Politics, Politics, Politics

I really don' think it is the Governments place to provide healthcare

I think we need to help[ those that can't.... and if the republicans hadn't put in the court suit.... who knows what that actual cost would be... like blue cross said about N Carolina.....the rate increase would have been only 8% but with the republican ruling going to the supreme court.... and now with N Gorich on there that favors biz... they raised the premiums to 23%... the right IS killing the ACA on purpose

Instead I would much rather see legislation that prevents price gouging and double dipping
agree with you on that.... it used to be hospitals were happy to break even and take care of people.... but now with shareholders and big profits... that is out the window... those share holders want a return.... can't blame them there..... but how did it work before all the share holders?

I just saw a thing the other night about more and more small town and community hospitals closing... just can't afford to stay open.... now some people have to travel long distance in an emergency.... by the time the ambulance gets there and gets them to the hospital.....

health care has become big biz...... and even worse is the meds.....I think the figure I saw was 35milion or billion they spent over a year and a half to stop ACA..... had they applied that to the cost of meds... might have eliminated some of the issues...

There are several things that could be done to entice Insurance companies to offer low cost insurance to individuals, even if it is mostly catastrophic insurance.

they ned to change that law.... so that every insurance agency can sell everywhere.... more competition between the ins comp would help drive down costs....but in some areas... only one provider.... but that goes back to the lawsuit pending....

Why can insurance companies offer a lower cost to a company with 200 employees, but can't offer the same "group rate" to 200 individuals?
very good question.... why couldn't a "group" of seniors be bunched together at some kind of group rate?

I had a friend retire last year ... he was union..... but after retirement had no insurance..... somehow the union got him on another program with a company that was represented by the same union and he got insurance at a great rate.... something similar surely could be done for the elderly....not sure what the answer is for the.... wal mart people.... they need coverage also....unemployed covered under state ins until they are back to work.... lot of different things could be worked out if someone really wanted to work on it

forsing us to buy insurance, and especially stuff we will never use (like maternity leave for a man) , in my opinion is against the constitution

I agree with that... if for whatever reason you don't want it... fine.... although I would think most would be covered... or at least should have something through work... so that only leaves the "teens" and if the parents are allowed to cover them until they are 25... that should still take care of it...... no reason everyone in this country couldn't have some kind of insurance!

they could still have the ..good... better... best policies and let the people pick..... but no reason everyone shouldn't have something!

minor medical care need not be as costly as it is either.

I saw where there are several places that the dr's are getting together with their clinics..... and charging like $100.00 a month... you pay that every month...... and any Dr visit at that clinic for minor surgery or....??? is free!
didn't sound like to bad a deal.... but I would guess they would need a bunch of people to make it work.... think I saw where there was 3 different family care centers trying it

I'm all for lower cost and affordable insurance but mandates and subsidies/tax cuts isn't' the way to do it. No secret I don't agree with the ACA and most likely won't agree with anything the Republicans come up with either.

the ACA did everything it set out to do....... provide coverage for more people and hold the cost down!
it worked until the right sued over the way it was being funded.....the majority of Medicaid come from the employer... and the right said it wasn't legal... lower court judge said it was...gov does the same thing for social sec...once that lawsuit went in.... the ins comp started dropping out and prices went up... without that gov guarantee... the customer has to pay

although pretty sure it is Colo...... that has/had the best system in the country.....EVERYONE pays ...like ??? a percent in tax for health care... and it covers about everyone... not sure how it works... need to look that up I guess.....but heard more than one say they had the best system in the US

I would much rather have some kind of permanent small tax... than see some of the premium prices I am hearing about!

I think since the right can not come up with anything..... and the ACA was a good start... not the best... but a start... get to fucking together and fix the damned thing......instead Trump and a few others just can't stand it simply because it's called Obama care..... that's asinine...put whatever friggn name on it they want.... but fix what we have ... it has a lot of good points!
Why can insurance companies offer a lower cost to a company with 200 employees, but can't offer the same "group rate" to 200 individuals?
....They CAN to a point, however, when the block of individual business loses money and a rate increase is needed, the entire block of business gets the rate increase, and individuals, like yourself, then complain because you weren't the one with claims so why are you getting a rate increase. Rates are priced by 'predictability of claims'. Plus, to keep costs/premiums from going up, the higher risk individuals (older individuals, females, people with pre-x) have to be charged a higher rate (underwritten) to avoid adverse selection, so the companies writing individual policies Age Band the rates ... they go up as individuals proceed to get older. Each policy stands on its own, BUT is in a large pool of individual policies for pricing purposes so no one gets a huge increase because of one huge medical claim. If that block of business loses money, then everyone in that block shares in the increase.
....The company with 200+ lives on group plans, are usually "experience rated" on its own merits. Companies have various options, too, to finance their plans ... experience rated, and various forms of 'self-insurance' which give them a lower cost, at least initially.
....Also,companies often cost shift to the employees to lower the company's costs, set up 'wellness plans', and various forms of financing for employees to pay their deductibles and co-pays such as flex spending accounts, health savings accounts, etc ... all that help lower the premiums for the companies health plan.
....And don't forget health care inflation which runs about 2 times the regular inflation rate is a given rate increase, right now around 10-15%.
....If the government really wants to resolve the healthcare issue, it'll look hard at single pay, and put everyone (including our representatives) under the same plan. Right now the single biggest thing they could do is rein-in prescription ******* costs.

