Politics, Politics, Politics

The White House and State Department issued statements on Wednesday clarifying the Trump administration’s position on talks with North Korea following Secretary of State Rex Tillerson’s unconditional offer of talks at a forum on Tuesday.
Actually, Tillerson’s offer included one condition, which the White House echoed in its statement: the absence of further provocative missile launches or nuclear tests. The White House, speaking through a National Security Council (NSC) spokesperson quoted by CNN, added a second condition: “sincere and meaningful actions toward denuclearization.”
“We are open to the possibility of dialogue with North Korea, with the aim of denuclearizing the Korean peninsula. But North Korea must first refrain from any further provocations and take sincere and meaningful actions toward denuclearization,” the NSC spokesperson said.
“As the secretary of state has said, this must include – but is not limited to – no further nuclear or missile tests. Given North Korea’s most recent missile test, clearly now is not the time,” the spokesperson added.

Pot for the poor! That could be the new slogan of marijuana legalization advocates.
In 1996, California became the first state to legalize the use of medical marijuana. There are now 25 states that permit the use of marijuana, including four as well as the District of Columbia that permit it for purely recreational use.

Colorado and Washington were the first to pass those laws in 2012. At least five states have measures on the ballot this fall that would legalize recreational use. And that number is only likely to rise with an all-time high (no pun intended) of 58 percent of Americans (according to a Gallup poll last year) favoring legalization.

The effects of these new laws have been immediate. One study, which collected data from 2011-12 and 2012-13, showed a 22 percent increase in monthly use in Colorado. The percentage of people there who used daily or almost daily also went up. So have marijuana-related driving fatalities. And so have incidents of children being hospitalized for accidentally ingesting edible marijuana products.

But legalization and our growing cultural acceptance of marijuana have disproportionately affected one group in particular: the lower class.
A recent study by Steven Davenport of RAND and Jonathan Caulkins of Carnegie Mellon notes that “despite the popular stereotype of marijuana users as well-off and well-educated . . . they lag behind national averages” on both income and schooling.
For instance, people who have a household income of less than $20,000 a year comprise 19 percent of the population but make up 28 percent of marijuana users. And even though those who earn more than $75,000 make up 33 percent of the population, 25 percent of them are marijuana users. Having more education also seems to make it less likely that you are a user. College graduates make up 27 percent of the population but only 19 percent of marijuana users.

The middle and upper classes have been the ones out there pushing for decriminalization and legalization measures, and they have also tried to demolish the cultural taboo against smoking pot. But they themselves have chosen not to partake very much. Which is not surprising. Middle-class men and women who have jobs and families know that this is not a habit they want to take up with any regularity because it will interfere with their ability to do their jobs and take care of their families.

Matthew Peterson really got a bum deal. He has exactly the same amount of judicial experience and trial court experience as Elena Kagan did. If Obama was still president, Peterson might have gotten appointed directly to the US Supreme Court.

Funny how liberals were in full defense mode against criticism of Kagan's complete lack of experience but full attack mode on Peterson....wonder why that is???
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....wonder why that is???
... because KARMA is a bitch, that's why. Anything that liberals do, at this point, to stop our conservatives in Washington DC is not only justifiable, but critical. If you're too "shallow minded" to see what's going on with the Republican party the past 15 years, then you've simply had your head buried deep in the ground or somewhere else with a large hole in it. They do NOT have the concerns of the people or country in their agenda. This is a good time to go above the trees and look down on the last 10-12 years of Republican accomplishments ... there's nothing there for the people; NOTHING!
Anything that liberals do, at this point, to stop our conservatives in Washington DC is not only justifiable, but critical.

A prime example of what's wrong with politics. Both sides have the win at all costs mentality. Doesn't matter what they do as long as they can defeat the "enemy"

The real reason why liberals were in full defense mode of Kagan for the US Supreme Court with zero judicial experience and in full attack mode on Peterson....she and the president who appointed her had a D behind their name and Peterson has an R. This is nothing new. Judicial appointments degenerated into uber ugly partisan politics when the Democrats created the new verb "Borking" a nominee.
Rand Paul suffers five broken ribs after being attacked by his Democrat-voting neighbor who 'tackled him from behind while he was mowing the lawn'
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...roken-ribs-attack-neighbor.html#ixzz51TelGqdQ
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It all makes sense now. :frantic:
Yep, Mac's statement "Anything that liberals do, at this point, to stop our conservatives in Washington DC is not only justifiable, but critical." implies the guy who fired 70 rounds at Republican Congressmen practicing baseball was justified. Guess Representative Steve Scalise who was in the hospital for 6 weeks and off work for 15 weeks after being shot by the liberal nutcase should just suck it up "because KARMA is a bitch" in Mac's eyes.

