Politics, Politics, Politics

As the nation prepares to celebrate Christmas Day, it looks like Santa didn’t come to fill the NFL’s empty stadiums for the league’s Week 16 games.
The NFL’s Week 16 began with an admission by the Baltimore Ravens that the mass player protests during the playing of the national anthem when the team was playing on foreign soil in Britain’s Wembley Stadium, has seriously hurt its attendance all year here at home.
The Ravens sent a letter to season-ticket holders, sponsors, and suite holders, commenting on the number of empty seats at M&T Bank Stadium and specifically citing the anthem protests as a factor causing the no-shows.
Despite last week’s mea culpa, the stadium was still practically empty for Saturday’s game. Photos of show a massive number of empty seats at M&T Bank Stadium as the Ravens took on the Indianapolis Colts. The Ravens won the points, but not the fans in a 23-16 final.
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I think it's so insane that the supporters of this tax bill continue to claim that, when you throw billions of dollars at large corporations in the form of big tax breaks, they will increase hiring and add jobs. Absolute fucking nonsense. There is only one reason any company has ever hired more employees, and that is because they needed more to handle an increasing workload. I don't care if you give Exxon or Amazon a trillion dollars, they won't hire one fucking additional worker unless they need one more worker. And this fantasy of corporations giving their employees raises because of these tax breaks? Yeah, I'll just hold my breath until Walmart starts paying their entry level workers a decent rate.
I'll just hold my breath until Walmart starts paying their entry level workers a decent rate.
Don't do that, man, it already takes 1.3 liberals voting for every one conservative due to the gerrymandering and voter tamperings. We need to sweep these clowns from office for at least a decade so the country can make a half ass recovery from Trump's generous tax cut for the poor and middleclass.
Don't do that, man, it already takes 1.3 liberals voting for every one conservative due to the gerrymandering and voter tamperings. We need to sweep these clowns from office for at least a decade so the country can make a half ass recovery from Trump's generous tax cut for the poor and middleclass.
Got that right. Dontcha just love the trickle-down philosophy? "Well, the reason we keep touting trickle-down economics is because if you give a shitload of tax breaks to the rich, it will trickle down to the poor and middle class eventually when the rich buy stuff." Well, if that's the goal, just give the goddamn tax breaks directly to the poor and middle class.
The Southern Poverty Law Center is tracking the hashtags #Christmas, #MerryChristmas, #Jesus, and #ChristmasEve, as part of “trends in a community of far-right Twitter users.”
According to the SPLC, its “hate tracker” tracks accounts that represent a “range of extremists,” from “conspiratorial fringes of mainstream conservatism to outright white supremacists.”
The hate tracker notes that #Christmas is the second highest trending hashtag it tracked on Christmas Eve, with @whitehouse and @potus being among the four top Twitter handles mentioned with the hashtag.
For #MerryChristmas, the U.S. Marine Corps’ band at @marineband was one of the top mentioned, according to the hate tracker on Christmas Eve. One of the SPLC’s “top image” associated with #MerryChristmas is a photoshopped picture of marines hoisting a Christmas tree, instead of a flag, as depicted in the famous Iwo Jima picture.
The SPLC includes disclaimers, however, such as that the accounts “are not necessarily part of the far-right population of accounts we monitor.” It also claims these “extremists” also participate in many “conversations and topics that are popular among more ‘mainstream’ communities.”

Dontcha just love the trickle-down philosophy? "Well, the reason we keep touting trickle-down economics is because if you give a shitload of tax breaks to the rich, it will trickle down to the poor and middle class eventually when the rich buy stuff."
... but, that isn't the goal. The Republicans want us to think "trickle down's" purpose is to stimulate job growth by handing the wealthy & corporations the money, but it isn't. The purpose of "trickle down" is to create so much debt for the country that eventually we will be ****** to cut & privatize the major government entitlements (social security, Medicare). President GW Bush eluded to that much in his first term. And, they just about got away with it, having run up $10 trillion by the end of his 2 terms. It wouldn't surprise me if our government had something to do with the 9-11 attacks (knowing that the attacks were planned and about to occur) ... knowing that our involvement in wars + adding Medicare, Pt. D would overload the system and ******* us to privatize those programs. Knowing that allowing corporation money into our system (Citizen's United) would create chaos in our system.
It wouldn't surprise me if our government had something to do with the 9-11 attacks (knowing that the attacks were planned and about to occur) ... knowing that our involvement in wars + adding Medicare, Pt. D would overload the system and ******* us to privatize those programs. Knowing that allowing corporation money into our system (Citizen's United) would create chaos in our system.
You might want to dial back on the eggnog a bit Mac.....if you haven't been drinking, I'd suggest the following:

