Politics, Politics, Politics

... and WE grip about medical care here in the USA.
One doctor & one nurse who provide ALL the various medical care to this vicinity ... emergency care, women's care, childrens care, abortions, etc ...

One doctor & one nurse who provide ALL the various medical care to this vicinity ... emergency care, women's care, childrens care, abortions, etc .

And how big is the town? I remember my Grandmother having a doc that still made house calls and he (and his nurse) served the entire Sandusky MI area. Not sure the population then but around a couple thousand farmers. But then again, people only went to the doc when they actually needed to back then.
And how big is the town?
According to my search of the name on the sign, it is a city of a quarter million in 2010; I don't think the photo is implying this is the only medical center in Los Mochis. But there are some things to consider just based on the observance of the photo:
#1 - medical services located in what appears to be a trailer
#2 - no wheel chair ramps; maybe this isn't the front door
#3 - 2 people who supposedly provide care for emergencies, women's care (including abortions), children services
#4 - appearances may be deceiving, but these 2 ladies don't look the part of doctors or nurses
But there's a catch: Part of the deal is $3 billion in state incentives that have been promised by Governor Scott Walker but must be still be approved by the Wisconsin legislature. "When you take the number of jobs that are created, this is so over the top," said Paul Soglin, the Democratic mayor of Madison, at a news conference last week.
....I've played this very game with our management structure, here. When management is determining their bonuses for the year, they base it only on SALES. But, when management is determining the salary increases for the hourly and lower management, their salaries are based upon SALES & GAIN ... big, big difference. Our senior managers, who get lump sum bonuses equal to 20-50% of their salaries even hold up applying the 4th quarter claims to the products we represent until after the fiscal year if it is needed ... and usually is. So every year, approximately 2-4 weeks after the senior management bonuses are paid out, here they all come driving their brand new Jags, Cadillacs, Lexus, etc ... all $80-150,000 cars and park them on the 1st floor of the parking deck so everyone can see their NEW cars.
....Same with Scott Walker ... he only looks at the jobs coming in and disregards the costs to get those jobs there. However, you can bet your tight little ass IF it was a Democrat governor, he'd be looking at the net cost, just as the Democrats are looking at his accomplishment. Someone will PAY for that deal he made ... but it won't be him. It'll be the taxpayers.
just for you northsb

looks like something Trump would negotiate....

Controversy in Wisconsin over handout to lure Foxconn
CNN Money 18 hours ago .

Foxconn's pledge to invest $10 billion to build a factory in Wisconsin that will create between 3,000 and 13,000 new jobs has been met with plenty of excitement. But there's a catch: Part of the deal is $3 billion in state incentives that have been promised by Governor Scott Walker but must be still be approved by the Wisconsin legislature. "When you take the number of jobs that are created, this is so over the top," said Paul Soglin, the Democratic mayor of Madison, at a news conference last week. Under Walker's plan, the Taiwanese electronics manufacturer could get up to $1.5 billion to subsidize wages, up to $1.35 billion to support facility construction and up to $150 million from a sales tax exemption on building materials. ...

Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker defends Foxconn incentive package, touts state's turnaround
I'll read them but remember, anybody who is mayor of Madison automatically makes Bernie sanders look like Mussolini.
I'll read them but remember, anybody who is mayor of Madison automatically makes Bernie sanders look like Mussolini

how can that state go from one time pretty much BLUE to so hard line RED?

never mind... I forgot the COCK brothers own that state!
Money buys a lot of influence...look at what was spent to keep your Gov in office!
Republicans may have already bungled tax reform
The Week Wed, Aug 9 2:42 AM PDT .

Republicans planned for two big successes in the 115th session of Congress: ObamaCare repeal and comprehensive tax reform. The GOP would stuff both down the throats of Democrats and hand easy victories to President Trump in the first year of Republican single-party control of Washington, and set the tone for governance in the new administration. Things didn't exactly pan out that way. Instead, the tone Republicans set with ObamaCare turned out to be disunity and failure. Seven years of promises evaporated when Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell couldn't get 50 Republicans to agree on a repeal-and-replace bill, or even a shell bill to keep the issue alive. Now, the same problems that killed ...
They have no intentions to reform the tax laws - Just more smoke and mirrors. And neither will the Democrats. They like i the way it is.
They like i the way it is.
I don't think that.... the republicans want to pay less and the dems want the 10% to pay more.... to far apart to ever agree

which is typical of the problem there.... no middle ground!

the republicans just don't understand economics.... and never have..... look at the economy under the republicans every time they have control
they don't seem to be able to understand that taxes is what keeps this country going
it's about time they just considered a flat tax and be done with it!

what could be more fair?....everyone pays a certain percent!
look at the economy under the republicans every time they have control

My business does much better, So does the entire area - As well as the stock market.Just look at the market now.
Taxes is NOT what keeps this country going , the working class person does. - Taxes might pay your check, but it doesn't pay mine.