Massachusetts students were first in the nation in reading and math performance on the National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) exam – until the state adopted the Common Core standards in 2010 and then updated the same standards this year.
According to a new study released by the Boston-based Pioneer Institute, while Common Core led to tumbling scores on the NAEP in both English and math for Massachusetts students, the 2017 standards update shows students’ performance in English is deteriorating further as math scores remain as they did with the 2010 Common Core.
“These standards rely on process- and skills-based ideas, which brush aside knowledge of Western and English literary traditions,” said Emory University English Professor Mark Bauerlein, a co-author of Pioneer’s study titled “Mediocrity 2.0: Massachusetts Rebrands Common Core ELA and Math.”
“The result is a set of standards light on content but heavy on fuzzy subjective terms such as ‘high quality’ and ‘challenging,’” Bauerlein added. “Great works of literary art and the history of the English language, not to mention the American patrimony, disappear.”

Fox News & Republicans are "at it again" with the takeover rumors ... this time its a coup d'état by the FBI.
We should expect more feedback tweets from the Dumpster over the next few weeks as the "conspiracy" plot thickens. I'm fairly sure, once the President gets his awesomely "fair" Tax Reform Bill passed, he won't give a gif_CRAP.gif about the voters for a couple months.

Yeah, that's right, the SAME OLE PLAY BOOK ... scare the people into rising up & hating! Do you remember when the Republicans did this the last time? Need a memory refresher?
Not an ounce of truth ... all BS ... just like the party they've become.
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Fox News & Republicans are "at it again" with the takeover rumors ... this time its a coup d'état by the FBI.
We should expect more feedback tweets from the Dumpster over the next few weeks as the "conspiracy" plot thickens. I'm fairly sure, once the President gets his awesomely "fair" Tax Reform Bill passed, he won't give a View attachment 1602185 about the voters for a couple months.

Yeah, that's right, the SAME OLE PLAY BOOK ... scare the people into rising up & hating! Do you remember when the Republicans did this the last time? Need a memory refresher?
View attachment 1602180
Funny how times change (for the hypocrites) In 1998, Democrat Maxine Waters on the floor of the House called impeachment a coup d'état. In 2017 she encourages crowds to chant impeach 45.



Yeah, that's right, the SAME OLE DEMOCRAT PLAY BOOK ... scare the people into rising up & hating!
Nine million working-age men have been pushed out of the workforce by the federal government’s salary-cutting economic strategy, says a former economist for former President Barack Obama.
The admission comes as some legislators in Congress renew their push for a huge ‘dreamer’ amnesty that would increase the number of low-wage foreign workers who can take U.S. jobs.
The nine million number comes from a new op-ed by Jason Furman, a top economic advisor to Obama. Without mentioning cheap-labor labor, Furman writes in the Wall Street Journal:
The U.S. has experienced a record 86 consecutive months of job growth. But some nine million men of prime age—that is, between 25 and 54—still are not working. Most have given up looking for jobs. Helping these men get back into the workforce should be a leading public-policy priority …
The largest issue facing American men is not that they are rewarded for remaining in a recliner, but that they cannot find rewarding work. The bulk of the decline in employment has been for men with a high-school diploma or less, who have seen their employment rates fall from 97% in 1964 to 83% today. This has coincided with a decline in their relative wages: High-school grads in the 1970s earned two-thirds what their college-educated counterparts took home. Today it’s around half.
Reversing the withdrawal of men from the workforce will require rising wages. This can be achieved by improving the skills of workers through education and training and improving the bargaining power of workers to raise wages. Direct steps like expanding the earned-income tax credit could also make a difference, though the policy is absent from the current tax-reform bill—despite Speaker Paul Ryan’s past support for it.​
Furman carefully excludes immigration as a reason for Americans’ low wages, but his comments come amid a renewed push for amnesty by Congress.
The push comes from Democrats, including Sen. Richard Durbin, and also from some business-first Republicans, including South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham and North Carolina’s Sen. Thom Tillis.

....The entire workforce is becoming automated to some degree ... both blue & white collar jobs. There are many jobs available, just not enough trained workers to fill the jobs. You can't just drop inexperienced people into technical jobs, as Republicans have managed to do with the presidency and their communistic administration & judicial appointments ... a total revamping of the education system has to take place. Istead, ReThugs are cutting funding to public schools & support for college educations, and instead are banking on their private schools and vouchers system. So, you have a 'single mom of two' trying to scrape up an additional $6,000-12,000 per student a year to send her 2 ******* to a private school "of her choice" ?.... LOL! That's the solution? Her CHOICE is that public school system we keep cutting funding to, that's HER choice. But, Republicans need to cut taxes again and again for their wealthy constituents, so they cut more revenue, run up even more debt to necessitate their screaming that all entitlement programs need to be cut or privatized so they can afford their tax cuts.
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