Politics, Politics, Politics

I suppose everyone has read that Fox is shutting down in the UK....and with Canada already not considering them a actual news station....guess we have the market on idiots!....

It has been just over a year since the Hillary Clinton camp, so confident that it would steamroll into the White House, was, instead, crushed by then-candidate Donald Trump. Reading about the Clinton team’s various exploits during the last year, one may be thankful that she is not running the country.
Here is what seven of the people who wanted to take America’s reins are up to now:

....sSo, we're back on the Clintons again ... and from such a reputable, unbiased source, Breitbart.com. The Clintons are GONE, Carl. They wobn't be back in government life again. I imagine if that's the way you wish to poison your mind and take your attention away from current ISSUES, its your business. But, using Breitbart as a news source would be like our using MSNBC & CNN as a news source for Trump & republicans as well, or FoxNews as a Democrat news source. The point is, their arrows already point to their targets ... no unbiased reporting here. If its bad, they promote it, if its good, they ignore it ... why? To sell their news.
....So Breitbart seems to have issues with Hillary or Bill working, out promoting their books and telling their stories, for a living? You don't believe in capitalism? Yes, they've written books, taken speaking engagements for huge amounts of money ... why would you deny them that opportunity? We certainly aren't paying them out of our tax dollars ... like we're paying our current president to play golf and visit his resorts 70% of his Presidential time. Hillary has been through a lot ... she should be bitter. She won the popular vote by over 5 million votes. We had a foreign country infiltrate and affect the most important election event that takes place in our country every four years. Wait until it happens to Canada. Its already a FACT that the Russians infiltrated & impacted our election, its just tying it to the government itself as a directive. Obviously there's something to it; why else would everyone in the Trump administration deny talking to the Russians, but now we find that ALL the top staffers on Trump's team had talked to the Russians ... and it wasn't just ONE Russian, it was 19 frik'n Russians with backgrounds in exactly what we would expect ...money laundering, special agents, fraud, etc etc .... not exactly church going folks, most of them. These are factual; if they had nothing to hide, why LIE? Why does Trump refuse to release his last 5-10 years of income tax records after he promised to do so time and time again on the election trail?
....Then we get to Elizabeth Warren and the old Pocahontas story AGAIN ... why? Nothing was ever proven one way or the other as to how much native American Indian ******* is in her families. I suspect, IF there was any facts to the contrary, the ones continuing this political re-direction would have already dug that one up. What I do know, that nothing she could say regarding her heritage would have ANY reflection on her ability to function effectively and honestly as a President.
....And Breitbart mentions Abedin Weiner (Hillary's closest friend) again ... it wasn't Abedin who did anything wrong ... it was her husband Anthony Weiner, while he was a Democrat congressman ... god knows, we don't want to start discussing the adulterous affairs of politicians, do we? I believe that list would be as wide as it is long. But still, Breitbart wanted to place that sour taste into their report to create/leave more bitterness with the "anti" crowd and "pro" Trump crowds. To them, it doesn't matter who was at fault; the fact that she was married to her weasel of a husband while he was showing his anatomy over the internet to a 16 year old girl ... but, now that marital relationship means something to the pro-Trumpsters. Let's not drag President Trumps infidelities & THREE marriages into this story.
....So Carl, as much as I'd like to think your intentions are good here, what I'm starting to realize is that your motivations are somewhat one-sided. Just as President Trump gets his news facts from Fox News, Breitbart is also going to only show one ugly side. I hope, with your being in Canada (I think) that you'd look at our current political climate with a unbiased view. Maybe not! If you can have just a bit more patience, I'm sure President Trump will insult & piss off the Canadians in 2018 ... as subhub has already said, Trump's pissed off just about everyone else already. The man has personally been involved in over 1,100 lawsuits ... Eleven Hundred! He has NO INTEGRITY ... none!
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visit his resorts 70% of his Presidential time

he should be bitter. She won the popular vote by over 5 million votes
What proof is your eggnog??? Even the wacko leftist Alternet only claims Trump spent 30% of his time at his resorts:


Also, Hillary only won the popular vote by 2.9 million votes....so you're "only" off by 72%. But who would expect an insurance guy to be good with numbers anyway ;)


If you're just going to make ******* up like this, why not claim Hillary won 100% of the vote?????
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One down and 50 more to go????????? Home town paper calls it like it is!

