Politics, Politics, Politics

Apparently you didn't read my post about the last 100 plus years there were significant events that fell within your parameters

yes I read it and thought it was hilarious !...and a typical way of covering the facts...that you don't have...black athletes... just because they are republicans does not mean some thing congress has done....why didn't you throw Tiger Woods in there with his milestone of pussy he got...same thing

again and let me make it a little plainer
something congress has done for the American people in the past 30 years!

post something comparable to the post I posted...but you probably didn't read it....
Good to see Trump making big league move's lately. Couldn't imagine seeing Crooked Hillary in office :bounce:
....Say that when Trump is the cause of causing a nuclear holocaust in Asian with his loose lips. A lot of Americans live in S. Korea, Japan, Guam, and other close by places. US military deaths alone would be more than all the military deaths in Iraq & Afghanistan, and Vietnam together. Add in the American families it is staggering. And then, guess which country would be paying billions to reconstruct their country ... just like Iraq, like Germany, etc ... that's right ... you and I the tax payers.
....He's a vulture capitalist, Pawg ... takes advantage of the little guys. Imagine the 6th grade bully on the playground going around and taking the lunch money of the 1st-4th graders. That's Trump's style ... he's a pure JERK who doesn't give a rats ass about anyone but himself, first!
....If Trump wants to make a Big League Move ... he should RESIGN! He's already proven he doesn't know crap about government.
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Basically The Entire Health Care System Hates The New Obamacare Repeal Bill
HuffPost Jeffrey Young,

The latest Senate Republican attempt to repeal the Affordable Care Act and enact sweeping reforms to the American health care system has generated intense opposition from the very health care providers, patient groups and insurance companies that would be ****** to adapt to the changes envisioned by the legislation.

The bill, sponsored by GOP Sens. Bill Cassidy of Louisiana and Lindsey Graham of South Carolina, would undo most of the Affordable Care Act and radically refashion the Medicaid program by shrinking the budgets for federal health care programs and turning over the remaining money to states, which would have to devise their own new health care systems.

The bill also undermines the Affordable Care Act’s protections for people with pre-existing conditions. The results would be millions fewer people with health coverage. The Senate is slated to vote on the bill next week.

The health care sector is, to put it mildly, not interested. The following are excerpts from statements issued by virtually every major organization representing the interests of the health care system and its patients.

American Medical Association

“On behalf of the physician and medical student members of the American Medical Association (AMA), I am writing to express our opposition to the Cassidy-Graham-Heller-Johnson Amendment to H.R. 1628, the ‘American Health Care Act of 2017.’ We also urge the Senate to reject any other legislative efforts that would jeopardize health insurance coverage for tens of millions of Americans.”

[Letter to Senate leaders]

American Academy of Family Physicians

American Academy of Pediatrics

American College of Physicians

American Congress of Obstetricians and Gynecologists

American Osteopathic Association

American Psychiatric Association

“The undersigned organizations are concerned with the proposal introduced today by Senators Cassidy and Graham, which we believe will have a negative impact on affordable coverage for patients across our nation. We would note that a similar proposal was put forth by these two Senators in July. Based on our analysis, the revised proposal may actually be worse than the original.

“Our organizations, which represent over 560,000 physicians, oppose the new Graham-Cassidy bill and its approach to reforming our health care system. The proposal fails to protect the health care coverage and consumer protections available under current law. Additionally, it would create a health care system built on state-by-state variability that would exacerbate inequities in coverage and most likely place millions of vulnerable individuals at risk of losing their health care coverage.”

American College of Physicians

“We believe that the substantial cuts to Medicaid authorized by this legislation would cause a significant increase in the number of uninsured patients and that it would undermine essential benefits provided for patients insured under current law. We urge you to set aside this legislation and instead allow the Senate to consider any improvements to the ACA, through a more deliberative process of regular order, in which hearings are held to solicit the advice of health care experts and stakeholders, with any such improvements considered in a bipartisan manner in which both parties may offer amendments.”

National Council for Behavioral Health

“Last week, the ugly health care debate reared its head again on Capitol Hill with the introduction of a new bill by Senators Graham (R-SC), Cassidy (R-LA), Heller (R-NV) and Johnson (R-WI) to drastically cut Medicaid and other federal health funds to states.