incurred claims + medical inflation + admin costs + claims reserves = pricing​
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haven't really understood the logic behind some of these policies to begin with....
where my wife works.......they only have about 8 companies in 5 states...... her insurance covers just her... for life! even after retirement.. but she has to go to people in a network that her company is in.... a few years ago just to add me it would be another 150 dollars a month and goes up with my age.. and will not cover my 2 sons... except for another fee for each one...
my insurance will cover anyone in my family... even my 2 sons while they are in college (thanks to aca)....... but stops completely when I hit social security.... we only have 3 companies in 3 states... but cover sales nationwide which I'm sure is a hell of a lot more than my wife's company makes... I want to take a hike at 60... I figure if my company will still cover me and family until social security I won't be out much... just wages and can get by the few years it will take since I have prepared for this for a long time.... don't understand mine quitting at social security and hers not...
although she is restricted as to who she can see.... they have to be in her network AND she has a co-pay.... where as mine I can see anyone I want and pay nothing....

same boat as my union friend I guess.... his company the same way.... once you get social security... your out!...lucky for him his union got him on another companies policy covered by same union at a good rate.... not getting the logic on that
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It would appear that trump thought he wouldn't have to worry about the Russian investigation.... with Sessions handling it.... he had his own personal lawyer to dismiss everything.... but didn't go as planned!

Report: Trump says he would not have hired Sessions given recusal

President Donald Trump criticized Attorney General Jeff Sessions for recusing himself from the Russia probe in a lengthy interview with The New York Times Wednesday, going so far as to express regret over appointing the former Alabama senator to lead the Department of Justice.

"Sessions should have never recused himself and if he was going to recuse himself he should have told me before he took the job and I would have picked somebody else," Trump told the Times.

He added: "If he would have recused himself before the job, I would have said, ‘Thanks, Jeff, but I’m not going to take you.’ It’s extremely unfair -- and that’s a mild word -- to the president.”

Sessions did not immediately comment on the interview.
Aetna CEO: Obamacare can't be repealed, but it can be fixed

Senate GOP leaders have shelved their bill to dismantle and replace the Affordable Care Act, also known as “Obamacare.”

Mark Bertolini, the CEO of insurance giant Aetna (AET), argues that the ACA can’t be repealed. But he sees things that can be done to fix it.

“So here we have a bill that was passed in 2010, and hasn’t been touched for seven years because it’s been a political football,” Bertolini said in a wide-ranging interview with Yahoo Finance. “It was not bipartisan, and here we have it fraying at the edges because we haven’t made the changes necessary to keep it viable.”
A bad piece of legislation by Democrats. A bad fix proposed by Republicans

I don't think it was/is a bad piece of legislation... it has/had the right idea and off to a good start.... but like he said... nothing was done on it to repair or make any better for 7 years except to try and figure out how to destroy it.... and the republicans did in an unknowing way really fuck it with that lawsuit... with things in "limbo" the ins comp had to raise prices not knowing just where the money would come from.... and with the new scotus being company friendly..... it doesn't look good....... although I would have to agree with the lower court... that it is no different than soc sec being with held.... but just my opinion!

although should that make it through the supreme court... we are back in biz......that will bring prices back down some and open the door for more companies.... then they need to fix it so the ins comp can sell across state lines and etc... make a few other needed repairs and tweak some others and it should be fine.... all it takes is a little bi-partisan work.... of course the conservative will never buy into it... but the dems will and I think right now a lot of the moderates would also!
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Senator Jerry Moran runs across subway tracks to avoid reporters

Republican Sen Jerry Moran ran across Washington, DC, subway tracks to avoid speaking with reporters after he announced he would not support the Senate's healthcare bill. After the Kansas senator, along with Utah's Sen Mike Lee, announced on Monday night their opposition to the bill, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell abandoned the proposal and called for Obama's signature law to be repealed without a replacement. Several journalists then tweeted out that Moran had run across the Capitol Hill subway tracks to avoid answering questions about his decision on Tuesday. Moran's office, however, said that it was an exaggeration to say he was running, suggesting instead that the senator had 'leapt' ...
All The People Trump Attacks In His 50-Minute New York Times Interview
Rebecca Shapiro,HuffPost 12 hours ago .

President Donald Trump sat down with The New York Times Wednesday for an interview dominated by the investigation into Russia’s meddling in the 2016 election.

During the 50-minute interview with three Times reporters, Trump criticized five key players in the Russia probe, from Attorney General Jeff Sessions to Robert S. Mueller, the special counsel appointed to take over the investigation after Sessions recused himself in March and the president fired former FBI Director James Comey in May.

Take a look at what the president had to say about each person below.
I think the "Trump Drones" have suddenly realized their fearless leader is a fake & loser.

I think he is losing them... one on healthcare.... although most seem to turn their head on the Russian thing which is hard to understand...
would love to know just how big his crowds are anymore..... not a lot said about that!

and seeing the campaign funds go to lawyer fees...... and us footing the bill for him to saty at his own places on the weekend... making money from us while on time off... no wonder he golfs so much... hell look what he is charging us for him to stay there... not counting all the other "perks"
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and in the category of stupid news.......hell they have to pass something.... anything... so I guess this is it?

Self proclaimed guardians of free speech push bill to make it a felony

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) wrote to members of Congress this week to warn them that a piece of legislation gaining steam in the House and Senate, aimed at protecting Israel from any economic boycotts, was a flat-out violation of the United States constitution. While at least one House sponsor, Rep. Joe Kennedy III (D-MA), has already said he will review the bill in light of the group’s concerns, so far none of the 46 Senate or 238 House sponsors and co-sponsors has withdrawn support — even those who have been the most fervent critics of other restrictions on speech. Known as the Israel Anti-Boycott Act, the legislation would expand existing laws to prohibit Americans from “requesting ...

and this is what happens when your rich daddy sends you to the finest schools.... but Jr. is to busy out being Chester the molester to go

Trump's Version of History is Hilarious, But Also Incredibly Dangerous

Trump has also recently shared his knowledge about some other Civil War-era figures, like Abraham Lincoln: "Great president. Most people don't even know that he's a Republican, right? Does anyone know? A lot of people don't know that." Or Frederick Douglass: Trump just described Frederick Douglass as "someone who has done a terrific job that is being recognized by more and more people" — David Frum (@davidfrum) February 1, 2017 Douglass died in 1895, but he's finally getting some recognition—especially from the president, who definitely knows who Frederick Douglass is. Of course, the clear takeaway from all this is that the president knows nothing about history. He's a man who is fundamentally ...

of course most of us knew this before the election.... others are just figuring it out.....

At the White House, Trump Isn't a Good CEO—Or President
Jason Le Miere,Newsweek 11 hours ago .

Six months into his presidency, Donald Trump is paying the price for a record-breaking number of unfilled positions within his administration. And, while there is some evidence to support his claims of Democratic obstructionism, it is Trump's initial decision to leave positions vacant that has backfired to set a historic slow pace from which he has yet to recover.

Trump has thus far received confirmations for just 49 key positions within the executive branch, with hundreds of positions left unfilled, the majority without a nomination even being filed. That’s less than a quarter of the 203 confirmations his predecessor Barack Obama had managed at this point of his presidency and far less, too, than the 185 confirmed under George W. Bush, according to numbers collated by Partnership for Public Service, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization.

Oh my, my, my, .... Breaking News ... Trump has just asked his legal team to investigate the extent of HIS "pardoning powers" ... specifically he asked if he could pardon members of his family AND HIMSELF:


He's also got his legal team looking into ways to discredit Robert Mueller and suggested that should Jeff Sessions resign, knowing that he (the President can't fire Robert Mueller) BUT if Sessions resigns his job, it falls to the next man down to fire Mueller. I think the President is gonna experience KARMA soon!
............."They can't do this to me.
...............I'm the PRESIDENT!" ......................."You're ALSO an IDIOT!"
...............gif_JailBird01.gif ...............................................gif_Man-OKsignal.gif
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And still there are those........

John McCain Cancer Is ‘Godly Justice’ for Challenging Trump, Alt-Right Claims

Most Americans met Wednesday night’s news that Arizona Senator John McCain was facing a dire diagnosis of brain cancer with shows of respect for the elder statesman and former prisoner of war. But to some on the extreme right, the longtime Republican is a traitor worthy of scorn, presumably because of his willingness to work with Democrats, as well as his criticism of President Donald Trump.

The attack on McCain--a war hero who spent more than five years in a North Vietnamese prison—is faintly reminiscent of the early days of Trump’s presidential campaign. During a family values summit in Iowa in the summer of 2015, just a month after he’d announced his seemingly quixotic bid for the White House, Trump lashed out at McCain: “He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.”

At the time, Trump was angry because McCain had complained that Trump "fired up the crazies" during an anti-immigration rally in Phoenix.