Orrin Hatch Trolls Utah Newspaper That Wants Him To Retire
Daniel Marans,

Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) on Monday tweeted out an editorial in The Salt Lake Tribune naming him “Utahn of the Year,” declaring that he was “grateful for this great Christmas honor.”

Orrin Hatch @OrrinHatch
Grateful for this great Christmas honor from the Salt Lake Tribune. For the record, I voted for @SpencerJCox and @rudygobert27. #utpol

The tweet prompted some head-scratching for an obvious reason. Although the editorial afforded Hatch the “Utahn of the Year” distinction due to his far-reaching influence on the national stage, it expressed its deep disapproval of the way Hatch has used that influence and called on him to retire.
“It would be good for Utah if Hatch, having finally caught the Great White Whale of tax reform, were to call it a career,” the Tribune stated. “If he doesn’t, the voters should end it for him.”
But Matt Whitlock, Hatch’s communications director, made clear in a Tuesday tweet that Hatch’s seemingly approving tweet was “tongue-in-cheek.”
“This is at least the 4th editorial the Tribune has written in the last two years urging Hatch to retire. Might as well have a chuckle about it,” Whitlock said.
In a subsequent tweet, Whitlock issued a formal response to the Tribune editorial, urging the newspaper’s editorial board to “find joy this holiday season in something beyond baselessly attacking the service and integrity of someone who [has] given 40 years to the people of Utah.”

Matt Whitlock

You’d have to be very new to Twitter Hatch to think this tweet was anything but tongue-in-cheek. This is at least the 4th editorial the Tribune has written in the last two years urging Hatch to retire. Might as well have a chuckle about it. On Christmas.https://twitter.com/orrinhatch/status/945375067927490560 …


But if a Democrat or Republican primary opponent were looking for ammunition against Hatch, the Tribune editorial would not be a bad place to look. The Tribune attacked Hatch for supporting President Donald Trump’s drastic reduction in the size of federally protected land in Utah’s Bears Ears and Grand Staircase-Escalante monuments, which the Tribune argued had “no constitutional, legal or environmental logic.”
“To all appearances — appearances promoted by Hatch — this anti-environmental, anti-Native American and, yes, anti-business decommissioning of national monuments was basically a political favor the White House did for Hatch,” the Tribune wrote. “A favor done in return for Hatch’s support of the president generally and of his tax reform plan in particular.”

In addition, the Tribune attributed Hatch’s failure to depart Congress in a timely fashion to his “utter lack of integrity that rises from his unquenchable thirst for power.”
Hatch, a critic of politicians who overstayed their welcome from the time he unseated a three-term senator in 1976, is now the longest-serving Republican senator in U.S. history, the Tribune noted. His plans to run for re-election in 2018 also violate a 2012 promise not to do so, the editorial recalled.
“Clearly, it was a lie,” the newspaper stated.
However, as the Tribune noted, Hatch has, for better or worse, indeed had a momentous year. As chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Hatch presided over a sweeping overhaul of the U.S. tax code.
Even that milestone has not been without its hiccups. The famously mild-mannered senator lost his temper during a November hearing on the tax bill when Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio) derided the legislation as a lopsided handout for the wealthiest Americans.

“Listen, I come from the lower-middle class,” Hatch said. “We didn’t have anything. Don’t spew that stuff on me. I get real tired of that crap.”
Brown had a point though. By 2027, 82 percent of the benefit in the Republican tax legislation would go to the top 1 percent of American households, according to the nonpartisan Joint Committee on Taxation.
  • This article originally appeared on HuffPost.
And this from a Republican...at least some see the light......????

