Politics, Politics, Politics

I don't think so ... don't think its that cut & dry. For example, suppose I work at a nuclear missile site and I'm having beers with a few of my friends after work ... maybe even with you ... lol ... and I'm heard making the comment that the access door to the missile site is 533910741, which is almost identical to my cell phone number 533910714. I do believe my "freedom of speech" rights just got voided.

That's quite a different situation (and frankly has nothing to do with an opinion) - but I think you know the difference, and you are smart enough to know what I am getting at.

But then, my point was that the alt-right Nazis came to the march carrying weapons,
Yeah, I don't agree with that - or why they thought they had to do it, but no shots were fired. Proving once again, the crazies don't need guns to ******* people.

I believe within the next 10 years, speech will be censored and certain words will become illegal to utter and protesting will become available only to the elite leftist/minority groups. Everything else will be viewed and hate and raciest. Oh wait - that's already true. Well 1 for 3 so far!
the KKK should not be allowed to hold their "protests?"..... they do have a history of violence
Sorry, but as much as I despise the KKK, I feel they have the right to march - just like any other group. Are you afraid of them? Are you afraid they might grow in strength? History shows they continue to dwindle as more people get educated.

what next an ISIS protest?

Oddly enough, they would probably get a permit to protest before the KKK would....
Are you afraid of them? Are you afraid they might grow in strength? History shows they continue to dwindle as more people get educated.
Come on, TwoBi ... quit ignoring the truth. The NeoNazis & KKK refer to themselves as the Alt-Right to shed the negativity of their past name affiliations. Just as the Tea Party like to now refer to themselves as Libertarians ... to shed the obstructionist profile of their past. They haven't changed their directions or beliefs, just their names.
Come on, TwoBi ... quit ignoring the truth. The NeoNazis & KKK refer to themselves as the Alt-Right to shed the negativity of their past name affiliations.

I don't care what they call themselves - They have the right to protest. That is my point - but you know that. You simply want to redirect and try to make this something it's not.

Just as the Tea Party like to now refer to themselves as Libertarians ...

You mean how leftist Democrats now call themselves "Progressives" to liberate themselves form their racist past?

BTW, Libertarians have been around a lot longer than the Tea Party - 38 years longer to be exact, So Fail on that assumption.
Sorry, but as much as I despise the KKK, I feel they have the right to march - just like any other group

well like I said I am not taking sides on this... I am against any of them marching... it ALWAYS ends up violent
KKK has been around a long time and always been violent... it's just now especially here lately they are coming out of the closet!

Trump is just defending them because they are a big part of his base.... as they marched they were shouting "hail Trump" and a lot had on his hat and etc...wonder what his comments would have been if it hadn't been for that....

the FFA or a union or a band march in a parade is fine... but the groups that stand for something that others are against.... don't think it should be allowed....it boils down to freedoms over safety and well being of the community!

note: I was against those Trump and anti-trump marches also!.... same thing!
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After Trump’s Remarks, White Nationalists Say He’s Telling Truth About Charlottesville
Dana Liebelson,HuffPost 6 hours ago .

Republicans, Democrats and business leaders have called President Donald Trump’s response to last weekend’s deadly white nationalist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, inadequate. But white nationalists involved in the rally have sung a different tune, praising the president for what they see as his truth telling about the incident.

Trump “sees the truth is the way I see it,” said Eli Mosley, a 25-year-old who advocates for “white rights” and helped organize the “Unite the Right” rally. “He’s seen through this ridiculous narrative that we went there to fight.”

Trump on Tuesday condemned “neo-Nazis and white nationalists,” but also suggested that anti-Nazi counter-protesters ― who the president termed the “alt-left” ― instigated the weekend’s violence.

“What about the alt-left that came charging at the, as you say, the alt right,” Trump said at Trump Tower in New York. “You had, you had a group on one side that was bad. And you had a group on the other side that was also very violent. And nobody wants to say that, but I’ll say it right now,” Trump added.

There were “very fine people on both sides,” Trump said.

It sounds to me like [Trump] is being an objective observer,” said Christopher Cantwell, a white nationalist from New Hampshire who attended Saturday’s rally. “Somebody who is not like a communist piece of filth would look at what happened there and say the leftists were the initiators of the *******.”

