Politics, Politics, Politics

What about the pass through portion of tax cuts? Should be something liberals could get their head around. Reasonable liberals anyway. Some on here might need to do a quick Google search to see what it is first.

Anyone ever answer any of the questions asked about both healthcare and the trade deal? Because I didn't see any answers, just a bunch of mems, and cut and pasted articles.

Res ipsa loquitur.
anyone here from Ten?... this guy make Trump look like a rookie... talk about corrupt!
naturally he is a republican!

Republican Congressman Jimmy Duncan’s Campaign Paid His ******* Nearly $300,000
Kelly Weill,The Daily Beast 5 hours ago .

Forget questions about the Trumps—a Tennessee politician has been lavishing the funds from his campaign coffers on family members long before the first family moved into the White House. Rep. Jimmy Duncan Jr., a Republican congressman who represents Knoxville, has poured hundreds of thousands of dollars of campaign money into his family members and their businesses since at least 2013, campaign finance filings first reported by the Knoxville News-Sentinel reveal. The payments included hundreds of thousands to an apparently non-existent company registered to Duncan’s *******, who previously pleaded guilty to a felony relating to the alleged misappropriation of government funds. The Duncans are a Tennessee ...


been going on for 30 years... and still gets re-elected?
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now back to the boards use.......and my favorite topic!

Donald Trump latest approval rating and impeachment odds
Patrick Scott,The Telegraph 6 hours ago .

Donald Trump's Presidential approval rating continues to worsen after it emerged he is under investigation for a possible obstruction of justice.

Robert Mueller, the special counsel appointed to examine Russia’s role in the presidential election, is now reportedly directly examining the behaviour of the President as well members of his wider campaign team.

This latest development comes after a friend of Trump said that the President was considering firing Mueller from this role, just months after firing ex-FBI chief James Comey over the Russia investigation.

Donald Trump approval rating tracker

Trump's first months as president have seen persistent allegations over Russian connections, tirades against the media, a failure to push through healthcare reform, a shift to a more proactive foreign policy, and attempts to create manufacturing jobs in the US.

When he assumed office, the billionaire businessman, TV star and now 45th US president also enjoyed the lowest approval rating of any recent president – and these ratings haven't got any better.

At the 100-day milestone, Gallup daily polling showed that just 40 per cent of Americans approved of the way Trump is handling his new job – compared to 55 per cent that disapprove.

Historically, it has usually taken American presidents hundreds of days before they reach a majority disapproval rating.

This has been the case for the last five presidents – with Bill Clinton lasting a record 573 days before more than 50 per cent of Americans disapproved of his presidency.

But Donald Trump smashed this record after surging into the White House on a wave of anti-establishment anger.

It took just eight days for him to gain a majority disapproval rating, according to Gallup, with 51 per cent of Americans saying they disapproved of the President on January 28, 2016.

The sacking of James Comey - apparently over the FBI's investigation into the Trump camp's pre-election links with Russia - has accelerated Trump's approval rating decline, standing at 39 per cent according to the latest average.

What are the latest impeachment odds for Trump?
GOP governors urge caution on health care changes

CARSON CITY, Nev. (AP) — The pressure is on Republican senators — from congressional leaders, conservative groups and impatient GOP voters — to fulfill a seven-year-old promise to scrap much of Democrat Barack Obama's health care law. But back home, Republican governors who have experienced some of the upside of the law are warning their GOP senators to first, do no harm.

For these governors, the issue is less about delivering a triumph to President Donald Trump and more about not blowing a hole in state budgets and maintaining health care coverage for constituents. In the critical next few weeks, some governors are uniquely positioned to press home-state Republican senators who could deny Majority Leader Mitch McConnell the votes he needs to pass a Republican health care bill.

"We are the voice of reality," Nevada GOP Gov. Brian Sandoval told The Associated Press.

Sandoval said he has been in regular contact with Nevada Republican Sen. Dean Heller to discuss the ramifications of the evolving GOP plan. Heller, who faces a tough re-election next year, has joined Sandoval in opposing the current measure.

No, its called regressives progressives & alternative methods and means of unconfirmed and unsubstantiated misunderstandings. More commonly known as W.T F. lol

"let then effing die" seemed pretty point blank to me, there is no context that justifies his remark as a figure head for a university. What if Trump had made the same remark?
Can't wait for the great Trump v Rock debates in 2020!

real funny...... you KNOW he won't be around then!
first impeachment will get him.... if that doesn't he will see the handwriting on the wall... that it's coming... and third...his new "plans" will have effected all his supporters and they won't be happy and......

he is going to end up just like his buddy Christie.... a beached whale!
"let then effing die" seemed pretty point blank to me, there is no context that justifies his remark as a figure head for a university. What if Trump had made the same remark?

Wow. You seriously need a humour transplant there Two.
Wow immediate snowflake mode... Well done Two.

Not at all, insult me all you want. I just don't think insulting others is the primary duty of a Moderator.
I would expect such a reply from a few others, but not from someone who represents the forums owners.

So I didn't find your first reply to the video funny - big deal. To me, what the professor said is a big deal. If this nation is to come together in any sense, then we need to address issues such as this regardless of political party. It's not good for the left to say and it's not good for the right to say.

If white on black violence is to be taken seriously, then black on white violence needs to be taken just as serious.
If we want white on black racism to stop, then we need to condemn black on white racism as well. Instead, for some reason, when a black man does something like this, the left thinks it's OK or it's no big deal because they have been oppressed for so long. The saying "The Oppressed will become the Oppressor" rings true.