You'll never believe the scam being considered by California's Democrats to defraud the IRS. They know they have a huge problem. Roughly half of the state’s income tax receipts are paid by the top one percent of taxpayers, and the personal cost of those taxes just went up over one-third, now that they cannot be deducted from taxable federal income under the terms of the new tax reform just signed into law. For the wealthiest California taxpayers, those earning over $426,700 a year, the impact will be a marginal loss of over five percent of their after-tax income on amounts over 426k (13.3% x 39.6% = 5.27%).
A five percent pay cut is enough to motivate change, as even a Democrat can see (if not admit when considering a tax hike). So the most powerful man in the state legislature, Senate president pro tem Kevin De Leon, is letting it be known that the state is considering a response.

Naturally....Trump wants them to have all the info they want....trump IS a Russian plant!

Obama-era plans to ‘zap’ Russian trolls collapsed under Trump

Before departing office, Barack Obama ordered US spy agencies to plan operations to combat Russian cyberthreats, according to the The Washington Post. But, more than a year into Trump's tenure, his administration remains reluctant to pursue those counter-measures, claims the report.
In its assessment in January, the US intelligence community said that Putin used a mixture of english-language propaganda outlets (such as RT, formerly known as Russia Today) and social media trolls to influence the 2016 US presidential election. Russia had been honing its efforts since at least 2014, when it annexed Crimea, claims the Post. Around March of that year, Obama aides floated the idea of creating Russian-language channels to provide a counter-narrative to RT, and its ilk.
Another potential plan of action involved using cyberweapons to take down Russia's state-funded online empire and "zap" servers powering fake Russian trolls. US spy agencies even mulled giving Russia a taste of its own medicine by creating fake sites and social media accounts to rebuff the Kremlin's trolls in Europe.
"Those actions were cooked," a former official told the Post. "They had been vetted and agreed to in concept." Ahead, of Trump taking office, a US delegation also reportedly briefed America's NATO allies on their findings.

Despite Russia's misinformation campaign showing no signs of stopping, it seems Trump's administration has been reluctant to implement Obama's road map. The policy talks have been made trickier by the President's stance on the special counsel's investigation into Russia's collusion with his administration, which he described as a "witch hunt."
The FBI told the Post that it is utlizing cyber, criminal, and counterintelligence tools to deal with Russia's disinformation threat. But, officials warn that Russia will escalate its efforts when it returns for the second round in 2020.
The Washington Post
  • This article originally appeared on Engadget.
You might want to dial back on the eggnog a bit Mac.....if you haven't been drinking, I'd suggest the following:
.....There has always been a question as to how soon our departments knew an attack IN the US was getting ready to happen. As usual, you miss my point ... instead, focusing on trying to find something to be a wiseass about. You don't know any more than anyone esle, H-H, contrary to your opinion. Your opinion is just that ... YOUR opinion. My point, again H-H was it would not be surprising if it was specifically done to run up debt and ******* everyone in Congress to cut and/or privatize the 3 major entitlement programs. I'm not saying it was ... not even implying that the Bush administration was given early warning. Since this whole tax cutting is to create a shortage of revenue, thus require major spending cuts. GW Bush thought it would happen during his administration ... even going so far as to suggest half of one's SS deduction go into private investment accounts. Grover Norquist said it specifically ... he wanted to "shrink government to a size that he could drown it in a bathtub!"
....Now for a change in 2018, why don't you try to ADD something to the conversation besides your normal, useless Bullshit remarks. Or, are you simply incapable of doing that, just as Trump is incapable of telling the truth?

.....There has always been a question as to how soon our departments knew an attack IN the US was getting ready to happen. As usual, you miss my point ... instead, focusing on trying to find something to be a wiseass about. You don't know any more than anyone esle, H-H, contrary to your opinion. Your opinion is just that ... YOUR opinion. My point, again H-H was it would not be surprising if it was specifically done to run up debt and ******* everyone in Congress to cut and/or privatize the 3 major entitlement programs. I'm not saying it was ... not even implying that the Bush administration was given early warning. Since this whole tax cutting is to create a shortage of revenue, thus require major spending cuts. GW Bush thought it would happen during his administration ... even going so far as to suggest half of one's SS deduction go into private investment accounts. Grover Norquist said it specifically ... he wanted to "shrink government to a size that he could drown it in a bathtub!"
....Now for a change in 2018, why don't you try to ADD something to the conversation besides your normal, useless Bullshit remarks. Or, are you simply incapable of doing that, just as Trump is incapable of telling the truth?


Mac you really are wasting your time with him.
I'm not saying it was ... not even implying that the Bush administration was given early warning.
I realize that. I can read. Please reference our previous discussion regarding relative size of brainpans ;)

You said:
It wouldn't surprise me if our government had something to do with the 9-11 attacks
and suggested they knowingly might have done that to:
overload the system and ******* us to privatize those programs.
As I said, if you seriously "think" that way, you need to lay off the eggnog. You're falling pretty deep into kookdom!

It is quite telling of your psyche how you will state that it wouldn't surprise you to find out the Bush administration knew about 9/11 and allowed it to happen to help cut "entitlements" but you have repeatedly pontificated about "Republican's fabricated crisis" like Fast and Furious....which hopefully you do know was a real thing under the Obummer admin....one where for the first time ever the head of the DOJ was found in contempt of congress for refusing to turn over document under subpoena.
Now for a change in 2018, why don't you try to ADD something to the conversation besides your normal, useless Bullshit remarks. Or, are you simply incapable of doing that, just as Trump is incapable of telling the truth?
Please kindly refer to previous comments on my level of give a shitness regarding your orders.
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Don't know why they should care.....after all the one in question has offended about everyone on the planet

Report: UK government begs Prince Harry, Meghan Markle not to invite Obamas to avoid offending Trump
AOL.com editors,AOL.com 7 hours ago

Prince Harry and his American fiancée Meghan Markle reportedly want to invite former President Barack Obama and former first lady Michelle Obama to their wedding in May, but government officials in the United Kingdom are worried such a move could anger the current U.S. president.
A report released on Christmas Day by The Sun claims that the 33-year-old royal and his wife-to-be hope to invite the Obamas, but not the current White House inhabitants.
"Harry has made it clear he wants the Obamas at the wedding, so it’s causing a lot of nervousness," a senior government official told The Sun, according to the report. "Trump could react very badly if the Obamas get to a Royal wedding before he has had a chance to meet the Queen."


Chicago’s police union filed a complaint over recent changes to the police department’s policy for the use of Tasers by police officers.
The changes to Taser policy discourages officers from using the less-than-lethal weapons in situations where people are “running away, intoxicated, or vulnerable to injury.”
According to the Chicago Tribune, Chicago PD Superintendent Eddie Johnson oversaw an overhaul of Taser policy in May. But, when the rules were implemented in October, they contained “a lengthy revision” limiting the situations in which the use of tasers is encouraged. Fox News reports that the revision was made “without input from the city’s police union.” The union responded by filing a complaint with Illinois Labor Relations Board, claiming the new rules violate the union’s “collective bargaining rights by implementing new rules without negotiating.”

re: Prince Harry invite Obamas to Royal Wedding
Don't know why they should care.....after all the one in question has offended about everyone on the planet
You got that right! I wouldn't give it a second's thought, personally! In fact, I'd send President Trump a nice note saying Trump was right ... political correctness sucks ... its my wedding, my guests and the Obamas are OUR friends. That would squeeze his EGO, particularly if it also got leaked out to the media, which I would see that it did, soooooo ..... "burn in hell"
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its my wedding, my guests and the Obamas are OUR friends. That would squeeze his EGO, particularly if it also got leaked out to the media, which I would see that it did, soooooo ..... "burn in hell"

I'm sure he already knows......if it was in the Sun paper....someone has to have told him...but with his ego...I'm sure he is justifying it to himself

come to think of it...I'm sure Ivanka is the one probably pissed the most....she seems to have herself as some kind of world class Bitch now!
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