Politics, Politics, Politics

.Any provocation to N Korea could result in 100+ thousand service men from the US being immediately annihilated. And that is just OUR service men, not their families. President Dumbnuts has been wrong on so many things, is proving to be the worse president ever, and you want to depend on his judgement to make a nuclear challenge call? God help us! Must be some kind of 'ignorance' virus running amok in the Republican party.
You really need to look at history. Hitler started small small, in September 1938 Lord Chamberlain among others signed the Munich Pact which allowed Hitler to keep the Sudetenland he had invaded and occupied with the promise he wouldn't do anymore invasions with his military. Lord Chamberlain came back an proclaimed peace for all time. September 1939 World War 2 started and I would hope I don't have to tell you how that went. The only thing the little fat prick understands is superior *******. You cannot appease anyone like this. If I was sitting in the big chair I would be making sure every artillery piece within striking distance of the South was targeted. Along with his missile launch sites and the fat little prick's residences
.I thought you were a bit smarter than that, man ... glad you aren't teaching my *******. My ******* has over 7 years of Taekwondo, my *******, 3, but neither go sticking their noses where they don't belong, trying to help provoke a fight. They're told it is self-defense ... and avoid confrontations at all time. Sometimes "silence" is the best threat to have, particularly when it involves nuclear weapons.
Fighting effectiveness is more the attitude and spirit of the fighter than the martial art they pursue. Karate doesn't seem to translate well into real life. I would rather have a good boxer in my corner than a black belt. MMA seems to translate to the street fairly well but then the whole approach is different. In most Martial arts schools seem to fall into one of two categories. Schools that ate financially successful and schools that teach good martial arts. There is a 5th degree tha has a school about 30 miles from me. The man is an amazing instructor, very traditional in his teachings. And he has a job outside the school to pay the bills. Which one are you spending your money on?
Not only is he NOT a “disappointment,” he’s pretty much the opposite. And no, I don’t just say that because he took out Osama bin Laden,
He just happened to be sitting in the big chair when Bin Laden was taken down. That mission started right after 9-11 and would have continued until it was shut down or completed. He did little more than approve the take down and take lots of credit
.Governors from all over the US ... both Democrats & Republicans, are speaking out against the Republican plan and the Right have a deft ear
Obama set the tone for the relationship between the states and the federal government on health care. ACA in theory would cover most people. The poor or for whatever reason couldn't enroll in ACA would be dumped on the states via an expanded Medicaid. Of course the Federal government will subsidize the Medicaid expansion, for now. Governors are well aware that subsidy can get reduced and they are on the hook. Their question of course is how badly will they get screwed?
Democrats pushing a Single Payer program would be as catastrophic as the Republicans pushing their own, current bile. Vermont is installing a Single Payer program on their own ... why not read a bit more before jumping on THIS wagon.
I am a bit curious IF a single payer system became law financially how would your immediate family be impacted.
Schools that ate financially successful and schools that teach good martial arts.

That's when I got out of it. Most of my training was during High School, that was the real stuff. left it for a while. Went back when my ******* was old enough but a different area, different school called "ATA" after a while I started calling it "ATM" because they charged for everything and the instructor wasn't very good - he was the one that got KO'ed by his ego. Stayed long enough for my ******* to get his BB and I finished testing for 3rd Dan and that was it. Got busy with life and never went back. Probably been 20 years +. Most of the schools around here are ATA, they have there own tournaments, mainly because they can not compete with the WMAF. ATA also have a "Fast track to Black Belt" i.e. - pay extra and your k{d gets his/her BB in 6 months.
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He just happened to be sitting in the big chair when Bin Laden was taken down.

that would be something a republican would say...what about Bush who could have had him and didn't...Obama still gave the orders to do it...you can stick your head in the sand the way the right does any time a DEM does something good but it doesn't change the facts... he sent the team in and gave the order...something your president didn't have the balls to do!
They didn't have the finances that the major parties had. The one things that the Democrats and Republicans could agree was to keep any third party out of the debates

hey we do agree on that....but it goes back to if you want to be a serious contender...you can't wait until the last minute....they know there are elections coming and should be gathering money and getting their name out there...yes...they pretty much locked them out of the debates
I would disagree with that. Any crazy that has nuclear weapons and can lob one into our backyard will move to the head of my list

that was just an article I saw and thought interesting....and pretty much true...we made china!
we sent companies over there killing jobs here... we buy their products OVER American made stuff...we made them rich and now they are a world power to be reckoned with....I think Russia excepting their money over ours now is another way Russia is trying to weaken us...Russia is getting us on so many fronts and we are sitting back and not paying attention....just like now...they have a man in the white house...everyone knows it and yet the right turning a blind eye because they are getting their way on things....doesn't matter that Russia put him there...and Russia still moving troops into the Baltics that hasn't changed...but the Russian plant in the white house is not going to do anything!
Russia right now is causing problems in Spain trying to get one of it's territory's to annex

someone needs to step up....but we are not the world player we once was.... to many worried about padding their own pocket bokk to look around or care

Despite what some people may think Trump's speech at the UN was spot on.

I disagree......he needs to shut his mouth......we already put some heavy sanctions on them and it is already hurting them...and now putting even more on...him shooting off his mouth...what is he trying to provoke them?...give the sanctions a few months and shut the fuck up...they already have shown they don't like the sanctions...and they just started... a few months from now...they may really be willing to talk!

as for shooting off his mouth on Iran.....the other countries that negotiated that deal want him to shut up and they don't want to end it.... Iran so far has quit the nukes and following...but he is listening to that asshole in Israel who wanted to bomb them a few years ago...and wanted the us blessing...Israel is out for themselves..with Iran and the gaza strip...they are playing us for a fool!...and you kiss trumps ass you can do what you want...the guy is an idiot!

