Politics, Politics, Politics

Lock Her Up!

Rosie O'Donnell clearly, indisputably offered to bribe two US Senators $2 million each to change their vote on the tax bill. She did this very publicly on Twitter.

Given her offer of $2 million each to two senators, she can be fined $12 million dollars and spend 15 years in federal prison.


18 U.S. Code § 201
(b) Whoever—
(1) directly or indirectly, corruptly gives, offers or promises anything of value to any public official or person who has been selected to be a public official, or offers or promises any public official or any person who has been selected to be a public official to give anything of value to any other person or entity, with intent—
(A) to influence any official act;

shall be fined under this title or not more than three times the monetary equivalent of the thing of value, whichever is greater, or imprisoned for not more than fifteen years, or both, and may be disqualified from holding any office of honor, trust, or profit under the United States.
It doesn't have to be money; it can be an offering of an alternative positive or negative IF the person or persons respond in a way for or against that of your own ... like when Trump threatens the Republicans who vote or stand against him. Or when Trump announces to Russia to please provide the "deleted e-mails of Hillary Clinton" ... or maybe it'll be when Trump's details to his tax returns because he's hiding something ... or maybe the "quiet money" he's paid to the women and ******* ******* he's *******. This could be really FUN ... let's sacrifice the little Rosie so we can hang the President LiarNChief.
It doesn't have to be money; it can be an offering of an alternative positive or negative IF the person or persons respond in a way for or against that of your own ... like when Trump threatens the Republicans who vote or stand against him. Or when Trump announces to Russia to please provide the "deleted e-mails of Hillary Clinton" ... or maybe it'll be when Trump's details to his tax returns because he's hiding something ... or maybe the "quiet money" he's paid to the women and ******* ******* he's *******. This could be really FUN ... let's sacrifice the little Rosie so we can hang the President LiarNChief.
For the sake of your clients, I hope you know more about insurance than you do about the law.

The simple fact is so far despite all the blathering of the liberal media, there has been zero evidence of any crime by Trump. Their blabbering has been good for ratings and good at stirring up lots of useful idiots, but legally so far it is much ado about nothing. The only cut and dry crimes we've seen evidence of so far in the whole fiasco is Comey illegally removing government records from the FBI and Flynn who was fired by Trump for lying to the VP also lied to the FBI.

Rosie's bribe of the two Senators is also a cut and dry crime. Either the Rosie or Comey crimes would be slam dunk cases for any decent prosecutor who really wanted to enforce the law.
Rosie's bribe of the two Senators is also a cut and dry crime. Either the Rosie or Comey crimes would be slam dunk cases for any decent prosecutor who really wanted to enforce the law.

To enforce the law would mean someone woulds have to be the bully, Rosie is a "Empowered white female liberal" - so there's that.
For the sake of your clients, I hope you know more about insurance than you do about the law.
....I think you need to worry about your own self and quit worrying about my fucking job or my clients while you sit at home pretending to be a self employed genius of some kind. When the.hammer comes down on Trump, I really hope you'll stick around for the 'ragging'. The President knows his little game is wearing thin; "grab 'em by the pussy Trump" is the biggest liar and unethical president this country has ever had ... period. When his karma arrives, its gonna be a good one.
....As for you ... again I'll just say ...
while you sit at home pretending to be a self employed genius of some kind
I've never claimed to be self employed. I have a nice comfy corporate job. I've told you that several times before when I told you how badly Obummercare fucked up our company provided insurance.

