Politics, Politics, Politics

Republicans move to repeal financial rule opposed by banks
Kevin Freking, Associated Press 11 hours ago .

Targeting government regulations, the Republican-led House on Tuesday voted to nullify a rule that would let consumers join together to sue their banks or credit card companies rather than use an arbitrator to resolve a dispute.

The repeal resolution passed by a vote of 231-190, almost entirely along party lines.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau finalized the rule just two weeks ago. It bans most type of mandatory arbitration clauses, which are often found in the fine print of contracts governing the terms of millions of credit card and checking accounts.

Republican lawmakers, cheered on by the banking sector and other leading business groups, wasted no time seeking to undo the rule before it goes into effect next year. They'll succeed if they can get a simple majority of both chambers of Congress to approve the legislation and President Donald Trump to sign it.

The numbers are likely on their side, just as they were earlier this year when Republicans led efforts to upend 14 Obama-era rules.

Sean Hannity's Attempt To Slam Jake Tapper Blows Up In His Face
Rebecca Shapiro,HuffPost Tue, Jul 25 1:36 AM PDT .

Sean Hannity probably didn’t expect to inspire a Twitter love-fest Monday night when he told his viewers to tweet their criticisms to “fake news Jake Tapper.”

The Fox News host devoted part of a segment to attacking Tapper, as well as the CNN anchor’s colleague Brian Stelter, and encouraged his viewers to “take to the social media” to tell the two journalists what they think of them.

“I think you will have a positive input,” Hannity added, as he urged viewers to tweet at Tapper about his interview on Sunday with President Donald Trump’s newly appointed communications director Anthony Scaramucci.

It didn’t take long for folks to flood Twitter with their respect and appreciation for Tapper, and their disdain for Hannity.

✔ ‎@BenHowe

I've been told @seanhannity wants everyone to tweet their thoughts about @jaketapper.
I think he's a journalist.
I think Sean is a hack.

Brenda Norton ‎@BrendaNorton69
@jaketapper Thank you for being a real journalist and bringing the truth to light. @seanhannity is a fool.

Donald L. Ramsey III ‎@_DonaldLee_
A few words on @jaketapper as requested by @seanhannity:
Jake is an upstanding journalist with an admiration for truth and disdain for spin

Stephanie Rosalyn ‎@sreyno19
I have tweet notifications turned on for @jaketapper because I actually care about accurate news

Nol Beckley ‎@NolBeckley
I've used @jaketapper as an example of a principled journalist in my HS journalism class. Keep up the honest work!

Mike Ferguson ‎@Mik3Ferguson
Thank you, @jaketapper, for your work battling for facts in a world where @seanhannity has a platform

it goes on and on

Senate blocks proposal to repeal and replace ObamaCare

The Senate has blocked a wide-ranging proposal by Republicans to repeal much of former President Barack Obama’s health care law and replace it with a more restrictive plan. Senators voted 57-43 late Tuesday to reject the plan in the first vote on an amendment to the bill. Those voting “no” included nine defecting Republicans. The Hill reported that the nine Republicans included GOP Sens. Susan Collins, Bob Corker, Tom Cotton, Lindsey Graham, Dean Heller, Mike Lee, Jerry Moran, Lisa Murkowski and Rand Paul. The list includes both moderates and conservatives. The vote underscored problems Republicans will have in winning enough votes to recast Obama’s statute. The rejected proposal included language ...

Senate Republicans clear key hurdle on Obamacare repeal, but the hard part is still ahead

The Senate narrowly agreed to take up Obamacare repeal legislation Tuesday, as Majority Leader Mitch McConnell cajoled enough of his Republican colleagues to vote to move forward despite having no idea what the final bill will look like. "This is just the beginning," the Kentucky Republican told reporters after the vote. He said he expects the Senate to pass a health care bill by the end of this week that can be sent to the House for approval or to a conference committee of House and Senate negotiators to craft a final compromise. McConnell will offer the first amendment, which would repeal Obamacare within two years and give lawmakers time to come up with a new health care law. ...

No One Has Seen The New GOP Healthcare Bill & The Vote Is This Week
The Associated Press,Refinery29 Mon, Jul 24 9:00 AM PDT .

The Senate will move forward with a key vote this week on a Republican health bill, but it's not yet known whether the legislation will seek to replace the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare, or simply repeal it.

During an interview on Fox News Sunday, Sen. John Thune of South Dakota, the third-ranking Republican, said Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell will make a decision soon on which bill to bring up for a vote, depending on ongoing discussions with GOP senators. Thune sought to cast this week's initial vote as important but mostly procedural, allowing senators to begin debate and propose amendments.

But he acknowledged that senators should be able to know beforehand what bill they will be considering.

"That's a judgment that Sen. McConnell will make at some point this week before the vote," Thune said, expressing his own hope it will be a repeal-and-replace measure. "But no matter which camp you're in, you can't have a debate about either unless we get on the bill. So we need a 'yes' vote."
Anything.... ANYTHING to divert the attention away from himself and Russia!

Trump Says Acting FBI Director ‘Got $700,000’ From Hillary Clinton. Is it True?
Max Kutner,Newsweek 23 hours ago .

President Donald Trump tweeted early on Tuesday that acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe “got $700,000” from Hillary Clinton. It was at least the second time in less than a week that the president publicly made the allegation.

In a July 19 interview with The New York Times, Trump said, “We have a director of the FBI, acting, who received $700,000, whose wife received $700,000 from, essentially, Hillary Clinton. ’Cause it was through Terry. Which is Hillary Clinton.” Trump was referring to Terry McAuliffe, the Virginia governor and longtime Clinton ally.