Trump or at least his speech writer understood what needed to be said and how it needed to be said. That was very evident from Iran's response
did you hear the response from France and Germany?...probably not ...you are kind of biased in your defense of the right...although you claim to not be one...

Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because they could.

check your history...Japan did not want a war with the US.....they had some crazy fuck like trump in charge of the military...he really thought they could win..... and he planned the attack and followed through on it...after that Japan was committed! ( just happened to see a show on that last week...hour long special)
check your history...Japan did not want a war with the US

Hitler did not want us in the war. He told Japan to hold off on the attack, but the Emperor thought otherwise because we were essentially sitting ducks, they had the advantage. Japan ignored Hitler and attacked anyways, so yes - they attacked us because they could - Basically we stayed "silent" and sat on our hands and did nothing to help or neighbors and got attacked anyways. PH probably would not have happened had we stepped in earlier.
How the right lost its mind, sold its soul and embraced Donald Trump

This is a painful story for me to write. For a quarter of a century, I was a major part of the conservative movement. But like many on the right, in the wake of Donald Trump’s victory I had to ask some uncomfortable questions. The 2016 presidential campaign was a *******, disillusioning slog, and there came a moment when I realized that conservatives had created an alternate reality bubble—one that I had helped shape. During the 2016 election, conservatives turned on the principles that had once animated them. Somehow a movement based on real ideas—such as economic freedom and limited government—had devolved into a tribe that valued neither principle nor truth; luminaries such as Edmund Burke ...


although I'm sure none on here are in this position.... you all claim to be ..."third party"...yet defend the right to the hilt!
anyway some are waking up and seeing problems in their party..... others just follow party to the end!
AP FACT CHECK: Kimmel's take on health care harder to refute

Who are you going to believe when it comes to the Republican health care bill?

An AP Fact Check finds that TV host Jimmy Kimmel's highly critical take is harder to refute than President Donald Trump's or Sen. Bill Cassidy's. None of the three has captured the complexity of the debate over who might lose insurance protections in the bill.

The key sticking point is coverage for pre-existing conditions. Such coverage may be included, but it's far from assured.

Trump and Cassidy insist that the bill covers pre-existing conditions. But there's a catch. It allows states to get a waiver from requirements that insurers charge the same to people with health problems as they do to healthy people.

The potential result: unaffordable premiums for those in poor health.
Bill Cassidy Says Jimmy Kimmel 'Doesn't Understand' Health Care. Experts Say He Does.
HuffPost Marina Fang,HuffPost

Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-La.) on Thursday continued feuding with late-night comedian Jimmy Kimmel on Senate Republicans’ latest attempt to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, complaining that Kimmel doesn’t understand the bill. Experts said Kimmel’s critique of the legislation was fairly accurate.

“Yeah, so Jimmy doesn’t understand,” Cassidy, also a physician, said on “Fox and Friends,” after Kimmel excoriated him on “Jimmy Kimmel Live!” for the second night in a row. “And not because he’s a talk-show host, [but] because we’ve never spoken. He’s only heard from those on the left who are doing their best to preserve Obamacare. He’s not heard from me.”

In a monologue on Tuesday that went viral, Kimmel went into a detailed explanation of Cassidy’s bill, which Senate Republicans aim to rush through a vote, possibly next week. He did not mince words, saying Cassidy “lied to my face,” with a promise that people with preexisting conditions would not be denied coverage or face higher premiums.

Cassidy appeared on Kimmel’s show in May after the comedian’s ******* ******* underwent surgery for a preexisting heart condition, assuring Kimmel that any Senate health care legislation would pass what he deemed “the Jimmy Kimmel test.”

But Cassidy’s bill likely doesn’t pass that test, according to most experts.
Republicans seem to be confused about what exactly their new healthcare bill would do
Business Insider Bob Bryan,Business Insider

Republican senators are hurtling toward a vote on a healthcare bill by the end of September. But as they rush to get it to the Senate floor, they seem to be confused about what exactly it does.

Not only is there no score from the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office (and there won't be a full one before a vote), but many of the GOP senators who support the bill also seem to be unable to articulate its implications.

Jeff Stein of Vox asked nine Republicans about the policy implications were of the new Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson (GCHJ) legislation. Most answers indicated the senators favored a repeal of the Affordable Care Act and a vague notion of handing power to states.

For instance, Sen. Pat Roberts of Kansas compared the GCHJ to "the last stage [coach] out of Dodge City."

"I’m from Dodge City. So it’s the last stage out to do anything," Roberts told Vox. "Restoring decision-making back to the states is always a good idea, but this is not the best possible bill — this is the best bill possible under the circumstances."

Roberts also compared the bill to the final scene of "Thelma and Louise," the film in which the titular character drives a car off a cliff to avoid being captured by police.

"Look, we’re in the back seat of a convertible being driven by Thelma and Louise, and we’re headed toward the canyon," Roberts said.

"So we have to get out of the car, and you have to have a car to get into, and this is the only car there is," he said.

While the bill does provide federal funding to states in upfront block grants instead of matching a percentage of funding after it has been spent, an analysis by healthcare consulting firm Avalere showed the bill would also cut the total amount spent on healthcare by the federal government by $215 billion through 2026.