I've never claimed to be a genius...on here. But since you bring it up, my IQ does put me in that category ;) As I told you before, I'll compare brainpans with you anyday:

Hungary, Poland, the Czech Republic, and others have defied the broad consensus of other European Union members byabstaining on a United Nations General Assembly vote to condemn U.S. President Donald Trump’s recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.
The move is not the first time the Czech, Polish, and Hungarian governments have not been lockstep with other members of the political bloc on the Jerusalem issue.
The three nations were also joined by Croatia, Romania, and Latvia.
Earlier this month following the U.S. announcement, the Hungarian government blocked an official EU statement that was meant to express “serious” concern regarding the move.
However, Hungary has said they are presently not considering joining the United States in moving their embassy to Jerusalem, with Prime Minister Viktor Orban commenting: “Hungary sees no reason to change its Middle East policy. We will continue with the balanced politics we have been pursuing.”
President of the Czech Republic Milos Zeman has expressed a different opinion, saying that he wanted his country to follow in the footsteps of the United States and move their embassy as well.

Another find example of "tolerant" democrats...wishing for the death of Republican leaders. But hey, "Anything that liberals do, at this point, to stop our conservatives in Washington DC is not only justifiable, but critical." right Mac?
If you keep "taunting me" H-H, to get an argument started, I'm gonna see that you take a rest period from this thread for a while. That's not a threat, that's a PROMISE! ;)
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Trump just told the truth. He may wish he hadn’t.
Washington Post

On Wednesday, the 335th day of his presidency, Donald J. Trump did something most extraordinary and uncharacteristic. He told the truth. The president, celebrating his $1.5 trillion tax cut with fellow Republicans at the South Portico of the White House, was midway through his remarks when he veered sharply off message. "I shouldn't say this," Trump said, "but we essentially repealed Obamacare." No, he probably shouldn't have said it. But it's true. Republicans, in rushing the tax bill to passage, kept fairly quiet about the fact that they were killing the "individual mandate" and thereby removing the engine that made the Affordable Care Act work. In doing so, they threw the health-care system ...
Read more
Most Americans doubt Trump on Russia probe

More Americans say they approve of how special counsel Robert Mueller is handling the investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election than say they disapprove, a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS has found, while most Americans say President Donald Trump's public statements on the probe have not been truthful.
Nearly half of Americans, 47%, say they approve of Mueller's handling of the probe into Russia's involvement in the presidential race and the possibility of collusion with the Trump campaign, which recently struck a plea deal with former national security adviser Michael Flynn. One third of Americans, 34%, say they disapprove. Nearly 1 in 5 people, 19%, are undecided on Mueller's work so far.
But a majority of Americans say they disapprove of Trump's handling of the same investigation, while just a third say they approve — a result that has held fairly steady over the last five months
You keep "taunting me" H-H, to get an argument started, I'm gonna see that you take a rest from this thread for a while. That's not a threat, that's a PROMISE! ;)
Oh heavens no, not a taunting penalty from the great and powerful Mac. I'm so scared :rolleyes: As I've told you many times, I take orders from my wife at home and boss at work. You're buried pretty deep on my don't give a ******* about your orders list. But hey if you want to practice your taunting and other NFL penalties, here's a reference for you:

US President Donald Trump said Friday "it was time to focus funds on the US rather than foreign spending, tweeting: After having foolishly spent $7 trillion in the Middle East, it is time to start rebuilding our country!"
And that is suppose to be a great call by a President? That's exactly what countries like Russia want ... "please, please, give us another 'ally' here in the Middle East". People here in the states might have to put up with Trump's arrogance, but many of our allies & those we pay to pretend to be our allies, will most certainly look to Russia or other deep pockets to give them their handouts, and that most certainly includes Israel in that group of countries. A few years ago, when Israel's annual handout was given to them, they bitched about the size of their INCREASE of their "handout" from the US; I believe the increase was $3 billion. They're no more our true ally than H-H is my bosom buddy friend. And Trump fans don't think Trump and his administration have been in collusions with Russian government after the count of Russians who have had talks with the Trump administration has grown to OVER 19 Russians? LOL ... especially after practically everyone in the administration initially denied having talked to any Russians when asked earlier in the year? ....
gif_pinocchio.gif.........gif_PANIC.gifI wouldn't trust the Trump administration if they all fell DEAD right on TV.
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