Politics, Politics, Politics

I honestly think Trump has a mental problem and needs serious help

I think it is his ego...... he hates that he did not win the popular vote and that Obama was/is so popular... that he wants to destroy anything Obama touched .. out of pure bitterness... look at climate change... he agreed with Gore shortly after taking office... but as more ******* was dug up on him and his popularity (whatever ) he had is going down... now against climate change
and most will tell you the policies that he is implementing are all coming from banon... for that he is just banon's puppet... the rest is just bitterness!
Liar n chief at it again..... first he claims he got a call from boy scout leader saying it was greatest speech they ever had.... Boy Scouts deny ever calling him!
Now today he says Pres of mexico called him and gave compliment on wall.... Pres of mexico denies ever calling him!

The Wall Street Journal says Trump will be bankrupt within 5 years after his presidency ends.
His reputation in the business market is just about shot ... having to get his loans and credit from foreign banks. He says he's worth billions but refuses to document any of it.
yes I am a friggn liberal!

Report Reveals The Reality Of Childhood Hunger In The U.S.
Caroline Bologna,HuffPost 3 hours ago .

When Americans think about childhood hunger, they tend to picture impoverished families in developing nations far away. But the fact of the matter is 13 million ******* in the U.S. face hunger.

On Thursday, the nonprofit Share Our Strength’s No Kid Hungry campaign released a report on childhood hunger in the U.S. and how food insecurity can affect school performance. The findings are eye-opening.

Titled “Hunger in Our Schools,” the report found that 1 in 6 ******* in the U.S. face hunger. Sixty-two percent of low-income parents worry about running out of food for their children before having enough money to buy more, and 35 percent of ******* share that fear.

The findings are based on a series of surveys of low-income parents, students and teachers. Five hundred parents and their children, ages 13 to 18, and 325 teachers in the U.S. responded to the surveys, and data from focus groups supplemented the results.
anyone paying attention to the water situation?
the pollutants seem to be climbing in our drinking water........ I understand you can go online and check what's in the water in your area.
and our new epa chief wants to lower the mercury standards in water! lowering the lead standards in sea foods!
trying to turn the whole country into Flint, Mich!
we was glad to get rid of the asshole here..... but never dreamed he could just compound the issue nationally.... he is still facing charges here and they are working on dis-barring him for some of his lies and antics!
damn... Trump knows how to pick them.... he really is trying to destroy the country from within!

waaay back when I was working for the airline here some were complaining about our drinking water.... the union got involved and had it checked... found all kinds of stuff in it..... but was told it met with gov standards... (and now those standards are even lower)........so the union just had the company install water filters on all the drinking fountains..... since then I never ******* any of the city water nor cook with it... even for my coffee.... we buy all our water and have for a few years now.... but what about those that can't afford or don't know...????
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Really makes you wonder about what happened to our standards for politicians....
Pruitt from Okl..... was already in trouble here for some of the ******* he pulled...now he is doing it on a national level
Kobach from Kansas.... sued and fined for some of his ******* in Kansas... now doing it on a national level
Sessions.... lied to congress.... had the chance to get rid of him... now they are trying to protect him just to go against trump... but he is trying to prosecute leakers.... hell if it wasn't for some of those leaks we wouldn't know about all the ******* trump is pulling!
The education secretary.....

and it just goes on... with about everyone Trump picked
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Pulling Out Of The TPP Proves Tough For Trump's Rural Voters

After the pullout from the Trans-Pacific Partnership, other countries began to fill the vacuum left by the United States.


JUst like he keeps pissing off Mexico.... and yet they buy a billion in corn every year from us.... but now are shopping for their corn elsewhere....you think this guy is not "tanking" America you need to wake up
I think he is secretly working for the Democrats
Geesh, I sure hope THAT doesn't catch on, or the Dems will be in the same shape as the ReThugs ... I can imagine the Republicans starting another alt-fact a few months before elections to say Trump is secretly working with the Democrats ... just so they can win yet another election built on lies and BS. Democrats neither want this guy, nor wish to share his comradary, much less acknowledge him as a legitimate President.
what??????? in every state that they raised the minimum wage the economy improved!...of the 10 worst states... all red... we (the gov) give them more money for food stamps welfare and etc... than they pay in taxes!

we give wal mart a lot of money in different breaks... all so they can hire minimum wage people... that we end up giving benefits to because they can't live on the wages that wal mart pays!

that we got fucked on... should have and would have been nice to,let them fail... but the economy would not hold up if we had.... but Obama put in checks and balances to stop that from happeneing again...BUT trump just removed them... said the banks needed the freedom to borrow and lend.... how long before we are right back in that mess?

got a good meme for that... but you wouldn't or don't like the meme's.... but the jist of it is..... the best thing for the economy is a well paid worker... he spends his wages on ..whatever.... that money goes back into different biz that helps the economy.... bottom line is it is the well paid worker that makes the economy move...NOT biz!
pay the workers they spend the money!

can't and won't.... agree with you on that...... see my above statement!