Bush Ethics Chief to FBI Director: Trump Is Humiliating You, Stand Up to Him or Resign
Christina Zhao,Newsweek

A former chief White House ethics lawyer has slammed FBI Director Christopher Wray for allowing President Donald Trump and other Republicans to attack the bureau's credibility.
Richard Painter, who served in President George W. Bush’s second term, called for Wray to tell Trump and other members of Congress to cut out their attacks on the FBI or resign.

FBI Director Chris Wray in allowing himself and the FBI to be humiliated by Trump and by political hacks in Congress. Wray needs to do his job and tell all of them to cut it out. If Wray can’t do that he should resign,” Painter tweeted on Tuesday.

In another tweet posted on December 27, Painter continues his case by stating: “If during the Cold War the Soviets were able sell this ‘deep state’ baloney to Americans, to sow distrust of our own FBI and CIA, we would all be speaking Russian by now.”

Trump nominated Wray to be head of the bureau on June 7, after his predecessor James Comey was fired by the president on May 9.
Over the past month, the president has intensified his attack on the FBI. On December 3, Trump's Twitter erupted with a barrage of tweets declaring that the FBI’s reputation was “in tatters.”

And in another tweet on Tuesday, Trump called the FBI “tainted.”

Trump and other Republican members have continuously accused the FBI and Justice Department of being biased against the president, which has worked to discredit the investigation led by Robert Mueller into Trump-Russia collusion.
Despite these attacks on the bureau, White House legislative affairs director Marc Short told Fox News Sunday that Trump is “very pleased” with Director Christopher Wray and “the changes that are taking place.”
Andrew McCabe, the FBI deputy director, will be retiring from the bureau next year. He came under fire from GOP lawmakers for being impartial and holding anti-Trump sentiment after it emerged that his wife's Senate campaign received contributions from Hillary Clinton ally Terry McAuliffe's political action committee, according to CNBC.
If you're just going to make ******* up like this, why not claim Hillary won 100% of the vote?????
So let me get this straight, I write a 5-paragraph post on this thread, and you come in, as usual, and find 2-3 things to get all pissy about. You should keep in mind a few things, turd breath ...
#1- I spend maybe 10-15 minutes at most when I'm at work, reading & posting to this or other websites, so I don't have a lot of time to go look at raw data documentation, etc ... So I over-stated the number of votes Hillary got over Trump .... soooooo fuckinnnnng what? Sue me, asswipe! You fail to mention that Trump claimed that those votes were from illegal Mexicans ... which was WRONG by the LiarNChief.
#2- I got the % of time Trump wastes on his resorts & golfing reversed .... sooooooooo fucking what? Sue me, cumbreath! He spent much of his initial campaigning talking about how much golf Obama was playing and claiming when, not if, he became President HE wouldn't have time for golfing ... 1/3 of his time is spent golfing at his resorts.
#3- And there you go taking jabs at my job again ... and claiming I can't do math .... maybe YOU should relook at your numbers, shit4brains. Was I really off by 74%? Can you divide 2.9 by 5 .... what is that number? I get 58%, fartbreath!
Now, why don't you crawl back down in that hole you come out of OR try actually posting something other than your continual criticism of me? Or are you unable to construct 5 paragraphs together that makes sense?
And once again, we're right back to what I always say to you ...
.................................................................................................................................pic_FuckOff2.jpg.............over there!.......gif_ButtonBlinking-right.gif
maybe YOU should relook at your numbers, shit4brains. Was I really off by 74%? Can you divide 2.9 by 5 .... what is that number? I get 58%, fartbreath!
First of all, I said 72%, not 74%...but ignoring that minor mistake on your part, you seriously can't do a simple percent error calculation??? This is high school level math.

% Error = 100 * (claimed value - actual value)/actual value

Therefore your % error was 100 * (5 -2.9)/2.9 = 72.4%

Looks like you need to point your childish name calling back at yourself....and go back and take some remedial math classes.

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you know this has to be burning his ass!

President Trump is America's second-most admired man, poll finds
KARMA ALLEN,Good Morning America

President Donald Trump snagged a major legislative victory with the signing of his landmark tax reform bill last week, but he’s still living in his predecessor's shadow when it comes to public admiration, according to a new poll.
Trump trailed former President Barack Obama as the most admired man for 2017, according to a Gallup poll released Wednesday, marking one of the very few times in recent history that an incumbent president hasn’t taken the top spot.