“This bill may go by a different name than previous efforts to reshape the health care system, but it maintains ― and even worsens ― the devastating provisions from those bills that led to a massive constituent outcry earlier this summer. It’s the same pig with different lipstick.”

American Hospital Association

“We believe that coverage could be at risk for tens of millions of Americans under the Graham-Cassidy proposal. We continue to urge senators to work in a bipartisan manner to address the challenges facing our health care system.

“This proposal would erode key protections for patients and consumers and does nothing to stabilize the insurance market now or in the long term. In addition, the block grant to provide support for the expansion population expires in 2026, thereby eliminating coverage for millions of Americans.

“For these reasons, we oppose the Graham-Cassidy plan.”

Federation of American Hospitals

“The Graham-Cassidy proposal could disrupt access to health care for millions of the more than 70 million Americans who depend on Medicaid and the marketplaces for their health coverage.

“It is time to move on to secure the health coverage for those who have it, and find solutions for those who don’t.

“We urge the Senate to reject legislation that fails to move us forward in assuring Americans access to affordable health care and coverage.”

Children’s Hospital Association

“The nation’s children’s hospitals stand in strong opposition to the most recent legislative proposal introduced by Sens. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., Bill Cassidy, R-La., Dean Heller, R-Nev., and Ron Johnson, R-Wis. Their legislation would slash funding for Medicaid, the nation’s largest health care program for children, by one-third, reducing access and coverage for more than 30 million children in the program. Furthermore, the legislation weakens important consumer safeguards, and as a result, millions of children in working families would no longer be assured that their private insurance covers the most basic of services without annual and lifetime limits and regardless of any underlying medical condition. This bill would have devastating consequences for children and families.”

Catholic Health Association of the United States

“The Senate is expected to vote next week on legislation introduced by Senators Lindsey Graham (R-SC) & Bill Cassidy (R-LA) to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act (ACA) and restructure the Medicaid program.

“I urge you to contact your Senators today and tell them to:

“Vote ‘NO’ on the Graham-Cassidy legislation to repeal and replace ACA—which eliminates Medicaid expansion coverage, premium tax credits, and cost-sharing reduction subsidies and replaces them with state block grants.

“Oppose the complete restructuring and deep funding reductions to the Medicaid program in the bill — capping & cutting federal Medicaid funding, through both per capita caps and block grants, fundamentally undermines the health care safety net and our ability to serve beneficiaries.

“Instead enact bipartisan legislation to stabilize the individual insurance market.”

Association of American Medical Colleges

The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) has continually advocated for a number of key principles as fundamental cornerstones of any successful health care system. These principles include offering high-quality, affordable health insurance to all; preserving and fortifying the safety net through Medicaid and other policies; and encouraging innovation in the delivery system, among others. The GCHJ legislation does not meet these principles, as it repeals the individual and employer mandates, repeals Medicaid expansion, and caps traditional Medicaid funding. Under this legislation, the number of uninsured patients nationwide will increase dramatically and important existing patient protections will be at risk. Importantly, the GCHJ proposal, which represents a complete overhaul of the health care system, should be fully and adequately examined by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) before any further action is taken.”

America’s Essential Hospitals

“Throughout this year’s health care debate, America’s Essential Hospitals stood by its position that policy changes must maintain coverage for those who have it, preserve access, and protect hospitals that care for low-income and other vulnerable people.

“While we do not yet have a Congressional Budget Office (CBO) score for the Graham-Cassidy proposal, the plan appears to violate those core principles.”

American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living

“There is no question that this bill will undermine care for vulnerable seniors and individuals with disabilities who rely on Medicaid for their daily long term care. Most of the one million people who reside in nursing centers rely on Medicaid, as well as tens of thousands of seniors in America’s assisted living communities.

“As Baby Boomers increasingly need long term services and supports in coming years, our seniors deserve better than an unstable and underfunded safety net. We urge Senators to oppose this legislation and protect Medicaid access for seniors and people with disabilities.”

America’s Health Insurance Plans

“We believe that legislative proposals that would reform and affect the coverage and care of millions of Americans should meet certain principles….

“The Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson proposal fails to meet these guiding principles, and would have real consequences on consumers and patients by further destabilizing the individual market; cutting Medicaid; pulling back on protections for pre-existing conditions; not ending taxes on health insurance premiums and benefits; and potentially allowing government-controlled, single payer health care to grow.