I don't... I am not sold on the dems..... I screwed up and voted for a friggn republican this time... langfort... all he talked about was working across the isle and getting things done.... now he says he will vote with the rest of the right on health care... even though he knows nothing about it... but believes in his party

anyway my thing the left does not pass laws to hurt the middle class.... they may not help that much but they don't intentionally hurt!
unlike the right!
hate to agree with 2bi.... but we do need more than just the 2 party system..... but the third party never gets their head out of their ass in time to do or say anything... so we are stuck with the lesser of 2 evils!
I don't understand why we need party's. If there is a senate seat open in wisconsin and say there are 4 candidates running for that seat. Why can't each candidate take a position on every issue based on what they feel makes the most sense, or offer solutions to problems the same way. Then let voters decide based on who they agree with the most rather than what party they are registered with.

If we do that then maybe, and it's a big maybe, we will have people out there actually trying to accomplish something rather than making sure that they are keeping a grandstander like chuck schuemer or a dementia riddled hag like Nancy pelossi happy. Or another group going back on their word to keep that marble mouth from kentucky or the guy from my home state, who should be impeached, happy.

We've had almost 9 years of the crips and bloods in DC where a bunch of people in both parties who cater to the fringe in their parties refuse to work with people on the other side. And the average person let's these people, whose number one aim is personal enrichment and power turn us into a tribal society.

People want to talk about collusion, wait until we start adding more parties. People are so obsessed with their side winning that they will be ripe for foreign influence. Sound far fetched, look what Europeans did to the indigenous people when the Americas were settled, divide and conquer. But then again, I'm just a dumb bimbo.
I don't understand why we need party's. If there is a senate seat open in wisconsin and say there are 4 candidates running for that seat. Why can't each candidate take a position on every issue based on what they feel makes the most sense, or offer solutions to problems the same way. Then let voters decide based on who they agree with the most rather than what party they are registered with.

The two party system is how the government stays in control of it's people - the better question to ask is why more don't see it and why they keep electing the same garbage.
How much longer will GOP be the party of mean and vicious?
Miami Herald 4 hours ago .

The book pulls no punches. It sharply condemns conservatism for its role in a “culture of vicious dehumanization,” not to mention its sins of incoherence, rejection of empirical fact and plain hypocrisy. Writing of the rush by the conservative party, i.e., the GOP, to embrace the regrettable Donald Trump during the last election, the author is blunt and unsparing. “Never has a party so quickly or easily abandoned its core principles …” No, these are not new complaints; they have been made repeatedly in recent years. But what makes this particular bill of charges against conservatism and the Republican Party noteworthy is not the substance, but the source. Meaning, a self-described “proud conservative ...

If there is a senate seat open in wisconsin and say there are 4 candidates running for that seat. Why can't each candidate take a position on every issue based on what they feel makes the most sense, or offer solutions to problems the same way. Then let voters decide based on who they agree with the most rather than what party they are registered with.

Makes to much sense!..... Hell why can't they just listen to the voters?... instead of who pays them the most!

IF IF.... we could just do away with lobbyist and make them live on just what we pay them... which is plenty....maybe they would vote our wishes!

Canadians may pay more taxes than Americans, but here's what they get for their money

Even with all kinds of taxes considered, including income, local and sales taxes, among others — and contrary to what President Donald Trump has repeatedly said — Americans do not pay the highest taxes in the world. Not even close. Actually, the U.S. is a little below average compared to our 34 peer countries in the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). But what about Canada? Given all the social services that Canadian citizens enjoy relative to their neighbors to the south, including health care, many Americans assume that Canadians bear a significantly heavier tax burden. The reality is more complex. Canadians pay more — sometimes The OECD analyzes the tax burdens of ...
just for you northsb

looks like something Trump would negotiate....

Controversy in Wisconsin over handout to lure Foxconn
CNN Money 18 hours ago .

Foxconn's pledge to invest $10 billion to build a factory in Wisconsin that will create between 3,000 and 13,000 new jobs has been met with plenty of excitement. But there's a catch: Part of the deal is $3 billion in state incentives that have been promised by Governor Scott Walker but must be still be approved by the Wisconsin legislature. "When you take the number of jobs that are created, this is so over the top," said Paul Soglin, the Democratic mayor of Madison, at a news conference last week. Under Walker's plan, the Taiwanese electronics manufacturer could get up to $1.5 billion to subsidize wages, up to $1.35 billion to support facility construction and up to $150 million from a sales tax exemption on building materials. ...

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker defends Foxconn incentive package, touts state's turnaround
Geesh, I sure hope THAT doesn't catch on, or the Dems will be in the same shape as the ReThugs ... I can imagine the Republicans starting another alt-fact a few months before elections to say Trump is secretly working with the Democrats ... just so they can win yet another election built on lies and BS. Democrats neither want this guy, nor wish to share his comradary, much less acknowledge him as a legitimate President.

Well the Democrats can't shoot them all so they gotta try something. :bounce::bounce::mstickle::dance::frantic: