Politics, Politics, Politics

Raleigh man gets death threats for publishing names of Charlottesville white nationalists
WTVD – Raleigh/Durham 9 hours ago .

Logan Smith has taken to Twitter, under the handle, "Yes You're Racist," publishing the names and photos of the white nationalists caught on camera at the rally in Virginia

kind of a dirty trick.... but maybe they have it coming.... besides if they are so proud of what the believe in... suffer the consequences I guess!
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Charlottesville white nationalist protester fired after being identified by Twitter account
Jeva Lange,The Week (RSS

A white nationalist protester identified by the Twitter account @YesYoureRacist has since lost his job, the East Bay Times reports. Cole White, an employee at the hot dog chain Top Dog, was fired Saturday, just hours after being noticed in photographs from the Charlottesville Unite the Right march: "Effective Saturday 12th August, Cole White no longer works at Top Dog," the hot dog company wrote in a statement. "The actions of those in Charlottesville are not supported by Top Dog. We believe in individual freedom and voluntary association for everyone." @YesYoureRacist also identified protester Peter Cvjetanovic, who claims he has "received death threats" since being spotted by the account. ...
The fact he gave an interview in 2002 disavowing David Duke, and didn't remember he disavowed in 2016 isn't one of them.

to me it's just more of he can't keep his lies straight!
that's what happens when you lie repeatedly

similar to what the police do when they have several different people ask you the same question... a liar can't keep things straight

but that is another of Trumps trademarks
and that's where his term fake news comes from... they just repeat what he has said earlier!... he hates being fact checked
Probably since the Nazis .... I mean, Alt-Right (excuse me) showed up with weapons and dressed in battle gear, they probably revealed their intention of no "peaceful assembly", which voided their 1st amendment right?

Well obviously you are listening only to the left wing media. It was the Alt-Right, White nationalist, Nazis - whatever you want to call them that had a permit to protest and were abiding by the law of peaceful assembly. It was the BLM and another group that showed up in anti-protest who DID NOT have a permit and weren't supposed to be there. If they had been escorted away, as they should have been not having a permit, the situation would not have escalated. God forbid anyone go against the BLM and the Alt-Left - right?

But that is all besides the point - Everyone should have a problem with the statement - "state lawmakers who said hatred should be rejected in all forms — despite First Amendment protections." That statement is the beginning of the end of our 1st amendment.

We have the right to voice our opinions - period. It does not, and should not matter how the rest of the world views that opinion. Look at it this way - everyone has the right to hate, you can't ******* individuals not to be what they are any more than you can ******* a transgender to be straight.
It was the Alt-Right, White nationalist, Nazis - whatever you want to call them that had a permit to protest and were abiding by the law of peaceful assembly

some showed up in combat fatigues carrying all kinds of things.... it would appear they came looking for and expecting trouble!
not that the BLM people shouldn't have done their thing... they also knew what could happen
BUT...... the KKK and the neo Nazis and etc.... are all hate groups... put them on the terror list and prevent them from having their parades!
any time you have a hate group marching... they know what they are doing....and probably prepared for....

what really hurts Trump is .... a lot were wearing his hats.... shouting "hail Trump"
just shows what a lot of his supporters are!....I see now where David Duke is pissed.... damn hate that...hahahah
Your not surprisingly still missing the point.

I don't think so... you are saying it is their first amendment rights..... and you are right
but maybe if those rights are inciting violence and
******* I don't know.... where do you draw the friggn line!

my point would be...this administration has promoted violence long before he was ever Pres and he has not helped the situation at all

He is not the pres of this country....only to his base and part of that base was out for ******* last weekend
I see since then his numbers have dropped again... right now the same as Bush when he left office!
but maybe if those rights are inciting violence

And all the leftist protest don't - I gotcha, its all clear now.

It's unfortunate that the Virginia took a bad turn - I agree. But I'm not just talking about that specific event, I'm talking about from now and into the future.

The left views White Nationalist as a hate group, maybe so, but lets say you are one of those WN - would you not view the BLM as a hate group towards you? So now we must define who hates which group more. The way I see it, they are all hate groups. Each group of protesters are hating on another group in one way or another. They all have the right to speak - and protest - equally.
We have the right to voice our opinions - period.
....I don't think so ... don't think its that cut & dry. For example, suppose I work at a nuclear missile site and I'm having beers with a few of my friends after work ... maybe even with you ... lol ... and I'm heard making the comment that the access door to the missile site is 533910741, which is almost identical to my cell phone number 533910714. I do believe my "freedom of speech" rights just got voided.
....But then, my point was that the alt-right Nazis came to the march carrying weapons, dressed with helmets, etc looking for a confrontation. The BLM and others were on the margins of the Alt-rights street march making jesters and directing loud comments at the marchers. It was the marchers who chose to make it a physical confrontation. No doubt, both should share in the fault, and no doubt the police failed to disburse the BLM properly, but the BLM were not marching down the street, AND many were not members of BLM or any organized group ... again, they were on the sidewalks, etc. At least, that is the way I saw it. There seems to still be details that haven't been obtained. This appears to be one group taunting another group and police failed to control it. But there's no doubt the Nazi group showed up looking for confrontation simply by the way they were dressed.
....One last thought, the police should have automatically made those people, who were carrying weapons, to return them to their cars OR toss them in the trash ... they shouldn't have been allowed to carry weapons of any kind.
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And all the leftist protest don't - I gotcha, its all clear now.

wait a friggn minute here.... I am not defending anyone!... I am saying that those people there Sat were... looking for trouble?!
their flags were just an excuse to carry a pole to use on people

wait a minute... is this some kind of "mind fuck"?... didn't you post something about an upcoming event being canceled?
and now you want to nit-pick the rights and wrongs.....

anyway 2 wrongs don't make a right.... and I'm sure that the BLM people went knowing there would be trouble also

what's really funny/strange.... I don't see the big deal about the statues anyway... they are a symbol of history...true maybe slavery... but also defending their land from the north.....
maybe I'm just being white... but I don't see the big deal with the statues
2bi.... I will still stick with my original statement though

the KKK should not be allowed to hold their "protests?"..... they do have a history of violence
what next an ISIS protest?
and I'm sure I have mentioned on here before that I am against the BLM people holding their "protests' also

none of that does any good except to stir hate and discontent!

AND I think you are just trying to stir the pot!
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