Senator Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has championed the accusation involving McCabe for months. The senator most recently mentioned it on July 12 during the confirmation hearing for Christopher Wray, Trump’s pending nominee for FBI director. In his opening remarks at the hearing, Grassley described McCabe as “a man whose wife ran for Virginia state Senate and accepted almost a million dollars from Virginia Governor Terry McAuliffe’s political machine.”

Are the allegations true? Did McCabe, who helped oversee the FBI investigation into Clinton’s use of a personal email server, receive money from Clinton or an ally of hers?

McCabe, who has worked at the FBI for two decades, was deputy director under James Comey. He oversaw all activities related to investigations and intelligence, both domestic and international, according to his official biography. After Trump fired Comey on May 9, McCabe became the bureau’s acting director.

The Department of Justice’s Office of the Inspector General is reviewing whether McCabe should have recused himself from the Clinton investigation because his wife, Jill McCabe, ran for Virginia’s Senate in 2015 and received money from groups with ties to Governor McAuliffe. The inspector general announced the investigation in January, and Comey’s actions as director are also part of the review.

Michael Bromwich, who was inspector general under President Bill Clinton, has told Newsweek that a review of this scope could take at least a year. If the Justice Department decides to sanction McCabe, he could face suspension or termination.

It’s true that for her campaign, Jill McCabe received a total of $707,788 from two entities associated with McAuliffe: a political action committee and the Virginia Democratic Party. The governor did not make the donations directly, as Trump suggested to The New York Times. Other outlets, including The Wall Street Journal, first reported the campaign contributions last October.

It’s also true that McAuliffe is a longtime friend of Hillary and Bill Clinton. He’s been described as “Bill Clinton’s best friend” and reportedly speaks daily with him, sometimes multiple times per day. A 2015 report by the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of the Inspector General said the governor was once on the board of a company led by Anthony Rodham, Hillary Clinton’s brother. But it is perhaps a stretch to say, as Trump has, that receiving money indirectly from McAuliffe is the same as receiving money directly from Hillary Clinton.
Ex-Bush ethics lawyer: Trump calling for Clinton to be prosecuted is an ‘impeachable offense’


Constitutional Crisis Predicted by Lawmaker Who Likens Trump to Orwell's ‘1984’
Harriet Sinclair,Newsweek 18 hours ago .

A Democratic congressman has compared Donald Trump’s management to George Orwell’s dystopian classic 1984 in a withering attack on the president. Speaking on MSNBC Tuesday, Danny Heck of Washington state was asked what he thought would happen to the Justice Department’s Russia probe if Attorney General Jeff Sessions was dismissed by Trump or resigns after the president’s public remarks of disapproval. “We will be very, very close to what I have predicted we were heading for all along, and that is a constitutional crisis,” Heck said. He added that he did not believe Sessions should have been appointed attorney general in the first place. Asked what he thought Sessions would do following Trump’s ...
Sounds to me like the Trumps are hoping to get the dogs to chase another scent. They can hear the barking of the hunting dogs getting closer to them. Rabbits are good for crisscrossing another rabbit's trail, and circling around to the place they started ... Trump has real mental issues and I think everyone is starting to become quite aware of it.

...................gif_dog.gif ......................................................gif_Rabbit.gif
see Mac you are not alone in your thinking!

Hot Mic Catches Senators Calling Trump 'Crazy,' Claiming 'I'm Worried'

A hot microphone caught two senators worried about the mental health of President Donald Trump and talking poorly about a House member on Tuesday. The microphone was left on after the Transportation, Housing and Urban Development, and Related Agencies Subcommittee and caught a conversation between the committee’s Republican Chairwoman Susan Collins of Maine and its ranking Democrat, Jack Reed of Rhode Island.

“I swear, [the Office of Management and Budget] just went through and whenever there was ‘grant,’ they just X it out,” said Collins. “With no measurement, no thinking about it, no metrics, no nothing. It’s just incredibly irresponsible.”

“I think — I think he’s crazy,” said Reed, apparently referring to the president. “I mean, I don’t say that lightly and as a kind of a goofy guy.”

“I’m worried,” said Collins.

“Oof,” said Reed. “You know, this thing — if we don’t get a budget deal, we’re going to be paralyzed.”

“I don’t think (Trump) knows there is a [Budget Control Act] or anything,” said Collins, referring to a 2011 law that defines the budget process, according to the Washington Post Tuesday.

“He was down at the Ford commissioning,” said Reed, referring to Trump commissioning a new navy ship. “Saying, ‘I want them to pass my budget.’ Okay, so we give him $54 billion and then we take it away across the board which would cause chaos.”

“Right,” said Collins.

“It’s just — and he hasn’t — not one word about the budget. Not one word about the debt ceiling,” said Reed.

“Good point,” said Collins.

“You’ve got (Budget Director Mick) Mulvaney saying we’re going to put in all sorts of stuff like a border wall. Then you’ve got (Treasury Secretary Steve) Mnuchin saying it’s got to be clean,” said Reed. “We’re going to be back in September, and, you know, you’re going to have crazy people in the House.”

Collins then discussed Rep. Blake Farenthold, a Texas Republican who challenged female senators holding up the Senate health care plan to a duel in a radio interview Friday.

“Did you see the one who challenged me to a duel?” asked Collins.

Republican senator recorded criticizing Trump
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