Politics, Politics, Politics

Hey jerk
Apple phone changes the letters
Did you figure out about Trump supporters or did you have help
Give on fact all you have is photoshop pictures and captions
None of it is true
One thing you can name call all you want but Trump won you lost so ******* on that all you have is name calling
That what losers do you could not even win in state elections 4-0
So crawl back in your hole like a loser
DJT won too bad
How about spell check ? Does it meet with you approval ? Or can't you tell with all the fake news
You read thevWashington Post bet you support Amazon too figures
Funny how Obamacare gets better and better each another screw up by the left
We will pass then read
Real smart
Keep up your stupid fake comments we won you did not
No jerk all Trump supporters do not have rebel flags
People like you are pathetic
You are typical left wing nut you cannot prove anything so you spew insults filthy names and curse
If you even what this site is you would know that I am black
So you are wrong again just like in November
Hey who is the 45 President of USA did not hear you - it is Donald J Trump
Like the Energizer Bunny. It just keeps going and going.

yes and most of it still not coherent.....and again just a little twisted.... but what can you expect from a trumpie..... no one said they were intelligent

btw you have not said who you are supporting... I would guess like HH you are on the right..... but he won't admit who he voted for... so I'm guessing you both support Trump..... but then a lot of you on the right will support anyone that runs on the ticket no matter how bad it is!

you have contributed nothing to the board on anything applying to politics except snide remarks.... but then neither has HH... except for fake news and twisted opinions.... you both seem to be a little .... smarter?.... than what you put out..... except you both just want to argue and stir the pot!
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our master deal maker seems to have been cut out on any deals.... how long before he just plain fucks the economy!?!?

Why the EU-Japan trade pact is a big deal for Trump

On Thursday, the European Union and Japan announced an agreement on a new trade deal.

Coming just one day before the start of the G-20 meeting in Germany, this deal is also seen as something of a rebuke to the antagonistic trade talk President Donald Trump made a cornerstone of his campaign and which has featured prominently in the early days of his presidency.

On Wednesday, for example, Trump tweeted that the United States has “made some of the worst Trade Deals in world history. [Why] should we continue these deals with countries that do not help us?”

Trump has also repeatedly referenced America’s “bad” or “one-sided” trade deals in the last 18 months.

the pres of Mexico also had a trade meeting with P u t I n yesterday...... and the way Trump has been treating them..... we could end up with a Russian base just across the boarder

we have to get this ass out of office and fast!..... but then maybe he is just doing what P u t I n wants..... destroying us from within
and with his retarded supporters..... by the time they figure things out it will be way to late
How do you think they should address the dairy issue in in the EU Japan deal?

Doesn't the current deal really act like a tariff?

What are your thoughts on the pair trade, and its reaction overnight to this?
Hey jerk
Apple phone changes the letters
Did you figure out about Trump supporters or did you have help
Give on fact all you have is photoshop pictures and captions
None of it is true
One thing you can name call all you want but Trump won you lost so ******* on that all you have is name calling
That what losers do you could not even win in state elections 4-0
So crawl back in your hole like a loser
DJT won too bad
How about spell check ? Does it meet with you approval ? Or can't you tell with all the fake news

OK. Start being a bit more civil or your out this thread
first off.... it's not a failed plan... it has flaws.... but the failing is the right not funding and making several changes so it will self destruct.....that plan did everything it was supposed to do!... provide coverage for more americans than before and it did!

that must be your words... none I have heard.... it will fail with the current situation the way it is... and that is what the right wants!

No there aren't.... the best plan is already in place.... fix it!...... But back when it was just starting Obama wanted bipartisan participation..... and Grassley for one... who originally said he was on board... but pressure and money from the pharm comp... got him back off.... along with the rest of the right..... go back and look at who got how much for not participating..... during that time the pharm comp spent 35 million dollars to stop it!.... who do you think got a lot of that money..... Grassley for one got over a million himself!

trumps a fucking snake oil salesman and you bought some!
he could give a ******* less who has and who doesn't ... he hates that Obama is so popular... and it burns his ass! he is so egotistical..... he just wants everything Obama did undone!

now I know you are full of ******* and I shouldn't have even taken the time to respond.... just being a fucking jerk!

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Please tone down the rhetoric. And that goes for everyone. Not just you If you boys won't behave I'll take what action is needed.
You people need to be 'sweet & cordial' like me

welllllll out of all the people I know... I can't think of a person I like more than ME!

just trying to throw out a little humor.....after all nothing stirs more hate and discontent than politics!... especially now days!
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I'm sure Ol Trumpie was surprised by this statement.... after all his sole purpose is to destroy everything Obama did!
besides I don't trust McConnell either... I think he is just trying to rattle a few on the hard right! and give the appearance of willing to be.....nice?

White House 'surprised' by McConnell's remarks

The White House was caught off-guard by Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's suggestion Thursday that Republicans might need to work with Democrats to prop up Obamacare if they fail to pass repeal and replace legislation. Two White House officials said Friday they were taken aback by McConnell's comments, which clashed with President Donald Trump's statement a week earlier expressing support for a backup proposal favored by hardline conservatives to pass a standalone repeal bill, with a replacement to come later. One senior White House official said they were "surprised" by McConnell's comments and said the White House sought assurances from McConnell's office that the top Senate Republican wasn't breaking with the current strategy. ...