Hillary Clinton, meanwhile, was named America’s most admired woman, with 9 percent of the vote, while former first lady Michelle Obama came in second with 7 percent.
Hillary Clinton has been named most admired more than any woman -- or man -- in Gallup's polling history,” Jones said. “But the likelihood that she will continue to hold that honor in future years seems less certain, with her popularity at a nadir and the percentage naming her as most admired the lowest in 15 years.”


Trump has been struggling with his favorability ratings for months, and the Gallup survey reflects it: "The incumbent president is the usual winner, since he is arguably the most prominent figure in the country, but when the president is unpopular, other well-known and well-liked men have been able to finish first," according to Gallup.

The 2017 survey marks the 16th consecutive year Clinton has been the most admired woman," Gallup researchers reported. "She has held the title 22 times in total, more than anyone else. Eleanor Roosevelt is second with 13 wins."

Her husband, former president Bill Clinton, didn't make Gallup's top 10, missing the cut for the first time in 25 years.
Former First Lady Michelle Obama slightly trailed Clinton with seven percent, followed by talk show tycoon Oprah Winfrey and German Chancellor Angela Merkel.
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Roy Moore suing for voter fraud....because so many blacks turned out in minority communities....Mmmmmm..........maybe he should be suing because voter suppression didn't work!
Roy Moore suing for voter fraud....because so many blacks turned out in minority communities....Mmmmmm..........maybe he should be suing because voter suppression didn't work!
This is right out of the Donald Trump play book ... start yelling "voter fraud" when they think they're not going to win. They cheat, they gerrymander, they re-direct, they lie ... etc, and so they can't conceive or accept they might lose by doing those things. Trump has taken lying to an art form ... straight face, the whole thing. Dirt bags ... 90% of 'em.
This is right out of the Donald Trump play book

I read somewhere...and I think it was WikiLeaks that told Trump not to concede if he lost and how and what to do!
as for Moore...if the vote tally had been more narrow they might have looked into it...but with him losing by over 20,000 votes...said they would not even consider it
typical of the right though...lie , cheat, win at all costs...and if they lose it was rigged!

hell look at them on here...go out of their way to defend everything about them...and yet deny who they are....they are all crooks and liars!
just have no redeeming qualities about them
it really confuses me why they get the votes....people mad at the dems for not doing enough...so they vote for the right who goes out of their way to fuck them.....can not figure out the logic there
looks like the right just got a taste of their own medicine

Mystery Dem-backed super PAC Highway 31 spent millions in Alabama race
AOL.com editors,AOL.com

A mysterious super PAC poured millions into the special Alabama Senate race between Doug Jones and Roy Moore, and that group was reportedly funded heavily by the Democratic Senate Majority PAC.
According to Senate Majority PAC spokesman Chris Hayden, the Democratic Senate Majority PAC spent $4 million and "predominantly funded" super PAC Highway 31 -- a group that sent out mailings and ran advertisements against Republican candidate Roy Moore.
Highway 31 did not have to disclose the payments during the campaign due to payment schedules, causing Moore's campaign to criticize the group as "shadowy."
The Senate Majority PAC spent about $6 million total in the Alabama race.
In a stunning upset, Doug Jones defeated Roy Moore on Dec. 12 -- making him the first Democrat to serve Alabama constituents in the Senate in 20 years. Jones is a former U.S. attorney who has previously prosecuted Ku Klux Klan members.
First of all, I said 72%, not 74%...but ignoring that minor mistake on your part, you seriously can't do a simple percent error calculation??? This is high school level math.

% Error = 100 * (claimed value - actual value)/actual value

Therefore your % error was 100 * (5 -2.9)/2.9 = 72.4%

Looks like you need to point your childish name calling back at yourself....and go back and take some remedial math classes.


Sorry Mac...I have to apologize. I accused you of screwing up high school level math. I have subsequently realized the percent error calculation you couldn't do was actually 7th grade math.

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