The chaos at Saturday’s rally made it hard to tell who was responsible for every act of violence. But a few facts are clear: At least 35 people were injured — and one was killed. (Two more people, both state troopers working the rally, were also killed when their helicopter crashed.) James Alex Fields, the man who allegedly drove his car into a group of counter-protesters, killing the one and injuring 19 more, was reportedly fascinated with Nazis and stood with Vanguard America, a white supremacist group. (The group disavowed any connection with Fields.)

Even before Tuesday, Democrats and some Republicans had criticized Trump’s first response to the weekend’s events for blaming “many sides” for the violence. Sen. Cory Gardner (R-Colo.) tweeted: “Mr. President - we must call evil by its name. These were white supremacists and this was domestic terrorism.”
Trump Gives White Supremacists an Unequivocal Boost

President Trump buoyed the white nationalist movement on Tuesday as no president has done in generations — equating activists protesting racism with the neo-Nazis and white supremacists who rampaged in Charlottesville, Va., over the weekend.

Never has he gone as far in defending their actions as he did during a wild, street-corner shouting match of a news conference in the gilded lobby of Trump Tower, angrily asserting that so-called alt-left activists were just as responsible for the bloody confrontation as marchers brandishing swastikas, Confederate battle flags, anti-Semitic banners and “Trump/Pence” signs.

“Thank you President Trump for your honesty & courage to tell the truth,” David Duke, a former Ku Klux Klan leader, wrote in a Twitter post shortly after Mr. Trump spoke.
damn it really "irks" me to agree with the pres on the statue thing.... got to say I think he is right

we start tearing down and removing these statues.... where does it end?
Washington and Jefferson were slave owners......????

I think the statue thing was just an excuse to stir the *******!
now this really is scary.........why would the trump team want info on people protesting trump?

Web firm fights US government over protester data in fresh clash on data

A web hosting firm is fighting a demand by US prosecutors for data on visitors to a site organizing a protest during the inauguration of President Donald Trump in a fresh clash over digital privacy rights.

The firm DreamHost said it was challenging a warrant seeking to identify the visitors of the protest site DisruptJ20, which organized a demonstration against Trump at the time of his swearing-in on January 20.

DreamHost said in a statement Monday that US Justice Department was asking for more than 1.3 million visitor IP addresses, along with email addresses and other data "in an effort to determine who simply visited the website."

DreamHost said the government's request violated the principle of free speech and other rights.

"That information could be used to identify any individuals who used this site to exercise and express political speech protected under the Constitution's First Amendment," the statement said.

"That should be enough to set alarm bells off in anyones mind."
Premiums will rise 20% if Trump stops Obamacare payments, says CBO
Ethan Wolff-Mann 15 hours ago .

If President Donald Trump stops cost-sharing reduction payments to insurers participating in the Affordable Care Act’s exchanges, premiums for individual plans would go up 20% on average, according to new analysis released on Tuesday by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the Joint Committee on Taxation.

Trump has repeatedly said the Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, is “failing” and that “he’s not going to own it.” But despite making these statements from the highest office, they are not accurate by multiple analyses from health think tanks like Kaiser Family Foundation to Standard and Poor’s.

Trump himself has great power over whether the ACA survives, and one of the ways to help “Obamacare victims,” a term Trump and Vice President Mike Pence have used, is to guarantee these cost-sharing reduction payments to insurers, instead of threatening to stop them.

The Office’s findings underscore that Trump has control of the costs of these health insurance premiums. Many insurers that exited the marketplaces said they did so because of uncertainty over whether they would receive the cost-sharing payments.

“The most important thing that the president and the Republican senators can do is to ensure the funding for the cost-sharing reductions continues,” Dr. Mario Molina, former CEO of Molina Healthcare, told Yahoo Finance in July. “[Trump] has funded those on a month-to-month basis with no assurance they will continue. This is causing a lot of destabilization in the marketplace.”

For the insurers that have elected to stay on the exchanges to offer plans, many premiums were set in a similar ballpark to the CBO’s 20% as the insurers sought to hedge should the payments stop.

If he withdraws the funding, [Trump] will immediately cause collapse and there will be no one to blame but him,” said Molina. “Many insurers will raise premiums, and many will withdraw.”