“While we cannot support this proposal, we will keep working to find the right solutions that reflect the commitment we all share: affordable coverage and high-quality care for every American. By working together, we can improve health care and deliver the coverage and care that every American deserves.”

Blue Cross Blue Shield Association

“Although we support providing states with greater flexibility in shaping health care options for their residents, we share the significant concerns of many health care organizations about the proposed Graham-Cassidy bill. The bill contains provisions that would allow states to waive key consumer protections, as well as undermine safeguards for those with pre-existing medical conditions. The legislation reduces funding for many states significantly and would increase uncertainty in the marketplace, making coverage more expensive and jeopardizing Americans’ choice of health plans. Legislation must also ensure adequate funding for Medicaid to protect the most vulnerable.”

ALS Association

American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network

American Diabetes Association

American Heart Association

American Lung Association

Arthritis Foundation

Cystic Fibrosis Foundation

Family Voices


Lutheran Services in America

March of Dimes

National Health Council

National Multiple Sclerosis Society

National Organization for Rare Diseases

Volunteers of America


“Sixteen patient and provider groups oppose the proposal put forward by Senators Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), Bill Cassidy (R-La.), Dean Heller (R-Nev.), and Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) that will negatively impact patients’ access to adequate and affordable health coverage and care.

“This bill would limit funding for the Medicaid program, roll back important essential health benefit protections, and potentially open the door to annual and lifetime caps on coverage, endangering access to critical care for millions of Americans. Our organizations urge senators to oppose this legislation.

“Affordable, adequate care is vital to the patients we represent. This legislation fails to provide Americans with what they need to maintain their health.”


“Older Americans care deeply about access to and affordability of health care. They need and deserve affordable premiums, lower out-of-pocket costs, and coverage they can count on as they age. On behalf of our nearly 38 million members in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Virgin Islands, AARP is urging the Senate to reject the Graham/Cassidy/Heller/Johnson bill because it would do precisely the opposite. Overall, the Graham/Cassidy/Heller/Johnson bill would increase health care costs for older Americans with an age tax, decrease coverage, and undermine preexisting condition protections. In addition, this bill would jeopardize the ability of older Americans and people with disabilities to stay in their own homes as they age and threaten coverage for individuals in nursing homes.”

The Arc

“While this piece of legislation has a new title and makes new promises, it is more of the same threats to Medicaid and those who rely on it for a life in the community. The Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson proposal cuts and caps the Medicaid program. The loss of federal funding is a serious threat to people with disabilities and their families who rely on Medicaid for community based supports.”

Consumers Union

“Consumers Union, the policy and mobilization arm of Consumer Reports, today strongly opposed the Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson proposal, the latest effort to repeal the Affordable Care Act. This bill would leave tens of millions uninsured and fundamentally restructure and gut the Medicaid program. It would also allow states to waive key consumer protections and coverage requirements….

Consumers Union urged lawmakers to reject this latest partisan proposal and stay focused on bipartisan efforts in Senate committees to stabilize and strengthen the insurance markets.”

Why Senate Republicans are in such a rush this month on health care
Washington Post 15

Senate Republicans’ latest effort to ******* Obamacare has been nothing if not abrupt. Think about it: At this time last week, Sens. Lindsey O. Graham (R-S.C.) and Bill Cassidy (R-La.) hadn’t formally announced their bill devolving federal health-care spending to the states. Even when they did, congressional news led with President Trump’s talks with Democratic leaders on protecting undocumented immigrants. A sudden GOP gambit on health care seemed like a remote possibility, at best. That all changed over the weekend when Republican leaders, pushed by conservatives to more seriously reckon with the possibility that they would not achieve their party’s central policy goal, began to take a closer ...
Trump endorses GOP senators' last-ditch Obamacare repeal ...


Virginia GOP gov candidate says ObamaCare repeal effort 'falls short'
The Hill Tue


Chuck Grassley: Fulfilling campaign promise just as important as 'substance' of health bill

Sen. Graham presses for support for GOP health bill
Associated Press CALVIN WOODWARD,Associated Press

they don't want to fix it...they just want the ACA gone....country be damned

Bipartisan health care fix dies in Senate
Jon Ward 9 hours ago

That talk of a bipartisan health care bill was a pleasant dream while it lasted.

