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Trump's legal bills soar as Russia probes grow

President Trump already has stockpiled nearly $12 million for his 2020 re-election campaign, but his spending on legal expenses is soaring as his administration deals with a rapidly expanding investigation into possible collusion between his campaign and the Russian government, documents released Saturday afternoon show.

Trump's campaign racked up more than $677,000 in "legal consulting" fees between April and June, more than twice the $249,000 he spent on legal bills during the first three months of his presidency, newly filed Federal Election Commission reports show.

Most of the legal expenses were tied to his longtime election law firm, Jones Day.

But the filings also show a nearly $90,000 payment for legal expenses to his company, the Trump Organization, and $50,000 payment on June 27 to the law firm of Alan Futerfas, the New York-based criminal attorney now representing Donald Trump Jr.

The younger Trump is facing increased scrutiny over revelations that he met a Russian lawyer in the heat of the 2016 presidential campaign, believing that the Russian government had dirt to offer on Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton.

The payment to Futerfas came before The New York Times broke news of Trump Jr.'s meeting with the Russian lawyer and nearly two weeks before it was publicly announced that Futerfas would represent the president's oldest *******.

Michael Glassner, the executive director of Trump's campaign, did not respond to requests for more information about the payment to Futerfas and whether it amounted to a plan to use campaign dollars for all of the younger Trump's future legal bills.

Futerfas did not immediately respond to an inquiry about the payment and its timing, and a White House official referred the question to the campaign.

Using donors' money to pay his *******'s legal bills "should be permissible," Washington election lawyer Ken Gross told USA TODAY, because the younger Trump's actions "were purportedly on behalf of the campaign."

New details have emerged in recent days about the meeting involving the president's *******. On Friday, news broke that a Russian-American lobbyist who once served in the Soviet military also was part of the June 2016 meeting at Trump Tower.

On Saturday, the president formally announced the addition of a veteran Washington lawyer Ty Cobb to his legal team at the White House. Cobb, a partner in the investigations practice at the Hogan Lovells firm is expected to oversee the White House's legal and media response to the Russia probes.

Bob Biersack, a senior fellow at the nonpartisan Center for Responsive Politics, said if Trump campaign pays his *******'s legal expenses a key question will be whether it will underwrite the legal expenses related to the Russia investigation for other campaign staffers.

Big cash reserves

In all, Trump’s campaign spent more than $4.3 million during the April-to-June fundraising quarter. Nearly half the money went to “digital consulting” and “online advertising” conducted by Giles-Parscale, a Texas firm that oversaw Trump’s 2016 digital efforts.

(Brad Parscale, a firm owner and the campaign’s digital guru, announced Friday that he had accepted an invitation to testify before the House intelligence committee as it examines Russia’s election meddling. In a statement, Parscale said he was "unaware of any Russian involvement in the digital and data operations" of the Trump campaign.)

The campaign also spent more than $200,000 at Trump-owned properties during the three-month period covered by Saturday’s filings, including lodging expenses at the Trump International Hotel in Washington and rent to Trump Towers in New York, where his campaign is headquartered

Those earning salaries from the campaign include John Pence, the nephew of Vice President Pence, hired in January as the campaign’s deputy executive director. He’s earned $82,000 in the first six months of this year.

Still, the Trump political operation has big cash reserves.

In addition to the nearly $12 million Trump’s reelection campaign had stockpiled in the bank at the end of June, two other joint fundraising committees he shares with the Republican National Committee had a combined $10.6 million in leftover funds in their campaign accounts, Federal Election Commission filings show.

Those committees, Trump Victory and the Trump Make America Great Again Committee, allow the Trump campaign operation to solicit six-figure checks. And the new filings show big donors gravitating to the president, who relied largely on small-dollar contributors to fuel his 2016 campaign.

Among the biggest donors: Lianbo Wang and Sherry Li, who gave a combined $600,000.

In recent years, Li has pushed a development project near the Catskills Mountains in New York initially described in media accounts as a Chinese Disneyland.