Should the payments cease in 2018 — they are guaranteed until December — the CBO and JCT estimate that 5% of people would live in areas without insurers. By 2020, however, further stabilization will have occurred and “people in almost all areas would be able to buy nongroup insurance.”

The premium hikes would severely pinch people already fed up with rising ACA premiums, but around 85% of ACA recipients get a premium tax credit and would not see significant increases since the credits are tied to the premiums’ cost, not a fixed dollar amount.

That actually means that the federal government would end up shouldering the expense of higher insurance premiums for many consumers, since it would have to pay additional tax credits. Should Trump stop the payments, the CBO writes, the deficit would increase by $6 billion in 2018, $21 billion by 2021 and $26 billion by 2024.
now this really is scary.........why would the trump team want info on people protesting trump?

Web firm fights US government over protester data in fresh clash on data

A web hosting firm is fighting a demand by US prosecutors for data on visitors to a site organizing a protest during the inauguration of President Donald Trump in a fresh clash over digital privacy rights.

The firm DreamHost said it was challenging a warrant seeking to identify the visitors of the protest site DisruptJ20, which organized a demonstration against Trump at the time of his swearing-in on January 20.

DreamHost said in a statement Monday that US Justice Department was asking for more than 1.3 million visitor IP addresses, along with email addresses and other data "in an effort to determine who simply visited the website."

DreamHost said the government's request violated the principle of free speech and other rights.

"That information could be used to identify any individuals who used this site to exercise and express political speech protected under the Constitution's First Amendment," the statement said.

"That should be enough to set alarm bells off in anyones mind."

Warrants are usually over broad. On this we can agree. This said, the warrant might be over broad, and the firm might be exaggerating. The actaul warrant is available on Forbes if anyone is interested in actually reading it.

As per the norm, there is quite alot more to the story than Yahoo presents.
I don't think so ... don't think its that cut & dry. For example, suppose I work at a nuclear missile site and I'm having beers with a few of my friends after work ... maybe even with you ... lol ... and I'm heard making the comment that the access door to the missile site is 533910741, which is almost identical to my cell phone number 533910714. I do believe my "freedom of speech" rights just got voided.
This was a rather ridiculous analogy. Twobi was talking about voicing of an opinion which is clearly protected first amendment speech....hell it is what the first amendment was all about. What you're describing would be a person with top secret security clearance purposely divulging classified data. That is not protected first amendment speech....ask Chelsea Manning where revealing classified data will get you.

Now the press does have a first amendment right to publish classified data that they come into possession of. This was settled in New York Times V United States related to publishing of the Pentagon Papers.

Of course if you were a missile base worker and put your top secret access codes on your insecure homebrew email server in your basement bathroom closet that would be perfectly fine....as long as your last name was Clinton. Anyone else would be in the pokey with Chelsea.
well like I said I am not taking sides on this... I am against any of them marching...
You just did.

Trump is just defending them because they are a big part of his base....
Wrong, he is defending their right to march, He is not defending their violence big differance. Stop listening to what the Media wants you to hear. If you listen to what he said - Trump condemned BOTH sides for acting out of line and placed blame squarely on the driver - where it belongs.

as they marched they were shouting "hail Trump"
That is on them, not Trump. He didn't ask them to do that. These right wing-nuts are simply making their own assumptions about Trump just as the left is.

. it boils down to freedoms over safety
That's correct - it should be Freedom over safety. I would much rather have the freedom to march over being silenced because I might hurt someones feelings.
I would much rather have the freedom to march over being silenced because I might hurt someones feelings.

disagree there.... like I said I see no point in any of the "marches" or protests or whatever you call them
if it is a group of any kind that is wanting to... do what anyway....shouldn't be allowed!... serves no purpose other than to create an issue!
name one of those kind of groups that has had anykind of march where there wasn't violence!
what purpose does it serve?
look at the one last weekend... all these white supremist marching..... what does it serve... people know they exist...do they need to flaunt it in front of people.... when they do there is trouble!

and you know what/who gave them the courage to become so bold!

not sure who said it this weekend...... but hate is taught not something you are born with.... and those groups should not be allowed to ..."recruit"?

what about the rights of those that were disrupted over scene all that created?
they have the right to march...others have the right to not want to know anything about it nor want to see it in their streets and parks!
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