he was pictured using the OK hand-sign.
In their article, the Daily Mail cited a 4chan hoax, which has been debunked by numerous organizations, in an attempt to associate former intern Jack Breuer with “white power” and white nationalists.
“The gesture – which only makes sense if made with the right hand, although there are examples of people making it with their left hand – is said to depict the letter ‘W’ with the outstretched middle, ring and little fingers, and a ‘P’ with the circle made by the thumb and forefinger stretching down to the wrist. Together ‘WP’ stands for White Power,” the Daily Mail‘s Martin Gould claimed.
It wasn’t until the end of his article that Gould acknowledged the fact that the Anti Defamation League (ADL) debunked the hoax earlier this year.
“Has the simple thumb-and-forefinger ‘OK’ hand gesture become a white supremacist hand sign? Well, no, it hasn’t, but you are likely to hear just the opposite from social media, thanks to the latest hoax from members of notorious website 4chan,” reported the ADL in May. “There is little that 4channers like so much as a hoax and in recent months they have served up a number of fakeries with white supremacist themes to largely credulous on-line audiences.”
“The ‘OK’ hand gesture hoax originated in February 2017 when an anonymous 4channer announced ‘Operation O-KKK,’ telling other members that ‘we must flood Twitter and other social media websites…claiming that the OK hand sign is a symbol of white supremacy.’ The user even provided a helpful graphic showing how the letters WP (for ‘white power’) could be traced within an ‘OK’ gesture,” they explained. “The ‘OK’ hoax was actually just the most recent in a recent series of hoaxes in which 4channers (and members of other, similar places on the Internet such as 8chan and Reddit) have tried to take innocuous items, symbols or gestures and falsely attribute white supremacist meanings to them in order to fool liberals and get them to spread such false messages.”
In his own statement, Breuer claimed he used the hand-sign as a reference to President Trump’s use of a similar gesture during his campaign speeches.
“In some of our intern pictures, I emulated the OK sign the President sometimes makes. That was foolish. I should have listened more closely to the Commander-in-Chief and given the thumbs up,” Breuer said in a statement. “I’m proud of my Jewish heritage and strongly reject the hateful views associated with racist white power organizations. I would never make common cause with them.”
The hand-sign has been used by supporters of President Trump long before the 4chan hoax as a way to show their support for the president.

Had to get a new insurance carrier, my doctor no longer accepted what I had. As usual, I had to pay the first month when I signed up, so I did. This was 4 weeks ago Yesterday I got a bill from the new insurance for my "first month" (Due the 31st mind you). My previous insurance companies tried that too. I haven't called this new insurance company yet, I will Tuesday, but I bet $50 they will try to tell me the same BS the other 2 did. "Oh - that's a sign up fee, you still need to pay the first month" So I will have to ask to speak to their boss, then they will suddenly see their "mistake" and tell me I was right, I already paid. - Just love Insurance companies and I love the government even more for protecting them. (that was sarcasm by the way). Oh forgot to mention, it's $100 more per month this year.

I'd also like want to know how much it takes to get the government to make a law forsing companies to purchase my services, not that I could pay them, but just curious, at least then I would know how much of a hypocritical crony corporation I would need to be.
Had to get a new insurance carrier, my doctor no longer accepted what I had.
What's so interesting in your state of Indiana is Mike Pence is credited with making the expanded Medicaid program there, HIP1.0, so successful. He actually proved that Obamacare was flexible to allow the states to modify their expanded plans to fit their own situations ... your state implemented the Essential Services and Preventive Care benefits with success BECAUSE of Mike Pence's leadership there. Now, because he's working under Trump, he's saying just the opposite ... that Obamacare is not flexible and is willing to blow up the ACA and cut Medicaid rather than admit others in his party are wrong. He's been in an ongoing battle with Gov Kasich of Ohio ever since becoming the VP. Thing is, the MCE's could just as well benefit standard insureds, not just Medicaid. He's now trying to screw YOUR STATE of the one big accomplishment he made as your state's governor. The problem isn't with the insurance, its with the ones YOU ELECT and put into office. Pence is simply EYEBALLING the Presidency and doing a lot of asskissing with dumbnuts Trump. Wouldn't surprise me that besides polishing Trump's ego, he's not polishing something else of his.


When will you conservatives realize that the current Republican party does NOT have your best interests or the country's, in mind? Their primary goal, in fact their only goal, is to eliminate and privatize all entitlement programs so they can spend more on military and tax cuts for the wealthy ... its been their goal ever since Reagan, and all its done is create a greater divide between the "haves" and "have nots", and increase the national debt to crisis levels. Yet, this time with the "trickle down" corporate tax cuts, they say it WILL work and conservatives are "buying it" yet again. How many failed chances do they get before you finally realize trickle down economics does NOT work. Even some Republicans in Congress are using the words "IF IT WORKS ...." its NEVER worked before, why think it will work NOW?
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