Politics, Politics, Politics

Personally, I would be happy with just a set amount, i.e. if you make X dollars your tax is X% - period.
No deductions, no right offs, no tax shelters, no tax credits, just Here is my Income - this is how much I pay. Simple. I shouldn't have to spend hours filling out forms or pay someone to do it for me or try to finagle every little credit or deduction.

I'd also be happy with removal of the income tax and go with a national sales and Luxury tax.
How about they leave the damn tax level alone and start looking at where they are wasting it.
That all starts with TERM LIMITS, getting BIG MONEY out of politics (donation transparency & reversal of Citizens United rule), and keeping the likes of the NRA and other lobbyists OUT of Washington.
is subhub is showing signs that he might believe in this fallacy.

I just think if everyone was taxed at say 1% of their income..... seems like a good idea to me
But I'm not the whizz at that *******.... just thinking out loud really
I do know the tax situation the way it is sucks!
and there is a lot of money hid out overseas... there just has to be a better solution... the one we have is not working....unless you are in that top % of the bracket
... there just has to be a better solution
....Actually, when taxes go up, particularly for corporations, those taxed tend to invest in "write-off" R&D ... this only works to a point, however, then companies relocate jobs. Republicans know, however, that cutting the corporate rates to 10-15% is way too much 'cut' ... and those cuts aren't going to materialize into more jobs. As I've said hundreds of times, the tax codes didn't get over 77,000 pages thick by the poor & middleclass.
.....I do believe, however, that EVERYONE needs to contribute to taxes, even the poor. It might be only 4-5%, but it helps the poor look at themselves as contributors, instead of takers to the system.

As I've said hundreds of times, the tax codes didn't get over 77,000 pages thick by the poor & middleclass.

I agree with that.... the middle class and the poor sure didn't create all those loop holes and breaks and etc.!

Republicans know, however, that cutting the corporate rates to 10-15% is way too much 'cut' ...

I didn't think there was such a thing as the right not wanting more cuts... so they can hide the money and do whatever....even when Obama was in they said that the corps had the money and plenty of it... just not investing.... and it was hard to tell actually just how much was overseas... they gave a rough estimate one time and it was huge!

I do believe, however, that EVERYONE needs to contribute to taxes, even the poor. It might be only 4-5%, but it helps the poor look at themselves as contributors, instead of takers to the system.

I agree with that and don't see why everyone just couldn't pay a percentage.... but I'm talking people... NOT corporations... I go back again to what they paid in the 60"s and the shape the country was in at that time
don't see why everyone just couldn't pay a percentage....
....Keep in mind that the 'living wage' is around $22,000 gross; it takes at least THAT to survive .... food, shelter, etc ... so if you have a flat tax of 15%, you've just taken over $3,000 of that individual's income that he/she needs to survive. Plus, the government should realize that when individuals make a living wage, they aren't as likely to be on welfare type programs, thus those costs go down. What I'm concerned with is that the government has been artificially controlling inflation for over 6-7 years, and when they let it loose, it may rise to the likes of the early 1980's ... suddenly cars that cost $25,000 suddenly cost $34,000, and groceries that we spent $200 a week on will cost $260-300 a week.
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going back to my original ...intent.....our country is falling apart with all kinds of needs.... and trump talking about cutting corp taxes... and I know part of his tax package had to include doing away with the aca so he could give those breaks

as for the other I don't mind paying a little more in taxes... if it was done fairly... to cover some form of health care and etc
NOT to give some 10%er a tax break
Congress has 12 working days to avoid an economic disaster — and there's good reason to panic
Business Insider Sat, Aug 12 10:00 PM PDT .

Congress has 12 working days to raise the nation's debt ceiling when it returns in September. Congress, in the midst of a month-long August recess, faces a massive policy threat when lawmakers return to Washington next month. By the end of September, Congress must approve legislation to raise the nation's debt ceiling — or risk a goal economy disaster. And it already sounds like the attempts at a compromise aren't going well. The Treasury Department says the debt ceiling, a statutory limit of outstanding debt obligations that the federal government can hold, must be raised by September 29. That gives Congress 12 working days to pass legislation to get to President Donald Trump's desk. The Congressional ...

U.S. tax change proposals anger builders, realtors, charities
By Ginger Gibson,Reuters 1 hour 46 minutes ago .

With U.S. Congress members focused during their August recess on finding ways to lower the corporate tax rate, industry groups and other sectors of society are gearing up to fight proposed changes to the personal income tax.

While tax cuts for business have garnered the most headlines, lobbyists and lawmakers have conceded that rewriting the corporate tax code will be a long slog.

Tackling personal tax rates will be easier, many argue. Looking for an easier legislative win ahead of the 2018 midterm elections, most lawmakers in the Republican majority want to cut individual incomes taxes. President Donald Trump has been pushing hard for tax changes this year.

Still, proposed changes to the personal tax code have already stirred opposition from realtors, home builders, mortgage lenders and charities. These groups say proposed changes will hurt home sales and cut charitable contributions.

The National Association of Realtors issued an "August Recess Talking Points" circular imploring members to remind lawmakers that "Homeowners must be treated fairly in tax reform" to avoid "another housing crash."

The group cited a report it commissioned from PwC that estimated home values could quickly dive more than 10 percent if the tax plan becomes law
Essentially PwC was hired to come up with an outcome. Mortgage interest, money spent post tax dollar, allows for a deduction of its interest. Likely for most people they will pay $1 in interest, to save approximately .25 is federal income taxes. But 20% of $1 will impact the principal asset by 10%?

Sure it will.
But 20% of $1 will impact the principal asset by 10%?

Not knowing much about the tax situation... I will take your word for it..... but the way it looks... losing some of those deductions.... will not go over very well at all!

and I think I read they estimate that housing prices could drop 10%?!
not thrilled hearing that at all

and I just don't see trump putting anything forward that would help the middle class... so very leary of anything he does.... just going by his past record of what he has pushed forward
does anyone else see an issue with this statement?
for one... they even had it planned!.... and then no plans to stop it until the events from last weekend... got wonder just how many more were planned!

I am waiting to see if the organizer of all this gets any charges.... since the feds are involved.... and calling it domestic terrorism.... although we do have Sessions in charge of all this and his views are questionable to say the least
ahhhhh the wonders of television and replay......
2016... trump does not know David Duke nor anything about the KKK
2012... Trump praises David Duke for some of his accomplishments....