The day after Sen. Lamar Alexander, R-Tenn., and Sen. Patty Murray, D-Wash., shelved their effort to reach an agreement on how to improve upon the Affordable Care Act, observers of the process gave varied explanations for why Republicans and Democrats failed once again to solve the problem.

The dysfunction in Washington, most seemed to agree, is driven by large forces and long memories.

The nascent bipartisan deal was deemed not aggressive enough by either side. Republicans have been talking about repealing former President Obama’s 2010 health care law for nearly a decade, and Alexander’s focus was on preventing harm to Americans who might be hurt by rising premiums in the next year. But that focus involved extending parts of Obamacare, or the Affordable Care Act, and many conservatives objected.
US comp have made them what they are...all over greed

North Korea isn't the biggest problem in the world

President of the Eurasia Group Ian Bremmer told Yahoo Finance Editor-in-Chief Andy Serwer that the North Korea crisis is not the biggest geopolitical problem in the world right now.

“That’s not the worst [problem]. It’s much more stable,” Bremmer said at the 2017 Concordia Summit. “This is a problem we’ve been dealing with for decades. We’re going to keep dealing with it. The idea that we won’t tolerate a North Korea that can have the same capabilities that the US, that it’s had in Japan and South Korea for a long time I think is a good talking point, but it’s not real.”

Bremmer noted that the Trump administration has actually made progress on the North Korea issue by attempting “work with allies and antagonists.” The clearest example of international cooperation came earlier this month when the UN Security Council unanimously passed a resolution (albeit watered-down) that placed new sanctions on the rogue regime.

“It’s hard for [the current US administration] to fix it, but that doesn’t mean that it’s going to be a disaster,” Bremmer said.

“The Chinese are writing big checks”

As for China, by far North Korea’s biggest trading partner, Bremmer argued that “it’s getting more challenging for Trump to get what he wants” as China’s economy becomes more influential globally.

“China’s getting more powerful by the day, particularly economically,” Bremmer said. “And the environment for Western multinationals to invest and have a long perspective in China, for some of the most important American companies that we have, is actually getting much more challenging.”

The U.S. dollar has logged its worst year since 1986, and one factor is the Chinese yuan subverting the dollar’s primacy as the currency used to facilitate international trade. For example, this summer Russia began accepting yuan (as opposed to dollars) when selling oil to China.

“The prospect of the world’s largest importers and exporters of oil pricing and trading crude in yuan is a big dollar-negative,” Carl Weinberg, chief economist at High Frequency Economics, explained to clients. “If oil trade moves to yuan, it will mean a potential loss of $800 billion per year in U.S. dollar transactions, and a similar reduction of $800 billion in re-cycling of petro-surpluses into U.S. dollar assets. That is not a pretty picture for either the dollar or U.S. securities in the longer term.”

Bremmer echoed this view on a geopolitical level, arguing that “Chinese money is increasingly trumping US muscle” on the world stage.

If you go and you talk to heads of state or foreign ministers in countries all over the world, and you ask: ‘From your perspective, who’s the more important power, the US or China?’ A lot of countries you wouldn’t expect are now saying China,” Bremmer said. “And it’s because the Chinese are writing big checks and because their economy is integrated from the top down by the state, where if ExxonMobil or Facebook comes to invest, it’s not your relationship with Washington, DC that’s doing that. And it’s hard for the Americans to deal with that.”

The economic trend — along with the Trump factor — does not seem to be lost on Beijing.

“I don’t understand Trump,” Shen Zhihua, a prominent Chinese historian, told Evan Osnos of the New Yorker. “One day he is saying something good about Xi Jinping and the next he is criticizing him. Trump is becoming more and more of a problem. China is becoming more and more stable.”
yes ...he shoots off his mouth...they shoot off a missile... to a trumpie I suppose that would be alright

So the USA should just bend over and take it. Is that what your saying?

Funny, there was a "suspicious van" (white panel van no less) in our neighborhood one time. I asked the guy telling me about it if he approached the van and asked if he was lost or what he was looking for. He said "Hell no - to dangerous". So what he was actually telling me is that he was too much of a pussy to tell someone that does not belong in our neighborhood - that he DOES NOT BELONG IN OUR NEIGHBORHOOD. Simply because he was afraid of a confrontation. He would much rather avoid a confrontation and simply "hope" no chi]d comes up missing or his house is not broke into.