I'm all for a flat tax, but it's not going to happen for two main reasons,
1. millions of CPA jobs and thousands within the IRS would become obsolete.
2. The top 1% won't be able to cheat on their returns and claim that 10 day vacation to Hawaii as a "Business Trip". The Elite won't give up their tax loop holes.

Again, it's nothing more than a Carrot they through at us to make us think they are on our side and gain our vote.
As well as the stock market.Just look at the market now

that is still all part of Obama's policy.... although Trump trying to take credit for it.... he has yet to put anything forward

Taxes is NOT what keeps this country going , the working class person does

partially true..... the well paid worker does make the economy grow.... but the gov needs taxes to make it run

Taxes might pay your check, but it doesn't pay mine.
mine neither... and unless you are a gov employee you are paid by an employer

as for the rest of your statement.... won't argue with you on that... I agree
that is still all part of Obama's policy....

Sure it is.

Funny how Democrats claim Obama turned the economy around and lowered unemployment in less than a week in office and say it had nothing to do with Bush's policies or the fact that millions of unemployed dropped off of unemployment (no longer eligible) but 6 month into Trumps Presidency - "It's still Obama's doing". You'll be claiming that for the next 3 years I suppose.
Funny how Democrats claim Obama turned the economy around and lowered unemployment in less than a week in office and say it had nothing to do with Bush's policies or the fact that millions of unemployed dropped off of unemployment (no longer eligible) but 6 month into Trumps Presidency - "It's still Obama's doing". You'll be claiming that for the next 3 years I suppose

WRONG....... the first year of any president is the result of the pres that was before him!... you can check that out.....I am not sure just when Obama made the big turn around... but I'm guessing the saving of the auto industry and wall street bailout did push his programs right away since things were on the brink of disaster!

and if you look at the numbers when Obama was pres they were good.... the country was on a slow comeback....it should have happened sooner but with the obstructionist doing all they could to let things fail... he still managed to get things going.... the problem is... and the problem with this country now is greed....a lot of people didn't see them selves getting any richer.... so here comes trump... telling them just what they want to hear... and look what we got.... and the way things are looking... he is about to run into a lot of that obstructionism again.. from both parties!

the younger generation is the worst of the lot..... they want everything their parents have and they want it now....not stopping to think it took years for their parents to achieve all that.....and the ones that already have.... not satisfied and want more.... a good example is what these ceo's get paid..... ridiculous amounts... no way can they spend that in a lifetime.... and yet they want more than the others... money is power and they want that power
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Ah, so you run a REPO company? What's the margin of profit on those types of companies, just curious.

Not quite, but when companies have to tighten their belt due to higher taxes, more red tape BS regulations and higher interest rates, higher healthcare cost etc etc. They tend not to invest in outside job/skills training and production evaluations. (see how those higher taxes "trickle down" ;) )
re: FLAT TAX...... "More trickledown fool's gold" gif_Yellowball-JerkingOff.gif .......

Someone always gets stuck with the BILL when tax cuts occur ... it AIN'T the rich, and it AIN'T the poor. And just like there is no such word as AIN'T ... there's no such benefit for EVERYONE when tax cuts occur. Either the government makes up that loss revenue from another source, or the government cuts entitlement & favorable tax legislation ... PERIOD. Tax cuts for the wealthy do NOT ... I repeat DO NOT PAY FOR THEMSELVES like Republicans have declared time and time again. Reagan tried it ... Bush tried it ... and that put the first $10 trillion of Nat'l Debt on the books.
Here it is, now tell me HOW the middleclass avoids being stuck with the bill of a tax cut!

Imagine, for a minute, that you have a balloon, and you squeeze that balloon in the middle. The air inside that balloon doesn't suddenly disappear ... it relocates to other parts of the balloon that aren't being squeezed ... its the "Basic Laws Of PHYSICS" ... and just because Republicans brag about their Trickle Down benefit certainly doesn't mean its so. Its really simple, you cut expenditures, increase revenue, or do some of both. Only greedy politicians and tax lawyers make it difficult.

Damn, I'm seeing turnips all over the place .... :confused:
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There's one thing for sure, when the likes of the Heritage Foundation want it, it can't be good for the poor.
What's really concerning here, however, is subhub is showing signs that he might believe in this fallacy.

Not saying we need tax cuts - we just don't need to keep raising them like every Democrat wants to do every time they get in office - their first order of business - Raise taxes! How about they leave the damn tax level alone and start looking at where they are wasting it. Current cycle now - Democrats raise tax, Republicans lower them and the middle class rides the see-saw.