The project now is touted as a higher-education center, The Thompson Education Center, to be funded by wealthy Chinese individuals, who could ultimately earn permanent residency in the United States through their investments.

Among other six-figure contributors to the Trump campaign operation: Washington Redskins owner Dan Snyder, who gave $100,000.

....Republicans made major cuts to the SNAP program, saying there just wasn't enough money to fund it this year ... hell, if they had the money Trump has spent on playing golf in Florida thus far, they could have fully funded the program for 2 years already. Annualize that and toss in the lawyers fees we tax payers are going to end up paying out to defend this leach, we could probably offset ACA premium increases too. Trump has breached just about EVERY campaign promise he made, and still doesn't take the time to READ, getting his info from FOX and department heads.
what a fucking retarded asshole... I take it back... he won't be impeached... some one will xxxxx his ass!

White House publishes personal information of election-commission critics

The White House has released unredacted emails containing the names and contact information of individuals who commented on the president’s Election Integrity Commission, exposing the identities of people explicitly opposed to the Trump administration’s demand for detailed voter rolls. The White Housebegan releasing comments it received concerning the election commission on Thursday this week, and by Saturday had published several thousand pages worth of emails sent by individuals for and against the administration’s controversial request for voter information. None of the emails were censored, meaning anyone who downloads them off the White House website can see each commenter’s name as it originally ...

tell me again about Trump's push this week for made in America!?!?

Ivanka Trump's Clothing Company Accused of Using Low Wage Workers Abroad
ELLE 22 hours ago .

There's more bad news for Ivanka Trump, with The Washington Post publishing a lengthy article detailing the business practices of her fashion line. The article highlights that Ivanka's business flies in the face of President Trump's "America First" agenda, with her company outsourcing jobs and relying "exclusively on foreign factories in countries such as Bangladesh, Indonesia, and China, where low-wage laborers have limited ability to advocate for themselves." The piece also argues that Ivanka is "not in line" with the rest of the fashion industry, which in recent years had made efforts to protect workers abroad by hiring independent auditors to monitor conditions, and by providing consumers ...

serious problem with party over country....... but what the hell they prove that time and again

After Trump Jr. Emails, Republicans Still Don’t Think Russia Interfered in Election

Only a small number of Republicans believe Russia interfered in the 2016 election, with the majority outright denying Russian attempts to influence the result, even after the release of Donald Trump Jr.'s controversial exchange with a Russian lawyer last week.

According to a Washington Post/ABC News poll released Sunday that questioned respondents from July 10 to 13, just 33 percent of Republicans think Russia tried to influence the outcome of last fall's presidential election. About 55 percent said they didn't think Russia had tried to influence it at all.

In comparison, 80 percent of Democrats and 61 percent of independent voters believe Russia interfered in the election. America’s director of national intelligence released a report in January assessing that Russia sought to discredit Hillary Clinton and worked to help Donald Trump win.
I've talked with a lot of Republican associates who are currently scratching their heads over what's going on with the Republican party. A recent poll on TV showed that even Trump voters are becoming upset ... realizing that his promises aren't going to get fulfilled. There'll be no WALL paid for by Mexico, there'll be no Health Care that's cheaper with better coverage than ACA, there'll be no tax cuts to help the less fortunate, and our allies are slowly pulling away as our great LiarNChief becomes chummy with Russia. With Trump, and as much so with Republicans its become the old Republican "SHELL GAME" ... the slight of hand (in this case, topics) that causes the eyes to fail to follow the real goal of Republicans ... that is to make the wealthiest Americans, and the largest corporations more wealthy. If you don't have MONEY ... Republicans really don't give a rat's ass about YOU.
And YES, as I've often said, I feel the reason the Democrats don't put up any better fight than they do is because some of them BENEFIT from the selfish & biased motivations of the Republicans ... Democrats (some anyways) enjoy the spoils created by Republican greed, then let the Republicans take the blame, when in reality, they're not any better than Republicans.