The fuck stick in NC needs to be told to knock it off - Trump has the balls to tell him to knock it off - and if anyone starts a war it will be because of the actions of NC, not the US.
The fuck stick in NC needs to be told to knock it off
....You mean NK ... not NC, right?

....So it becomes your neighbors responsibility to confront ALL strange vehicles and determine IF they are hostile to the neighborhood? Maybe it is bad guys ... maybe looking for someone they wish to knock off ... and your advice is to approach the strange vehicle to confront them? Really? Why is it your neighbor's responsibility? Why make someone who is going to be hostile to someone else, also hostile to you? Maybe you have a family that depends on you ... house payments, car payments, ******* in college, who knows ... suddenly you go sticking your nose in THEIR business and you're no longer around? Are you serious? The Neighborhood Watch program is just that W A T C H ... not protect ... that's the law enforcement's job, and the neighborhood security's job ... but NOT yours. You get a description of the vehicle, even take a pic off your cellphone, record the tag number, and call it in ... that's YOUR job. What you are describing is another Trayvon Martin killing. If its a van, you have to suspect there are more than one person in the vehicle. So, what you gonna do, TwoBi, run to your house, pull out your trusty AK-47 semi rifle and get down with 'em?
....I thought you were a bit smarter than that, man ... glad you aren't teaching my *******. My ******* has over 7 years of Taekwondo, my *******, 3, but neither go sticking their noses where they don't belong, trying to help provoke a fight. They're told it is self-defense ... and avoid confrontations at all time. Sometimes "silence" is the best threat to have, particularly when it involves nuclear weapons.
....Any provocation to N Korea could result in 100+ thousand service men from the US being immediately annihilated. And that is just OUR service men, not their families. President Dumbnuts has been wrong on so many things, is proving to be the worse president ever, and you want to depend on his judgement to make a nuclear challenge call? God help us! Must be some kind of 'ignorance' virus running amok in the Republican party.
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....You mean NK ... not NC, right?
Same difference ;)

...So it becomes your neighbors responsibility to confront ALL strange vehicles and determine IF they are hostile to the neighborhood? Maybe it is bad guys ... maybe looking for someone they wish to knock off ... and your advice is to approach the strange vehicle to confront them? Really? Why is it your neighbor's responsibility?

I never said ALL - stop with your out of context BS. HE is the one who witnessed the Van so yes , THIS situation is, if he was too chicken he could have called the police at the very least. It is EVERYONE'S responsibility to protect those around us. It is OUR neighborhood. I suppose you would simply turn a blind eye and walk away - I KNOW YOU WOULD! Not YOUR responsibility - right? If your walking home and you see your neighbor getting raped - what do you do? I already know what you would do. Maybe you can at least tell her to lie back and enjoy it - its going to happen anyways, and not to worry, she can abort it.

If its a van, you have to suspect there are more than one person in the vehicle. So, what you gonna do, TwoBi, run to your house, pull out your trusty AK-47 semi rifle and get down with 'em?

I would (and have several times) take a pic of the vehicle and plate - make sure they see me do it. Then I approach and ask if they are looking for a lost dog or if I can help find an address. Those that are "casing" will get very nervous and leave the area immediately - those that are legit will explain what they are doing. It is the CRIMINAL that needs to feel afraid and uncomfortable in MY neighborhood - not ME. You don't have to be an asshole or act all tough when you approach people you know - there are ways to handle situations without showing hostilities.

Why make someone who is going to be hostile to someone else, also hostile to you? Maybe you have a family that depends on you ... house payments, car payments, ******* in college, who knows ... suddenly you go sticking your nose in THEIR business and you're no longer around? Are you serious?
Wow - you really put your personality into perspective Mac, thank god your not my neighbor. Maybe that Van comes back and - god forbid - kills your family. And all you had to do was make it known to them that they had been spotted, and most likely would have went elsewhere.