I just read an awesome article from the Washington Post which spells out the GAME the Republicans play these days to accomplish the goals they've had for the past 35 years ....

I've talked with a lot of Republican associates who are currently scratching their heads over what's going on with the Republican party.

one of my neighbors...... the redneck died in the wool republican.... made a comment the other day about how low the republicans have become anymore..... and for him.... that was a mouthful!
Insurance is nothing but a legalized scam.
....I disagree ... I have no complaints about my health insurance other than the confusion & lack of clarity of the EOBs.
I know in NC the state is attempting to standardize common hospital charges like colonoscopies, kidney dialysis, gall bladder surgeries, etc. There shouldn't be charges for these common ailments that differ by 200-500% sometimes based on ones ability to pay, etc. Its beginning to work as the state begins using the same computer software systems, but this Republican/ACA 'repeal-replace' issue has been a problem and created lots of apprehension within the state.

I know on my dental insurance, if I use my group dental plan a crown cost $1,200, but if I pay cash it only cost $700 ... that's price gouging and it goes on with all types of medical services.
I'm lucky.... right now...... work covers everything.... and I plan on retiring early....and they said would cover me even after I left until I hit social security.... but that is not far off.... so just a little concerned
hell.... the man has no ethics.... proven that time and again

Outgoing federal ethics chief: ‘We are pretty close to a laughingstock at this point’

The federal government’s top ethics chief is resigning on Wednesday. And he’s torching the Trump administration on his way out.

Walter M. Shaub Jr., director of the Office of Government Ethics, told the New York Times that President Trump’s apparent disdain for long-established ethical norms has undermined the credibility of the United States around the world.

“It’s hard for the United States to pursue international anticorruption and ethics initiatives when we’re not even keeping our own side of the street clean,” Shaub told the Times in an article published Monday. “I think we are pretty close to a laughingstock at this point.”

Shaub — who has been a vocal critic of Trump’s since his election — said the president’s frequent trips to his family-owned golf clubs are a microcosm of just how blurry the line between the White House and Trump brand has become.

“It creates the appearance of profiting from the presidency,” Shaub said. “Misuse of position is really the heart of the ethics program, and the internationally accepted definition of corruption is abuse of entrusted power. It undermines the government ethics program by casting doubt on the integrity of government decision making.”

Trump spent last weekend at another one of his golf courses, and repeatedly promoted the U.S. Women’s Open Championship held there.
damn there has to be at least 8 different articles today on different lies coming out of the white... to include pence

this guy is his own worst enemy!

the more he talks.... the more lawyers he needs to repair his talks!
Well, I figured Trump would start using everyone else's money for his lawyers expenses ... that the sleezebag wouldn't pay for the lawyers out of his own pocket. So, now he's allowing his *******, Trump JR to use his campaign re-election money to pay for HIS lawyers ... guess he's starting to realize he's not going to need that money for RE-electon. What a bunch of crooks & leeches:


Donald Chump stays in office long enough, he'll start subdividing the National Parks and selling off lots to fund his party of renegade's lawyers expenses.
REVISED SENATE HEALTH PLAN GOES DOWN as 4 Republicans cross over and vote NO ...

TRUMPCARE ... Republicans can't even get a buy-in using Mitch's "51% majority rule" to pass their own health care plan ... as Republicans, that are up for re-election, are starting to smell their own deaths IF they agree to vote YES. And when Democrats volunteer to work WITH the Republicans to get a plan passed IF Republicans would take Medicaid out of the equation ... ReThuglicans decide to just go back to their little room and come up with ANOTHER alternative to Obamacare sometime in August or September. They STILL DON'T GET IT ... and Trump loudly CRIES on TV news that Democrats refuse to work with Republicans on their health care plan.
After eight years of obstructing Obama every single day of his 2 terms ... and vowing to repeal & replace Obamcare, and Republicans expect Democrats to lay down and kiss their sorry asses ... :rolleyes:
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