My ******* has over 7 years of Taekwondo, my *******, 3, but neither go sticking their noses where they don't belong, trying to help provoke a fight. They're told it is self-defense ... and avoid confrontations at all time. Sometimes "silence" is the best threat to have, particularly when it involves nuclear weapons.
Really? your going to bring out that "I know Karate" bit??? LOL
Maybe I did teach your k]ds then, or at least kicked their ass in a Tournament. Anyone who knows anything about Martial Arts - it taint like the movies Bro. I had an instructor once that thought it was - lol, got KO in less than 3 seconds. Never know what hit him. Knowing MA does not mean you know how to fight - or even defend yourself when it really counts.

.Any provocation to N Korea could result in 100+ thousand service men from the US being immediately annihilated. And that is just OUR service men ... no citizens, no military from other countries ... just OURS. President Dumbnuts has been wrong on so many things, is proving to be the worse president ever, and you want to depend on his judgement to make a nuclear challenge call? God help us! Crap, ignorance must be some kind of virus running amok in the Republican party.

I understand that, but I don't think we should just turn a blind eye. What if NK starts to take over other countries - what if he launches a Nuke any ways?? We should just let him? He got away with the first Nuke - so maybe he will launch another - Oh that' s right, NOT OUR RESPONSIBILITY. Got it. Even though Japan, Guam, SK are our NEIGHBORS. we shouldn't protect them. We should just ignore it until it knocks on our door - right?
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Democrats pushing a Single Payer program would be as catastrophic as the Republicans pushing their own, current bile. Vermont is installing a Single Payer program on their own ... why not read a bit more before jumping on THIS wagon.
I have spent a good deal of time on this subject. The only thing that will work is a national single payer health system. First off I think that everyone is entitled to the same level of health care. The current system isn't even close. A person relying on Medicaid does not get the same level of care that I would get. A mandatory government subsidized program is a recipe for financial disaster.
they don't want to fix it...they just want the ACA gone....country be damned
Obamacare is a clusterfuck, the Democrats won't replace it because they passed it. The last thing a politician will ever admit is they made a mistake. The Republicans won't do anything because right now they can't agree which direction the sun comes up. And collectively they all owned by too many special interests to do what is necessary
North Korea isn't the biggest problem in the world
I would disagree with that. Any crazy that has nuclear weapons and can lob one into our backyard will move to the head of my list. Despite what some people may think Trump's speech at the UN was spot on. He spoke in a way the fat little prick in North Korea understands. One major fallacy in the United States is that most people believe that everyone thinks like they do. Trump or at least his speech writer understood what needed to be said and how it needed to be said. That was very evident from Iran's response

Japan attacked Pearl Harbor because they could. The emperor believed that if he had our Pacific Fleet destroyed it would be at 1946 before we had a credible Pacific fleet and they he would have a peace negotiated The emperor was advised by Yamamoto and others that attacking the United States was a bad idea. The emperor was rarely out of the palace and never outside of Japan

Now in Korea we have the fat little prick who has been isolated from the world since birth. The only things he knows are that in the Korean War North Korea fought the South and it's allies to a standstill. Technically a state of war still exists. And now he has nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them. At some point he will launch a nuke unless either he is taken out or someone is able to impress on him that he will loose badly and he won't survive. You need to remember that he has starved millions of his own people to death so he could direct more of what few assets he has to building weapons of war and mass distruction
Same difference ;)
Actually no it's not. North Carolina has had more than it's share of colorful politicians, both Democratic snd Republican. And the was some stuff after the Civil War into the 1960's that I found appalling. However no place in history have I found any reference to North Carolina threatening to nuke anyone, nor have I found that at anytime have they pursued a policy of willfully starving a good part of their population to death. :exciting: NC=NK the math just doesn't work
last time they waited until everyone had already pretty much decided who they would vote for and then they run...and when they did they embarrassed them selves on foreign events
They didn't have the finances that the major parties had. The one things that the Democrats and Republicans could agree was to keep any third party out of the debates
Actually no it's not. North Carolina has had more than it's share of colorful politicians, both Democratic snd Republican. And the was some stuff after the Civil War into the 1960's that I found appalling. However no place in history have I found any reference to North Carolina threatening to nuke anyone, nor have I found that at anytime have they pursued a policy of willfully starving a good part of their population to death. :exciting: NC=NK the math just doesn't work

They do have their fair share of crazies!
LOL Even the Republican politicians there are nuts!